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Expanded Access Legislation - thank you!!


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To all of you who called or wrote - a big thank you.

I'm shocked to report that I became eligible for a major trial (phase III) for AMX0035 when the company announced they were utilizing the new expanded access legislation to add an arm to the third trial.  They'll be accepting 250 patients who were not previously eligible under earlier guidelines.  

Specifically I was never eligible because after a delayed diagnosis and some bunny trails, I wasn't under 24 months since symptom onset.  The new arm of the trial are patients greater than 36 months since symptom onset.  Quadruple blind and I couldn't find what percentage will be placebo, but I really didn't see this coming.

In large part it's because they attached funding to provide grants to companies, increase access, create platform trials, as well making ongoing expanded research feasible and more attractive.  I Am ALS is doing what the ALS Association should have been doing all along and maybe ALS would be a treatable disease by now.  However, regardless, what started as a grassroots movement to change ALS advocacy, I Am ALS has changed ALS research forever and so has every person who made the call, wrote the letter, shared the post, moved the ball.

Thank you.  What you did mattered.

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