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Homeschooling 3rd grade Day 1

Mrs Tiggywinkle Again

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 I remember entire months when it seemed that the only lesson was, “one of us is in charge, and it’s not you!”  🤣🤣

(Lest anyone think that my child was tied to the table and fed a steady diet of things she didn’t like, that’s not the way it was!  But she did have to learn that although she was listened to and heard, at the end of the day, I was in charge.

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Sometimes nature calls. I did eventually get it through to my middle boy by sitting out on the deck and doing school. This worked until snow flew, and then it was like, "Boy, you get that work done because I am NOT helping you in and out of winter gear every single time you get cold, only to want to go outside again in ten minutes UNLESS that English is done!!! Don't make me hide your boots!" 😂

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He was able to read the word pollinator on a trail education sign and use context clues to figure out what it meant.

Then he collected red leaves and acorns for his extensive collections of…everything…, and we saw a bunny, chipmunk, and deer close up. 
He has no idea that he was learning and I wasn’t telling him.


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I remember a few days when *I* was the one who didn't want to do any work, and I'd pile the dc into the van to go play in the woods. 

A good homeschooling friend of mine recommended her method of "school in Starbucks," so mommy could get all the caffeine she needed, while the dc got tasters of whip cream with a splash of hot chocolate. Livin' the dream! 😄

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This child has the attention span of a gnat and hates bookwork with a passion.  Hence why we gave up on public school last fall and he’s been happily living life as a feral child.

he did manage to raise his reading scores two full grade levels after being homeschooled for half a year though, feralness aside.  

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

I remember a few days when *I* was the one who didn't want to do any work, and I'd pile the dc into the van to go play in the woods. 

A good homeschooling friend of mine recommended her method of "school in Starbucks," so mommy could get all the caffeine she needed, while the dc got tasters of whip cream with a splash of hot chocolate. Livin' the dream! 😄

Reminds of my dd. She didn’t like hot chocolate so she ordered milk with whipped cream. Lol and some work was accomplished. 

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