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College Class of 2027 - Rising Sophomores - Check in Here


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My kid is starting quarter #3 today too.  Weirdly, I am driving the 6 hours out to her next weekend alone for an off campus performance thing she wanted helped navigating.  I think she would be fine if this happened again, but I am excited to have the excuse to go!  

She is coming home for summer and should be great!  We had a really nice spring break, she enjoyed a lot of personal space and sleeping in like crazy and we did a few fun things.  This week she starts the process of picking on campus housing for next year (which was up in the air for her for a bit) so I am crossing all digits that goes smoothly.  She is trying to get into a campus apartment.

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We called the airport Lost and Found today (not open on weekends), and they called him back later to go get his keys.  Key replacement is $400 because he lives in a suite with 4 bedrooms and they have to change all the keys plus the spare key that RSO keeps. Uber is about $40 per trip so still lots cheaper.

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My dd is competing in collegiate nationals next weekend so dh and I are traveling to see her for the weekend. So excited! Then there are only 3 weeks of school left before summer break. She will only be home for a week before she travels to work at a summer camp all summer. I am excited for her but having a bit of self pity because I miss her. lol 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dd called me this morning at 3:30, crying hysterically. Her roommate had come in very drunk and ended up on the floor, choking and not breathing.  Dd got her up and called campus safety who then called the EMTs. They didn't want to take her to the hospital but my daughter was terrified it would happen again and the girl eventually agreed to go. We just talked for 2 and a half hours and she's calm now, taking a shower. The roommate has been coming in drunk throughout the year but for goodness' sake, it was a Wednesday night, she's 18, her parents are paying north of $80,000 for her to be there doing this? Entitled, immature, irritating, what a waste of resources. How many young people in the world could use the privilege of safety and education that this girl is spending drinking? It's shameful.

I have a lot of compassion for people who need help but this is terrible. Why should my traumatized kid now have to be wondering if/when this is going to happen again? She's going to talk to the residential office about getting a single for the rest of the semester but that's very unlikely. 

I cannot understand why drinking is so tolerated in college. The girl is 18. I appreciate the whole amnesty concept to encourage people to get help if it's needed but not having consequences doesn't help anything. This is a JAWM, I'm sure others disagree but I'm irritated and tired and feeling very protective of my dd.


Edited by Eos
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I am so sorry and I agree with you. I understand how your Dd feels - same thing happened to me in boarding school and it was awful. 

I am glad you could talk with your Dd last night and I hope you can both catch up on sleep over the next couple days. 

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3 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:


I am so sorry and I agree with you. I understand how your Dd feels - same thing happened to me in boarding school and it was awful. 

I am glad you could talk with your Dd last night and I hope you can both catch up on sleep over the next couple days. 

Thank you. I'm so sorry you had to go through that too.

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@Eos sorry to hear about the trauma your dd experienced. Mine had a similar experience in the fall. She was able to switch rooms over the semester break, whew. I agree with your mystification about spending so much money to attend a college or send your child to a college, when they are not interested in getting much out of it.

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@Eos My country of origin legal drinking age is 18. I’m not even pretty but people (including acquaintances) would still buy me drinks when I was in college. Makes me wonder if your daughter’s roommate is so drunk because she is very social and people are plying her with drinks. 
I do know people who sent their kids to college just to get that paper qualification. I also know people who sent their kids to college to see if their kids want to migrate/relocate there. 

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@Eos@ScoutTN in many college Reddit threads, students mentioned being lonely, isolated and looking for people to hang out. DS19 is an introvert and having random people to play tennis with and a chess club to go to more than fulfill his social needs quota. I am an extrovert and was partying almost every Friday and Saturday evening. The “going to bars” group I hang out with have teetotalers and light drinkers but the places we went were on the expensive side, close to $20 a drink. 

So if your daughters’ roommates are hanging out with people who are heavy drinkers and go to places where a pour during happy hour is rather economical, they are going to get drunk real fast and their drinking companions aren’t going to tell them to stop. 
Alcohol and drugs on campus is something that the staff would turn a blind eye to because how many misdemeanors are they going to give out and what corrective action is the college supposed to dole out. For example for someone smoking a cigarette on campus, does the person gets a misdemeanor on his/her record that gets erased/purged if the person attends a number of smoking cessation clinic sessions? Your daughters’ roommates are lucky to have them calling medical services on their behalf since alcohol overdose can be fatal. I agree it is traumatizing though. When my engineering schoolmates saw how drunk some people were at post exams celebrations, they were even more overprotective to their female engineering schoolmates. 

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All colleges should have some way of including social behavior in roommate matching processes.

Dd’s uni has a box for “additional information” and she put in a sentence that made it clear where she is on such things. 

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16 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

All colleges should have some way of including social behavior in roommate matching processes.

Dd’s uni has a box for “additional information” and she put in a sentence that made it clear where she is on such things. 

I wish she had asked for chem-free housing, for sure.

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That sounds awful for your DD!! My kiddo also dealt with a drunken roommate for 3-4 months. The girl would party until 5am, then sleep all day and get mad when my DD came home in the middle of the afternoon since it woke her up. Their university records almost all lectures, which makes it easier to skip class to recover from the partying. A terrible cycle. We had to jump through a ton of hoops to get her out of the room but we finally did. 

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Update: she had a really good talk with the head of student support office who was so kind and motherly and smart. They've given her an "emergency" room in a different dorm that they apparently hold in reserve and today she'll meet with residential life to find a room for the remaining 5 weeks. So she feels well supported and heard and I think her panic is receding. Dh is traveling relatively nearby and will swing over there to help her move and stay for a day. She's fiery and fierce but also deeply sensitive and prone to physically incapacitating panic attacks. She called yesterday afternoon with one and we talked while she walked over to the office, it was gone when she emerged. 

It's so sad to me how many folks here or their children have had similar experiences. Thanks for listening and support, onward to the final weeks of our dc's first years!

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That is wonderful @Eos what a great response from the school.  ❤️  I'm glad they fixed the situation for her so fast.  I know housing departments can't pivot on a dime like this all the time.  

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@Eos is there like a honors dorm? At my DS19’s college, they have an honors student living community. Those students need to maintain their GPA to stay in the program. Also, do sophomores and up get to choose single rooms in suites? DS19 is in a suite and has his own bedroom. So he doesn’t need to worry about roommates bringing girlfriends for sleepovers or roommates being drunk. 

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9 hours ago, catz said:

That is wonderful @Eos what a great response from the school.  ❤️  I'm glad they fixed the situation for her so fast.  I know housing departments can't pivot on a dime like this all the time.  

I am really impressed and grateful. I sent a heartfelt thank you to the student support director.

6 hours ago, Arcadia said:

@Eos is there like a honors dorm? At my DS19’s college, they have an honors student living community. Those students need to maintain their GPA to stay in the program. Also, do sophomores and up get to choose single rooms in suites? DS19 is in a suite and has his own bedroom. So he doesn’t need to worry about roommates bringing girlfriends for sleepovers or roommates being drunk. 

They have suite-style living for seniors only. They don't have an honors dorm but do have chem-free dorm, quiet dorm, and other theme floors eg Russian and other languages. She didn't find anyone she wanted to choose as a roomie for next year so is unfortunately going back into the lottery.

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This was a serious problem at the bricks-and-mortar university I attended. Yes, there were quiet dorms and other forms of specialist dorm (there was even consideration of having an alcohol recovery floor, though that never got past the planning stage). Considerable effort was made to socially include sober and teetotaller students, including many activities where alcohol was not an option. However, there was still a large endemic culture of binge drinking on campus. One attempt that looked promising at the time but whose success still being evaluated when I graduated was to prevent clubs from block-booking events involving alcohol (the idea was to make them look less cool).

Unfortunately, the confluence of the first moment of freedom for many students being university enrolment age and the legal age to drink alcohol being 18 led to a problem that hasn't really been solved. The good news is that the current generation of students averages less tolerant of alcohol (both in terms of drinking less of it themselves, in safer drinking patterns, and of discouraging the habit among their peers). The bad news is polarisation; the relatively small number who haven't reduced their drinking have instead become more likely to drink more, binge more, drink in ways others around them consider anti-social and/or dangerous and more likely to egg peers into having "just one drink" when the peer would rather have zero. Demand for how to deal with this has not kept up. The whole situation is a sad mess.

My current university has not got this problem - because statistically the average student is in their late 20s and most people have either got out of the experimental phase of alcohol by that point in their lives, or know with certainty that they never will enter it in the first place. (Most of the rest are either not interested in pursuing a degree at the same time or are quite aware that they are not capable of doing it justice due to the heavy drinking).

To change subject, my own course is in its latter stages. I am halfway through submitting the portfolio, which has lots of fiddly bits meaning I'm managing to get about 15% submitted per hour before frustration kicks in at the uploading system. Hopefully by the end of next week, all of this work I've prepared for the portfolio will actually be in the system. (The deadline is a month away, and I also need to submit an exam).

Edited by ieta_cassiopeia
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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got my marks back for the penultimate assessment (the portfolio is the last assessment), and unless my portfolio gets mistaken for a pasta cookbook or something, I have passed the module with, in effect, one assignment to spare.

It's mathematically possible for me to get a distinction (the only other non-fail grade available for the course), but I'd have to get something like 94% on the portfolio and I think this is unlikely because 85% is already considered an exceptional score. Still, a pass is a pass and it takes the pressure off the portfolio completely.

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DD is loving her new single dorm room, has found a nice roomie for next year, is excelling academically, and can't wait to be home for the summer. Whew!

Thanks to all here, it's been sweet to follow our kids after the "acceptance" thread and through their first years together. Here's to everyone finishing strong and plenty of family time this summer.

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By noon today, Dd’s freshman year will be done. I go to help her move her stuff back home tomorrow. 

It has been good to walk through these last two years with y’all. Maybe @mlktwins will change the thread title and we can continue the conversation as our current freshmen become sophomores?

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16 minutes ago, JennyD said:

How is this possible??!!!  Congrats to her, and to you!


I can’t wait to hear how your Ds does next year. Hoping he really loves it! 

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My dd wraps things up with her final final this afternoon. What a year! She has thrived in spite of some major obstacles and I am so proud of her. Because of DE she went in as a freshman and will be a junior next year. Talk about flying by. 

I have truly enjoyed having a community here going through similar challenges and successes this year. The ride has been fun! 

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6 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

By noon today, Dd’s freshman year will be done. I go to help her move her stuff back home tomorrow. 

It has been good to walk through these last two years with y’all. Maybe @mlktwins will change the thread title and we can continue the conversation as our current freshmen become sophomores?

Just got home with DS2. He is so happy to be home for a few months. Will update the title this evening :-).

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  • mlktwins changed the title to College Class of 2027 - Rising Sophomores - Check in Here

Ds has one more final on Friday. I’m picking him up and we are having dinner with his girlfriend’s parents. We won’t get home until late and then I have to get up at the crack of dawn to take dd15 to her soccer game and then swing by and get dd21 from the airport. She just finished her junior year. 

From the little I get from ds, I think he’s doing well enough to keep his scholarship which is all I care about. He’s going to be a sad boy without his gf all summer. He didn’t get an internship he’d been interviewing for so hopefully he can get a job easily when he gets home. 

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1 hour ago, Roadrunner said:

wow, so many of you are done so early. Mine wraps up mid June. 

Yes to continuing this conversation as sophomores. 🙂 

Y’all have the quarter system, right? 

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My kid is also on quarters and done mid June!  Schools here go into June in general so it doesn't seem to weird to me, getting done in May always seemed weirder with kid #1.  I'm excited to have kiddo home for the summer (I think!?).  She will be doing some online general eds, she does not have a job lined up.  She does have a job at school though so I'm not too bothered about it since her timing is kind of late for some seasonal jobs.  We will see.

My kid could not love her school/campus/city more.  She is staying on campus next year, crossing fingers on roommate, she went random.  She has a great friend group but so much flakiness on housing she gave up.  On campus housing is not guarenteed for sophomores by a long shot so feel like she kind of won the lottery anyway.  Very glad we're not dealing with a lease in the big city yet.  

Onward and upward rising sophomores!  🥳

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DD and DH are driving home tomorrow morning. He flew down to help with packout on Wednesday and they did half the drive today. By tomorrow we'll all be back under one roof again (at least until DD's girlfriend swings by and collects her...which will probably be about 30 minutes after arrival).

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As I'm part-time, my sophomore "year" will almost certainly take two years. I'm currently evaluating options, as I may be able to do it through a provider that is cheaper and more challenging than the place where I did the freshman year.

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Dd is headed to the beach for a week tomorrow. She drove to a friend’s house tonight and they’ll carpool from there. Made for a rushed afternoon here, but cuts a couple hours off the drive for tomorrow. 

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2 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Dd is headed to the beach for a week tomorrow. She drove to a friend’s house tonight and they’ll carpool from there. Made for a rushed afternoon here, but cuts a couple hours off the drive for tomorrow. 

Fun! Great for her to get some well-deserved R&R.

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7 hours ago, Eos said:

Fun! Great for her to get some well-deserved R&R.

Well, they are going to a conference with their Christian fellowship group. There will be about 700 college kids there. So maybe not restful, but definitely fun! 

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Ds is home. This morning he had an interview for an internship that involves flying drones. He’s the only one who’s applied who has drone flying experience so we are hopeful. It’s great pay but he’s need to take one of our cars and find temp housing. I’m crossing my fingers bc it would be a great experience. 

Dd21 is  job looking today. Hoping she finds a job she can bike to bc of ds needing the car. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My two middles went to pick up youngest and then they all stopped overnight at oldest's house, it sounded like an all-around epic road trip. Dd is home and glad to be here.

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Ds did not get the drone internship which was sad bc the interviewer had been so encouraging. He does start a job at Lowe’s today so there will be money coming in. Dd has some interviews this week. I’ve been very anxious about this in between time. It’s one of the harder things about moving. They had good jobs that paid well in our old place. But this place is so much healthier for those of us who are here full time. We just need to get to through the next year with two in College. I think ds will have a better chance at internships next summer. Maybe he’ll be more on the ball about looking earlier, too. 

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DS has been struggling to find a summer job. He's shown up to interviews and been told "we don't do seasonal/temporary." Seems like something they could weed out in the online application before scheduling someone to come in person. He's got an interview at Lowe's this afternoon. Fingers crossed.  Also hoping he remembers this next summer and starts planning earlier!

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Posted (edited)

DS19 did his fall registration yesterday and said his schedule would not be great. He is going to take a summer class that is a required class since it is offered online. 3 weeks more to finals week for him.

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I have officially started my sophomore "year", because my preferred provider not only accepted me but has sent me instructions for the year's six courses. I can do the first four in any order, provided I make sure I have finished them by next Easter. The fifth module is a teamwork module and since some students may not even start until October (it's a rolling enrolment course), it obviously won't be starting until at least then. The last module is assessed in late spring, theoretically late spring of 2026, though if I progress quickly enough I've been told I might get to do it in spring 2025 instead.

Really, really excited!

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  • 4 weeks later...

DS19 is home. He gets to keep his room during summer too so he just flew home with his usual backpack. We bought him a Shark Navigator vacuum for his dorm room and he says it is loud. Luckily his suite-mates tend to have different schedules so he was able to vacuum when they were in class. DS18 still has two weeks to go for community college spring quarter. 

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4 minutes ago, Roadrunner said:

Mine is also home. @Arcadiai can’t believe yours gets to keep his room! That’s incredible. They clear out kids out of his dorms. 

They call it the year round lease but summer is free. We pay two weeks more than the academic year lease which is fine with us as the academic year lease students have to move out by today and exams ended last night. 

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I am in NC, hanging out with Dd for a few days during her week off from camp. She has already been there working for a month.

I rented a cute cottage in a nearby town and brought some yummy food. Dd can sleep in, read, watch movies, and have some not-with-people time. A restful week. Some friends from camp, but who are not working at camp this summer, will come later in the week, after I leave. 

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20 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

I am in NC, hanging out with Dd for a few days during her week off from camp. She has already been there working for a month.

I rented a cute cottage in a nearby town and brought some yummy food. Dd can sleep in, read, watch movies, and have some not-with-people time. A restful week.


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Ds had been back at work for about a month. He also signed up for and took an econ class in May-mester at the flagship where he works his summer job. Dd finally landed a summer job. She really needs some shape to her days, so I'm glad something finally worked out. I was being careful to not over step my bounds, but her job search was stressing me out a lot more than was warranted.

To my relief, although they start classes on the same day in the fall, move in dates are staggered *just* enough that I will be able to drop off ds, and then turn around and drive dd 2 days west for her move in.


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