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My cat likes carrot juice. 🙄

Indigo Blue

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So yesterday I poured some cold carrot juice into a mug. I took it to my office and put it down on one of my two desks.  I slid my rolly chair across the room to the other desk where the computer is. I began putting stuff into Google Calendar. I was barely conscious of my cat walking into the room. I hardly paid attention as she jumped onto my desk, like she always does. I opened QuickBooks and realized there wasn’t a pen in the pen cup. So I spun around to roll back over to the other desk to get one. To my amazement, my cat had her fluffy head shoved down in the orange mug, guzzling my carrot juice. I started to jump up, but I decided to wait to see how much she would drink. She drank quite a bit and seemed to like it. I was so bewildered that I wasn’t thinking that maybe I should stop her from drinking too much. This is a cat who is super picky and will eat very few brands of cat food. My supposed obligate carnivore gulping down carrot juice was an odd sight. So the carrot juice went down the drain and the mug went into the dishwasher. Carrot juice. Of all things.

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We have one cat that goes absolutely bananas if anything dairy is out - sour cream, cream cheese, hard cheese, whipped cream.  She will run from across the house.  So annoying but makes sense.  But she is deathly afraid of oranges.  😂

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7 minutes ago, FuzzyCatz said:

We have one cat that goes absolutely bananas if anything dairy is out - sour cream, cream cheese, hard cheese, whipped cream.  She will run from across the house.  So annoying but makes sense.  But she is deathly afraid of oranges.  😂

Our cat comes running for yogurt. We give her some on the end of a finger. I bought some nondairy yogurt and she saw me ripping off the top and getting out a spoon. She came running, and I put some on my finger for her. She started to eat it, thinking it was her normal yogurt. She stopped; made a face, and looked at me as if to say, “That’s a hard pass.” She walked away, a bit miffed.

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My dog hopefully waits for a spoonful of coffee if she notices someone making it. 🙂

As far as I can tell, she likes my vegan creamer just as well as my husband's dairy creamer!

It always makes me think of the chapter in Dodie Smith's 101 Dalmations called "Hot Buttered Toast." Pongo and Missus take refuge for the night in a spaniel's manor house, and the spaniel's master feeds him toast and milky tea by the fire (which he shares with the dalmations, of course). So cozy. The book is so much better than the movie. 

Edited by MercyA
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One of mine loves spinach, kale and chard. I have to be very fast putting it away when I get our CSA box or she will consume entire leaves. 

She also likes waffles and has been known to sneak them out of the kitchen. 

The other kitty will lap up raw eggs, like if there is bowl with beaten eggs left unattended.

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My mom and one of her cats share yogurt every morning. Mom eats the yogurt in the container, cat licks the foil top clean, then cleans the edges of the container when Mom is done.

My sister's cat loves broccoli, lettuce, and french fries.

Another cat used to have coffee with my dad every morning. If he didn't put a dribble of it on the counter for the cat to lick up, the cat would dip her paw into his cup! 😂 My dad passed away a year ago and she doesn't care for coffee w/milk, so she doesn't bother my Mom to share with her.

🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ Cats each have their own rules, and we must learn to abide by them. 😂

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When I was growing up we had some dogs that LOVED raw asparagus.  Since we had a huge bed of it and chopped it up for the freezer it was something they got to eat several times a week during the spring.  The humans all tried raw asparagus because we couldn't figure out what made the dogs go so crazy over it (it takes like raw peas by the way).  Anyways, the puppy we have now really loves peppers and cucumbers and carrots so when I was cleaning asparagus the other day I gave him some.  He was NOT impressed.  So far it's the only veggie he has walked away from.

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7 hours ago, City Mouse said:

Yes,  cats are weird. Mine likes to eat corn. He will knock over the trash can to get corn cobs out.

I didn't know other cats do this! We have to hide our corn on the cob when we bring it into the house and take the trash out right away or he will sit and munch on both the husks and the corn. Then, of course, he will hack up a corn silk at some point later because those get stuck!

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9 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

It's been said so often before, but it's worth repeating --

Cats are weird.



Mine has a thing for Caesar salad. If I make it I have to hide the bowl in the microwave because even putting a cover on it won't stop him - he'll knock off the cover to get to it. 

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1 hour ago, iamonlyone said:

They are! I used to take them to the park for a snack for my preschoolers (yes, past choking age).

Eh, they dissolve pretty easily.  I fed them to my kids daily from toddlerhood.

My mother once tried to feed my early elementary aged kids COOKED peas, and was all angry because, "Your mother said you loved peas!"

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