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Bonnie Bell Lip Smackers -- remember those from way back when?

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Was there a lemony one? I have this candle called Lemon Pucker. I have had it for about a year. The scent really takes me back to something from childhood. But until now, I have not been able to identify exactly what I connect it with. I opened it up a minute ago for a sniff and it hit me! Lip gloss from the 70's!


So, was there a yummy lemony one? Or do I have to go a wrack my brains some more on what that darn scent reminds me of?

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No, that's not it. It smells like those Lemonheads taste. But somehow, those aren't what I remember. This is driving me crazy. The scent is very vivid in my memory but I cannot for the life of me figure it out!:confused:


I do remember the Dr. Pepper one! Loved it! I had some other favorites that I can't recall the names right now. Maybe it was another brand?

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He has four sisters, so he is quite familiar with "girlie" things from way back then.


He likes to joke that I should get a Bonnie Bell Lip Smacker in Dr. Pepper, or cherry, or whatever flavor strikes his fancy at that moment, and then we should do some serious kissin'. Of course, I don't really have any Lip Smacker on hand, so we just make do without! ;)


Most likely there was a lemon flavor, they had tons. I believe they still have them and I have seen them at Target.

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Is the lemon version of Love's Baby Soft perfume. You could buy a mulit-pack of the different scents of Love's. All I remember right now was the regular, the lemon, and a rain version. *All* of my friends wore these, LOL, as they were the cheap children's scents of the 70's.


Could that be the scent you remember?



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Oh, gosh, I remember the tube with a bunch of little ones in it. I got one of those for Christmas one year. I remember they also had big sticks, too, and I had a big, green Sprite-flavored one. I used it all the time. I remember being in the bathroom at school and everyone smelled like Love's Baby Soft while they "feathered" their hair with the long-handled combs from their back pockets and then finished off with a smear of Lip Smackers. Ah, the memories.:)

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I remember a lemon scent as well - and I started smelling it as soon as I read your post!!


We used to get the solid perfumes from Avon when my sister and I were little. Some came in a pin (I remember a yellow duck). But the lemon scent I'm remembering I think came in a tube! I think it was probably perfume and not lip gloss.

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For me, there is a certain lemony smell that is from the little "handi-wipes" in a paper/foil package that you used to get at restaurants for cleaning up after eating. Does anyone remember those? I loved that smell! lol


Every once in a while, we'll stop on vacation at a mom 'n pop place, and they'll have some. Dh always grabs a few & I spend some nostalgic time sniffing away. :D


Oh, and my other favorite smell is really old school buildings. It's old books and floor polish, I think, but the real draw is that it brings me back to my childhood. Oops, and one more (but it's not a smell)...it's the 8 oz. glass bottles of Coke. Mom & I used to visit Dad at the school where he was an administrator & he would take me to the teacher's lounge and let me buy one of those Cokes. They came out of the horizontal chest-like coke dispensers & had a bottle opener on the side. I just thought that was the coolest thing.


I'm such a dork. :rolleyes:



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Oh, and my other favorite smell is really old school buildings. It's old books and floor polish, I think, but the real draw is that it brings me back to my childhood. Oops, and one more (but it's not a smell)...it's the 8 oz. glass bottles of Coke. Mom & I used to visit Dad at the school where he was an administrator & he would take me to the teacher's lounge and let me buy one of those Cokes. They came out of the horizontal chest-like coke dispensers & had a bottle opener on the side. I just thought that was the coolest thing.


I'm such a dork. :rolleyes:



One of my favorite nostalgic school smells is mimeograph ink. I always thought it smelled like "grape", but maybe that was because it was purple. I'll bet many of you aren't old enough to remember mimeograph ink.
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There was a Lemonade one, can't remember if it was countrytime or just lemonade. I liked that one, Dr Pepper, strawberry, and most especially watermelon. My all time favorite one though was called Piece of Cake, mmmmmmmmmmmmm!:D It was the best! It was like a piece of pineapple coconut cake and was awesome to wear by the pool cause the scent sort of fit in with all the sun tan lotion smell.:rolleyes: I remember my friends and I walking like 8 blocks to the pool and we all had our cut off jean shorts over our swimsuits and we had one of those big plastic combs in our back pockets and one of the huge Lip smackers in the front pocket, we thought we were so very cool.


I remember the Love's Baby Soft perfume too, loved that stuff. I think the Rain one was my fave.

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Big' date=' fat, Dr. Pepper Lip Smacker :)[/quote']


Hehehehehe, I have a big fat watermelon one in my purse! They had the big retro ones at wal-mart a while back and I was so excited, the little ones just aren't the same. I picked up my two faves of the ones they had and took them home and was telling my dd all about the memories and you know what she did? Yep, she right out and snagged my Dr Pepper one!:cool:

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I am going to have to keep an eye out for the Lip Smackers. I loved that stuff! Hopefully I can find a lemon one to see if that was the one. Do y'all remember the ones that were the liquid roll-on glosses? Were those from Bonne Bell too or was there another brand? I remember those being all the rage too.


I remember that roll-on deodorant. I think I can faintly recall the scent too.

And do remember the smell of the mimeo machine. We had one at our school. I loved when we got them handed to us still a bit damp. They smelled even "better" then!

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funny how things start coming back to you!? However, my perfume of choice was Sweet Honesty by Avon! And, did you ever have a bunch of those little, tiny white lipstick tubes! I think those were Avon, too. They gave them out as samples I believe. I have a friend from high school whose mom is STILL wearing the most ghastly matte, peach lipstick! But, I did love those little tubes!

This is a fun thread! :)

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Yes, I had a Bermuda bag! Everyone did! It was really much easier than swapping out purses today, 'caues all your "stuff" (your lipsmacker, for example! LOL!) stayed in the liner, so you only had to swap out the covers. Did you have one that was monogrammed? I think those were a tad later than the Lip Smackers. They were all the rage when preppy was in!

I am LOVING this trip down memory lane!

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I always looked forward to hearing the radio commercials for Eau De Love:


Oh, the smell of Eau De Love

The angels wear it up above.


(I thought that was so beautiful and profound! Sheesh!)


I was a huge fan of Yardley scents and makeup. I used to haunt the Walgreen's at our mall in Memphis, always buying Yardley stuff.

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Ooh, I remember Jean Nate too! I loved that fresh lemony scent! Ahh, the memories.


Hip-huggers with a big wide suede belt with holes cut in it the shape of flowers

Platform clogs in forest green suede

Jean jackets


I look at the pics now and have a good laugh!


And yes, I was a Bonnie Bell lipsmacker girl also.

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Yeah, the handi-wipe smell was great. I remember we always used them after finger-lickin-good Kentucky Fried Chicken dipped in honey. You really needed one after that.


Remember those mint scented toothpicks you'd get at the checkout counters in diners? They came in their own little clear plastic pouch. You'd break it open and pop the end into your mouth for that minty fresh flavor and scent!

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For me, there is a certain lemony smell that is from the little "handi-wipes" in a paper/foil package that you used to get at restaurants for cleaning up after eating. Does anyone remember those? I loved that smell! lol


I do know that smell, but it doesn't have a good association for me. When I was 17 I decided to get trained as a nurse's aide in a local nursing home. I was supposed to have a week's training. The first day was fine. The second day was okay. The third day they had us work with actual patients, including oral hygiene. I just remember an enormous swab wrapped in foil, and it had that exact lemony smell. I had to use it to clean out a very old, very sick man's mouth. Did I mention I was 17? And not the most kindhearted one in the world either.......

Then they told me that the next day we would be working with cadavers.


Ummmm....I never went back. Nope. Couldn't do it.


And that smell always takes me back.

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I just found them -- Bermuda Bags!


That's right! I loved that thing. I wonder what ever happened to it? I can't imagine that I threw it away.

I don't even know how many different covers I had. I had some that matched sweaters, some for summer, some for winter....ahhh, the memories!


Do they still make those things?

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One of my favorite nostalgic school smells is mimeograph ink. I always thought it smelled like "grape", but maybe that was because it was purple. I'll bet many of you aren't old enough to remember mimeograph ink.


I am! I remember lovin' it when I was the first to receive the stack to 'hand back' to the next person. We would all bring the paper up to our faces & take a deep sniff. lol



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I just found one of these in a box my parents had brought to our house - they are downsizing and found lots of *my* stuff! lol -- I JUST gave it to my girls!! lololol It was red with blue piping trim and a ribbon of strawberries on it!


(my favorite flavored chapstick...and I think it was Bonnie Bell know that I've read that name was bubble gum - wasn't it supposed to have a piece of actual gum on the bottom? the smell of that actually was kinda yucky - but if not inhaled too close - it was kinda good smelling!)

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This is too funny! Mom just sent a big box of my stuff form her attic. In it two things you will appreciate:


a jacket that was a an 8 track take of The Hughes Corporation *Rock the Boat, Don't Rock The Boat Baby!)


a pair of jeans with huge bell bottoms and a waist so low the zipper couldn't be more then three inches long....and embroidered with various 70's style flowers.

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