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Has there ever been any discussion of separating the k-8 board into two age groups?

Shasta Mom

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I like to read all the replies whether they apply to me right now or not because I am always planning ahead for the future, so I feel they all apply to me, but I truly am a curriculum junkie and I like to know about curriculum just so I can suggest it to someone I think might like something whether I think I might use it or not. It wouldn't bother me if they were separate though.

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This issue has come up a couple of times over the nearly 10 years I've been on the WTM boards. Each time the majority wish to keep it as it is.


You know, when I was first starting out (YEARS ago), I really appreciated hearing from moms with older children.


I appreciated not only their wisdom about hsing through the early grammar stage, but also hearing what they were using with their older children. It really helped to get the "big picture."


When you're just starting out, the tendency is to try to do too much too soon, because as mom's we're really excited to begin the homeschooling journey. Older moms are the ones who would post to remind us that no matter how "advanced" our children were, 5 is still very small; spend more time snuggling and less time worrying about writing curriculum for a six year-old, etc. I would've missed many precious had I not listened to them. If the boards were to divide, I would have deprived myself of countless opportunities to learn from moms who have already walked this road.


Now, as someone who has homeschooled for a while, I appreciate being able to occasionally help new moms who have the same questions I did when starting out. It's sort of the "circle of homeschooling life," I suppose.

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This issue has come up a couple of times over the nearly 10 years I've been on the WTM boards. Each time the majority wish to keep it as it is.


You know, when I was first starting out (YEARS ago), I really appreciated hearing from moms with older children.


I appreciated not only their wisdom about hsing through the early grammar stage, but also hearing what they were using with their older children. It really helped to get the "big picture."


When you're just starting out, the tendency is to try to do too much too soon, because as mom's we're really excited to begin the homeschooling journey. Older moms are the ones who would post to remind us that no matter how "advanced" our children were, 5 is still very small; spend more time snuggling and less time worrying about writing curriculum for a six year-old, etc. I would've missed many precious had I not listened to them. If the boards were to divide, I would have deprived myself of countless opportunities to learn from moms who have already walked this road.


Now, as someone who has homeschooled for a while, I appreciate being able to occasionally help new moms who have the same questions I did when starting out. It's sort of the "circle of homeschooling life," I suppose.


Wise words. Wise words indeed. I find myself even lurking occasionally at the high school boards. I'm a big picture kind of gal :D

Edited by sagira
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Guest Alte Veste Academy
You know, when I was first starting out (YEARS ago), I really appreciated hearing from moms with older children.


I appreciated not only their wisdom about hsing through the early grammar stage, but also hearing what they were using with their older children. It really helped to get the "big picture."


Now, as someone who has homeschooled for a while, I appreciate being able to occasionally help new moms who have the same questions I did when starting out. It's sort of the "circle of homeschooling life," I suppose.


Thanks for this. You said what I feel as a newbie. Without the voice of experience from those with older kids, a K-4 board might turn into the blind leading the blind!


I enjoy reading the posts applicable to K-8 because I feel like I'm absorbing knowledge slowly and won't have to cram when I hit the next stage.



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I find a lot less than half the posts are of any relevence or interest to me nowadays- in fact I am more likely to offer advice than receive it on the K-8 board. But I am free to skim and I sure spend a lot less time here than I used to, which is a good thing :)

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When I first came here I wanted a K-4 board, but now that I have been here a few months I appreciate the set-up the way it is.


What I would like to see, however, is a "general homeschooling issues" board that is only for discussion of homeschooling issues. The General board is so inundated by fluff that I feel like the non-curricula related homeschooling threads that are posted there get drowned.



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What I would like to see, however, is a "general homeschooling issues" board that is only for discussion of homeschooling issues. The General board is so inundated by fluff that I feel like the non-curricula related homeschooling threads that are posted there get drowned.





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I read the board by clicking on "new posts" so I see whatever posts are recent from all the boards. So the number of boards there are - and how they are split - is irrelevant to me. I do like and appreciate specific thread titling. :)

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What I would like to see, however, is a "general homeschooling issues" board that is only for discussion of homeschooling issues. The General board is so inundated by fluff that I feel like the non-curricula related homeschooling threads that are posted there get drowned.






What I've done is bump my way back to the top several times on the General Board, if I have a homeschool-related thread going. It *is* mainly for discussing homeschooling issues, and SWB has reiterated that several times over the past few months. I've also gone searching on the General Board for homeschool related threads that got lost, and bumped them back up.


As to splitting up the K-8 board, I'll echo the others who said they appreciate reading about others with older kids.

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I can appreciate the use of the k-8 board now as one unit after hearing other's responses. I'm also aware of trying to make post titles more detailed so others don't have to wade through those that don't apply to them. And lastly, yes, I have to agree on that general board - it holds no interest for me. I have looked at it on occasion, and it's not someplace I want to spend time. I can't imaginde debating issues with people I've never met.....I would like for it to be about homeschooling only. But SWB makes it clear in the board description, that it's ok to just hang out and chat:

"For general questions about classical education methods, teaching techniques, readiness, supplemental activities, field trips, assessments, frustrations, online resources, etc. or just for hanging out and chatting!"


Perhaps that ending (underlined phrase) should be deleted..........

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I would say that probably over 90% of the posts on the K-8th board don't apply to me because we're on the upper end of that with my oldest, and my younger one is enough like the older one that she's pretty much just following what he did. I don't change much curriculum year-to-year either. So I scan it here and there, but frankly it's not as useful in general to me as it was maybe three to five years ago.


Now I read most of the posts on the high school board because that world is indeed new to me, and there's still a lot of uncertainity on what I'm going to do as we go into those upper grades although I do have several paths mapped out.

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I can appreciate the use of the k-8 board now as one unit after hearing other's responses. I'm also aware of trying to make post titles more detailed so others don't have to wade through those that don't apply to them. And lastly, yes, I have to agree on that general board - it holds no interest for me. I have looked at it on occasion, and it's not someplace I want to spend time. I can't imaginde debating issues with people I've never met.....I would like for it to be about homeschooling only. But SWB makes it clear in the board description, that it's ok to just hang out and chat:

"For general questions about classical education methods, teaching techniques, readiness, supplemental activities, field trips, assessments, frustrations, online resources, etc. or just for hanging out and chatting!"


Perhaps that ending (underlined phrase) should be deleted..........

The general board is where I spend most of my time!:001_smile: I come to the curriculum boards for advice, but my main need right now is people to talk with...who are also interested in education.

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However it's intended, that is not how it is used.




I know...I guess I just said that because in the past I've felt a little intimidated to post non-curric. but homeschool related threads there, for fear of it sliding down through the pages, unanswered, and then feeling silly for bumping them up again. After SWB reiterated, though, and I read through the description of the General again, I got more courage. So I said what I said on this thread as a way to encourage people to use the General for it's mostly intended purpose, if they have felt the way I did before.

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I would love to see the boards divided into Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric. I would then know where to go when trying to implement the WTM.

Like Peela I find myself going more and more to the High School Board for advice now (despite the fact that my oldest is 13 and youngest 11). Most of the people using K-8 seem to ask questions related to the Grammar stage only.

I like hearing about different approaches to home education but I came here to share experiences of implementing the WTM, and I expected to see the boards structured like the WTM.


If I wore the crown of 'Overmind' I would have:





Well Educated Mind

Special Needs

Accelerated learner

Spanish / Latino



General Board


For me personally, this would remove the confusion I feel in knowing where to post. It would certainly help me to put into practice more simply the WTM curriculum.


I must add though, I love and appreciate this boards so much. I wouldn't come here if they weren't such a massive help to me in so many ways. :grouphug:

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"Separating the boards?"


This is a question that I had pondered when I had first registered for the boards but I can understand it better based on some of the responses. However, I don't join the General Board too much except if it's a fun topic or specific interest. I love sticking to the homeschooling issues more so I'm on the k-8, highschool, special needs (for support with my special needs high school son) and accelerated learner (for support with my youngest son) boards.

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If I wore the crown of 'Overmind' I would have:





Well Educated Mind

Special Needs

Accelerated learner

Spanish / Latino



General Board



I agree with you on a point here. If I were changing things, the first thing to happen would be a separate "Well-Educated Mind" or Self-Ed board. :)

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What I would like to see, however, is a "general homeschooling issues" board that is only for discussion of homeschooling issues. The General board is so inundated by fluff that I feel like the non-curricula related homeschooling threads that are posted there get drowned.




I completely agree with this. We need a board just for Homeschool support. Not a chat board and not another curricula board.

I know the general board was intended to be that support board. But it isn't.

There are other specific support boards for accelerated learners, special needs, and afterschoolers. But there is nowhere to just talk about homeschooling in general.

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And if I had my way, the only separate things would be "for sale" and the general board, lol! I enjoy reading the high school board for prep and self-ed purposes, but I tend to forget to check it. The 'other' boards don't move as fast as curriculum and general.


My ideal board would be everything homeschool related on one board, with ultra specific thread titles, and a separate general board.

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