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S/O: What tech gadgets (besides tv & stereo) do your TEENS (13-19yo only) own?

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Also, which ones did s/he buy and which ones were purchased by parents/ grandparents? The post asking whose kids do *not* have tech "toys" made me wonder.


ER (18yob) owns:

* Nintendo 64 (bought it himself)

* GameCube (bought it himself)

* portable CD player (bought by grandparent)

* iPod Nano (bought by parents)

* iPod docking station (bought it himself)

* digital camera (bought by parents)

* laptop computer (bought by parents)

* cell phone (bought by parents)


EK (14yog) owns:

* Game Boy Color (gift from a relative)

* portable CD player (bought by grandparent)

* digital camera (bought by parents)

* laptop computer (bought by parents)

* cell phone (bought by parents)

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My boys are 17 and 13. They have similar items:


- iPods (Touch) (gifts from parents) - 17 yo also has a shuffle for running (purchased himself)

- cellphones (from father's work)

- digital cameras (17 yo has still camera, 13 yo has Flip video) (gifts from parents and grandparent)

- computers (13 yo has MacBook, 17 yo has Windows desktop - will get laptop when he goes away to university in the fall) (bought by/handed down from parents)

- 17 yo has Garmin running watch with GPS (gift from uncle/godfather)

- wii and xbox 360 (gifts from parents)

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My little sister is 15 and she has....


an iPod

a Nintendo DS

an XBox

a cell phone

digital camera

digital photo album

And she also has an old laptop computer that has been given to her by us. It isnt hooked to the net or anything and is a bit slow, but I think she just plays some games on it sometimes.

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iPod last gen. 4 gig nano (parents)

iPod touch (bought today, xmas money from two sets of gparents)

gamecube (used, ebay purchase by parents)

ps2 (used, ebay purchase, parents)

gameboy sp (bought with allowance saved for a long time, a long time ago)

cell phone purchased by parents that he shares with younger sister (no land line- really a house phone, mostly)

2 digital cameras- one from a few years ago, one from this xmas- gift from parents

hand-me down computer for his own use, but it is not "his"

Edited by Mad Jenny Flint
forgot something
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cell phone


Playstation 3


Nintendo DS



....and couldn't care less about any of them. I am, however, very glad that he has his phone. He is very responsible about keeping it charged and on his person, which comes in handy, especially since I'm not as good at it with my own phone.

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* Cell phone purchased by us before she went away to school. It's used only to communicate with us.


* Laptop computer purchased by us. The current one is her second because the previous one had outlived its usefulness. She does use it for e-mail and games, but its primary purpose is for school.


* iPod Nano, a gift from us this Christmas. Previously, she had inherited her dad's old mp3 player, which had much less storage and required actual batteries.


* Digital camera, a gift from us last Christmas.


* (Not sure this one counts) Karaoke machine, a gift from us this Christmas. We thought it would be fun in the dorm.


I think that's it.

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16 yo has:

ipod he just got from my family for Christmas

computer he bought used

portable DVD player my family bought


14 yo has:

mp3 my family bought (both have had these)

xbox he just got from my family for Christmas (used)


As a family, they have a Nintendo we bought used, and we just got them a Wii.

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All three kids share a Game Boy Advance. Kids also share a laptopn - iBook, I think.


We have a "spare" cell phone. Oldest can use it when we let her which isn't often!


Oldest has a iPod Classic (trickle down effect, dh got a iPhone and didn't need iPod anymore. I got one too so I didn't need it either.)


I think that's it.


Oh, looking at your list - iPod docking station (last year for Christmas from grands), digital camera (this year Christmas from all 4 grands). The Wii is actually dh's but everyone plays on it.

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DS14 has a

Tv/dvd player used only for gaming and approved movies.

Wii-only played once a month or so.

Nintendo ds lite that he plays a few times a year.

Laptop-he uses this several hours a day for school and pc games.





Tv/dvd player used only for gaming and approved movies.

Gamecube (was her brothers-but he lets her use it)

Nintendo DOS lite-played weekly

Cd player-mainly used for audio books

Uses my laptop for pc games.



The kids don't have cell phones or mp3 players

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I only have one adult child (18), the rest are young boys (7 and 9), so I'll only mention my adult child, Aaron.


computer (bought himself) -- used for school and pleasure. Uses our family computer or my husband's laptop for online stuff. He has no internet in his room.


digital camera (Canon Powershot -- bought himself) when he went to San Diego with grandparents. I must mention here that the sweetie also paid half along with my husband two Christmases ago to buy me a Canon Digital Rebel XT. :)


cell phone (free phone, part of family plan, he and I are $9.99 a month -- only to be used when away from home or talking to his biological mom long distance)


MP3 player (bought himself) -- enjoys music and audio books when running or in the van


"boom box"/stereo-system (gift from us years ago) -- enjoys music, talk radio and audio books


semi-automatic paintball gun (Tippmann A-5) along with small digital camera which he attaches to his mask for videotaping paintball games and walkie-talkies (all bought himself) He just bought his Dad one this Christmas. :)


He used to have game systems -- he put away on his own accord a few years ago, no more game systems for young ones.

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My ds is 14.5 yo and has the following:

Game Boy (gift from us) that he rarely plays anymore.

Sansa Clip (gift from us) that he uses often.


He does not "own" the following as they are family property, but he has access to:


Game Cube

TV (we don't get tv channels, only usable for movies or video games)


Pay-as-you-go cell phone (shares with his sister and they only use it when they are at sport practices or something so I have a way to get a hold of them or vice versa)

Nintendo DS (shared with his sister)



We have tried the whole limiting the use thing and it just gets to be a pain in my backside trying to keep track of who has used what and for how long (my dd is 12.5 yo and has the same items/access as her brother). I was also feeling like a real nag about it and I don't want to be that way. I trust my dc to monitor their usage and they do a darn good job of it (some days my ds will play a bit much and if I feel it is necessary I will say something and he is very good about stopping a game when asked). I don't know if we are doing right or wrong by allowing the use of tech gadgets (we didn't allow or extremely limited the use for a long time), but we will just keep plugging along doing the best we can for our family. :)

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My kids share:


Wii (Christmas)

PS2 (Christmas)

Gamecube (bought with their own money, now unused)

Desktop PC (bought by parents)


My 4 kids individually own:


iPods (4 - Christmas)

iPod docking stations w/speakers (2 - Christmas, 1 - birthday)

Flip camera (DD - Christmas)

Digital camera (DS2 - Christmas)

PS2 Slimline (DS3 - Christmas)

Cell phones (2 kids in PS - Christmas)

Nintendo DS Lite (4 - Christmas)

Portable DVD player (1- Christmas from aunt)

1 Laptop (very old practically useless discard of DH's)


Unless otherwise noted, all were bought by parents over the years. DH and I will not buy any more video game consoles or iPods -- if the kids want them, they will have to buy them with their own money. No televisions in bedrooms until the kids are in college, and they will have to buy them for themselves.

Edited by RoughCollie
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My 13yo owns an iPod Shuffle and a portable CD player (both gifts from parents).


He has use of three family-owned computers. One of these recently moved into his room (when DH upgraded his), but when we (hopefully) add on to our living space this spring, it will move back into family space so it is easier for all the kids to use.

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My parents would not buy a tech toy for my children for multiple reasons but mostly because my mom just doesn't want to encourage them to use tech toys.


We have a wii.

My 16yo dd has a cell phone that rarely has minutes.

My 16yo has a computer.

13yo has had a computer from the virtual school for the past year that he'll give up next month.


Neither kid has their own tv. If after graduation, they care to buy their own, that is their business.

The family tv doesn't have cable, satellite or any of that stuff.


Oh, I looked up above. I didn't consider a camera to be a tech toy, but my 16yo does have one. Grandma bought it for her. She lets the rest of us use it as much as we please.

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DD (15) has:

--a cell phone (We gave her my old phone and added her to our family plan when she went back to brick and mortar school and had after-school choir rehearsals, etc.)

--a computer (hand-me-down from dh's work)

--a digital camera (Christmas gift from us, last year)

--an Ipod Nano (Christmas gift, this year)


Ds (9) has a Nintendo DS (Christmas gift this year) and a last-generation Ipod Nano (Christmas gift this year). He won't get a cell phone until he is often at another place and needs to be able to call me for some reason -- probably late middle school or high school.


As a family, we have a Wii and an old Playstation II, as well as a "family" computer in the tv room.


Despite all the electronic devices, the kids don't watch tv or play video games during the school week. IMHO, it's about balance.



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18yo - iPod, cell phone, laptop

16yo - iPod, cell phone, laptop (Provided by the school and only when school is in session. They turn them in for Christmas and summer breaks.)

14yo - iPod, cell phone, laptop (Provided by the school, same as above.)


All have access to the family Canon PowerShot. The big camera is mine, but I let them take a few pictures with it with my supervision. They also have access to my desktop computer when they don't have their school laptops available.

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I have an 18yo, 16yo, 13yo and 11yo....which I have purchased all of the following items for them.


Nintendo Gamecube (no one plays with this)

Wii (no one plays with this either)

MP3 Player (they all use this everyday)


They all use the computer more than anything though.....



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My 17yo dd has the following:


A Zune (she bought this with her own money)


A cellphone (we bought her one when she started babysitting at 14)


A computer (it was my husband's computer; when he bought a new one for his business, we gave her the old one)


An X-Box 360 (we bought this for her this Christmas)


My 14yo ds has the following:


A cellphone (we bought this for him this Christmas, as he has started babysitting for us when our oldest isn't available)


A PSP (we bought this for him last Christmas; he really only plays it in the car, esp. for longer car trips)


A Playstation 2 (he bought this with his own money)


He doesn't have his own computer. He uses the family computer, which is in the school room, and shares it with his two younger siblings.


We also have a Wii that we bought last Christmas, and that's in the basement and all the kids (and sometimes mom & dad, too!) play with it.


My 9yo ds has a Nintendo DS that we bought him 2 years ago for his birthday. And my 6yo dd has a Leapster 2 that we just bought her this Christmas.


The TV question! All 4 kids have a TV in their room, but no reception! They each have DVD players (and the older 2 have game systems in their rooms that are hooked up to it). The only TV that actually airs television is in the family room and we all have to share it.

Edited by hsmamainva
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I have a newly-minted 13 year old!


These are hers alone:

- mp3 player which she purchased with gift money

- digital camera (purchased by parents)



These she has access to:

- computer

- TV with limited cable (not in her room), DVD

- Cd, radio

- limited texting on MY cellphone

- Wii

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14yo has:


prepaid cell phone (I think we bought one when she went on a cross-country trip, which she accidentally put through the washer...she purchased the next one, and also buys her own minutes)


iPod Nano (purchased by her)



13yo has owned a prepaid cell phone in the past...but didn't use it enough to warrant keeping it. (It's not a big priority for him).


He's had a Nintendo DS before, which he purchased himself, but he sold it to buy his gecko. (Which I also would not pay for, lol).


Our family has a Playstation 3, which the kids play on the weekends, and the kids have access to our family desktop, and the laptops we own (no Internet access on those, and limited games; they're really just used for watching a DVD if the family room is being used for something else).


The general rule is that I don't mind electronics, but it's not usually something I'll pay for. (I did buy my daughter a mini-speaker for her iPod, that I knew she wanted, because I'd prefer for her to listen to it that way, rather than with earbuds). Even if they buy it, they know that our family values set the rule for behavior and time/place of use. (We had many conversations before either of them owned iPods or handheld game systems, and they know what I consider to be 'rude' behavior concerning use of these items).


I might delay a child purchasing something if they're under a certain age; I have reservations about very small children using certain electronics for long periods of time--or at all--and since they're concerns that have to do with health/development (see Jane Healy's theories), my decision trumps child's desire in that instance.

Edited by Jill, OK
correcting punctuation
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15 yo girl owns:


Laptop (for school- a hand-me-down from business, has to share it.)

i-pod (x-mas gift from me a couple years ago.)

cell phone (necessary for communication. I also got her unlimited text though- I love text.)

i-pod docking station so we can share music at home and not each be in our own little world.


We have a TV/VCR in the living room, no screens in kids' bedrooms. No video games, they drive me crazy.

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My 19 year old has the following:


Ipod (we bought the first, he upgraded and gave the first one to his little sister before he left for the Army)

Cell Phone - he bought when he was 17, but it is on our plan. He pays for his portion of the bill.

Digital Camera - Christmas gift from us this year.

Alienware Gaming Laptop - his gift to himself for completing boot camp.

Bluetooth - He bought.

Playstation 3 - He bought.


I guess he actually purchased most of his high tech stuff, but when he was a younger teen - he did get a Playstation 1 & 2 as various Christmas gifts. We also had a family computer that he used and as I said we bought him his first Ipod when he was 17.



I just noticed others put what their younger kids have, so I thought I would add that.


My 10 year old dd has the following:

Ipod - See above - her brother gave it to her.

Nintendo DS - Christmas gift from us last year.

Wii - Family gift from us this year.

Computer - Family computer that she shares.


My 4 year old has a Leapster L-Max.


As a family, we have a GPS, desktop and a laptop, a dvd player, an ipod radio docking station, a Wii and a 60 inch tv (that I love)!


DH and I both have cell phones. When my younger ones start venturing out on their own as teens, I will want them to hae a cell phone on them. I loved being able to find my oldest ds at any time because he had his cell phone on him.

Edited by Kari C in SC
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All kids:

Nintendo DS (the 6 oldest kids got one for christmas from us)

Wii (family gift from us for christmas last year)


soon to be 14 yr old

mini-camcorder (from grandparents for christmas this year)


soon to be 13 yr old

digital camera (from grandparents for christmas this year)


that's it.


oh none of them have their own TV or stereo. There's a CD player in each room to share and 2 of the rooms with the oldest 4 have a stereo in each of their rooms to share with the understanding that certain music/stations will cause them to be removed.


we do have a 3rd cell phone that is rarely used. it does not belong to any of the kids, but I'll pull it out for them to use if they are riding to the park or on the rare occassion I have to drop them off somewhere - just in case. It's only allowed for communication between them and us.


ETA: we have a computer, but none of the kids use it except for typing reports. the oldest 2 use it for downloading their cameras and maybe once a month doing some kind of research (ACT prep or something like that)

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My soon to be 17yo has:

iMac -- was a shared computer, now basically his

old iBook -- inherited from his piano teacher

iPod Touch -- Christmas present

cell phone -- a necessity we bought for him 3 years ago (he has a crazy rehearsal schedule and no car)

digital camera -- present from Grandma

camcorder -- shared with family, but he puts it to the best use and makes some terrific movies using iMovie and iDVD on the Mac


13yo ds:

new PC laptop -- Christmas present. He needed a laptop for the outside classes he takes and sharing the iMac was getting more impractical

iPod -- inherited from me

cellphone -- also for emergencies and ease of coordinating rides


They share a Gamecube and PS2


The computers and iPods (for audio books) are so much a part of school that I see them as necessities. My oldest son uses iMac for all his technical theater work, too, recording sound effects cds or creating visual effects for projection at theaters, or creating video productions for special events. Of course the computers are also used for recreation -- Facebook and MySpace for the oldest, and World of Warcraft for the youngest.

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