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My son got cut...

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from Special Olympics basketball. They were a team of 10-16 yo practicing together to go to the state games. He was one of two who they asked to not even come back to practices, on top of not going to state! I'm soooo sad. He really is a great little ball player, but he has been too shy at practices to show his stuff. She said he couldn't come back next year, he had to go to "skills" with the severely mentally disabled kids.


We sent him to school last Jan (I homeschool the other kids) so he could have opportunities to excel on his level. Guess not. He gets rejected everywhere and from everything.

Edited by LNC
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from Special Olympics basketball. They were a team of 10-16 yo practicing together to go to the state games. He was one of two who they asked to not even come back to practices, on top of not going to state! I'm soooo sad. He really is a great little ball player, but has been to shy at practices to show his stuff. She said he couldn't come back next year, he had to go to "skills" with the severely mentally disabled kids.


We sent him to school last Jan so he could have opportunities to excel on his level. Guess not. He gets rejected everywhere and from everything.


:grouphug: For your ds. Life sometimes just s#cks.

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Thanks for the compassionate responses! The coach had called right before I posted. We won't tell our son. He won't even ask about what happened... He has a bad cough from tracheomalacia - worse from respiratory infections over Christmas break. We'll tell him he's too sick to go tomorrow bc he is anyway. Then, it will be out of his mind and he'll never think to ask us to go again. If he does ask, we'll tell- but I know he won't.


Special Olympics is great, it's just the state teams that are somewhat competetive. They are taking 8 kids overnight, and 2 had to be cut. I wasn't expecting not even to be able to go to practice anymore though! She said the 6 teammates need to learn to play together without distractions.


I know the coach felt bad about it, but it's just that it was my dream for him. He loves basketball and is actually really good. I'm feeling better about things now. Thanks again!

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I'm glad you said this is just the state team situation. We volunteered with a Special Olympics group, and they would never have done that. I wasn't involved with a state team though.


If it were me, I would have told the kids BEFORE any try-outs that there would be two teams. In reality, one team would be the real state team, and the other would be for those who didn't make it. Then the ones who were cut could just keep on playing together, and the ones who made it could practice for state championships.


Maybe they don't have enough helpers or the facilities to do that, but I wouldn't just "drop" a special needs child so abruptly.

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So sorry. That just doesn't seem right. For one thing, if they are taking fewer kids, what if one gets sick, injured, etc.? They don't make "cuts" here at our Special Olympics--even for state games. My 3 kids have been involved in various sports over time but honestly, right now, none of them are interested in competing so we dont' go.

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from Special Olympics basketball. They were a team of 10-16 yo practicing together to go to the state games.


If I'm remembering correctly, your ds is on the young side of that age range. If he does ask, could you explain that the older kids are bigger, more coordinated and that he'll be able to go in a few years?


I was planning to try out SO for my 8yo. He's very uncoordinated, so regular sports teams and classes are just painful. I am very grateful for the heads up so that I can avoid putting him in a group that might cut him. He would keep asking until I told him and then he'd still come back to it daily for months. Ouch!

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Any moms of special kids, I hope you don't stay away from Special Olympics!! It really is the greatest thing EVER for your kids.


That's why I was so sad about the state team. They also do spring games as classrooms for the entire county. It is a big community event. He won several medals last year. It was one of my happiest days as his mommy!


He will be able to try out for the state teams all the way through high school. So, even if he has to be on the skills level for a couple years - he can try again when he's older. The sports he's focusing on are flag football (fall), basketball (winter), and track (spring). I'm really praying it works out bc his younger brother will play team sports on homeschool leagues, and I want my special son to have his own successes. It's so hard to be passed by typical younger sibs....

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