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Looking Ahead to 2022 - Day 29


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We go on a much anticipated family vacation and can afford to do things like eat at decent restaurants and buy souvenirs.

I make strides in my health journey. I want to be more human and less slug.

I read my Bible daily again.

I begin speaking Spanish again.

We see our fathers.

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2022 will feel successful if:

-I reach and remain at my goal weight

-Teen is able to master driving and be ready for driving test/license (even if she doesn't actually get it before end of year)

-I am able to get and enjoy a part time job

-Homeschooling goes well/teen does well in school

-Cancer stays in remission

-Relationship with my estranged husband at least stabilizes and doesn't deteriorate further 

-We all remain healthy

**These are the things that come immediately to mind.  Listed in no particular order.**

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2022 will feel successful if:

- I make it through teaching without catching Covid and without rage quitting 

- My new book comes out in March as scheduled, and my live reading events don't get canceled (as happened with the 2020 one)

- We get a lot of hiking and kayaking in and my mental health stays good 

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My answer depends on if we find a way to live with COVID in a way that is not disruptive to every day life. 

I do not want to be afraid to do mundane things like grocery shop, eat outside, go to the movies, hug people. 

I am tired of looking up regulations for each country, airline, being afraid of flights cancelling or having to cancel flights. I have family scattered around the globe. I have old parents and I would like to go see them without being anxious I could die and leave my children motherless. 

I am so tired of being afraid, anxious to do the every day things of life.

If that normalizes to a certain extent, that would make 2022 successful for me even if I have to slap on a mask occasionally.

This thing needs to be manageable. Beyond time. 

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I might come back and amend this.

- kids get full-time jobs in their chosen fields or at least somewhat adjacent. (They graduated from college in 2021 but not in great job-related majors, and due to covid their opportunities for internships were cancelled.) 

- husband's work continues to go well so that we feel secure for me to...

- quit my job and either move into something less stressful or retire altogether.

- we find a church that doesn't feel like a huge compromise.

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I'll feel successful if..

  • I have lost 20kg of weight -  I have a day left to get into the right frame of mind to start the habits required on 1 Jan!!  I hope that it will not take too long until they are established.
  • Travel to my sisters in the UK becomes possible again and goes ahead (moved to Easter at this stage).
  • I get to the end of each day and be able to reflect on the meaningful moments.

And for my family...

  • My older daughter does well in her Psychology honours and gets into a Psychology masters programme (its extremely competitive)
  • My younger daughter does well in her final year at school and applies successfully to a bachelors degree programme.
  • and then I'm also hoping that Dh's chronic health issues remain stable.
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Well, my year will not be successful. What I truly want cannot happen.(A few of these might. ) But if it could.

My year will feel successful if

My mom is well and thinking normally and I am not thinking every second about what needs to be done. 

I can sing in choir, meet people in person and do other normal things without worrying about Covid. 

Figure out what my goals are as a writer. 

My husband doesn’t worry and is completely happy. 

My oldest one gets friends and loses weight. 

Middle one figures out and is excited about what he wants to do in life. Bonus if he finds a girlfriend (a good one)

Youngest gets a summer job in a musical. 

And yeah, lose 30 pounds. Ha. 

Edited by TexasProud
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2022 will feel successful if ....

Well first of all, I want to add something I may not have mentioned before.  My tailbone!  In 2022, I know I will hit my health insurance deductible due to needing a colonoscopy, so I want to really fix this dang thing.  I want to be able to sit like normal people again.

So back to the prompt.  2022 will feel successful if:

  • My family stays pretty healthy; I fix my tailbone and generally feel good; I move closer to my "ideal weight" and improve my habits, flexibility, and strength.
  • My kids are mostly happy (mellow/content whatever), do well in school, and generally behave like decent human beings (age-appropriate for 15yos).
  • I complete at least 40 hours of CPE (continuing professional education), especially if the courses convey info useful/interesting to me.
  • I maintain good relationships with all my current friends and family members.
  • My pup stays healthy & becomes safe around people who are strange to him.
  • I spend time most days reading, exercising, and doing something with music.
  • I keep my house, personal files, and work situation efficient and organized.
  • I do Christmas right, including gifts and Christmas cards.  😛  Kuz that's what you remember at the end of the year.

I feel like I'm missing something somewhere.

As for tomorrow, I am sharing a suite with 4 other people and have about 0% chance of any alone time.  Definitely not a whole 15 minutes.  😛  I'll see what I can do tomorrow and will catch up on the rest  in 2022.

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