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How often do you replace stuff like Worcestershire sauce and tobasco...?

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You know, stuff you hardly ever use, but comes in ridiculously large bottles? I'm pretty sure they don't last forever and ever. Tonight my husband was trying to convince me to keep the bottles that have been in the back for the cupboard since, oh, we got married 17 years ago. (Maybe *he* needs that coupon for the hoarding seminar, Doran?) I threw them away.


And, do you keep that stuff in the fridge? Do you write the date you purchased it so you know when to chuck?


Can you tell I'm in a major purging and de-cluttering mode?

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You know, stuff you hardly ever use, but comes in ridiculously large bottles? I'm pretty sure they don't last forever and ever. Tonight my husband was trying to convince me to keep the bottles that have been in the back for the cupboard since, oh, we got married 17 years ago. (Maybe *he* needs that coupon for the hoarding seminar, Doran?) I threw them away.


And, do you keep that stuff in the fridge? Do you write the date you purchased it so you know when to chuck?


Can you tell I'm in a major purging and de-cluttering mode?



Apparently, I need a booster course. I keep that stuff, like, forEVAH! I think I've been working on the same bottle of Whatsthisheresauce for as long as I've lived in MD (14 years!). Oh, my, that is really frightening. Why'd you have to bring this up right before bedtime?! I'm bound to have nightmares now.

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I have more recent purchases in the fridge, and will watch for color changes. It's seems just... wrong to consume stuff that has been sitting around for so long.


I saw a mongo bottle of W. sauce at Costco recently and thought, What the heck! I suppose if you run a restaurant you'd need a gallon, but us ordinary families, not so much.

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You know, stuff you hardly ever use, but comes in ridiculously large bottles? I'm pretty sure they don't last forever and ever. Tonight my husband was trying to convince me to keep the bottles that have been in the back for the cupboard since, oh, we got married 17 years ago. (Maybe *he* needs that coupon for the hoarding seminar, Doran?) I threw them away.


And, do you keep that stuff in the fridge? Do you write the date you purchased it so you know when to chuck?


Can you tell I'm in a major purging and de-cluttering mode?



:ohmy:I go through 2-3 of those big bottles (650ml or so) of Worcestershire every year. :leaving:

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Apparently, I need a booster course. I keep that stuff, like, forEVAH! I think I've been working on the same bottle of Whatsthisheresauce for as long as I've lived in MD (14 years!). Oh, my, that is really frightening. Why'd you have to bring this up right before bedtime?! I'm bound to have nightmares now.


I'm coming right over to help you clean out that cupboard!


Did you know? You can buy that Whatsthisheresauce stuff organic now. And it's in a little wee bottle (for only a kazillion dollars) and doesn't have corn syrup and all that stuff that keeps it well preserved in it. Now you can rest easy.

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I have more recent purchases in the fridge, and will watch for color changes. It's seems just... wrong to consume stuff that has been sitting around for so long.


I saw a mongo bottle of W. sauce at Costco recently and thought, What the heck! I suppose if you run a restaurant you'd need a gallon, but us ordinary families, not so much.


Hey! Those are the ones I buy.
















2 or 3 times per year. :blushing:

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Apparently, I need a booster course. I keep that stuff, like, forEVAH! I think I've been working on the same bottle of Whatsthisheresauce for as long as I've lived in MD (14 years!). Oh, my, that is really frightening. Why'd you have to bring this up right before bedtime?! I'm bound to have nightmares now.



Doran, you crack me up every time.:D

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Me too! Worcesershire makes great marinades. I also use a lot of tabasco and soy sauce. My guess is there is enough salt and preservatives in these concoctions to keep them for decades.


But you and I will never know, right Cindy?;):D


I actually stock up and keep extras of seasonis like that, including soy sauce. No sense in eating bland food if I can avoid it.:D

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Q: What is the shelf life of FRENCH'S® Worcestershire Sauce?

A: It is recommended that FRENCH'S® Worcestershire Sauce be consumed within 2 - 3 months after purchase to ensure the best possible flavor. All FRENCH'S® Worcestershire Sauces are microbiologically safe to eat for an indefinite period of time.

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Where should TABASCO® Sauce be stored?

TABASCO® Sauce should be stored in a cool place away from direct light, such as a cupboard, pantry or cabinet. It doesn’t have to be refrigerated after opening. Once a bottle of sauce is opened, the color may change, but the product won’t spoil. Refrigeration almost always helps to slow this process but isn’t required.


What is the shelf life of TABASCO®?

Original TABASCO® brand Pepper Sauce has a shelf life of 5 years (opened or unopened) when stored in a cool place, but it’s best if used by the third year.

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Before the AF we lived in our house for 6 years. We bought it from my mom so it came with spices that were bought when she first moved into it 3 years earlier. I toss all that stuff when we finally moved out.


Now I buy stuff like that as I need it for recipes. Same thing for condiment type things in the fridge. When we move, it goes. So I know it's 2 years or younger!

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If I don't use it up in a couple of years, I toss and don't usually repurchase it. I am a 'make it up as you go' cook so if I don't have an ingredient, I just use something close. I do use a bottle of Worcestershire sauce and soy in a year, but don't own tabasco. The only things I usually end up tossing but repurchasing is horseradish (can't make up that burn baby!) because I love it but it doesn't last and various hot or chili sauces (only because I keep several sweet/hot/vinegar based) and I am pretty much the only one who eats them. The hot and chili sauces are well used when tossed :0)

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I have more recent purchases in the fridge, and will watch for color changes. It's seems just... wrong to consume stuff that has been sitting around for so long.


I saw a mongo bottle of W. sauce at Costco recently and thought, What the heck! I suppose if you run a restaurant you'd need a gallon, but us ordinary families, not so much.



Go to Ree's website and check out her Marlboro Man's Favorite Sandwich recipe. That oughta take care of any Worcestershire shire sauce. But it's not exactly low-cal!

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Go to Ree's website and check out her Marlboro Man's Favorite Sandwich recipe. That oughta take care of any Worcestershire shire sauce. But it's not exactly low-cal!


I'm pretty sure I've seen that before. Just looking at the pictures will put weight on your hips!

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We use enough Worchester sauce that I don't worry about when to toss it. I think I go through 2 bottles a year. With Tabasco sauce? When it doesn't look good, which is probably a year after it has been opened (I store it in the fridge). I was fortunate to be able to swipe some mini bottles from a catered picnic (they were going to get tossed.) This has solved my problem for the time being. I get to open a new one every couple uses.

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Well, my guys go through that sort of stuff faster than that, but I would certainly discard after a couple of years if it wasn't getting used.


Seventeen, huh? You've got my record beat for things left in the back of the pantry, LOL. I found some things exploded last year and we'd only been in this house 9 years - of course, I guess I could have brought some of them from the other house....

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Yesterday we had New Year's dinner at my mom's house. She had a bottle of Tabasco sauce that looked like it could be as old as our oldest ds. The label was yellowed and the contents were brown instead of the usual color. It also smelled extra vinegary. My brother and I forced her to throw it out. I told her I'd buy a new bottle for her if she'd like. She started to fight it and then said, "No, I will not be my mother, and I will not dig it out of the trash after you're gone.":lol:

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