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January Well-Trained Bodies


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I've not felt like exercising for a few weeks but remain optimistic I will be feeling better, at least I should have more energy when my thyroid meds increase. 

I'll be focusing on health and diet right now, trying to keep to foods good for my liver and gall bladder, cutting the treats and indulgences for the time being, as it is not worth not feeling well. Need to plan my food.

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@Soror Thanks for starting us out on a new thread and year. Really hope your energy returns and your pain resolves. Pain is a huge energy drain, so you're probably getting a double whammy on losing energy. Big hugs.

My rib cage muscular pain is still there but has at least gotten better. As long as I don't breath too deeply with my chest (I do a lot of stomach breathing) or move my arms too vigorously, I don't notice it. 

My goal for January is to clean up my eating and drinking and stay active. There is still a ton of chocolate in the house. I may have to hide it away in the freezer. 

I will go for a skate and hike this morning. At least I hope I can find some outdoor ice that is still ok for skating. 

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I did a Leslie Sansone walking video today to try something different. I thought it was a good workout with obvious walking moves, but my watch gave me only 15 min credit for a 33 min workout. The most credit I've received is 22 min. My weight is up but most of the junky food is gone (there's a correlation between those two things), so:

January Goals:
1) Continue current exercise plan (6 days per week--lots of cardio, a little strength, a little yoga)
2) Get eating back under control
3) Lose 3 pounds from yesterday's weight, or 3.8 pound from today's weight. Isn't it amazing how long it takes to drop a pound and how fast you can add a pound? This is completely a food intake problem--just need way fewer calories than I've been eating.
4) November was good for me with the extra 20 in 20 goal. I think I'm going to try 21 in 21 this month: 21 days of extra activity of about 20 min--a walk after school, some treadmill, or some yoga. This would carry me through to 1/21/21.
5) Get vaccinated if it's offered this month to school employees. And lay low for the next few weeks--see if there's another surge.

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I'd been doing so well riding my indoor recumbent at a level 7 for 50 minutes about 4 to 5 times a week.

But then in early December, I came down with terrible dry eye -- and I let it fester for weeks before getting real meds from the doctor. I'm making a note in the calendar for next year.

So, now I'm on Day 2 of working back up to my earlier schedule. Right now I'm on level 5 for 35 minutes. (I also add in stomach and arm exercises.)

I'm going to post regularly to this group too!

Thanks @Soror!!


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I've been walking and doing yoga fairly consistently over the past couple of weeks. I've been enjoying having the time to go to the beach to NW, as the local paths are too muddy/icy for me to pick up speed. I'm still negotiating a truce with my new Garmin. I've been eating a lot and have put on weight, but that's okay.

Plans for the year? More of the same as last year plus regular foam roller. My left hamstring tightens up every day - I suspect there's something wrong with my gait but I  am avoiding all contact with people outside my household, so there's no way to fix that permanently. I've cut out most snacking and am drinking a lot of water.

Today. NW on beach. Yoga later. I'm following Kassandra's January calendar quite loosely. I'm currently watching the hungry little birds on the feeder and pecking at the last apples in the trees.

Porridge,  stewed apple, yoghurt. Curried smoked fish soup with peas. Not sure what for supper.

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Food today-

b: roasted veggies- cabbage, sweet potato, and onion w/ homemade whole grain gf bread + egg

l: lentil pasta salad w/ olives, lettuce mix, tomatoes, feta, dressed w/ olive oil and lime juice

d: taco soup for the family- not sure for me

s: fruit; homemade larabar; hummus + carrots

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Happy New Year, my active friends!  

I ran on New Year's day, just for the sake of tradition- an easy 5k.  This is the only running I've done in 3 weeks, as I'm still nursing my hamstring tendon.  I've had 1 PT appointment, and have 2 scheduled for next week.  3 more on my prescription, so we'll see how I'm feeling after that.  The PT says it's a simple tendonitis and I'll be up and running soon.  In the mean time, ice, massage, and some shock-wave machine thingy with the PT.  

I managed to keep a stable weight over the holidays.  I'm proud to have gone from 61kg to 54.7kg over last year.  This year I hope to drop to 50-52kg-ish.  

My biggest goal for the new year is to cross train in some capacity.  I'd like to improve flexibility, and of course "injury-proof" my legs for running.  I really hope that I can get to a place where daily running is do-able for my body, but I know not everyone can do that, so we'll just play it by ear as the year progresses.  

I have a question about yoga, if anyone might know the answer:  Are there progressions in yoga?  It seems like most videos are somewhat random, and a person might improve simply by choosing random videos to do daily.  But what if, for example, I wanted to improve upper back flexibility and be able to do a bridge?  Or any other particular pose?  Do I need to be searching for something else?  It seems like the "pick a random Adrienne video" is great for just a daily tune-up, but I don't feel like I'm going anywhere, IYKWIM.

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We have fresh snow today! I'm going to try and ski, as this is the most fun activity on snow. If it doesn't work out too well I'll bust out the snowshoes. 

I had been using alcohol (one glass of wine in the evening) to help with my muscle pain/discomfort and sleeping for a couple weeks at the end of December. It was working very well, but I've stopped my glass of wine as of Jan. 1, 2021. I really felt the muscle soreness last night. I was using the alcohol as a medicinal alternative to ibuprofen or naproxen. It has its disadvantages, but I wanted to give my stomach a break. Probably didn't help that I did so much activity yesterday, but who wants to stop the activity when the weather and conditions are perfect, right? đŸ˜‰Â 

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14 minutes ago, wintermom said:

We have fresh snow today! I'm going to try and ski, as this is the most fun activity on snow. If it doesn't work out too well I'll bust out the snowshoes. 

I had been using alcohol (one glass of wine in the evening) to help with my muscle pain/discomfort and sleeping for a couple weeks at the end of December. It was working very well, but I've stopped my glass of wine as of Jan. 1, 2021. I really felt the muscle soreness last night. I was using the alcohol as a medicinal alternative to ibuprofen or naproxen. It has its disadvantages, but I wanted to give my stomach a break. Probably didn't help that I did so much activity yesterday, but who wants to stop the activity when the weather and conditions are perfect, right? đŸ˜‰Â 

I'm not a huge drinker, but have a glass or two of wine at parties.  I looooove that feeling in my shoulders after a glass of wine.  All my muscles just melt. Â đŸ˜€

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In last month's thread, I did the math and decided I had earned a C+ in terms of meeting my goals for December. Let's hope I do a bit better with these (most of which are continuations or slight revisions):

Walking Challenges

  • Run Across America Winter Warmup - Aiming at 250K between New Year's Day and March 14, which is an average of about 3.5K per day. I plan to aim for 4 per day, just in case I end up missing a day anywhere. Looking for a total of 106K this month.
  • YesFit Great American Adventure - It's a how-far-can-you-go challenge and is intended to allow for "double dipping," meaning you are supposed to count all of your miles, even those that are completed for other challenges. My plan is to use this one to collect all of my mileage each day.
  • Minimum Step Goal - Currently, my FitBit is set for 10,500. My guideline is to increase that goal by 500 - 1,000 steps per day each time I make it through two weeks of success. Today, assuming I make my goal, will finish off one week. I'm aiming at at least one increase before the end of the month.

Daily PT Exercise

  • My physical therapist has assigned exercises for my legs/knees, two sets of 10 for each of three exercises.
  • I also need to continue stretching the arm that was broken over the summer.

M/W/F Cardio

  • Not sure exactly what this is going to look like, now that my knees are in rebellion. However, I plan to continue doing at least 30 minutes of whatever low-impact cardio I can manage at least three times per week.

T/Th Arm Work

  • I'm not putting any specifics on this one, just want to continue working on building/regaining strength in both arms. I had planned to do a YesFit challenge (switching to the beginner level) but discovered that those are available only with a paid membership. So I am on the hunt for something free that hits the same motivation target for me. 


Same old, same old.

  • Continue being intentional about incorporating more, as well as a wider variety of, veggies into our regular meals.
  • Log everything I eat every day, even when I'd rather not admit it.
  • Get my weight back down to 132. 


Edited by Jenny in Florida
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Ds 18 and I went out for a ski on the golf course. It was excellent powder, just not enough hills for my liking. I'll head out for another ski later today. 

Ds and I have also decided that our favourite Christmas cookies, Coconut Stacks, have enough healthy ingredients that they could be our 'power bars' during and after exercise. They have oatmeal, coconut, cocoa and butter - some sugar, too.Â đŸ˜‰Â  I may dub them "Guilt-Free Cookies." 

Edited by wintermom
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Enjoyed a lovely Saturday morning yoga with the dog and the cat. And by lovely, I don't really mean the weather--it's pouring rain today which I can hear well near the fireplace. But I do have the fire going and I have the Christmas tree lights on one last time (all the ornaments are off and the tree itself will come down today). Henry the cat sort of shares the yoga mat with me, maneuvering near the fire, walking under my planks. Molly the lab sleeps and snores on the sofa (and it's just what Benji does with Adriene, so I think that's dog yoga.) She insists on joining me now--this is new since the tree has been up and I've been doing Saturday morning yoga in the living room. She will get a long run when dh gets up. By accident I found Adriene's new 30-day yoga series, Breath, and did yesterday's day 1. I don't really think I can do it every day, especially if they're all 48 minutes, but I enjoyed it today.

Yesterday was my first no-sugar day in quite some time and I'm thinking that one change might be the best thing for me as I get my eating back on track--more important than the calorie-cutting, watching saturated fat, or getting enough fruits and veggies. I also managed no eating after dinner and got more water in (but probably still not enough). Molly and I had a nice short walk with only a light sprinkle of rain. I will try to get in another today, but may have to don rain gear if I can't find a clear rain break. My dh showed me an app on my watch that I can use to record my walk, and I noticed it also has a setting to record an indoor walk, so I will try that on Monday and see if I can get credit for my indoor exercise.

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21 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Happy New Year, my active friends!  

I ran on New Year's day, just for the sake of tradition- an easy 5k.  This is the only running I've done in 3 weeks, as I'm still nursing my hamstring tendon.  I've had 1 PT appointment, and have 2 scheduled for next week.  3 more on my prescription, so we'll see how I'm feeling after that.  The PT says it's a simple tendonitis and I'll be up and running soon.  In the mean time, ice, massage, and some shock-wave machine thingy with the PT.  

I managed to keep a stable weight over the holidays.  I'm proud to have gone from 61kg to 54.7kg over last year.  This year I hope to drop to 50-52kg-ish.  

My biggest goal for the new year is to cross train in some capacity.  I'd like to improve flexibility, and of course "injury-proof" my legs for running.  I really hope that I can get to a place where daily running is do-able for my body, but I know not everyone can do that, so we'll just play it by ear as the year progresses.  

I have a question about yoga, if anyone might know the answer:  Are there progressions in yoga?  It seems like most videos are somewhat random, and a person might improve simply by choosing random videos to do daily.  But what if, for example, I wanted to improve upper back flexibility and be able to do a bridge?  Or any other particular pose?  Do I need to be searching for something else?  It seems like the "pick a random Adrienne video" is great for just a daily tune-up, but I don't feel like I'm going anywhere, IYKWIM.

A good video/teacher will talk about the different modifications and those will lead to progressions but you are right there is a lot of randomness out there. If you are lookig for something specific like working towards backbends I would search specifically bridge./backbend progressions./ There are a lot of bodyweight progression charts out there, not so many yoga specific but maybe I haven't found them. In teacher training, we talked a lot about if you can't do this, do this and so on but any particular video may or may not go into all the details of those progressions and modifications./

Congratulations on the weight loss. Best of luck on healing from your injury.

Edited by Soror
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Energy and stomach were better yesterday. Only some dull pain and even had parts of the day without pain.

My goal is to go slowly and focus on using my limited energy to get the things I need to do around the house first. I'm planning on doing a bit of light yoga each day. I did just a little yesterday. I don't know if my lack of energy is a thyroid thing or something else but have noticed after having some 'good' days of getting a bit done I am then totally spent so I want to make sure I don't do too much.\

b: homemade granola, yogurt, and blueberries

l: lentils w/ roasted veggies

d: TBD- have to work on a menu today- I need easy to cook- and that will be easy on my stomach

s: homemade larabars; fruit; veg

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23 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:


I have a question about yoga, if anyone might know the answer:  Are there progressions in yoga?  It seems like most videos are somewhat random, and a person might improve simply by choosing random videos to do daily.  But what if, for example, I wanted to improve upper back flexibility and be able to do a bridge?  Or any other particular pose?  Do I need to be searching for something else?  It seems like the "pick a random Adrienne video" is great for just a daily tune-up, but I don't feel like I'm going anywhere, IYKWIM.

You can search, for example 'Adriene flexibility.' I did something similar for strength and made my own calendar as I  discovered sessions that fit my goals. Adriene also has specific videos for particular poses.

Today I'm going to try for longer yoga and maybe not walk  it's a bit dreich out there and I'm feeling lazy. My hamstring seems to be responding to warmth and rollering - I  filched the hot pad that I  gave the dog for Christmas. 

Porridge and stewed apple. Coconut smoked fish soup with lots of peas. Sausage and tomato sauce with roast veg.

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I'm back from my very first snowshoe of the season. It was beautiful! Great snow, sunshine, quiet. I was trying to identify different animal tracks. The ones that went in tight circles confused me initially, then I figured that they must be wild turkeys. Who else would wander around in aimless circles - apart from a certain snowshoer!Â đŸ˜„

With this perfect snow, I'm heading back out for a ski. Have to take advantage of the great conditions when they happen. It will be a lot more crowded now, but that's alright. 

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

I'm back from my very first snowshoe of the season. It was beautiful! Great snow, sunshine, quiet. I was trying to identify different animal tracks. The ones that went in tight circles confused me initially, then I figured that they must be wild turkeys. Who else would wander around in aimless circles - apart from a certain snowshoer!Â đŸ˜„


It must have been a Heffalump!

Today didn't quite go to plan.  We decided to exchange the washing machine that came with the house for our own better (quieter) one that has been in the garage.  That way we can work out whether having the machine at that location in the house is too noisy, in which case we need to alter our renovation plans.

We all shared the heaving about, and I did the twisting behind to unplumb and replumb.  Good to see that yoga also produces functional fitness.  We decided to walk a bit to get rid of the kinks, and I fell on an icy pavement on the way back.  Not too bad - I have a bruise on the heel of my hand that I am icing, but I came down on my knee too, and that's not sore.  I think I'll call it a day for exercise.

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On 1/2/2021 at 6:24 AM, Soror said:

Food today-

b: roasted veggies- cabbage, sweet potato, and onion w/ homemade whole grain gf bread + egg

l: lentil pasta salad w/ olives, lettuce mix, tomatoes, feta, dressed w/ olive oil and lime juice

d: taco soup for the family- not sure for me

s: fruit; homemade larabar; hummus + carrots

This is a fantastic list. Sweet potato and onion with bread and egg sounds awesome!

Same with the lentil pasta salad.

Thank you. I'm always looking for new -- but smart -- food combinations.



Edited by Alicia64
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2 minutes ago, Alicia64 said:

This is a fantastic list. Sweet potato and onion with bread and egg sounds awesome!

Same with the lentil pasta salad.

Thank you. I'm always looking for new -- but smart -- food combinations.



Thanks! I'm just aiming for tasty đŸ™‚ Today's lunch ended up being white beans, potato, cabbage, carrots, and onions w/ a side of whole grain gf bread. It was very yummy too and filling (and cheap to boot).

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

We all shared the heaving about, and I did the twisting behind to unplumb and replumb.  Good to see that yoga also produces functional fitness.  We decided to walk a bit to get rid of the kinks, and I fell on an icy pavement on the way back.  Not too bad - I have a bruise on the heel of my hand that I am icing, but I came down on my knee too, and that's not sore.  I think I'll call it a day for exercise.

Ouch! I'm sorry about the fall. After my arm-breaking tumble over the summer, I'm now downright paranoid about these things. Glad you didn't hurt yourself too badly!

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12 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Ouch! I'm sorry about the fall. After my arm-breaking tumble over the summer, I'm now downright paranoid about these things. Glad you didn't hurt yourself too badly!

Thanks.  I'm certainly more cautious than I was when I was younger.  Husband always fears wrenching his back by falling.

The bruise on my hand is strangely linear - I think I fell on the handle of the dog's extendable lead.

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4 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

It must have been a Heffalump!

Today didn't quite go to plan.  We decided to exchange the washing machine that came with the house for our own better (quieter) one that has been in the garage.  That way we can work out whether having the machine at that location in the house is too noisy, in which case we need to alter our renovation plans.

We all shared the heaving about, and I did the twisting behind to unplumb and replumb.  Good to see that yoga also produces functional fitness.  We decided to walk a bit to get rid of the kinks, and I fell on an icy pavement on the way back.  Not too bad - I have a bruise on the heel of my hand that I am icing, but I came down on my knee too, and that's not sore.  I think I'll call it a day for exercise.

YES! I'm the heffalump but not sure what the turkeys are up to. đŸ˜‰

Hope your ice fall injury heals quickly. That's a VERY common way to injury oneself in my area. Lot of people sustain concussions that way. I'm armed with crampons now, and my ds bought a pair of winter boots with built-in crampon/metal prong grippers. They are necessary equipment for walking to and from the car sometimes.Â đŸ˜‚

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My ski in the late morning was amazing! I did a 2 hr tour through a trail system all the way to the river, then skied on the frozen river for a bit. They are ice fishing now and they set up little tents with chairs and stuff. I personally hate ice fishing as it's a lot of standing or sitting around in the cold, but people seem to enjoy it. There were also people skating on the river. 

I want to go back tonight for some night skiing. It is so cool. I may have talked dd into joining me, but I'll go alone if no one volunteers.

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5 minutes ago, wintermom said:

My ski in the late morning was amazing! I did a 2 hr tour through a trail system all the way to the river, then skied on the frozen river for a bit. They are ice fishing now and they set up little tents with chairs and stuff. I personally hate ice fishing as it's a lot of standing or sitting around in the cold, but people seem to enjoy it. There were also people skating on the river. 

I want to go back tonight for some night skiing. It is so cool. I may have talked dd into joining me, but I'll go alone if no one volunteers.

It all sounds amazing!

I hope to mark my last day before starting work again by NW on the beach again tomorrow, assuming my knee is fine. And I'll call Garmin - my new watch won't pair at all any longer.

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I'm on a journey to being healthier. I had some successes last year. : I gave up a decade's long Diet Coke habit (I don't even want to admit how much I drank a day). I started tap-dance classes which has been a long time goal of mine but I think I had been waiting to do it until I lost weight. I finally just started and it's been so fun. The teacher is awesome and so good with beginners. We are able to go in a safe way in person and they also have it on Zoom. The people on Zoom look really fun, so look forward to when we are all together. At 48, I'm probably the average age in the class and the Zoomers are all older. I also started swimming semi-regularly last summer and continued in the fall. 

My current exercise goals:

-Walking outside every day at least 15 minutes. This is as much for fitness as mental health. I find that I really am in a much better mood when I'm outside at least a little every day. I set the bar low because I do better at being consistent when I'm trying to keep up a streak BUT I also tend to get frustrated and give up entirely if I break that streak. So I didn't want to do mileage or steps. I wanted to do something that I knew I could do every day, even when it's horrible weather or when I have a really long day at work. 

-Swimming consistently. This is a little hard becuase we have to sign up for lap lane space at the Rec Center and it can fill up. But my goal is to go 2-3 times a week. 

-Tap class 

I'd like to add in Yoga and Strength training slowly. My daughter is a dancer and has been doing "stretching sessions" with the whole family over the pandemic which has been really good. 

We are going vegetarian as a family for the month of January. My middle son has been a vegetarian since he was 6 by his own choice and he went vegan in October. So we're fairly used to having veggie options. I also signed up again for Noom. I had tried it once before but ended up giving up because we had a house fire last year and I just got off track. I think it's a reasonably good program and if nothing else it keeps me accountable. And they had a huge sale so the price was pretty minimal. 



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For my 21 days of extra activity in '21 (21 in 21 from now on), I had nice walks with lab Molly yesterday and today, taking our longer loop through the neighborhood (and today adding one more little street to make it past 30 minutes). Yesterday was pouring rain and I had my rain gear on (and labs don't mind the rain), and it was actually a nice walk with no people. Today I timed it for a sun break and there were so many people out and about! I got a little too cranky at having to change sides of the street all the time. During the week I may do treadmill or yoga if it's raining after school; after a long day, I may not want to head out into the elements. And we have rain in the forecast as far as the iphone can see. Oh, and I used the workout app to time my 33 min walk and still only got 27 minutes in the "close the ring" exercise portion. And it doesn't always give me standing credit either, so I don't think I'm going to be setting a goal to close the rings. Maybe it will happen if I get lucky some day.

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New year, new attempt at getting in shape and losing a few pounds. I am completely out of shape and DH have each gained 10- 20 pounds since March. 

Goal 1: Exercise every day- So far off to a good start. Rode Peloton Fri and Sat. Tried Peloton Pilates class Friday (my abs are still sore today). Went with DH on a 2 hour hike. It’s been a while since we went on a hike so it was nice to get motivated enough to go. 

Goal 2: lose weight - DH and trying intermittent fasting. 

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Hello all,. Looks like everyone is starting the year well.  I've been sticking with mostly body beast workouts and. On week 2 of a body beast gladiator challenge.  With corona, weights have been hard to find but my son gifted me his weights that I have been looking for so I can continue with my goals.  I'm thankful the weather has been decent to get run intervals in although I wouldn't mind having snow like Wintermom has.


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This January I'm not just thinking about this group and getting good vibes, I'm actually posting. đŸ™ƒ

Today will be Day 5 of riding my indoor recumbent on a Level 5 for 35 minutes. The "5 at 35" helps me remember the plan.

My goal is to be back at Level 7 for 50 minutes.

With good music, it's fun. I recommend Linda Ronstadt from the 70s and 80s. She wasn't glam like Cher and Diana Ross so I overlooked her. Turns out, she's a powerhouse singer. (Adding: she was instrumental in bringing the Eagles together.)

If you need other songs, let me know. I think playlists are so important to keeping workouts on track. (At least for me.)

I also try to listen to 20 minutes of a book or a podcast (I'm trying to train myself to working out to audio. I'm getting better).


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13 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

For my 21 days of extra activity in '21 (21 in 21 from now on), I had nice walks with lab Molly yesterday and today, taking our longer loop through the neighborhood (and today adding one more little street to make it past 30 minutes). Yesterday was pouring rain and I had my rain gear on (and labs don't mind the rain), and it was actually a nice walk with no people. Today I timed it for a sun break and there were so many people out and about! I got a little too cranky at having to change sides of the street all the time. During the week I may do treadmill or yoga if it's raining after school; after a long day, I may not want to head out into the elements. And we have rain in the forecast as far as the iphone can see. Oh, and I used the workout app to time my 33 min walk and still only got 27 minutes in the "close the ring" exercise portion. And it doesn't always give me standing credit either, so I don't think I'm going to be setting a goal to close the rings. Maybe it will happen if I get lucky some day.

I went on a long walk in the rain yesterday also. It was great. I made my kids come and they enjoyed it too even though there was much complaining beforehand. Weirdly, I have the one lab in the world who hates water. She will usually walk with me even if it’s wet but she puts the breaks on for anyone else. 

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12 minutes ago, Alice said:

I went on a long walk in the rain yesterday also. It was great. I made my kids come and they enjoyed it too even though there was much complaining beforehand. Weirdly, I have the one lab in the world who hates water. She will usually walk with me even if it’s wet but she puts the breaks on for anyone else. 

That's funny! My dog, a standard poodle, hates snow and isn't too crazy about rain. I have to force him off the back deck to go to the bathroom in the back yard, and I usually shovel paths for him in the snow. Otherwise he'll go on the deck.  With all the salt on the roads during the winter here, which create gross slush and irritate paws, it's hard to find places to walk him. 

He's the only dog I've ever had that doesn't love snow. Most dogs adore it. 

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3 minutes ago, wintermom said:

That's funny! My dog, a standard poodle, hates snow and isn't too crazy about rain. I have to force him off the back deck to go to the bathroom in the back yard, and I usually shovel paths for him in the snow. Otherwise he'll go on the deck.  With all the salt on the roads during the winter here, which create gross slush and irritate paws, it's hard to find places to walk him. 

He's the only dog I've ever had that doesn't love snow. Most dogs adore it. 

Even weirder is that our dog loves snow but hates all other water. Although we don’t get very much so maybe it’s just the novelty. 

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On 1/2/2021 at 10:23 AM, Jenny in Florida said:

In last month's thread, I did the math and decided I had earned a C+ in terms of meeting my goals for December. Let's hope I do a bit better with these (most of which are continuations or slight revisions):

Walking Challenges

  • Run Across America Winter Warmup - Aiming at 250K between New Year's Day and March 14, which is an average of about 3.5K per day. I plan to aim for 4 per day, just in case I end up missing a day anywhere. Looking for a total of 106K this month.
  • YesFit Great American Adventure - It's a how-far-can-you-go challenge and is intended to allow for "double dipping," meaning you are supposed to count all of your miles, even those that are completed for other challenges. My plan is to use this one to collect all of my mileage each day.
  • Virtual Run Events Year of the Ox - I signed up to walk 202.1 miles before the end of February. That works out to a little over 3.5 miles per day. Not sure how I will get that done alongside the Winter Warmup, but I will figure it out.
  • Minimum Step Goal - Currently, my FitBit is set for 10,500. My guideline is to increase that goal by 500 - 1,000 steps per day each time I make it through two weeks of success. Today, assuming I make my goal, will finish off one week. I'm aiming at at least one increase before the end of the month.

Daily PT Exercise

  • My physical therapist has assigned exercises for my legs/knees, two sets of 10 for each of three exercises.
  • I also need to continue stretching the arm that was broken over the summer.

M/W/F Cardio

  • Not sure exactly what this is going to look like, now that my knees are in rebellion. However, I plan to continue doing at least 30 minutes of whatever low-impact cardio I can manage at least three times per week.

T/Th Arm Work

  • I'm not putting any specifics on this one, just want to continue working on building/regaining strength in both arms. I had planned to do a YesFit challenge (switching to the beginner level) but discovered that those are available only with a paid membership. So I am on the hunt for something free that hits the same motivation target for me. 


Same old, same old.

  • Continue being intentional about incorporating more, as well as a wider variety of, veggies into our regular meals.
  • Log everything I eat every day, even when I'd rather not admit it.
  • Get my weight back down to 132. 


Quoting myself because I remembered this morning that I had signed up for another new year-themed walking challenge. Whoops!

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6 minutes ago, Alice said:

Even weirder is that our dog loves snow but hates all other water. Although we don’t get very much so maybe it’s just the novelty. 

Have you had this dog since it was a puppy? I've had a couple pups that were initially reluctant to go out in the rain or snow, but with continued positive connections with the elements they usually got over them. We got this poodle when he was 2, so I don't know what experiences he had with snow as a puppy. 

We once had a young German Shepherd that initially wouldn't go to the bathroom on the snow, and by that spring he only wanted to go to the bathroom on snow. He'd seek out the last remaining bits of snow left in the spring. Dogs can be so weird.Â đŸ¤ª

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1 hour ago, Alicia64 said:

This January I'm not just thinking about this group and getting good vibes, I'm actually posting. đŸ™ƒ

Today will be Day 5 of riding my indoor recumbent on a Level 5 for 35 minutes. The "5 at 35" helps me remember the plan.

My goal is to be back at Level 7 for 50 minutes.

With good music, it's fun. I recommend Linda Ronstadt from the 70s and 80s. She wasn't glam like Cher and Diana Ross so I overlooked her. Turns out, she's a powerhouse singer. (Adding: she was instrumental in bringing the Eagles together.)

If you need other songs, let me know. I think playlists are so important to keeping workouts on track. (At least for me.)

I also try to listen to 20 minutes of a book or a podcast (I'm trying to train myself to working out to audio. I'm getting better).



Great job!  I only listen to audiobooks while running.  I'm afraid if I let myself listen to music, I might not be able to go back to books later on. Â đŸ˜€Â Â It's why I only use free Spotify... it means I can only do music in the house.  But that wouldn't work for a stationary bike!    

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37 minutes ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:


Great job!  I only listen to audiobooks while running.  I'm afraid if I let myself listen to music, I might not be able to go back to books later on. Â đŸ˜€Â Â It's why I only use free Spotify... it means I can only do music in the house.  But that wouldn't work for a stationary bike!    

I couldn't agree with you more. It's very cool that you can work out to audiobooks. I wish my brain was trained for that. I'm trying!! (I listen to free Amazon Prime music but haven't bought the monthly membership.)


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2 hours ago, Alicia64 said:

With good music, it's fun. I recommend Linda Ronstadt from the 70s and 80s. She wasn't glam like Cher and Diana Ross so I overlooked her. Turns out, she's a powerhouse singer. (Adding: she was instrumental in bringing the Eagles together.)

This brought back memories of my sister and I singing along with her greatest hits album when we were kids. Linda and ABBA too.

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Did an indoor walking workout today and recorded it with the workout app on my watch and it gave me a little more credit for it--25 min instead of 22 min for a 30 min workout. I've lost the first easy pound of excess holiday eating. 2.8 more to go. Back to the work schedule today. Will aim to get in another activity period after school. If it keeps raining like it is this morning, it will be yoga.

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I got my first outdoor walk in. I scoped out the neighbourhood pond to see if the skating was still good. It was occupied by screaming kids, so I'll find another place to skate. School is not quite started up yet, I guess. I'm all in favour of kids being outside and active, I just don't want to be active with them when they are in the screaming phase of childhood and they aren't mine. đŸ˜‰

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My big current goal is to continue healing my diastasis recti. It's already much improved since baby was born in Sept. But now that we are done having kids, it's time to get serious and work on it. After kid #3 was born, I could pretty easily fit 4 fingers in the gap. I worked and got it down to a bit less than 2 fingers. Then along came kid #4. With more work I got it down to one finger. The gap is currently between 1 and 2 fingers. I'd be thrilled to get it to less than 1 finger, even if it doesn't completely close.

So I tried a video specifically for DR after my normally scheduled upper body routine today. And, boy, am I feeling that now!

Another focus for me this year is arm strength. You'd think my arms would be plenty strong from carting this enormous baby around, but alas, they could still use some (a lot?) work.

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2 minutes ago, barnwife said:

My big current goal is to continue healing my diastasis recti. It's already much improved since baby was born in Sept. But now that we are done having kids, it's time to get serious and work on it. After kid #3 was born, I could pretty easily fit 4 fingers in the gap. I worked and got it down to a bit less than 2 fingers. Then along came kid #4. With more work I got it down to one finger. The gap is currently between 1 and 2 fingers. I'd be thrilled to get it to less than 1 finger, even if it doesn't completely close.

So I tried a video specifically for DR after my normally scheduled upper body routine today. And, boy, am I feeling that now!

Another focus for me this year is arm strength. You'd think my arms would be plenty strong from carting this enormous baby around, but alas, they could still use some (a lot?) work.

Glad you are having such great success! It is pretty disconcerting to be able to stick one's fist 'inside' the belly. I mentioned this 'space' to my friend who's a dr (no kids) and she thought it was a hernia. I found it a little hard to explain the gap and I couldn't remember the medical term. You'd think for a common post-pregnant condition it would have a nice easy name like 'the gap.' It was probably a man who named it and didn't care too much.Â đŸ˜„

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Dd and I went for a lovely skate on the big pond. With all the fresh snow we had to pick our way across the pond from shoveled square to shoveled square trying to find the smoothest ice. It was fun, but I've been really spoiled with the excellent outdoor skating conditions up to now. 

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Cardio flow yesterday (day 38/80) and booty work today (Day 39/80).  Hard to believe I'm almost halfway through 80 day obsession again.  I need to get the equipment ordered for 9 week control freak, so I have it on hand when I'm ready to start.  I also took a nice long walk with the dogs even though it's snowing.  It was pretty nice, except the fresh snow has hidden the icy patches so I had a few near misses of falling on my behind.  

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23 hours ago, Nart said:

New year, new attempt at getting in shape and losing a few pounds. I am completely out of shape and DH have each gained 10- 20 pounds since March. 

Goal 1: Exercise every day- So far off to a good start. Rode Peloton Fri and Sat. Tried Peloton Pilates class Friday (my abs are still sore today). Went with DH on a 2 hour hike. It’s been a while since we went on a hike so it was nice to get motivated enough to go. 

Goal 2: lose weight - DH and trying intermittent fasting. 

So today DH and are are both sore! Maybe we shouldn't have been so ambitious and done a 2 hour hike in the hills when we are so out of shape.  It was such a nice day- Sunny and in the low 60's - perfect hiking weather.  

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Joining a little late, but hoping in 2021 to continue (and finish) some goals from 2020. Started losing weight in July 2020 (down 16-ish lbs), and I hope to finish that goal by May 2021. 

Specifically for January: 

1. Create & fulfill weekly mini-challenges. 

> Jan 3-9 Mini-Challenge: 10,000 steps at least 5 of the 7 days (2 done so far) (now 5! done!)

> Jan 10-16 Mini-Challenge: Eat & photograph 3 different-colored veggies at least 5 of the 7 days (today I ate salad & cukes, so I'll count those as 2 different greens, but I didn't take a picture đŸ˜‰Â ) These little games help me pay attention & have fun. (5 days done!)

> Jan 17-23 Mini-Challenge: Observe the IF hours of 10am-6pm. (If this is miserable for my morning self, I'm giving myself permission to start earlier, but NOT to go later in the evening. Have never done this before, so this is an experiment.)  Edit for Update: This was not as hard as I thought it was (had to start breakfast earlier, but did fine with the 6pm hard cut-off). I'm going to continue this one for next week, too, and combine it with a 10K steps mini-challenge.

> Jan 24-30 Mini-Challenge: Observe IF hours of 8am-6pm. Hit 10K steps at least 4 times.


2. Continue tracking & logging food in phone app. (Was really building this into a habit, had a couple of holiday hiccups, and now back to the habit.) (Sunday night 1/10 = 24 meal streak! Yay!)

Lost my 41 meal streak on Sunday, so started over again 1/18. đŸ™‚Â 

3. Read 2 motivational books that focus on habit-building / re-training my brain about food. (I'm halfway done with Jon Acuff's Finish, and hope to re-read relevant chapters of Atomic Habits, through a nutritional lens.)    (Finished Finish, and journaled some take-aways. Moving to AH.)


Edited by Lucy the Valiant
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3 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

Cardio flow yesterday (day 38/80) and booty work today (Day 39/80).  Hard to believe I'm almost halfway through 80 day obsession again.  I need to get the equipment ordered for 9 week control freak, so I have it on hand when I'm ready to start.  I also took a nice long walk with the dogs even though it's snowing.  It was pretty nice, except the fresh snow has hidden the icy patches so I had a few near misses of falling on my behind.  

I love walking when it's snowing! There were light snowflakes falling this evening. I ended up walking for 2 hours. It was lovely! Luckily no ice patches as it's not quite cold enough yet. Glad you didn't fall!

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