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Young Man (18) and hair loss


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My 18 yr old feels that his hairline has receded a bit (he has always had a natural widows peak)  and I can see what he is talking about though I'm not sure that it is hair loss (he dyed his hair a darker color and I think it made it more noticeable at least) ... we have scheduled an appointment with his dermatologist. 

Do you have any experience with this that you'd be willing to share? 

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2 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

My husband‘s hairline definitely started to recede when he was about 18 according to pictures.   It’s male pattern baldness though; all of his maternal uncles started having receding hairlines about that age.

Yeah, my husband (his father) lost his hair fairly young which is why we are seeing a doctor so soon. 

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Our DS started losing hair when he was 19 (he turns 21 soon). He’s totally freaked, of course, and is sure no one will ever date him, much less marry him.

We haven’t gone to a dermatologist, but maybe we should. You might try biotin shampoo. I’m not convinced it does any good, but it makes him feel better. Also, there are biotin supplements.

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I watched some recent seasons of Married at First Sight. It’s a reality show where men and women are matched and agree to marry a stranger. They meet at the altar and then start getting to know each other.

Anyway, in the past couple of seasons (that were available to me—I think I’m a season or two behind), the women have talked about what they hope their future husband will look like, and “bald” is a plus. One woman was a little disappointed when she saw her husband at the altar with hair. 

I suppose it depends on how the guy carries it off. Bald with beards was what the women wanted.

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1 hour ago, Melissa Louise said:

Can the doctor do anything?

Ds is thinning, and he's only 19. Poor baby.

He has the most beautiful long hair, too.

I figured there was nothing to be done about it?

There are medical solutions (medication) that can slow hair loss. Also hair loss can be tied to other causes - nutrient deficiencies and such. 

I have a young friend in London who did transplants but that's not on our radar at this time. 


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My son (age 25) inherited the receding hair line from his father's side of the family. Ironically, his dad had a bald spot on the back of his head and didn't start the receding hairline until his 50s. Ds is starting to lose not just the hairline but also thinning on top. He keeps it long and always wears a ponytail. He also has a full but trimmed beard, so it balances it out. 

It still bothers him some, but not enough to do anything about it. He takes pictures of his hair loss though. I'm a bit sad because my side of the family even the men have bushy full hair into their elderly years. Ds also has this dark brown hair with rust red undertones that is really striking. His beard is dark brown but not as much red. 

I feel like at some point, he'll just shave his head, although he hates shaving - hence the beard. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE - So we met with the dermatologist. She recommended topical Minoxidil/Rogaine (OTC) so he is trying that out. She said if he sees more loss we can talk about more aggressive medical options (stronger topical or something in pill form) but that she feels we are right in tackling it early and this has a good chance of heading it off and probably increasing hair growth. 

Edited by theelfqueen
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Ds has a widow's peak which I think he got from my side. My dad had a very pronounced one. Ds will be 26 next month and though his hair is still thick, the widow's peak is very noticeable. 

18 minutes ago, theelfqueen said:

She recommended topical Minoxidil/Rogaine (OTC) so he is trying that out.

Not sure if she told you but that stuff only works while using it. Once you stop, hair will thin again. IOW, it has to be used forever and ever.

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