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Do you think it's actually unhealthy for kids to be accustomed to sleeping in late...

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and staying up late? Or do you think that either is fine as long as they're getting ENOUGH sleep?


As part of my work (from home) routine, I get up before the kids to get a few hours of work done. I've tried doing the work at night, but for various reasons (DH wants to spend time with me, I fall asleep, I'm overtired and can't work effectively, etc.) working at night is hard. Of course, getting up early only works for me if the kids sleep for a few more hours.


Right now, DD3 wakes around 9:00-9:15 and goes to sleep at around 9:30 p.m. if she hasn't napped (11:30 if she has, oy!). DD6 wakes around 9:30-10:00 and goes to sleep around 10:00-10:30 p.m. (no naps for her). I'm starting to worry that this isn't healthy for them, and want to instill early rising habits in them, but this is going to mess up my work routine (which is barely hanging on as it is).


What do think? Is it harmful, or just an odd routine?



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I think whatever works for your family is fine. They can change/adjust as needed when things change.


My kids stay up later than pretty much any other kid they know yet they still don't sleep in that late. My latest riser usually is up by 8:30am. They wake up earlier in the summer. It works for us.

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One of my dds has always needed more sleep, and I always allowed her to sleep until she was finished unless we were leaving the house for some reason. She has never, ever had problems getting up early and on time for work. I am amazed, lol.


My dc were in bed and asleep by 7:30/8 every night that we were home (church nights were tough); that gave dh and me some adult time for a couple of hours in the evening. I got up when the dc woke up in the morning, 8ish. Both took 2hr naps at noon until they were 2 (older dd) and 4 (younger dd).


If it works for you to get up earlier than your dc to work, then that's what you should do. I don't see any harm in it.

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I personally cannot wrap my head around kids getting up that late (or later), but I certainly don't think there is anything wrong with it for other families. I believe that when (if?) your children have a reason to rise at a different time, they'll simply figure how to change their schedule (or you will if it is while they are young). Most people's schedules change somewhat a few times through their lives, naturally or otherwise. Most people can do just fine in changing it within a few hours (though most people have significant issues with working 3rd shift even if they often stay up til the wee hours of the morning).

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I think structured sleep time is unnatural. The world is in motion 24 hrs. a day so there are people awake at all times. My kids set their own sleep hours and the only thing I really encourage is to be responsible. For example, if we have somewhere to be the next day, it is their responsibility to be awake and ready to go. We have some groaning occasionally, even from me and DH, but there are no major problems.

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I don't think getting up at 9-10 is that late. I think getting up any earlier than 8 is absurd and I honestly don't understand why people get up so early. We don't live in a society that goes to sleep when the sun sets, but we are still stuck on that time schedule.


My little dc wake up around 6:30:blink: every morning. It drives me crazy. I wish they would sleep later. Anyway, it's my fault because I put them to bet at 7:30 so dh and I can have time off. If I let them say up later, then we would never have any "breathing" time.


I think you schedule is great! Your kids are getting plenty of sleep. It works for your family.

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I get up early, at around 5:30, and the kids naturally wake between 6:30 - 7 (she types, as her children are still in bed at 7:40). They go to bed early, so I can have some winding down time before I go to bed, too. I used to be a complete night owl and would easily sleep until 10 or 11. Not so much anymore.


I don't think there's anything wrong, or unhealthy, about what you're describing. It would be one thing if you had to drag them from the house every morning, but if they're sleeping in naturally, then they should be getting enough sleep.

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My boys sleep late as a matter of safety. :D I work days and leave the house by 8am. Dh works afternoons, gets in bed around 2am and sleeps until 9:30am. So my children sleep until 9:30am as well or I would have a 4yo running around the house unattended!. So both kids go to bed around 11pm (so do I and I get up at 7am). It's a little non-traditional but it works for us!

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My ds8, has a natural sleep pattern of asleep by 9:00 (which I have to ensure because he won't think that up on his own) and wake at 7:00. This can vary between 9:30-7:30 and still be fine. THAT schedule seems to net him the best rest. He doesn't seem rested if I let him stay up unitl 11:00 and sleep until 9:00.


Do teens really need 12 hours sleep? If they do, then I think 9:30-9:30 is about the best you can hope for.

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Do teens really need 12 hours sleep? If they do, then I think 9:30-9:30 is about the best you can hope for.


I think most of them would say emphatically that YES, they do :lol: But my two are actually 3 and 6 :D I think the number of hours is appropriate for them at this age, but I can never remember.


Thank you, everyone. Two main things had me stressing about this. I've been reading lately about SAD/general depression, and how getting up earlier and getting more sunlight in your face help mood and sleep (so true for me). And I've struggled with being a night owl my whole life, so I kind of consider early rising the ideal, and I know how much smoother my days run when I manage to be up and going early in the morning. Of course, our lives are so far from my ideal right now, I can't even see that far from here :rolleyes:


I really appreciate the responses. This has been bothering me a lot lately, and your responses have really made me feel much more at peace with our routine.

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There was a talk about this some years ago on here. Many thought it would make it so kids wouldn't get up when they had to. This was my experience. When my oldest was in middle school and the first part of high school, he would sleep until 11 or 12. He just had that kind of clock. When he was 16, he got a job at Chik Fil A. He worked the 5:30 am shift. He woke up on his own and went to work 5 days a week without me ever saying a word to him. Now, he is in the military and does PT at 4am. He used to go to bed at 4am. My thinking is it really doesn't matter what their sleep schedule is as long as they are getting enough sleep. When life deals them a absolute reason to get up at a certain time, they will adjust.

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I believe that when (if?) your children have a reason to rise at a different time, they'll simply figure how to change their schedule (or you will if it is while they are young).


I agree with this. I was a sleeper-inner as a kid (whenever I could) but now I get up early every day because I have to. So, if this is working for your family now, then I would go for it.

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