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31 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I just had her stand on the scale and realized she needs a higher dose than the age chart (I know weight is more important) so I’m giving her more medicine this time. I have 3 flavors here too (2 Tylenols & one Motrin). 

I hope that helps.  Poor kiddo.

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Been making her alternate meds. She wants to try more foods. I remembered I have greek yogurt here. I can mix that with banana if apple is too hard. 

Friend/landkord was here mowing and I introduced him to ds. Dd said she wasn’t interested if he didn’t have the pets (lol). He said he could let us bunny sit sometime. Anyway he pitched DnD to ds and we might give it a go on Friday night at the house. 

Made arrangements to bring car to mechanic Tuesday night and get ride home. Then carpool with a colleague Wed to work and I’m off Thursday so I’ll figure the rest out later. 

I canceled my internet service at the old place. 

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Another bout of her in immense pain. We were off by 30 min on the 3 hr med rotation… and now she doesn’t want to take it unless she eats something but didn’t want banana and only wanted like 2 bites of pudding. Waiting on pancake to cool off. 

I’m worried I’ll have to use another sick day.  I don’t like the idea of relying on ds to alternate meds and dd may ask me to stay home. He’s a good brother but he gets distracted, doesn’t reliably check his phone, and lacks common sense at times (he was drawing a bath yesterday without a stopper). 

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After my last post I did get her to take Motrin. She just woke up screaming in pain and clearly from the time stamp we were on top of the med rotation. I don’t understand why this is happening when we were told day 3 was the worst. Her surgery was last Wed. You know what they say, they reserve the big reactions for parents they feel safe with but I’m not sure that’s what’s going on here. This is so weird to me. I think I’ll touch base with the dr. but don’t think anything will change. 

I’ll miss work again and implied to my boss that Wednesday is looking iffy. 

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14 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

After my last post I did get her to take Motrin. She just woke up screaming in pain and clearly from the time stamp we were on top of the med rotation. I don’t understand why this is happening when we were told day 3 was the worst. Her surgery was last Wed. You know what they say, they reserve the big reactions for parents they feel safe with but I’m not sure that’s what’s going on here. This is so weird to me. I think I’ll touch base with the dr. but don’t think anything will change. 

I’ll miss work again and implied to my boss that Wednesday is looking iffy. 

I think you’re right to call the doctor. I would start to worry about this amount of pain at this stage. Any chance she’s got an infection, or something?

Edited by Innisfree
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6 minutes ago, Innisfree said:

I think you’re right to call the doctor. I would start to worry about this amount of pain at this stage. Any chance she’s got an infection, or something?

I just texted xh asking if they could prescribe anything and send to a pharmacy near me. I told him I didn’t understand why this was happening nearly a week post surgery. I took a screenshot of the dr info online and asked if that’s the right number to use. I’m sure it is unless there’s an after hours number. They open at 8 am and it’s roughly 7 am here now. My boss didn’t take the hint and said see you tomorrow. I just said I’d keep her posted. 

I don’t know about the infection possibility. And if she needs to see the ENT he needs to probably pick her up since my car is struggling (needs hub bearings, brake pads and soon after struts). 

ds talked me into purchasing aloe Vera juice but it’s awful and he confirmed. Said must be the brand. He said that when he had a sore throat it really helped but didn’t taste like this one. If anyone knows the “right” brand please share. 

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3 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I just texted xh asking if they could prescribe anything and send to a pharmacy near me. I told him I didn’t understand why this was happening nearly a week post surgery. I took a screenshot of the dr info online and asked if that’s the right number to use. I’m sure it is unless there’s an after hours number. They open at 8 am and it’s roughly 7 am here now. My boss didn’t take the hint and said see you tomorrow. I just said I’d keep her posted. 

I don’t know about the infection possibility. And if she needs to see the ENT he needs to probably pick her up since my car is struggling (needs hub bearings, brake pads and soon after struts). 

ds talked me into purchasing aloe Vera juice but it’s awful and he confirmed. Said must be the brand. He said that when he had a sore throat it really helped but didn’t taste like this one. If anyone knows the “right” brand please share. 

Do you have an urgent care that is close?

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2 minutes ago, freesia said:

Do you have an urgent care that is close?

Yes. She is asleep and I don’t intend to wake her right now but fear when she wakes again she’ll be in pain. During the day she was fine for the most part… we weren’t even super strict on the 3 hr med rule… as she always had something still in her system. But wee hours is when it’s bad. She had more appetite yesterday at times and ate some “normal food” like an Asian meal with rice. 

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2 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Yes. She is asleep and I don’t intend to wake her right now but fear when she wakes again she’ll be in pain. During the day she was fine for the most part… we weren’t even super strict on the 3 hr med rule… as she always had something still in her system. But wee hours is when it’s bad. She had more appetite yesterday at times and ate some “normal food” like an Asian meal with rice. 

Yeah, don’t wake her. More appetite is a good sign. I definitely would touch base with her doctor to see what’s in the realm of normal and when doc thinks she should be seen. I have always hated making these calls as a mom. 

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1 minute ago, freesia said:

Yeah, don’t wake her. More appetite is a good sign. I definitely would touch base with her doctor to see what’s in the realm of normal and when doc thinks she should be seen. I have always hated making these calls as a mom. 

I am hesitant to schedule things like urgent care because they may say she needs to go to ENT after giving me another bill to share with xh. So far I owe him roughly $500 for the medical from his down payments/bills on this surgery. 

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12 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I am hesitant to schedule things like urgent care because they may say she needs to go to ENT after giving me another bill to share with xh. So far I owe him roughly $500 for the medical from his down payments/bills on this surgery. 

So talk to the ENT, then. See what they say. I’m sorry it’s so difficult and complicated: bad enough dealing with surgery and pain, without having extra considerations like expenses, transportation, and custody.

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1 minute ago, freesia said:

I don’t know your dh’s financial situation, but is there any way your kids qualify for CHIP? You can get it as a supplement to employer insurance. 

Ok, in Mississippi you aren’t eligible if you have insurance. 

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They have been on CHIP before. At least ds, anyway. 

All right, just spoke to xh. Makes me triggered. Told me that it can get worse before better even this far out, essentially gaslit me when I said his text said day 3 was the worst… then backpedaled and said he meant to say “was worse” if he said worst. I reread the text. It literally said, “Sore and pain in her throat and sometimes tongue. They tell me day three is the worst side of all.” Yeah no way that’s a typo. 

Said nothing stronger than OTC Tylenol & Mortrin is what ENT said. Doesn’t want kids on narcotics (I thought to myself who said there’s no in between from OTC and narcotics). He pretty much dismissed dd’s perception that it’s been worse since she got here. Iterated that it can take up to a week like this so give it another day or 2 to look for improvement. Then sent me screenshots of an article stating it’s quite common to feel progressively worse 5 or 6 days post surgery. That clearly contradicts his 3 day text. 

I’m glad this is in writing. He always makes me feel crazy. 

unrelated… he told me yesterday that the grandma is moving in (from Peru) and they are sponsoring her. I asked about the garage and he corrected me and said bedrooms and they gave cooling systems etc in there. 

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3 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

No but she also had meds in her system last time I checked her. I don’t think she was ever feverish though 

When she wakes up, try taking her temperature before she eats or drinks anything. You’re probably already on top of this…

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I would keep an eye on the temp, esp since she seemed to improve and then worsened.

Can you call the ENT office and speak directly to a nurse today? Getting direct info seems like a good plan, but I know from co-parenting that it’s not easy and there can be some awkwardness. You need to be able to ask them questions. Do you have the discharge paperwork to reference, at least? 

On the urgent care idea — I would encourage you to speak to a nurse or see the ENT before going that route, since your funds are limited. If they suggest UC, that’s one thing, but more likely they will want to see her, or call in abx.

Anecdotally, DS had oral surgery and developed an infection about five days later. The doc was traveling to another office and the local office told us to go to urgent care if we didn’t want to travel to his other office. Ha! UC looked at us like we had three heads and sent us to the oral surgeon’s office two hours away. It just added time and expense needlessly. 

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35 minutes ago, Spryte said:

I would keep an eye on the temp, esp since she seemed to improve and then worsened.

Can you call the ENT office and speak directly to a nurse today? Getting direct info seems like a good plan, but I know from co-parenting that it’s not easy and there can be some awkwardness. You need to be able to ask them questions. Do you have the discharge paperwork to reference, at least? 

On the urgent care idea — I would encourage you to speak to a nurse or see the ENT before going that route, since your funds are limited. If they suggest UC, that’s one thing, but more likely they will want to see her, or call in abx.

Anecdotally, DS had oral surgery and developed an infection about five days later. The doc was traveling to another office and the local office told us to go to urgent care if we didn’t want to travel to his other office. Ha! UC looked at us like we had three heads and sent us to the oral surgeon’s office two hours away. It just added time and expense needlessly. 

Xh got in touch with ENT office… he was suggesting I limit meds to morning/night but then retracted that after they told him to have me alternate. No sign of fever still though she woke up and took the med before I could check her head. It has been cool to the touch and I think the fever reducer would have mostly worn off by then since she delayed a dose due to stomach concerns. 

dd is miserable and has had a few episodes waking from sleep and making noises in pain. Just drank a little more. Said she wishes she never got the surgery. I hope in the long run it’s good for her. 

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Would a humidifier help, or even a damp washcloth over her face? Dry air is so painful when your throat is sore. I remember being on an airplane when I had mono and just sobbing at how bad it hurt until I wet some paper towels and breathed through those. I know you are Deep South with high humidity, but AC and even wall ACs can dry the air.

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51 minutes ago, livetoread said:

Would a humidifier help, or even a damp washcloth over her face? Dry air is so painful when your throat is sore. I remember being on an airplane when I had mono and just sobbing at how bad it hurt until I wet some paper towels and breathed through those. I know you are Deep South with high humidity, but AC and even wall ACs can dry the air.

She said air isn’t bothering her 

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14 minutes ago, Tree Frog said:

Is she sleeping sitting up? I wonder if laying down is causing drainage. It's hard when our kids are sick!

I’ll try to prop her up tonight but she’s in pain in the middle of the day too. Like by now she was ok yesterday. But today she’s had some pain issues after noon. Her dad was on the phone and ds said Mom missed 2 days of work and they both acted like it was strange and ds could have just watched her. Umm NO. Then xh said what’s different at Mom’s house and she said I don’t know but it’s just worse. 

I hate so much how there’s this underlying refusal to take us at our word. Second guess our observations. As the kids get older I hope they remember how much I advocate for them and honor their truth. If someone says they are in pain, they are in pain. If they say it’s worse than the day before, believe them. They are in their body, not you. 

I need to drop off my car later and I don’t know if I can take dd because the person bringing me home may not have seats installed (he took them out when we moved my stuff). Ugh everything is so messy. 

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47 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I’ll try to prop her up tonight but she’s in pain in the middle of the day too. Like by now she was ok yesterday. But today she’s had some pain issues after noon. Her dad was on the phone and ds said Mom missed 2 days of work and they both acted like it was strange and ds could have just watched her. Umm NO. Then xh said what’s different at Mom’s house and she said I don’t know but it’s just worse. 

I hate so much how there’s this underlying refusal to take us at our word. Second guess our observations. As the kids get older I hope they remember how much I advocate for them and honor their truth. If someone says they are in pain, they are in pain. If they say it’s worse than the day before, believe them. They are in their body, not you. 

I need to drop off my car later and I don’t know if I can take dd because the person bringing me home may not have seats installed (he took them out when we moved my stuff). Ugh everything is so messy. 

Boy, there are times I just want to send a bucket of cockroaches to your stupid xh!

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I just got the official letter from ENT office… but what I was hoping for was just a surgery recap! 
so this letter says dd needs to be under adult supervision until July 26. Now if she’s feeling better and I did try to go to work I look like I’m going against Dr orders?? 


I’m supposed to work Wed & Friday. 

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Is she eating anything with protein in it? When I had my tonsils out, I basically had to subsist on lukewarm miso soup. I never understood why the usual recommendations of feeding someone sugar was going to help.

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1 hour ago, Rosie_0801 said:

Is she eating anything with protein in it? When I had my tonsils out, I basically had to subsist on lukewarm miso soup. I never understood why the usual recommendations of feeding someone sugar was going to help.

Yes she’s had some real food later in the day. A cooled down corn dog earlier and some pizza tonight. At breakfast she was unable to do the Greek yogurt. She just was in so much pain she said swallowing it was hard. 

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2 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

I just got the official letter from ENT office… but what I was hoping for was just a surgery recap! 
so this letter says dd needs to be under adult supervision until July 26. Now if she’s feeling better and I did try to go to work I look like I’m going against Dr orders?? 


I’m supposed to work Wed & Friday. 

You should be fine going to work if she doesn't have a fever and is eating and drinking fine, which it sounds like she is.

Those aren't orders, they are recommendations.  I don't think I have ever in my life followed discharge recommendations for myself or any family member with exactness.

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She has been difficult to hydrate. She won’t drink much at a time and even water and Gatorade she complained about at times. It’s really inconsistent. As far as food, also inconsistent. Only a couple bites of oatmeal yesterday, barely touched Spaghetti Os another day, and refused one medicine dose this morning because she had an empty stomach and couldn’t bring herself to finish a dry pancake or her applesauce. As the day went on she wanted to eat. Drank some without saying it hurt. 

I just don’t want to leave the house if she’s wailing, not cooperating, and I have no car to leave the office. Tomorrow if I go to work I’m carpooling. Ds cannot reliably care for her. When I went to drop off my vehicle with the mechanic I instructed them to have dd drink water and brush her teeth (apparently she’s supposed to brush after every meal but we haven’t been doing it). When I got home she had not drank nor brushed her teeth. When I explained this to xh he said oh ds isn’t like that here. 

I follow my gut and didn’t feel like I could leave today. Tomorrow possibly. 

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You know her taste buds are off because she began to toss m&ms in the trash last night saying they tasted funny. I retrieved the box and ds and I finished them lol 

Tentative plans to hang out with friend at his French quarter home Friday night so ds can try D&D and dd can visit with the dog and bunny. She lit up when I mentioned the animals. 

It’s awkward for me. But I really think it’ll be a good experience for the kids. I saw his dating profile last night and a pic of him with me cropped out 😭 I’ll be ok. 

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19 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

How is she doing today, Heart? 

Not so good. I called into work again. I absolutely must go on Friday. I have Thursday off since I took annual leave Thursday weeks in advance. 

She woke up less than the night before but did wake up screaming. I drew a bath for her. The cold water knob was messed up but I got it working. I am glad I’m here. It’s too much to expect of ds. He slept through or ignored all the commotion. She’s got several cold items but favors the popsicles and requested more in another flavor. So I’m going to walk to the grocery store once she’s settled. It’s not too far of a walk. She said the cold pudding was not good on her throat today and it was “sour.” Her taste buds are a bit off.

In her mind the Motrin helps and Tylenol is useless 🤷🏻‍♀️

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20 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Not so good. I called into work again. I absolutely must go on Friday. I have Thursday off since I took annual leave Thursday weeks in advance. 

She woke up less than the night before but did wake up screaming. I drew a bath for her. The cold water knob was messed up but I got it working. I am glad I’m here. It’s too much to expect of ds. He slept through or ignored all the commotion. She’s got several cold items but favors the popsicles and requested more in another flavor. So I’m going to walk to the grocery store once she’s settled. It’s not too far of a walk. She said the cold pudding was not good on her throat today and it was “sour.” Her taste buds are a bit off.

In her mind the Motrin helps and Tylenol is useless 🤷🏻‍♀️

I am so sorry! I think xh thinks we is worse at your house because she suffers silently at his house. I would bet that she expresses her pain and distress with you because she knows you will take care of her. I am sure the messaging from step mom and effing stxh is "Suck it up buttercup. We gotta get ready for grandma." So she just is intense pain, but doesn't say anything. That has to be torture for her.

I know it is bad for your budget to miss this much work, but when she is a grown woman, she will know and understand who her true, loving parent was. Ds may be oblivious, but his subconscious is also sucking up the messaging that, "Mom cares about sis. Dad is an ass." Hugs!!

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2 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

I am so sorry! I think xh thinks we is worse at your house because she suffers silently at his house. I would bet that she expresses her pain and distress with you because she knows you will take care of her. I am sure the messaging from step mom and effing stxh is "Suck it up buttercup. We gotta get ready for grandma." So she just is intense pain, but doesn't say anything. That has to be torture for her.

I know it is bad for your budget to miss this much work, but when she is a grown woman, she will know and understand who her true, loving parent was. Ds may be oblivious, but his subconscious is also sucking up the messaging that, "Mom cares about sis. Dad is an ass." Hugs!!

My job is letting me use sick leave as long as I have documentation. Xh is trying to get a better form of documentation than the letter I got. Then I need to print it and show HR. I already gave HR the heads up she was having a surgery in July when I went over my financial burdens to apply to move outside the parish. So paycheck-wise I’ll be ok. But I just need to be there Friday as we’re always short staffed on Fri/Sat shifts. More so since a couple employees left recently (one left the system and one transferred). 

Dd claims she was in less pain at dad’s but I agree she probably was dismissed more as well. I recall how he was whenever I had desires to seek medical attention or complained of pain. (“You don’t need a Dr, it’s a sprain. Just prop up on the couch”. Then eventually I got him to take me to the dr and I left with a boot and crutches so I was more mobile).  

Ds said that dad is a workaholic. Probably why he was so shocked I missed work. 

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56 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

My job is letting me use sick leave as long as I have documentation. Xh is trying to get a better form of documentation than the letter I got. Then I need to print it and show HR. I already gave HR the heads up she was having a surgery in July when I went over my financial burdens to apply to move outside the parish. So paycheck-wise I’ll be ok. But I just need to be there Friday as we’re always short staffed on Fri/Sat shifts. More so since a couple employees left recently (one left the system and one transferred). 

Dd claims she was in less pain at dad’s but I agree she probably was dismissed more as well. I recall how he was whenever I had desires to seek medical attention or complained of pain. (“You don’t need a Dr, it’s a sprain. Just prop up on the couch”. Then eventually I got him to take me to the dr and I left with a boot and crutches so I was more mobile).  

Ds said that dad is a workaholic. Probably why he was so shocked I missed work. 

Ya. He is a lot of things, words I can't type here or it would set Rosie's and DesertFlower's hair on fire! But I will call him a narcissistic donkey butt which I think will pass muster. 

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37 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

For the record, Tylenol does nothing for me. Motrin works but I’ve never had any luck with Tylenol.

OTC pain relievers do nothing for me. If I get a migraine I get relief from excedrine but not Aleve, ibuprofen etc. 

left a voicemail with ENT nurse. 

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Car is ready but as I suspected the mechanic only takes cash. After paycheck clears (Friday) I’ll be shy a bit to pay both rent & mechanic. I’ll see if I can borrow money from my dad. I feel funny going to pick up the car til I have the cash in hand so not sure when I’ll get there. And I need a ride to the car. Trying not to burden the same person each time. 

Got dd popsicles and stopped at donut shop and got her a frozen drink and donuts for the kids. They were happy. 

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The immune system doesn't kick in properly for repair work until day 3. (I'm not sure when she was at his and when she was at yours.)

And yeah, throat surgery repairing does make things taste weird and metallic.


My hair is made of asbestos, but there are community standards... 😄

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My old roommate that lives in the area is gonna try to help me around lunch tomorrow. At the very least I think we’ll make it to the bank if not the actual car. I decided I’ll just pay a small fee and get a cash advance from my bank cc. I tried to get a neighbor to drive me to the bank but no one answered. 

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21 minutes ago, Rosie_0801 said:

The immune system doesn't kick in properly for repair work until day 3. (I'm not sure when she was at his and when she was at yours.)

And yeah, throat surgery repairing does make things taste weird and metallic.


My hair is made of asbestos, but there are community standards... 😄

Her surgery was with Dad on a Wed. I got her Sun night (so day 5). 

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Mom fail. The medicine I had was expired. I mean more than a few months. One had all the plastic seals so I didn’t think it could possibly be expired. I had xh send some in case I didn’t have any (I was packing and had no chance to look at what I had) and have switched to his. 

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On 7/21/2024 at 7:54 AM, heartlikealion said:

  They left an air fryer here and showed me how to use it. 

I love my air fryer! When there are no sore throats, it can be fun to get the TGIF frozen appetizers at the grocery, an air fryer is perfect for them. 

50 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Ds just got dumped and dd is giving words of wisdom. “You shouldn’t be with someone that doesn’t like you.” She’s elaborating. Sounds like she already understands boundaries lol 

I love the image of this 🥰

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Our visit to the FQ was nice. My friend made dinner for us, ds and I played DnD for the first time, dd played with the pets, we went on a walk to get snacks, and saw a cathedral. Unfortunately dd couldn’t eat the macaroon from the bakery without issue but maybe later. A bakery open til midnight! Dangerous lol Not trying to get my hopes up (guy that wants bio kids) but I do think tonight planted a seed to my friend that wow kids can be a lot… lol ds was a saint but dd complained a lot (not referring to her mouth. We were compassionate about that). He joked she was like an old lady (she exchanged quips all night). 

I think everyone had a good time. 

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