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I've been trying to find information as to why there has been no presidential seal on the Presidents podium.


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6 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

I don't know why the podium just says White House these days, but I'm sure it has nothing to do with all the batshit crazy QAnon conspiracy theories, and I would urge you to not get sucked into that stuff. 

Screen Shot 2020-04-12 at 11.39.23 AM.png

I stay clear of anything that's conspiracy YouTube's and news stations.  I tried to look up historical facts and protocols and found nothing yet. 

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46 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

I don't know why the podium just says White House these days, but I'm sure it has nothing to do with all the batshit crazy QAnon conspiracy theories, and I would urge you to not get sucked into that stuff. 

Screen Shot 2020-04-12 at 11.39.23 AM.png

How far back can I roll my eyes. Oh, and by the way, social distancing is just a social experiment that the government is doing to us because they can. /s

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I remember seeing something a while back (before Covid) that the president rarely spoke from a podium with the presidential seal because he would just pop by the press briefings and speak unplanned. The fluid, unscheduled manner in which he addressed the press had meant that he wasn't really using a podium with the seal most times. 

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2 hours ago, DoraBora said:

I guess it's because, officially, it's a WH Task Force briefing, and a lot of people apart from the president speak at that podium.

This is the reason. When the president is not the main speaker, when others speak for significant time, then there is no presidential seal.

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8 minutes ago, CuriousMomof3 said:


Aliens who care greatly about things like presidential seals.  


Aliens who want to get every detail right, so that their plan to take over the earth will be far enough along before it is detected that it is unstoppable! 


Edited by ScoutTN
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7 minutes ago, CuriousMomof3 said:


But wouldn't such aliens just use the presidential seal?  No, we have aliens who are willing to break all sorts of laws (I'm sure there's a law against abducting the president and substituting an alien imposter) but risk their entire plan because they aren't dishonest enough to use the presidential seal?  

Can anyone zoom in and see if he’s got a zipper on his forehead?

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42 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Obviously bc aliens have abducted the president and ....

they are smacking [what is the alien equivalent of] their foreheads because they didn't realize the seal was important. In a few weeks, they will...

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