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Those who get lots of packages: do you tip or give presents to your mail carrier?

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I felt I should this year. Since I live 2/10ths of a mile off the road and one carrier always drives back with my oversized packages, I gave her a very nice travel mug. Any of you give cash etc?


I think I'll write a letter, too, to her boss, but I don't know her name! Can't really call her "the peppy Asian woman who always wears shorts and smokes" can I?

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I want to do something for our carrier. We have a longer driveway and he has done more than his fair share of coming up the drive this year. I actually talked to him the other day, I usually never catch him, and he asked when we were getting a bigger mailbox. (blush). Actually it's been on the list for a while, that might be his Christmas gift. :lol::lol:


Seriously, I don't even know his name, he's not always the driver, but I plan to get something. Cookies? IDK?

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We call the guy who delivers priority mail "Mr. Happy" because he's always so dang jovial and happy. I'd make him some treats if I knew when I'd see him next. We always wave, honk, and even stop to say hi when we see him out and about the neighborhood.

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a VISA gift card from anyone! Or iTunes gift card if you notice whether she wears an iPod, maybe. One year we gave our mail carrier a gift card to a restaurant - but that was when we lived in our old neighborhood and had a carrier who went the extra mile.


Now we have a carrier who merely does his job - bare minimum. So, no need to recognize that.

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I think I'll write a letter, too, to her boss, but I don't know her name! Can't really call her "the peppy Asian woman who always wears shorts and smokes" can I?


When you do write the letter be very general and don't mention that specific service that you're appreciative of. I say that because I used to deliver mail and I'd sometimes go out of the way for customers BUT I was doing it contrary to regulations or proper procedures. If the post office had gotten a hint of what I was doing they would have told me to cut it out. Oversized parcels in particulkar HAD to be carded for pick up at the post office. When you write you can simply refer to, "the wonderul lady who delivers my mail," and include your address or route number if you have one. They'll know who it's meant for.


Any gifts I got on the route were appreciated. Usually a box of chocolates, GCs to a local coffee shop, an ornament, 10 or 20 dollars in an envelope or even a Christmas card.


I generally give our mail carrier a box of chocolates and a Christmas card whether she's gone out of her way or not. It's just one of those invisible jobs where a litte recognition can make a person's day.

Edited by dawn of ns
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My dh has received baked goods, candy, gift cards to restaurants, ornaments, a windchime, a ham, a turkey, a Barnes & Nobles gift card, etc. One family gives him 2 homemade sweet potatoe pie every Thanksgiving and Christmas. He usually brings home a plate of cookies once or twice a month. We usually receive so many baked goods that I wouldn't have to bake if I didn't want to.

God bless,


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Okay, I guess I am naive too, cuz I have no idea to what you are referring.:001_huh:


Even I, who have seen very few "pop" movies, have heard Mr. Happy refer to a penis. I have heard it at work and on the radio (my carpooler listens to "chat" radio in the morning...not "talk radio"), too.

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Letter carriers here in urban Canada (Toronto, anyway) walk to do deliveries. Up your front walk, mail in the box or through the slot. Rain, snow, whatever. Trucks drop off mail to locked distribution boxes in the neighborhood, then the letter carriers pick up bagsful and walk their route. Only larger packages are delivered by truck. Some wear shorts in the summer and wear YakTrax in the winter to deal with the ice.


I will definitely be tipping my guy, who has to listen to our terrier yapping his head off from inside the house every time he comes up our walk.

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If you are going to give gifts to the mail carrier, be sure to do it ASAP! At least where I live, often the regular carriers get vacation time and a substitute delivers the week of Christmas. Not that the sub wouldn't like a treat, too, but I want my gift to go to the right person.

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We know our mailman and love him. We have a very long yard (part of 13 acres) and if he sees the dc in the yard, he'll pull over to hand them the mail cuz he knows they like to carry it in. We call him "Mr. Firstname, the mailman" and he's been delivering to us for 8 years now. We'll give him something homemade and a $20 Panarea gift card. We also give the newspaper carrier a giftcard, but just because its a thankless job and I know it doesn't pay much (we never see the newspaper carrier and the newspaper is delivered to a box by the road).

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Yes. I usually make some sort of baked good for the mail guy. I have one last package coming Friday, so I think I may make up a goodie box for the UPS gal, too. I live on a tiny, narrow street and she has to back the truck down it so she can get out easily. I've made that gal back down my street a LOT this year! Just because it's their job doesn't mean a little appreciation would be unwarranted.

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If you are going to give gifts to the mail carrier, be sure to do it ASAP! At least where I live, often the regular carriers get vacation time and a substitute delivers the week of Christmas. Not that the sub wouldn't like a treat, too, but I want my gift to go to the right person.


:iagree: We have finally gotten a reliable mail man and every year I get something for him and he's off at Christmas.

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