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January Healthy Eating - Week 3


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This was not my best week.

I let stress take over last weekend and took a while to recover. I kept with my healthy eating goals- fruits, vegs, beans, whole grains, fish (well I was 1 serving shy of my goal of 5 fruit/veg 1 day). But I totally blew my no chocolate goal. 

Now, I'm not feeling so stressed but started to feel sick. (dh has covid) Hopefully, it doesn't knock me down too hard or too long as I just got my booster in December. 

Need to prep some lunch food for the week this weekend. Might just do a big pot of chipolte black beans to go with the lime cilantro slaw I made last night

Still need a "good" dessert ( have yet to do that!!!).

b: blueberries, cherries, greek yogurt, homemade granola w/ extra pepitas

l: curried lentils w/ tomatoes, zucchini, spinach, onion, and cilantro over sprouted grains

s: homemade hummus and carrots; some "healthy" dessert

d: I *think* chili


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Last week, I met my goal of beans and greens at every meal.

This week, I am going to add to my goal and start eating mushrooms every day. Mushrooms are hugely beneficial for immune function and brain health, and while I do eat them several times a week as well as take daily supplements containing mushrooms, I am going to aim to include them in a meal every single day from now on.

Today, breakfast was cabbage microgreens and a muesli/bean bowl with blueberries, apple, pineapple, mango, peaches, walnuts, 3 seeds, and walnut milk.

Lunch was leftover macaroni salad on a big bed of greens.

Snack will be a lemon poppyseed WellBean bar, since I didn't have beans with lunch. Maybe some citrus fruit, too.

Dinner will be baked egg rolls (tofu, cabbage, mushrooms, carrots, onions, ginger, garlic, almond flour wrappers) with sweet and sour sauce (my healthy, homemade, WFPB version)

Dessert will be dates stuffed with chopped pecans

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Tracked my food all week and didn't go over my calorie budget! Feeling pretty good about the week ahead. Still need to make a meal plan but I'll do that tomorrow.

Dh is making dinner tonight, blackened salmon, roasted veggies and potatoes for our anniversary dinner. Dessert is chocolate cream pie. I might even have room in the budget for a delicious alcoholic beverage.

One thing I haven't been doing is drinking enough water. Must fix that

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I think that I have become accustomed to my new routine:  just bone broth in the a.m,  same lunch and snack as always, hard boiled eggs for evening snack. Only meal with variety is dinner. 


bone broth 

lunch- scrambled eggs with mushrooms, onions, mixed greens and a bit of chicken;  1/2 flaxseed muffin. 

snack/. Apple with some slices of cheddar cheese 

dinner- “nomato” chili (using pumpkin instead of tomato since I seem to be having allergic reactions to tomatoes). 

hard boiled eggs 

today’s exercise:  take dog to the dog park then “hike “ around the very large park. 

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I wasn't has consistent on my goals this past week. I hit them most days, but I had a couple of days that I snacked extra and didn't drink as much. I did journal my food. 

This week:

  • Get 80 oz water every day
  • Journal food
  • Get rid of some of the snack food I don't need in the house
  • Get at least 4 servings of vegetables and 1 serving of fruit every day
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This past week wasn't my best.   It could have been far worse so I am grateful that I did as well as I did.   It was our first week back to school,  I was semi-sick for 2 days (dizzy and just didn't feel well).   I did lose 1 pound so I am taking that mini win!

My plan for this upcoming week is the same as every week:  stick to my food plan, IF, 80 oz of water, work out on Tuesday (ultimate goal is work out 3-4 days a week, since I hate working out I am increasing by 1 day a month to meet the goal in a few months).

To the wonderful person who posted the vegan black bean soup recipe last week:  thank you!  That is the best black bean soup I have ever had.  It will be in regular rotation in our home now.

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Still failed on eating chocolate.... I have a problem 🙂 I had dd3 hide the rest from me.

My energy wasn't great today but I'm feeling better this afternoon, so hopefully it doesn't get worse.

dd2 made me some matcha energy bites (dates, coconut, coconut oil, matcha powder, pepitas)

made a batch of oatmeal pancakes for breakfasts (oats in the food processor from Cookie and Kate)

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Energy is a bit better today, fingers crossed that was the worst of it, taking it easy just in case.

b: oatmeal pancake w/ nat pb and cooked blueberries

l: curried lentils w/ vegs over sprouted grains

s: matcha energy bites (dates, coconut, matcha powder, pepitas, coconut oil); carrots and hummus; apple

d: chicken and chickpea curry w/ vegs over rice and homemade naan if I feel spunky

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Last week was way out of balance. It starts with an exposed caregiver who ends up quarantined for the week, so I lost morning exercise to getting disabled dd up and ready for her day (dh works from home and covers day shift watching her). Then dd had one really bad seizure day and a couple the next day as she was getting back to baseline. Huge stressor. Usual school stress=me working too many hours Wed night/Thurs night. No planning of meals, no MFP. I tried to make good eating decisions, but can still really blow it if I don't have an after school snack. I'm starving while making dinner and end up eating too much (again) in the late afternoon/early evening.

Using MFP this weekend and discovering how easy it is to go over my calorie allotment. It is hard work to get the fiber, fruits & veggies, and protein that I need to fill me up without going over my goal number of calories. I know I'm over my calorie goal during the week, even when I'm trying to make good choices. Stress just blows up healthy eating plans. But a new week, hopefully in better balance. 

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Ate way too much the past couple of days. I haven't been able to exercise because of a knee problem, so I haven't been sleeping well, nor feeling much sense of achievement. I did better today and also did some batch cooking for the freezer




Lunch - leftover beans and cabbage with a veggie sausage and some yoghurt. Apple.

Snack- carrot and quark. A few nuts.

Supper - chickpea curry and sauteed bak choi. Prunes

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In too much pain to go to church  this morning. 

I have been pushing myself during the day with fasting and exercise. And do ok during the day. But at night my nerves and muscles are firing overtime. I had this happen before when I increased my walking distance. It lasted a month or so before my stupid body adjusted to the new amount. That’s what I am hoping will happen again. 

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Today was hectic, but I managed to eat fairly well. Dh and I were on the road for several hours, helped one of our college kids move into a new apartment, and visited with another one. I packed food to take with us so we could avoid restaurants and the dreaded gas station food.

I was in a hurry at breakfast, so had a smaller than usual muesli/bean bowl with walnuts, blueberries, 1/2 an apple, 3 seeds, and walnut milk.

I ate a full container of greens while driving - at least two servings, probably three.

Lunch was leftover macaroni salad and a piece of naan bread.

Dinner was leftover baked egg rolls and a bowl of microgreens.

I'm going to have a WellBean bar for dessert and some oranges.

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Lunch today was a chicken sandwich. Not the best choice, but not terrible either. 350 calories

Dinner was spaghetti squash, spinach, crumbled bison Italian sausage, a little grated smoked gouda. Kinda all mixed together with some spices. I needed to use the bison up, so... I did weigh it all but haven't plugged it into Cronometer yet, so I don't know how many calories.

I am down 2 lbs. 

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It has been a good week food wise for me…eating lots of delicious food and staying within my calories for the day:

B-steel cut oatmeal with blueberries and walnuts

L-Buffalo chicken breast in air fryer with mashed cauliflower and salad

D-vegetable beef stew served over mashed potatoes

Piece of chocolate nut fudge and hot chocolate made with skim milk and ghiradelli bittersweet chocolate chips

Trying to add exercise to my routine but haven’t been very successful 

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Sunday -

Didn't move much today.  I hate that but it is what it is. 

bone broth

lunch - scrambled eggs with bacon, mixed greens, onions;  a full flaxseed muffin but no chocolate squares.  (my food tracker says that it's an almost even swap calorie wise)

snack - apple with cream cheese

dinner - brown rice with tuna fish.  Not the most healthy but it was comfort food that I didn't have to cook.

hard boiled eggs.

I think that part of my problem right now with morning nausea and maybe even the insomnia at night is that my body doesn't know how to handle my morning and bedtime meds on an empty fasting stomach.  Not quite sure how to fix that. 

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17 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

In too much pain to go to church  this morning. 

I have been pushing myself during the day with fasting and exercise. And do ok during the day. But at night my nerves and muscles are firing overtime. I had this happen before when I increased my walking distance. It lasted a month or so before my stupid body adjusted to the new amount. That’s what I am hoping will happen again. 

Hope you adjust sooner this go around---

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Stayed on plan yesterday (mostly ended up doing chicken shwarma w/ vegs on the side instead of curry) and no chocolates!!!!

Need to work on the menu and grocery list for pickup. Cleaned out the frig yesterday so I'm working on using leftovers and whatever bits of this and that I have.


b: oat pancake w/ pb, blueberries { if I workout will probably do a protein smoothie afterwards w/ greek yogurt or protein powder, almond milk, fruit)

l: black beans, brown rice, cilantro lime slaw, fish, poblanas- other tomatoes w/ lettuce if I fill like cutting them up

d: baked eggplant w/ marinara and vegs (peppers, onions, carrots)

s: matcha energy balls; carrots and humus

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Good morning(or whatever time of day it is for you!) I am feeling really good this morning.  My joints don't ache the way they normally do in the morning, which is a clear sign that I am less inflamed and bloated that usual.  Joint pain is my major motivator for eating better and losing weight. Most important goal this week is to drink more water. 

Breakfast:  2 eggs in a basket cooked in a measured amount of butter (360 calories)  I will also have a heaping plate of leftover roasted veggies if I need something to eat before lunch

Lunch: Large salad with orange ginger glazed chicken thigh on top (397 calories)

Snack:  Chocolate protein shake with almond milk as the base (190 calories)

Dinner: Shrimp fajita bowls (549 calories)

Activity will simply be continuing my home school room major declutter and clean.  Still not enough energy to purposely exercise.

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I don't have time to post daily, but no school today, so here is a planned eating day for someone who has trouble eating enough veggies! (So many of you all's meals sound so incredibly healthy to me--but hard for me to achieve):

pre-breakfast: just had my homemade mocha, which is actually a good source of protein for me. One cup milk, heated, stir in a Starbuck's Via coffee packet, 1 Tbs Hershey's sugar-free chocolate syrup (not the best tasting, but sugar-free), 1 Tbs of the real stuff, Torani dark chocolate syrup. 135 calories total, 9 gm protein.

breakfast: baked oatmeal--good healthy stuff with a full serving of fruit from applesauce, apples, and blueberries. Plus oats and flaxseed meal!

lunch: tuna fish sandwich on whole wheat bread, navel orange

snack: TBD--I have about 250 calories available with everything else entered in MFP. I already have all my fiber and protein, so just need to keep it portion-controlled.

dinner: steak fajitas with red pepper, onion, homemade guacamole. Tortilla chips--make sure I measure out just one ounce and don't eat them straight out of the bag! I actually don't eat much beef anymore--this will be the first of 2022. Two ounces is plenty for me.

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I grabbed a WellBean bar while I was headed out the door to a vet appointment this morning. When I got home, I had a muesli/bean bowl with pistachios, figs, walnuts, apple, blueberries, 3 seeds, and walnut milk. Also a bowl of microgreens.

Dh and I split the last leftover veggie burger for lunch. I had it on naan with red onions, roasted mushrooms, and mixed greens.

Snack was an orange.

Dinner will be veggie loaf with scalloped potatoes (for dh) and baked beans (for me). These are pre-made by a whole food plant based meal prep service, so I just have to heat them up. Will have a salad as well.

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Today I cleaned out my super embarrassing refrigerator. It was so bad—having all my kids home from Thanksgiving through New Year’s—I couldn’t keep up! Anyway, the fridge being sparkly clean and organized will make cooking healthy stuff much easier. I also cleaned out my dresser and boxed up a bunch of clothes to donate. Soooo… I had take out for both of my meals today. I have no further comment on that. 😉 

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13 hours ago, hjffkj said:

Good morning(or whatever time of day it is for you!) I am feeling really good this morning.  My joints don't ache the way they normally do in the morning, which is a clear sign that I am less inflamed and bloated that usual.  Joint pain is my major motivator for eating better and losing weight. Most important goal this week is to drink more water. 

Breakfast:  2 eggs in a basket cooked in a measured amount of butter (360 calories)  I will also have a heaping plate of leftover roasted veggies if I need something to eat before lunch

Lunch: Large salad with orange ginger glazed chicken thigh on top (397 calories)

Snack:  Chocolate protein shake with almond milk as the base (190 calories)

Dinner: Shrimp fajita bowls (549 calories)

Activity will simply be continuing my home school room major declutter and clean.  Still not enough energy to purposely exercise.

To the bolded… This is where I am, too. It’s so encouraging to hear that you’re feeling better. I am, too. I had actual energy and motivation today instead of constantly fighting the urge to crawl back in bed. That’s saying something because it was very cold and gloomy today. I may pay for it tomorrow, but today felt really good.

Edited by popmom
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Yesterday's menu: 

Breakfast:  Hot Barley Cereal with dried fruits and nuts

Lunch:  Lentil Soup and Dakos (Open-faced sandwich of homemade sourdough, roasted tomatoes, feta, oregano, and EVOO), Dried Apricot, White wine

Dinner:  Bar Pizza (flour tortilla topped with sauce, veggies, small amount of cheese).

Note:  Low on fresh produce because.....Covid.  A friend will be shopping for us today!  Weight slowly trending down....

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Lunch - leftover chickpea curry Smoked haddock and spinach (the fish van came up from the coast).  Yoghurt and fruit.

Snack - quark and bell pepper.  Nuts.

Supper - crustless quiche with courgette and cherry tomatoes.  Broccoli.  Prunes.

Edited by Laura Corin
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I failed at chocolate yesterday. Sigh. I found a bit of M&Ms and candy corn. For shame. I don't even usually eat or like either. And I ate a bowl of fruity pebbles. The kids asked me what was wrong with me. Sigh. My  Covid test is still negative (just took another) but I'm feeling tired. My body is fighting it off. I wish it would just get it done and move on. I can't even with myself. Being tired doesn't lead to good choices. And I'm tired but not really sleepy. It's so annoying. But my meals were good so there's that.

Moving on......

b: oat pancakes with pb and blueberries (the blueberries cooked down tastes like a yummy syrup without any sweetener----YUM)

l: black beans, brown rice, cilantro lime slaw, poblanos, bell pappers, tomatoes

s: matcha energy balls; fruit; macadamia nuts

d: cauliflower pizza

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10 hours ago, popmom said:

To the bolded… This is where I am, too. It’s so encouraging to hear that you’re feeling better. I am, too. I had actual energy and motivation today instead of constantly fighting the urge to crawl back in bed. That’s saying something because it was very cold and gloomy today. I may pay for it tomorrow, but today felt really good.

Good to hear you are feeling better too.  I hope you don't pay for it.  Dh seems to be cycling in the energy department worse than me. He had been fine over the weekend but yesterday he just had to power through work but felt awful the whole time.

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Breakfast: egg casserole with potato and bacon.  Not much of it either because my stomach hurts right about now.  It is likely just the increased veggies causing the stomach issues, that usually takes a week to settle.

Lunch: leftover whatever is in the fridge.  either shrimp fajita or orange ginger chicken with a huge salad.

Dinner:  Roasted turkey, cauliflower, broc, roasted sweet potato, and possibly a spinach salad.

Snack: Protein shake if I need it

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I need to resolve a few things I struggle with:

  • Lazy eating.  I'm hungry but I don't like food, so I eat whatever is easiest, which is often unhealthy.  When I'm not hungry, I don't want to think about food, so I don't take time to prepare healthy stuff for when hunger hits.
  • Nurturing by eating.  When my kids cook or ask me to sit with them and eat, I end up eating excess fat/carbs/calories.  How can I say no?
  • Leftovers.  I have a hard time letting food go to waste ... even food other people ordered/made.  A pretty large % of my diet is OPLs (other people's leftovers).  Again often not healthy choices.

Other than that, my current goal is at least 1 fruit and 1 vegetable dish per day and lots of water.  So far so good for week 3.

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Week 2 (for me - I started on a Tuesday) weigh in:

lost 3 pounds.  Now in complicated weight loss math, this weight doesn't "count" yet.  This is in the 11 pound weight gain I had since my last low weight.  But it's the first time the scale has moved in the past 3 years so I'm happy.  And cautiously optimistic.  But I also know not to count my lost pounds before they hatch.  But 8 more pounds to my last low weight and then hopefully onward (or downward as far as the scale goes). 

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This morning, I ate a container of spinach followed by a muesli/bean bowl with pecans, walnuts, blueberries, apple, 3 seeds, walnut milk.

Lunch was a big "clean out the fridge" salad - greens, roasted mushrooms, red bell pepper, tomatoes, celery, carrots, some of the veggie loaf from last night, the last piece of naan.

Snack will be kiwis (just got some of the golden ones that I really like) and oranges.

Dinner will be falafel with oven baked za'atar fries, roasted broccoli, hummus, and wfpb-style garlic aioli.

Maybe a couple dates stuffed with pecans for dessert

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I have not had any sugar, white flour or any products containing it, caffeine, or animal products for almost 2 weeks. I have today through Friday left to go.

I've had to be careful about getting adequate protein. There were a couple days where I just had little energy and felt very off. I drank a protein shake those days, even though technically I'm supposed to avoid sugar substitutes.  Day 3 of this fast was HARD with cravings and energy drop and stuff like that.

I have not been able to keep up with my normal activity level. Maybe I am much more active than the typical person? But it's okay to take a break from time to time. 

I am looking forward to coffee. I only drink one cup early in the morning, but it is such a part of how I start the day. I didn't realize it but yes, I miss that.

I also need to get back to normal work. I'm a food writer. So limiting myself this way has been challenging.

The hardest part of this was that the family did not change their ways of eating. So I wouldn't cook for myself much because I was preparing two meals that way and it was annoying. 

Just a few more days.

I have no idea if I've lost weight. I think I might have because my clothes are looser in the waist. But I'm trying not to focus too much on that part of it. 

Spiritually, It's been very good. Very helpful. And I am proud of myself for sticking to it this long. It has been harder than I thought it would be. Who knew how much I love food?

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14 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

I have not had any sugar, white flour or any products containing it, caffeine, or animal products for almost 2 weeks. I have today through Friday left to go.

I've had to be careful about getting adequate protein. There were a couple days where I just had little energy and felt very off. I drank a protein shake those days, even though technically I'm supposed to avoid sugar substitutes.  Day 3 of this fast was HARD with cravings and energy drop and stuff like that.

I have not been able to keep up with my normal activity level. Maybe I am much more active than the typical person? But it's okay to take a break from time to time. 

I am looking forward to coffee. I only drink one cup early in the morning, but it is such a part of how I start the day. I didn't realize it but yes, I miss that.

I also need to get back to normal work. I'm a food writer. So limiting myself this way has been challenging.

The hardest part of this was that the family did not change their ways of eating. So I wouldn't cook for myself much because I was preparing two meals that way and it was annoying. 

Just a few more days.

I have no idea if I've lost weight. I think I might have because my clothes are looser in the waist. But I'm trying not to focus too much on that part of it. 

Spiritually, It's been very good. Very helpful. And I am proud of myself for sticking to it this long. It has been harder than I thought it would be. Who knew how much I love food?

Congrats for making it this far! That's how I eat every day, except for the caffeine (I drink coffee and tea).

Don't worry about protein - it's easy to get an adequate amount without ever eating an animal product. The majority of Americans (even vegans) consume more protein than their bodies actually need. 

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bone broth

did Xena’s customized hard abs workouts. 

lunch-  scrambled eggs with mushrooms, onions, mixed greens and a bit of chicken;  1/2 flaxseed muffin to start but then I swapped out my chocolate squares for the rest of the muffin. 

snack- apple with cream cheese 

dinner-  I went to the Asian market and got ingredients to treat us to a special (to me) Japanese dinner “Gyudon”-  thin sliced beef stir fried with onions, beech mushrooms (which I have never cooked with before but were easy and tasty), thuac choy (which google tells me is “Chinese flowering cabbage “ in English. Also something I have never cooked with before and also very tasty).  Slices of cucumber on the side. And what I was hoping would be a soft boiled egg but which wasn’t quite as soft as I wanted. Oh a bit of brown rice. Definitely something I will make again. 

hard boiled eggs 

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A friend went produce shopping for us yesterday.  (We are in covid quarantine).  It is SO lovely to have fresh produce other than cabbage!

Yesterday's Menu:

B:  Whole-grain pancakes, peach butter, 1/2 banana, touch of maple syrup, coffee

L:  Small piece (2 oz?) filet of beef, sautéed mushrooms, broccoli, lettuce salad (no cabbage!!), small side of l/o lentils. Red wine

Dinner:  rest of the banana, small glass mulled wine (I had prepped for a party that didn't happen because of Covid.  Slowly enjoying it on these wintry nights).

I have to say that my most helpful "habit" to enjoying modest portions is to take my time and mindfully eat, chew, and enjoy my meals.  Pre-children I was a slowish eater.  Somehow motherhood pushed me to eat faster (before the baby woke or cried?) and I am trying to go back to a slower pace. Definitely something I have to think about but well worth the effort for me.

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Lunch: herby lentils with leftover courgette and tomato crustless quiche plus broccoli; yoghurt and unsweetened stewed apple

Snack: carrot and quark.  Nuts.

Supper: beans and courgette tray bake plus broccoli.  Prunes

I have to keep remembering to always have a drink at my side.  I just have this childish need to eat or drink all the time.

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Today is going to be a struggle.  We are on day 3 of my almost 2 year old screaming most of the day.  At least when dh isn't around, she really wants her daddy for some reason.  The constant clinging to me and screaming is getting to me.  During situations like this preparing food is the last thing on my mind and simply eating whatever is easiest is what happens. 

Thankfully, dh made breakfast this morning so I had at least one filling meal of pumpkin pie oatmeal.  Lunch was a quick mayo and turkey on white bread.  It will not fill me for long and making a salad doesn't sound appealing so I'm going to have to think of something healthy or else I'm going to snack uncontrolably.

Dinner will likely be leftovers or chicken I can throw into the instant pot and forget about it.


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Breakfast was several handfuls of greens while I read the news, then a muesli/bean bowl with cherries, kiwi, blackberries, blueberries, apple, pecans, walnuts, 3 seeds, walnut milk.

Lunch was leftovers from dinner last night - falafel, roasted broccoli, oven fries, garlic aioli, and a bit of salad. So good.

Snack was fresh green beans and cherry tomatoes.

Dinner will be salads with roasted veggies and whatever bits of leftovers are still in the fridge - falafel, veggie loaf, baked beans.

Tofu cacao maca pudding for dessert.

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I started having symptoms of COVID yesterday. I thought I had it at Christmas, but that was probably PEM. It totally felt like a PEM crash, but I had heavy exposure to COVID positive daughter, so I wasn’t sure. I tested negative then. I got a PCR test today. We’ll see. 

Anyway, I’ve felt well enough to still prepare myself decent food. This morning I had 2 eggs scrambled with some grated smoked Gouda, handful of spinach, and some leftover sautéed onions from last night. Lunch was a Flatout wrap that I’d never tried before. I liked it because it was small. I had some ham and turkey, handful of spinach, and a little Gouda—or and a sprinkle of (probably toxic) oregano. 

I have no idea what I’ll do for dinner. I definitely don’t feel well enough to cook a meal. 

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Today was not a great day…I am officially down almost 10 lbs since I started my weight loss journey last month and for some reason thought I should celebrate with a lot of “extras” today:

B-steel cut oatmeal with blueberries and walnuts

L- stew and English muffin with butter

snack - Starbucks venti caramel macchiato with nonfat milk and piece of chocolate

dinner- chicken breast with large salad and large piece of fudge with nuts 

I am having a difficult time saying no to the treats and don’t want to cut them out altogether but do need to find a way to moderate a bit better

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Dinner: can of Campbell’s broccoli cheese soup. Added half can milk, half can water, one crown chopped steamed broccoli, 2 handfuls spinach, and some grated cheddar. Tasty and soothing to my sore throat. 

I didn’t weigh or measure anything, but at least I’ve had some veggies with each meal. 

I took jar of bone broth out of the freezer to thaw. Should have done that first thing this morning. 

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18 hours ago, popmom said:

I started having symptoms of COVID yesterday. I thought I had it at Christmas, but that was probably PEM. It totally felt like a PEM crash, but I had heavy exposure to COVID positive daughter, so I wasn’t sure. I tested negative then. I got a PCR test today. We’ll see. 

Anyway, I’ve felt well enough to still prepare myself decent food. This morning I had 2 eggs scrambled with some grated smoked Gouda, handful of spinach, and some leftover sautéed onions from last night. Lunch was a Flatout wrap that I’d never tried before. I liked it because it was small. I had some ham and turkey, handful of spinach, and a little Gouda—or and a sprinkle of (probably toxic) oregano. 

I have no idea what I’ll do for dinner. I definitely don’t feel well enough to cook a meal. 

I'm in the same boat. Dh tested positive last Monday, he started with symptoms the Saturday before. I felt just a tiny bit of fatigue and drainage last week but not enough to keep me from my workouts and regular tasks (but skipped anything more). I tested Friday, negative. Saturday I had quite a bit of fatigue, it was improved Sunday but not great. The fatigue has been gradually better but the congestion has been increasing. Yesterday afternoon I started with an intermittent cough. I started Mucinex 2 days ago to keep ahead of it. I only have 1 test left and dd1 has been feeling way worse than me. She's had body aches, a light fever one day, lots of fatigue. Luckily she has been out of school all week for the holiday and the weather so I've been saving the last test for her to take in case she has school on Friday. Mostly I've had enough energy to keep up with some cooking and the housework (except Saturday) but again, not much else. This week I cut the workouts. I felt today I could have probably did one but thought it best not to push it. 

Anyway, food could be better but could be worse, considering. 

I've done horrible keeping up on here.

b: oat pancakes w/ pb and blueberries

l and d tbd- I've still yet to make my menu and I've ran out of precooked foods.

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15 hours ago, DinCO said:

I am having a difficult time saying no to the treats and don’t want to cut them out altogether but do need to find a way to moderate a bit better

Re: Starbucks drinks... possibly order a grande or tall instead of a venti. You can also ask for fewer pumps of syrup in any size drink. That may be a way to wean back a bit but still feel like you are indulging.

Starbucks usually puts 3 pumps of syrup in a tall, 4 in a grande, and 5 in a venti. Because I am not really a sweets person but do sometimes want a holiday or seasonal drink, I will order a venti with 1 pump of syrup. That might not have as much of the taste as you want but maybe start experimenting with ordering one less pump of syrup in your drink. After awhile cut it down by another one. 

Just some suggestions because I like getting coffee drinks too!

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8 minutes ago, Stacia said:

Re: Starbucks drinks... possibly order a grande or tall instead of a venti. You can also ask for fewer pumps of syrup in any size drink. That may be a way to wean back a bit but still feel like you are indulging.

Starbucks usually puts 3 pumps of syrup in a tall, 4 in a grande, and 5 in a venti. Because I am not really a sweets person but do sometimes want a holiday or seasonal drink, I will order a venti with 1 pump of syrup. That might not have as much of the taste as you want but maybe start experimenting with ordering one less pump of syrup in your drink. After awhile cut it down by another one. 

Just some suggestions because I like getting coffee drinks too!

I get some of the Starbucks Iced Teas with no sweetener.  This doesn't mean no sugar though because there is often some fruit juice involved.  But just the touch of fruit juice is plenty sweet for me. 

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2 hours ago, Stacia said:

Re: Starbucks drinks... possibly order a grande or tall instead of a venti. You can also ask for fewer pumps of syrup in any size drink. That may be a way to wean back a bit but still feel like you are indulging.

Starbucks usually puts 3 pumps of syrup in a tall, 4 in a grande, and 5 in a venti. Because I am not really a sweets person but do sometimes want a holiday or seasonal drink, I will order a venti with 1 pump of syrup. That might not have as much of the taste as you want but maybe start experimenting with ordering one less pump of syrup in your drink. After awhile cut it down by another one. 

Just some suggestions because I like getting coffee drinks too!

Good ideas!  I have been doing about half the pumps of syrup but didn’t say no when the barista added the caramel drizzle …baby steps 😀

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Breakfast was microgreens and a muesli/bean bowl (cherries, kiwi, blackberries, blueberries, apple, walnuts, pistachios, 3 seeds, walnut milk).

Lunch was miso soup with seaweed and a salad (lettuce, bell pepper, green beans, tomato, broccoli, beets, mushrooms, cauliflower).

Snack will be oranges, maybe a WellBean bar.

Dinner is nachos - homemade baked tortilla chips, refried beans, quinoa, black beans, corn, cashew queso, cashew sour cream, guacamole, onions, cilantro, salsa.

Dates for dessert.

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