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If you don't eat/drink dairy

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Whether it's due to allergies or personal belief, how do you make sure you are getting enough calcium? I searched a bit and found some non-dairy sources, but I doubt my kids aren't going to be eating a cup of spinach or kale every day. I am vegan and the rest of my family vegetarian, but we are considering a vegan diet for everyone and that's where my concern comes in. We cook and bake everything from scratch so we don't eat much fortified foods and we don't consume any soy. Not sure where to go from here, but I'd like to avoid supplements and prefer we get our nutrients from food sources.


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Fortified orange juice is one easy way to add calcium. Do you want the kids to have rice milk? It's kind of sugary, but the fortified kind will add calcium.


Beans like chick peas, etc. have calcium. So do sesame and almonds (other nuts and seeds might, too, but you'd have to read the labels).


If I think of some more, I'll post later.

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We do supplements. I think of them as backup, reinforcements. But. My vague (and perhaps mis-) understanding is that we actually require less calcium than we have been lead to believe. Also, calcium from non-dairy sources is more readily available to the body. I am not overly concerned about it.


That said, before I had my children go vegan, I would consult their pediatrician. I have seen powder nutritional supplements (I think you add them to smoothies?) at the health food store; they are specifically targeted to meet the needs of vegans. Something to consider.

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Whether it's due to allergies or personal belief, how do you make sure you are getting enough calcium? I searched a bit and found some non-dairy sources, but I doubt my kids aren't going to be eating a cup of spinach or kale every day. I am vegan and the rest of my family vegetarian, but we are considering a vegan diet for everyone and that's where my concern comes in. We cook and bake everything from scratch so we don't eat much fortified foods and we don't consume any soy. Not sure where to go from here, but I'd like to avoid supplements and prefer we get our nutrients from food sources.




Well, I SHOULD be drinking soymilk (fortified) and if I lived in the US I'd be drinking a cup of (fortified) rice milk. There is also fortified orange juice and a daily can of sardines. Unfortunately, I don't do any of those. I KNEW I was trying to drink a glass of soymilk daily. Now I remember why! :) TUMs are also excellent sources for calcium (and we use them as the antidote for growing pains).

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Thanks everyone. I do use Rice milk in recipes, but I am not sure the kids would want to drink it as a beverage and I also think it would be pretty expensive for my family. I don''t know why I am so worried @ calcium. I have researched and know that we don't need as much as "they" say and that we can get it from other sources, but I think it's ingrained that we need milk for strong bones.

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From what I was reading in The China Study: http://www.amazon.com/China-Study-Comprehensive-Nutrition-Implications/dp/1932100385 we need so much calcium because eating animal products leaches it from our bones. If we're not eating meat, we don't have that problem. We're transitioning to veganism ourselves and I'm wondering if the best approach to supplements is to learn to recognise the signs of deficiency and treat that, rather than taking fist fulls of vitamin pills. From a quick online search I found this list of symptoms: http://www.atlantadentist.com/Calcium.html Anyway, I'll be interested to read everyone else's responses. Sadly there are no vegans in the Special Diet social group :(




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Thanks everyone. I do use Rice milk in recipes, but I am not sure the kids would want to drink it as a beverage and I also think it would be pretty expensive for my family. I don''t know why I am so worried @ calcium. I have researched and know that we don't need as much as "they" say and that we can get it from other sources, but I think it's ingrained that we need milk for strong bones.


When I had to go off dairy, I talked to my sister who is a dietitian. I learned:


1- If you take calcium pills, take them with orange juice OR take Citrical (or comparable). The body will absorb the calcium better this way. When I asked my sis about other brands, she said, "Just take the Citrical." My sister studied calcium absorption in nursing home patients...I trust her.


2- Do NOT take oyster-based calcium. Oysters absorb heavy metals and some of the calcium that comes from oysters has dangerous levels!


3- Make sure you have Vit D along with the calcium.


4- Spinach has lots of calcium, but it also contains something that causes the calcium not to be absorbed into the body. Don't plan on it doing the job.


5- Lack of calcium can cause lots of problems later in life. This is not one area to skimp on today.




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My daughter has a life threatening allergy to milk. She is given a calcium supplement (calcium citrate) along with a vitamin D supplement. Calcium citrate is better absorbed than calcium carbonate.




That's it! LOL! I didn't go and get my bottle to read the label...Citrical is calcium citrate. :D



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I don't worry about it at all. We are vegan and we eat a whole foods diet with plenty of beans and greens and nuts and seeds and I don't give any nutrients besides B-12 and omega-3s a second thought. The kids take a multi with B-12 and, after reading Joel Fuhrman's book Disease-Proof Your Child and discussing it with our ped, I started giving the kids a vegan omega-3.


I think that Americans obsess way too much about single nutrients.



Edited by TaraTheLiberator
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I take these...I researched and was thrilled the pill came in a petite one... Other good points are that you don't have to take it with OJ or a meal to absorb them.


One of my kids isn't a milk drinker because of sensitivities, but loves OJ. Both take daily supplements.


That's it! LOL! I didn't go and get my bottle to read the label...Citrical is calcium citrate. :D



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