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I hate selling stuff


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It’s nuts out there. Half can’t read. Half have zero reasoning skills. Then there’s the scammers and pervs.

I posted to marketplace to sell some used ice skates that no longer fit anyone here. Will these skates fit my daughter? (Internally - Dude. How would I ever know that?)  actual message back: Here is a sizing chart. It tells step by step how to size your foot for this brand skate. 

They are still asking me if it will fit. I’m just. 🤷‍♀️

someone asking about the used curricula I’m selling. Is it college prep bc they must have college prep for their 6th grader.

Um. Here is the website for the publisher of this typically 8th/9th grade science text. 

But is it college prep?!

🤷‍♀️My kids used it. My kids managed to take college classes.

I need advice on whether this will suit my daughter or not - do you think it will?

I will offer education research and consulting for a customized program for $30 an hour/per subject. (I don’t really but maybe I should!)

not the best response there at the end but I’m so done with this. I’d rather burn these books for firewood (which I’m having a very hard time getting btw) than go through all this sell them for <$40.  Not sure what I’ll do with the skates.

These are well described ads that mention everything they need to make a decision for a very good price and include a picture of like-new condition.

But half the people don’t read the ad and the other half can’t seem to figure out how to go to a website to research the most basic of information that comes up in the top 3 of a search. And then there’s the pervs.  Some sicko wanted to know if I have any pictures of my girls wearing the skates that I would share with them to be sure they look good on.  Um  no. And all the text me so I know you’re real.  Nope  


Edited by Murphy101
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The idea of having a yard  sale, selling stuff, etc. makes the introvert in me absolutely cringe. I’m prone to just give stuff away, or think of someone who especially might like xyz thing or other. This is not the way to recoup/save money, but posts like these (which I see often here) make me have less regret!

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Yeah, I have no tolerance when people grill me when I'm selling curriculum. I was a big researcher so when I saw something at a good price, I jumped. But too often when selling locally I posted something for sale and people wrote back asking how to use it or how I liked it, I had no time for games. 

Good luck. It's a jungle out there. 

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Murphy:  yep, I totally get it and feel for you.  I had one guy across the state answer for some geography things I had on CL he thought his wife could use. I sensed something was off, I do not advertise that I will mail things.  So I quizzed him on how he would use it, etc.  Just a weirdo, he didn't say, but was vague, he wasn't homeschooling.  

Years ago, we had a librarian who ordered workbook types of things like Frank Schaffer. That was so helpful I thought, for us homeschoolers.  A few librarians later and those things are gone. I have taken materials to a new renovated nearby with lots of shelf space.  Small town, but connected to a library system.  Nope, they wouldn't take my things. What?  Isn't that what libraries are for, to have things on the shelves for people to use when needed? I was very choosy about the materials, I am not talking manuals, but things like Literature guides... People just don't understand the system anymore.  (But I would try if I were you, maybe your librarian will find a need.)  

Idk either what is happening to people, just grrr.... (but following this thread because I also have things to find homes for.  Someone who appreciates these things would be great!!

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2 hours ago, Murphy101 said:

It’s nuts out there. Half can’t read. Half have zero reasoning skills. Then there’s the scammers and pervs.

I posted to marketplace to sell some used ice skates that no longer fit anyone here. Will these skates fit my daughter? (Internally - Dude. How would I ever know that?)  actual message back: Here is a sizing chart. It tells step by step how to size your foot for this brand skate. 

They are still asking me if it will fit. I’m just. 🤷‍♀️  Me: This is what size they are.  what size does she wear?  If they're the same size - when do you want to bring her by to try them on?

someone asking about the used curricula I’m selling. Is it college prep bc they must have college prep for their 6th grader.

Um. Here is the website for the publisher of this typically 8th/9th grade science text. 

But is it college prep?!

🤷‍♀️My kids used it. My kids managed to take college classes.

I need advice on whether this will suit my daughter or not - do you think it will?

I will offer education research and consulting for a customized program for $30 an hour/per subject. (I don’t really but maybe I should!)

not the best response there at the end but I’m so done with this. I’d rather burn these books for firewood (which I’m having a very hard time getting btw) than go through all this sell them for <$40.  Not sure what I’ll do with the skates.

These are well described ads that mention everything they need to make a decision for a very good price and include a picture of like-new condition.

But half the people don’t read the ad and the other half can’t seem to figure out how to go to a website to research the most basic of information that comes up in the top 3 of a search. And then there’s the pervs.  Some sicko wanted to know if I have any pictures of my girls wearing the skates that I would share with them to be sure they look good on.  Um  no. And all the text me so I know you’re real.  Nope  


My sympathies. 

About the skates - so you have a second hand sports store near you?  Not sure if they consign or buy outright.  But might be worth something.   OR better yet - put up a notice at the rink you use.  Then at least it will be skaters you are hearing from.

I've become more proactive.  As soon as I respond - I always included - "when do you want to meet/come by?"   Maybe I should include it in the ad. . . If people have to think that far ahead, it helps reduce responses to people who are serious.

I also require a phone number to get my address.  I will text an address - never email, let alone FB.  I've had people who were really interested up until I told them I required a phone number.  (I had one woman complain vociferously about how she doesn't give out her phone number. Then dear, you won't get my address.  Have a nice day.)   Now - I just include the requirement at the beginning to weed out the refusers.

Low ballers are ignored (I had one offer me 50% off asking the day after I listed it.  One person asked if I'd take 20% off, and would I deliver? - well - the price is firm and (since they were pretty close to me, and it was a large item.) - delivery was $10.  never heard back.   

flakes .. . One thing I've learned to like about FB - you can report no shows .and extreme low ballers.

Still, some have provided great entertainment.

no it won't fit in your sedan.  The family that came for the acoustic piano thinking it came apart.  I did include pictures . . . .(I was giving it away for free.  It went to a group heading for Burning Man.  They had a box truck with a hydraulic lift. They were ecstatic to get it as they'd been searching for one as they'd promised their "fans' they would have one.)

Or the guy who wanted to put the Japanese Cherry tree on the roof of his sedan . . (smh).  It went to a landscaper with a very big (very big) truck.

Or the German viola.  The mom made some snotty comments because (was unsaid, but I'm sure that's what she was thinking) it wasn't' "good enough" for her ten year old precious.   I sold it to a college violinist who needed a viola. He was thrilled with it.  

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5 minutes ago, MissLemon said:

This is why I sell on eBay. Marketplace is a disaster with lots of tire-kickers. People on eBay (generally) already know they want to buy a widget; they are just deciding if they want to buy your widget. Most of my buyers never message me. 

I hate shipping . . . .

and somethings just don't work on ebay.   Though I should break down and sell my highlander mats (came with the car, I wanted heavy duty rubber mats.)

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I have no patience for selling stuff, either.  My approach is to let my adult child sell stuff for me - she can keep anything she makes or she hauls it away.  I get rid of the thing, my child makes some money, everybody wins.

Maybe you know a young adult that likes to sell stuff and would like to take it off your hands?


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I never sell anything for the same reason. If I can donate it to a school or a teacher or another family that can use it I will. Otherwise Goodwill is good enough. We’ve found enough classic books for 88 cents there that I’m more than happy to help them get them to someone who wants them. 

When I was younger and had more energy I would often list things on Amazon. I have no desire to go to the post office these days. 

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Thank you for this.  I've been gifting the 250 kids books I culled last week.
Today I thought, "Well, maybe I should have tried to sell these."

Tonight I thought, "Oh, I'm glad I didn't try to sell these."  👍

I do sell >$20 books on Amazon & Ebay, but I agree that it is definitely a hassle.
Hearing how happy our friends are over the gifted books = my reward.   🙂

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I agree--I hate selling stuff. So even though the money would be great to have, I just get rid of stuff by donating it. Over the years, we have had people give things to us that helped us out a lot, so we just pass things along. I know that doesn't work for everybody, but it's worth it to us. No stress other than the actual going through stuff. If I needed to get rid of something that was actually more valuable, like an instrument or an appliance, I'd probably sell it, but not the smaller stuff. (This is no judgment at all on those who prefer to sell--just my personal preference.)

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