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To the friend who just left an anonymous comment on my blog

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Exactly. But talking about it, collectively reassuring one another that such a comment, delivered in such a manner, is inappropriate, yada yada yada...It all serves to underscore the fact that we do we care. We care what the jerk thinks ~ at least to the extent that we feel the need to counteract it.[/color]



Phfft again. There's an huge list of inappropriate things to discuss on this board, but backing up one of our own who's been bashed ain't on it.

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Phfft. There's nothing wrong with bringing it up here. Whoever posted it is an a$$hole, and if they get a kick out of the attention, it just makes them a bigger a$$hole.


So post away, and we'll all chime in on your side. Who give a rat's patoot what a jerk thinks?


Edited to make sure my feelings on this are very clear.


I'm not quite sure I know what you're saying, Remundamom... :lol:

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I am sorry someone posted that on your blog. Rude comments sting, regardless of the deliverer, the manner in which they're delivered. It's not right to bring the issue here and publicize it, though. It's a disservice to this board, and it serves to satisfy the offender.



A wise woman once admonished me about telling people what they should or shouldn't post. ;)

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I disagree, Colleen. The comment was a comment on a thread on this forum. Cathmom is a member of our forum community. Members often vent, ask for commiseration, encouragement etc.


Further, the thread occurred here but rather than address it here, the RP (rude person) took his/her comment over to cathmom's blog in an attempt to make the ugly, ungracious opinions known quietly.


By bringing it back here, cathmom exposes RP to the very place he/she was trying to avoid in the first place.


Perhaps a little public ridicule will chagrin this person, at least make her have second thoughts before she launches another stealth attack. I think RP was counting on getting away with her attack on cathmom privately.



Otherwise, I'll go with Remudamom.



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Phfft again...


Phfft backatcha. You're welcome to your opinion and I'll not mock it (as opposed to your style) because bottom line, we agree that the comment posted on cathmom's blog was rude, crude, and unacceptable. I am sorry she had to read such vindictive carp. I firmly believe, though, that repeating it, magnifying it only adds fuel to the fire. Which come to think of it, is exactly what I'm doing by posting again, so I shall now go eat warm granola topped by yogurt and berries.:)

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I have no problems with differing opinions. I have problems with people telling other people what they can and can't post. Especially when those people have received lots of support when they have posted about things that bother/upset/whatever them.


I say we can all post about whatever we d@mn well please, and it's the mods job to edit. And I prefer to think of my style more as "locked and loaded" than mocking.

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By bringing it back here, cathmom exposes RP to the very place he/she was trying to avoid in the first place.


Yeah, but "exposing" someone anon doesn't really work, kwim?


Perhaps a little public ridicule will chagrin this person, at least make her have second thoughts before she launches another stealth attack.



Mmm, it'd be nice if that was the case, but in my experience (having been in similar shoes to cathmom), it'll only serve to fuel the nitwit's fire.

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I have no problems with differing opinions. I have problems with people telling other people what they can and can't post. Especially when those people have received lots of support when they have posted about things that bother/upset/whatever them.


Good point. Certainly, cathmom is welcome to post about it here and I shouldn't take issue with that. I do believe, and would still share with cathmom, that publicizing an anon attacker's comments unfortunately does nothing to change that person's behavior. But that very well may not have been cathmom's purpose in posting anyway.


And I prefer to think of my style more as "locked and loaded" than mocking.


Whatever floats your boat.


And now the granola!

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You've received some great posts. That person is obviously just a miserable person, cathmom. I also don't think they are a believer. Posting about Jesus is a great deflection of who they are and another way to stir up the animosity among Christians. It's likely they are just against big families. Let it roll down your back and enjoy your kids.

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Oh gosh, when one starts to open one's overly spewing mouth, where does one begin?


First, Colleen, we are supporting Cathmom, who matters, and if the rat gets some satisfaction, who cares? I dust my sandals off on that one. Not my concern at all.




Second, as for "popping out babies", if I were a few years younger, I'd be popping out more myself -- and I'm pretty broke too. Every child you have now is a jewel in your elderly crown. Someday you will have loving children who will watch over you and can share the burden, or blessing, of your old age -- and pay taxes for those who do not have such a blessing.




Third, I had to be on WIC for a time when my twins were infants. We had a sudden shift to one income and medical bills for preemies. It only supplies a small amount, to help boost the nutrition of a meager food bill for the young most at risk, not replace the bill. The comments about WIC are ignorant.

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Second, as for "popping out babies", if I were a few years younger, I'd be popping out more myself -- and I'm pretty broke too. Every child you have now is a jewel in your elderly crown. Someday will have loving children who will watch over you and can share the burden, or blessing, of your old age -- and pay taxes for those who do not have such a blessing.


It only supplies a small amount, to help boost the nutrition of a meager food bill for the young most at risk, not replace the bill. The comments about WIC are ignorant.




Honestly cathmom, I have to think the only reason she slammed you was because she couldn't slam ME on my blog b/c I don't allow anon comments. Anyone can comment, but they have to give at least a name.


Good grief if she thinks YOU are "popping out babies" then what must she think of ME?! I'm about to have 9 all under 13 years old! My dh and I laughingly call our kids our retirement plan. Heaven knows we won't get anything out of social security by the time we need it.


And you're right Cheryl, NONE of the the food assistance programs by any stretch of the imagination cover all the food a family needs for the month. It's purely intended to ASSIST or suppliment, not foot the entire grocery bill. I have no idea why people have the idea that if you get these programs it means you don't have to buy any groceries out of your own pocket. That's simply not true.:confused:

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Honestly cathmom, I have to think the only reason she slammed you was because she couldn't slam ME on my blog b/c I don't allow anon comments. Anyone can comment, but they have to give at least a name.


Good grief if she thinks YOU are "popping out babies" then what must she think of ME?! I'm about to have 9 all under 13 years old! My dh and I laughingly call our kids our retirement plan. Heaven knows we won't get anything out of social security by the time we need it.


And you're right Cheryl, NONE of the the food assistance programs by any stretch of the imagination cover all the food a family needs for the month. It's purely intended to ASSIST or suppliment, not foot the entire grocery bill. I have no idea why people have the idea that if you get these programs it means you don't have to buy any groceries out of your own pocket. That's simply not true.:confused:


This is was I was thinking when she posted the rude comments. Seven under 19 is not anything near my seven under 11 in regards to popping them out. And then there is Battlemaiden with 7 under 13 as well. And there are others here with lots of littles close together. We get REDICULOUS comments all the time. They are hard to ignore, I will admit. Hang in there Cathmom. There is no shame in what you are trying to do. Your dh is working hard (2 jobs) to support you all. That is commendable in my opinion.

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... we are supporting Cathmom, who matters, and if the rat gets some satisfaction, who cares? I dust my sandals off on that one. Not my concern at all.






:iagree:Cathmom didn't publicize it. The person who left the comment publicized it on her blog. Cathmom brought it here because it came from someone here. (They made sure to point that out.)


If the coward hadn't sent it anonymously, Cathmom would have been able to answer directly to her/him and this thread would probably not exist!


No, it wouldn't change the posters mind, but that never seems to be an issue on this board.


Oh and also, if it was a lurker who couldn't PM, it would have taken no longer to register and PM than it did to go over to her blog and post there. I think the purpose was clear. Throw and dodge.

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I try to tell anybody who will listen that a shockingly large portion of military families qualify for WIC! When my oldest were young, I volunteered at Navy relief and was amazed to find that E-5 and below with only 1 or 2 children (depending on the state) qualified for WIC. These guys work incredibly long, hard hours; sometimes in very dangerous situations and they are paid so little that they qualify for WIC and in some situations for food stamps.


Ok, I'll climb off my soapbox!


:grouphug: Cathmom! You and your dh are working hard and IMHO doing a great job providing for your family. I would feel sorry for and maybe even pray for a person that is so miserable in their own life that they would try to hurt you.

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This is was I was thinking when she posted the rude comments. Seven under 19 is not anything near my seven under 11 in regards to popping them out. And then there is Battlemaiden with 7 under 13 as well. And there are others here with lots of littles close together. We get REDICULOUS comments all the time. They are hard to ignore, I will admit. Hang in there Cathmom. There is no shame in what you are trying to do. Your dh is working hard (2 jobs) to support you all. That is commendable in my opinion.



When I was pregnant w/ #5, someone at work told dh, "Another one? That's just irresponsible." Dh's an engineer that supports us well-I can't figure out how someone could say something like that to him.


Dh just laughed at him.

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Yeah, but "exposing" someone anon doesn't really work, kwim?


Mmm, it'd be nice if that was the case, but in my experience (having been in similar shoes to cathmom), it'll only serve to fuel the nitwit's fire.


As I said, "perhaps."


Sometimes it does work. Not that the whole community will now shun and denigrate the person, but that the person sees his/her words repeated and discussed here. Also, that the person has to examine his/her motives and hurt caused.


If the person is one in whom the capacity for embarrassment and remorse exist, then that work may occur quietly and privately and only that person is aware that he/she is changed a bit because of the experience.


Just my musing.

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Good grief if she thinks YOU are "popping out babies" then what must she think of ME?! I'm about to have 9 all under 13 years old!


LOL same here. We had our first 8 in 10.5 years! I did have some lovely person leave a negative remark once on my blog re: family size and I just deleted it. People have no class. I will gladly keep popping em out as long as He blesses me with them.

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When I was pregnant w/ #5, someone at work told dh, "Another one? That's just irresponsible." Dh's an engineer that supports us well-I can't figure out how someone could say something like that to him.


Dh just laughed at him.


I only have three kids, but I'm sure those of you with larger families have come up with all sorts of snappy comebacks to those folks who make comments. Just in case you haven't thought of this one, I'll throw it out there:


An old college friend and his DW have 11 children (born within about an 16-year time frame). To comments about his family's size, my friend replies with a wink and a nudge, "Well, my mother always told me to find something I'm good at and stick with it." :lol:



Back to the OP... {{ hugs }} This thread has probably been cathartic for you, and you're probably past it, by now. Hopefully, you've seen just how appalling we all find it that someone would anonymously post such a hateful comment on your blog, all because of a thread over here. I mean, seriously... someone needs to get.a.life.

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I try to tell anybody who will listen that a shockingly large portion of military families qualify for WIC! When my oldest were young, I volunteered at Navy relief and was amazed to find that E-5 and below with only 1 or 2 children (depending on the state) qualified for WIC. These guys work incredibly long, hard hours; sometimes in very dangerous situations and they are paid so little that they qualify for WIC and in some situations for food stamps.


This is very true - I'm speaking from personal experience! We used WIC from the time my oldest was born until my youngest turned five, and I don't feel the least bit bad about it.


I'm sorry you received such a nasty comment on your blog. Some people's kids. :glare:

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