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Who else is under a flood warning?


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Our power is already jenky due to a pole fire. The electric company is trying to reroute, but who knows?
We’ve never gotten crawl space water before but, between how wet August was and how we now get run off from the neighbor’s driveway, I just don’tknow.

Otherwise, we’re perfectly safe at home, but the surrounding area is in trouble.

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2 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Oh, no!

There’s a dam breaking somewhere in PA.  It’s got me worried because my neighborhood’s dam has been structurally unsound since I tried to work with our disaster committee years ago.

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We are 😞 Last week it was "raining" in our basement, our lawn had water up to our ankles and our pool was overflowing. In our 20 years, that's never happened. And we had less rain then than we are expecting today/tomorrow. The heavy rain just started here. Not looking forward to the next couple of days. 

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11 minutes ago, whitestavern said:

We are 😞 Last week it was "raining" in our basement, our lawn had water up to our ankles and our pool was overflowing. In our 20 years, that's never happened. And we had less rain then than we are expecting today/tomorrow. The heavy rain just started here. Not looking forward to the next couple of days. 

Ugh! I’m sorry. That definitely doesn’t sound promising. 😖

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23 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

I wondered if the heaviest rains were close to you. I hope you are all staying safe.

Thanks. Not really worried at home. Dh is “working from home” at the firehouse. But dd#1 lives just a couple of blocks from the Lehigh River, so that’s where all my nervous energy is currently focused. 😞 

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We are under a flood watch. We are maybe a quarter mile at most from the top of a hill, though so I’m not too worried. We did get several inches in our basement with Sandy, but now have a sump pump. I’m expecting some water, though. Idk about the town downhill along the Hudson. Hopefully it will be ok. 

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We closed down the shop and factory early today because of a tornado warning.  Everyone got home before the heavy rains hit.  We were spared, but the tornado hit southeast of us and did some damage in Annapolis. I think the watch is finally over now. This is NOT fun and we're not even in the scariest part of these storms.  I used to like the stormy/rainy fall season but it's getting a little too intense for my taste.

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We are but I'm more worried about the tornado warnings.    As long as we don't leave the house, the flooding is unlikely to affect us. We are on a river but the house is way above it.   We are on concrete slab so no worries about basement flooding.

The tornado on the other hand - we have no basement and no internal rooms at all.   It's pretty unlikely for us to get one here, we're in a fairly mountainous area and are literally on the side of a mountain ourselves (which is why we are far above the river) but it's still pretty nerve-wracking knowing there's nothing we can do.  

Hopefully it will all just pass us by and we won't lose power.  

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We are having some serious flooding here in my area.  My house/neighborhood is fine, all we had to deal with is some water in the garage. My kid is a volunteer firefighter and they have been out for a long time, will likely be out all night. So many rescues and accidents. I wish people would just stay home during big storms; this was completely expected. (I know everyone can't, but I'm talking about those who can.)  

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A little water in my basement so far.  The sump pump can’t keep up with it all.  8 inches since 4 here.  Fortunately, I am on the high side of town.  The rest of the town is so lucky. Perhaps this might make those who recently protested the idea of fixing the drainage problems on the main part of town think about what they protested again ( apparently a few drains might make the bridge or town look bad). 

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We didn't get a tornado that close to us from what I can tell, most hit South of us.    We did lose power.  There's a tree down suspended above the road right at the entrance to our neighborhood that evidently took down power lines.  We had to drive under it to get out but we're all hanging at the science center and power is supposed to be back at 4pm.  

Dh is at his moms and the generator needs a new battery, and I can't start it using the ripcord. 

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Rain has stopped here and we have minimal water in our basement. D spent yesterday afternoon setting tarps up all along our foundation, and thankfully it worked well! I have a "flood" day from work - the river next to it has overflowed and the roads are impassable. I can't believe the pictures from NYC and other areas that have been hit hard. 

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We are good.  We got 7in of rain last night.  Dh left his work on a hill and had to drive home on the flooded highway, so a 10 minute drive became nearly an hour.A lot of the road until he started climbing back up to our house was almost impassable.  He climbed into bed and 20 minutes later the tornado warnings started.   We ended up in the basement until about 3am.

Ds is still asleep, dh and I are on our second cups of coffee.  After a quick assessment this morning we're okay: no basement flooding, no major treework needed, no damage outside. We got luckier than some of our friends, some of whom working in essential personnel positions so no matter what, they had to be out and about last night.  At least the kids who started back to school yesterday are on a 2 hour delay today, and I'm sure it'll still be a waste of learning time for them.

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After the crazy rain yesterday, it is beautiful here in the Philadelphia suburbs: the storm brought the temp down and drove away the humidity.  There is a lot of flood damage; some roads are still closed. There were a couple of tornados here too.  From my perspective, literally, as in from what I can see outside my windows, it is just a lovely late-summer day. But there is a lot of damage in areas near water. And there are a lot of creeks around here.



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We are fine.   We had a little water in our basement and some small branches down.  We did not lose power, which is a huge blessing what with trying to get dd off to college tomorrow.  When we lose power, it's usually over a week until we get it back.

The NYC pics remind me of Sandy. 😞

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I'm so sorry for y'all. Extreme weather sucks. Ida has been just awful. We are steady sending help to Louisiana right now. Even getting a little help to them is hard because of the total wipe out in areas. Pics from the northeast are jaw-dropping. It's weird how it kind of triggers a PTSD-like stress response after Harvey and all our major floods down here. 

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2 hours ago, aggie96 said:

I'm so sorry for y'all. Extreme weather sucks. Ida has been just awful. We are steady sending help to Louisiana right now. Even getting a little help to them is hard because of the total wipe out in areas. Pics from the northeast are jaw-dropping. It's weird how it kind of triggers a PTSD-like stress response after Harvey and all our major floods down here. 

Dh is managing some projects in LA from here but (as of last night at least,) there just hasn’t been as much as expected because of access issues and... well, things just being irreparable. 😞 I’m too afraid to try to get an update on what his workload has turned into today!

Dd says her area is okay, so I feel a lot better now!

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