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fatigue and blood tests (thyroid, iron, cholesterol)


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So I've been struggling with some frustrating health stuff for a while now, including fatigue.  After some testing, I chalked it all up to peri-menopause around a year ago.

Do you think any of the following might explain the fatigue? How should I proceed? I have a well check to go over these labs next week. 

I looked at bloodwork results from some "well check" labs my doctor ordered last night. 

Iron-- hemoglobin normal by a bit; low iron saturation; high UIBC and TIBC. No ferritin lab. I think it might indicate iron depletion without anemia (makes sense as I have heavy, frequent cycles, and I stopped iron supplements about 1.5 years ago when my ferittin got high). 

TSH--4.79. Normal T4. No other thyroid labs. I think this would be subclincal? I'm reading it could correct itself. My sister has Hashimoto's, if it matters. 

Cholestorol--115 LDL, all other numbers in range but also significantly worse than I've ever had. 

I can't tell how those three might be connected (low iron can raise TSH and/or high TSH could impact iron levels; TSH could affect cholesterol?). 

I'm dealing with another health situation of yet undetermined resolution; it's discouraging.

I'm feeling old. 

Edited by sbgrace
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4 minutes ago, Pawz4me said:

My cholesterol went up before I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism/Hashi's. It came back down after I was properly medicated. With a family history I'd want to get that checked.

What would I ask my doctor to do to check that? 

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45 minutes ago, melbotoast said:

I would seek treatment with that TSH number. It's helpful if you can find someone who will do a complete thyroid panel. TSH, FT3 FT4 RT3 and both antibodies

I am tempted to call an intergrative medicine doctor from where I used to live tomorrow. He's pricey and probably booked out, but I am confident he would run those tests. Maybe I should see what my regular doctor orders on his own first. I've found it's awkward to have two doctors on one situation. 

I'm glad I posted here.

I was inclined to just take iron and wait and see if the tsh corrected itself unless my primary doctor suggested more. 

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How high was your ferritin? Dd has gotten an unbelievably wide range of recommended values from different labs, practitioners and experts in female endurance athletics. I think many women especially feel better with ferritin higher than some of the recommended ranges. 

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When I asked for blood work for fatigue they had a specific set of things they tested by default. My vit D was in the deficient category. They pointed this out but glossed over the areas that were on the lower end. I modified their suggestions and increased my vit D way more than their recommendation which was weak. I also later added Vit B12 spray and changed my vit D to the mix of K+D. Apparently they should be taken together. My dr knows I did these things and had no problem. I also lost weight between visits so my overall health was better. The fatigue was still a bit of a concern but I couldn’t afford the sleep apnea test. You could have sleep apnea. 

The healthier I get the less fatigue I think I have. By healthy I mean overall diet and exercise and water consumption has changed. 

They may not emphasis some low levels but be your own advocate and just increase those vitamins on your own. 

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Yeah, time for some thyroid meds. Take them far apart from whatever you're taking for iron. Aren't issues with iron connected to b12? You might see if that's an issue on you. And yes, you want antibodies run given the family history.

You can overthink all this stuff. The TSH is high, so get the meds. Natural dessicated thyroid is the bomb. You can call local pharmacies and ask for names of docs prescribing NDT type products. Then work backward and go to those docs. 

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My TSH was below that -- I can't remember now-- but maybe 2s or 3s and my antibodies were in the 300s. I felt terrible. The thing is even if you can get the dr to run the tests you need someone that will treat you. My Mom's daughter wouldn't treat her thyroid-- even with her TSH above range for a year. She's never had antibodies run although with me having it and the amount of people in our family with thyroid disease it seems a given. I'd also make sure they run ferritin the low iron often goes hand in hand with the low thyroid and you'll need to treat both.I see an integrative medicine dr. I wish I could see someone locally but I don't know anyone I could trust so I stick with them.

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11 hours ago, Acadie said:

How high was your ferritin? Dd has gotten an unbelievably wide range of recommended values from different labs, practitioners and experts in female endurance athletics. I think many women especially feel better with ferritin higher than some of the recommended ranges. 

My ferritin was 124 one and 1/2 years ago. I was told to stop iron supplements at that point. Though I'm looking now and my other iron numbers were in middle range at that time. I think I'm probably just deficient. But my doctor's nurse told me to wait until I talk to him to begin iron again. 

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3 hours ago, Soror said:

My TSH was below that -- I can't remember now-- but maybe 2s or 3s and my antibodies were in the 300s. I felt terrible. The thing is even if you can get the dr to run the tests you need someone that will treat you. My Mom's daughter wouldn't treat her thyroid-- even with her TSH above range for a year. She's never had antibodies run although with me having it and the amount of people in our family with thyroid disease it seems a given. I'd also make sure they run ferritin the low iron often goes hand in hand with the low thyroid and you'll need to treat both.I see an integrative medicine dr. I wish I could see someone locally but I don't know anyone I could trust so I stick with them.

I looked at the thyroid madness page. I think I'm going to use one the "self order" labs, and make an appointment with the integrative med doctor from my previous community. I'll have to travel to see him, but I am nearly certain he does a lot of it and knows what he's doing.

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9 hours ago, Carol in Cal. said:

Good advice so far, and FWIW, all through peri I had to take prenatal vitamins to keep my iron levels reasonable.  If I ran out, I felt like something the cat dragged in in about a week, and much more energetic within about 3 days of starting to take them again.

I really think I need to restart iron, but the doctor's nurse said to wait so I am. I hope it will make a quick difference for me. I'm really dragging right now and start school again in two weeks. 

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Thank you everyone who replied. This thread has been so helpful. It changed my plan to handle this. I was really unaware of so much. 

I am going to use one of the self order labs to order the thyroid (free t3, free t4, and both antibody labs for the Hashimoto's, and maybe  reverse t3 and TSH depending on the lab I use). I think, in reading here, I will likely add D3 and B12 labs.

I could do ferritin, though I'm pretty sure I'm iron deficient based on the labs I just had. I wish my doctor had run ferritin, but it seems lots including thyroid stuff can throw that number off anyway. I think I need iron. 

I will call and make an intergrative med appointment with my former doctor. 

Edited by sbgrace
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Just now, Carol in Cal. said:

Why did she say to wait?  Do you really have to listen to her?  

Well, I really think it's probably just that she wants the doctor to tell me what to do. She said my hemoglobin was low normal (.2 over the bottom range), so I'm not straight up anemic. I thought about continuing to take it, because it seems obvious I'm deficient. Then I thought maybe iron supplements could throw off follow up labs he might want to run, so I stopped taking it until I talk to him.  

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