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Really bad day yesterday.

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All around.....


• something on the divorce end didn't work out in an acceptable manner. Not even close, i haven't gotten to talk to my lawyer about it yet... and i'm a mess.


• I have to get out of the house this morning somehow to go deal with the above, without exposing my kids to it


• the highlight was going to be the shuttle launch - and well, i got the above bad news 15 minutes before we got to KSC..... at the same time they scrubbed the launch.


• I'm not doing so well on the emotional end right now. The fact with the above news and what i will have to live with and thru during my divorce proceedings (promising to be ugly on the custody & schooling side) is getting to me. I hadn't shed a tear until that phone call yesterday.


• another issue with someone that i thought was a friend regard the above bad news.... as another good friend put it, "really, you need HUGS right now, not legal advice. You have a lawyer."


So any prayers, hugs, offerings.... anything you can spare for me and the kids would be great right now. I'm afraid/fearful, stressed and worried and can't do anything else about it other than keep my phone at my side at all times.



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Aw, Tracey, I'm so sorry. Without getting into too many details, I'll just say that we went through our own dreadful experience with the family law system. It was the worst thing I've endured. It's like going into some entirely different universe in which nothing makes sense and nobody believes you. I began to wonder if I was crazy. All I wanted was to do what was best for my children, and all of these very official people treated me like I was a monster . . . and a deceitful one, at that.


And, yes, it did rather sift through my list of "friends." At one point, one woman I considered a good friend betrayed me in a way that made the situation so much worse. I'm still struggling with trying to understand that.


The only possibly helpful thing I can say is what I used to tell my daughter during those times: All stories have a beginning and a middle and an end. And the whole middle part of most good stories involves crisis and complications. Right now, you're in the middle of your story, but there will be a resolution. And my personal belief is that things usually work out, even if you can't see how right this minute.


Hang in there and be strong. Your kids need you.

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Whatever it is that didn't work out the way you wanted, deep breathes. Try to not get so upset before you get to talk to your attorney. When I practiced family law, there were definitely spouses who were very good at getting each other 'spun up.' It was almost an art form. I spent a lot of time soothing and reassuring some clients, and it may be that when you get an attorney's perspective on this, you are going to feel much better.


If you want to talk about anything in PM, I'm here.

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I am sorry. I am so, so sorry. Situations like this bring out the best and worst in people. Unfortunately, you are seeing some of the worst. Hopefully you will be surrounded by the best as well. I wish I lived closer and could help you.


{{hugs}} to you and your girls. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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Whatever it is that didn't work out the way you wanted, deep breathes. Try to not get so upset before you get to talk to your attorney. .




And as for "friends", divorce is a quick way to find out who really is a friend. Stick to those, and let everyone else go by the way.



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• I have to get out of the house this morning somehow to go deal with the above, without exposing my kids to it.


Can you stand one piece of advice? Looking at the ages of your kids, may I suggest telling the oldest two in a developmentally appropriate way what is going on? At their ages, particularly at the age of your older one, they will pick up on what is happening. Without knowing the basic facts, they will surely fill in the blanks themselves. Oftentimes, the blanks will be filled in with far scarier scenarios than the actual information.


I'm so sorry.



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So any prayers, hugs, offerings.... anything you can spare for me and the kids would be great right now. I'm afraid/fearful, stressed and worried and can't do anything else about it other than keep my phone at my side at all times.



Tracey, I'm thinking of you and hoping you are having a better day today.

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Can you stand one piece of advice? Looking at the ages of your kids, may I suggest telling the oldest two in a developmentally appropriate way what is going on? At their ages, particularly at the age of your older one, they will pick up on what is happening. Without knowing the basic facts, they will surely fill in the blanks themselves. Oftentimes, the blanks will be filled in with far scarier scenarios than the actual information.


What i was dealing with wasn't something they need to know about at this time. Trust me on this one.


Tracey, I'm thinking of you and hoping you are having a better day today.


Better in that i actually got out of the house for awhile with the oldest and saw a movie. Stressful in many other ways.... I did tell the party that today (probably shouldn't have), that his choices of the last few weeks have made my living here a living...... well, you get it right? LOL!


I'll be gone most of tomorrow too for another attempt at the shuttle launch.

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