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Aggressive people at estate sales?


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Last week, I decided to head to an estate sale at opening because I saw some things in pictures that I thought I would like. But once there, once inside, people were aggressive. I had been to estate sales before, but never at opening. In this case, once the doors opened, people were blocking paths from others walking, blocking doorways to rooms to keep others from looking, that sort of thing. Even though I was there early and was one of the first in the door, I was with my daughter so she could look at the craft supplies and some woman zoomed past me and then blocked the doorway to a walk in closet while she went through stuff and would not allow anyone to get past her to also look at stuff. (I was actually there first, but she went past me and then blocked the path). I saw this aggressive behavior throughout the house. It seemed like a lot of people came in pairs or so and would block entire rooms or even a hallway while the people they were with went through stuff in those places. 

I found it unsettling and upsetting. Later, I saw on a FB page where someone asked about estate sales and someone else said be aware that some people get aggressive there and don't be shocked if someone tries to grab something out of your hands, etc. 

If this happened to me, and just from what already happened, I do not think I can stomach these things. Does anyone have any experience with anything like this? 

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Sadly, yes. I never go first thing, first day. I am sorry that you had to experience such rudeness. What is wrong with people? And, from my own knowledge, those people are resellers and are there to make a profit. 

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I'm sorry that happened to you.  I used to stop in after dropping kids at school. Usually just a garage sale, sometimes actual estate sales.  Some where they limited how many could be inside at a time so you had to stand in line.   I've never encountered that at one.  (I did have one person running a church rummage sale chew me out for walking in (the door was unlocked) two minutes before it allegedly started.  I left.)

BUT . . . I was at a thrift store and did bury an item in my cart as a woman kept following me around, either hoping I'd take it out of my cart, or an opportunity to grab it out of my cart.  I wasn't sure which.
and recently looking at luggage - i started putting back on the shelf all the luggage the man?woman? had taken down and was blocking the aisle.  I was trying to look on higher shelves with small items.  they started getting really angry and it was clear they were mentally unstable.  I took the one suitcase I wanted and left to go pay for it as I started getting concerned for my physical wellbeing.


Some people have a well developed sense of entitlement, and/or are so desperate (I can't think of the name, but it's a type of depression linked to deprivation and scarcity mindset.) they're irrational.

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23 minutes ago, lmrich said:

Sadly, yes. I never go first thing, first day. I am sorry that you had to experience such rudeness. What is wrong with people? And, from my own knowledge, those people are resellers and are there to make a profit. 

I got the impression they were resellers too, teaming up to make sure no one else could get to things before them. It also leaves me to feel that I do not want to buy from re-sellers either because it just encourages this behavior and I worry that I would be buying from people who are like this. 

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I haven't seen the aggressiveness, but I usually wait till Day 2 - or at least later in the day if I go on the first day. We have been to a couple of sales on the first day right when they open because we were after something specific (anvil!) - and many of the folks in line are antique dealers or people who resell whatever specific items they are interested in at the sale.   

The other thing that surprises me is there are several folks on walkers moving through the estate sales. I was thinking, when I'm that old, I don't imagine I will be interested in accumulating more stuff? But then I think maybe they are reliving the past through seeing what their contemporaries had/collected, or maybe they knew the deceased (or down-sizing person), and are just curious. 

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I have heard of people acting like this, but the sellers I have frequently gone to give out numbers and let in only a handful of people at a time the first day.

I usually prefer to go the last hour of the last day so I can get huge discounts.

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I have been a reseller for six years. I almost never go during the opening hours because of the aggressive behavior of some. It is awful. I have seen people get knocked down and shoved aside. I tend to take the opposite approach, looking for things that pop to the surface after the first wave of items have been picked over. 

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14 hours ago, Bambam said:

The other thing that surprises me is there are several folks on walkers moving through the estate sales. I was thinking, when I'm that old, I don't imagine I will be interested in accumulating more stuff? But then I think maybe they are reliving the past through seeing what their contemporaries had/collected, or maybe they knew the deceased (or down-sizing person), and are just curious. 

Old people need to replace things too! My grandmother bought a new couch at 91 or so and is loving it. Her old one was older than I am. Older people are often frugal too, whether it’s by choice or circumstance.

Sometimes people are looking for something specific that is hard to find anymore. Sometimes it’s cheap entertainment and gets them out of the house.

Our old—literally older as well as formerly—neighbor used to have a yard sale every year, and she had tons of old people that would come. She always made good money on her sales. The stuff that she sold was what you’d see at an estate sale.



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13 minutes ago, kathyl said:

I knew an old guy who would go to these sales and buy clothes for his kids and grandkids.  I always thought it was nice.  

As far as the aggressiveness, I don't go to estate sales or yard sales, but I've noticed recently that there are more aggressive people in one gym I go to.  It's nothing like OP is describing, but it's definitely new here.  They leave their stuff on one machine while they use another machine, going back and forth between the 2 machines.  And it's not quick either.  

One time, I saw a machine that I wanted to use had no one on it so I went over and began adjusting it to use it.  A guy came over from a nearby machine and said 'I am using that machine'.  I gave him a blank stare and stood there for a moment.  He just stared back, obviously not intending to budge.  So I walked off to find a different machine.  As I walked off, only then did I see all his stuff piled on the top of the mechanical part of the machine.  I guess that was supposed to keep anybody else from using that machine while he was off using another machine ... 😒  And this kind of thing seems to be happening more lately.  Very frustrating.

I would complain to gym management about that kind of behavior. 

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I find there are really aggressive people pretty much everywhere, and most of them, in my experience, are in our age group. It is disheartening. As a result, I do not like to shop in person. I do run into Aldi, which is never packed, for groceries, and into TSC when I need gardening things. TSC is kind of "salt is the earth" farming/gardening crowd and everyone is laid back and chatty in a good way. But I don't do estate sales, garage sales, big box stores. I use curbside pick up for Walmart, Kohls if I absolutely need something from them, Home Depot, etc. and drive through for the pharmacy and even the bank. I collect a few kinds of glassware, just looking for some more rare pieces, and I do that online since it is rare to find them in any kind of antique store. I have seen aggressive people at antique stores and their lunging for items makes me nervous that they will take down the entire display!

The place I love to go is my favorite nursery and farmer's market. Different crowd, everyone happy, no aggression or snarkiness, and lots of room to space out and enjoy the offerings. The other place is ski slopes. We never have issues when we go skiing up north.

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