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I am so sick of washing the bathroom mats!!!

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I'm not asking anyone to aim into a thimble or anything unreasonable! It's a toilet! It's not THAT small!!! How hard can it be just stand there aim at decent sized toilet!


But then this is the same male DNA that can't figure out that whole incredibly difficult squeeze then pull maneuver required to open the dishwasher door!





Rant over. Thank you for your time.

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At least I'm not alone! I think part of my problem is, you know, coming from a female prespective, it just doesn't look like it should be that BIG a deal! Having never stood up to pee, I'm guessing it's more complicated than one would think!


As for the mat, unfortunately, if I get rid of it, then there won't be anything to step on getting out of the shower. You can't dry off in the shower stall as there just isn't enough room, and it's just slippery on the tile in there if it's wet. It's base housing, it's a tiny bathroom! So I guess I'll have to keep it, but maybe I can move it back further from the toilet so I don't have the run down the front drippage thing going on!


Either way, only 5 more months and we are headed to Long Island! Of course they probably have equally tiny bathrooms! LOL! Oh well!


Thanks for the ideas!

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At least I'm not alone! I think part of my problem is, you know, coming from a female prespective, it just doesn't look like it should be that BIG a deal! Having never stood up to pee, I'm guessing it's more complicated than one would think!


From watching my 5 boys pee at one time or another, it's not the target that's hard to hit, it's keeping focus. Really. I've witnessed them lose their aim as they stare at the ceiling, talk to their brothers, or when they try to do the infamous "run by pee" and other such manuvors :001_huh:.

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Agree with the others that you should just get rid of it. We have carpet in our downstairs bathroom. Who in their right mind puts carpet in a bathroom?


I have a *beautiful* house. We bought it from the original owners, the husband being a builder/contractor himself. He put carpet in the master bathroom. It's kind of cool-looking, the carpet sweeping from the master bedroom into the master bathroom, and it's cozy on the feet, but we are getting rid of it as soon as we can. Eeeeuuu.

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As for the mat, unfortunately, if I get rid of it, then there won't be anything to step on getting out of the shower. You can't dry off in the shower stall as there just isn't enough room, and it's just slippery on the tile in there if it's wet. It's base housing, it's a tiny bathroom! So I guess I'll have to keep it, but maybe I can move it back further from the toilet so I don't have the run down the front drippage thing going on!

Can you hang it up when you're finished? drape it over the shower-curtain rod or something?

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Can you hang it up when you're finished? drape it over the shower-curtain rod or something?


This is what I do here. I use a non rubber back mat and put it down only for showering. Then it gets picked up to dry. I have two and wash them about every 2-3 days (when I change towels). They are washed with the towels.

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We have a non-negotiable sit down policy for our boys in our house. We tell them to stand out in public restrooms but it's an absolute sit here. Believe it not it came from my husband. He said there's no good reason the guys can't sit because it doesn't really make sense to stand. The big guys were really little at the time and early in potty training so their aim was wretched! LOL


That's how we handle it in our house of all boys.

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We have a non-negotiable sit down policy for our boys in our house. We tell them to stand out in public restrooms but it's an absolute sit here. Believe it not it came from my husband. He said there's no good reason the guys can't sit because it doesn't really make sense to stand. The big guys were really little at the time and early in potty training so their aim was wretched! LOL


That's how we handle it in our house of all boys.


The boys at our house sit, too. Some people seem to be uncomfortable with that, as though standing up to pee is more masculine or something.:confused: I don't get it, but I do tell my boys to stand up in public restrooms. My bathrooms don't smell like pee unless somebody comes to visit with their boys who stand.:001_smile:



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As for the mat, unfortunately, if I get rid of it, then there won't be anything to step on getting out of the shower. You can't dry off in the shower stall as there just isn't enough room, and it's just slippery on the tile in there if it's wet.


Once I'm dressed, I hang the bathmat on the side of the bath/shower - I've trained the boys to do that too. It stays cleaner that way, and dries better.


Best wishes



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We have a non-negotiable sit down policy for our boys in our house. We tell them to stand out in public restrooms but it's an absolute sit here. Believe it not it came from my husband. He said there's no good reason the guys can't sit because it doesn't really make sense to stand. The big guys were really little at the time and early in potty training so their aim was wretched! LOL


That's how we handle it in our house of all boys.


My mother would applaud you. She works as a palliative care nurse and many of her patients are elderly and have problems standing at the best of times but many of the men insist on standing to pee. Prostate problems + balance problems + general stubbornness = many problems for often elderly wives or staff at nursing homes. My mum is often saying that she wishes that these men had been taught to sit.

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I, too, encourage sitting. Dh is fine. Huck sits. It's the little one that's the nightmare. He's getting better though. I think the main problem in our house is remembering to straighten it BEFORE starting. My boys are intact. Attention spans are also an issue. I keep clorox wipes by the toilet. I use them often and have learned not to sit down without looking! LOL

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Wow. A lot goes on around here while I'm sleeping some days!


Yes, the 6yo cleans the bathroom. He's got his own stash of vinegar papertowel wipes. We'll just have to keep working on it. I wish I could just hang the mat or something after using it, but there isn't anything to hang it over. No rod or anything. It's base housing. (and I'm so over base housing!)


Hopefully in the next house (a short 5 months away!) we'll be able to convince him the second bathroom is HIS bathroom and not hte guest bathroom. Because this one is closer to the guest room, he's convinced that's the guest bath. Go figure.


I'm off to find caffine and breakfast!

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I have a *beautiful* house. We bought it from the original owners, the husband being a builder/contractor himself. He put carpet in the master bathroom. It's kind of cool-looking, the carpet sweeping from the master bedroom into the master bathroom, and it's cozy on the feet, but we are getting rid of it as soon as we can. Eeeeuuu.


This is funny because dh's best friend is a contractor...who insists on putting carpet in the master bath. He builds luxury homes and then sells them, so the customer doesn't pick the features unless they buy it before he puts it on the market and then they would have to special request it. To him it is a luxury item. He is a sitter and thinks every man should sit. He thinks that if nothing else, the man should sit when it is not appropriate to stand...aka in a carpeted bath. He was raised on a working farm, with 3 rowdy brothers and a sister.


We've been trying to talk him into heated tile floors with rugs, but he isn't an easy sell.

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