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1st Grade Planning Thread 2020-2021


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When my oldest was in 1st, she seemed so old. Now that I am thinking about 1st for my youngest, 1st graders seem so young. Practically babies. 

I'm not sure where she will be by next school year. Some days she does a lot of curriculum. Some days she doesn't do any. In addition to her math and reading, she'll do Ancients, basic geography, and some FIAR units. I'll work on an actual list when I have a better idea what next year will look like.

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My 1st grader's plans

Math: Life of Fred, Math Seeds, and lots of games

LA: FLL, Reading Eggs, and lots of creative storytelling through games

Science: Science experiments whenever possible and read aloud Sassafras Zoology and Anatomy if we get there

History: Read aloud Story of the World Ancients and then Middle ages, however far we get

Geography: Evan Moor Geography 

French: Outschool classes

Spanish: Song School Spanish and possibly Outschool classes

Extracurriculars: Gymnastics, STEM class, homeschool physical ed, nature class, surfing, and musical theater 

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phonics: continue Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading

math and logic: Singapore Math 1A/B and MindBenders-type books

handwriting: Zaner-Bloser 1

language arts: First Language Lessons 1, Writing With Ease 1, and Spelling Workout A

science: (along with DS7 & DS10) earth science (library books) & astronomy (led by DH, an astronomy teacher)

history: (along with DS7) medieval & early renaissance (SOTW2 & lots of library books)

foreign language: I'm considering Portuguese Saturday school for DSs 5, 7, &10

misc: he's playing soccer & t-ball, weekly trips to the library, continue speech therapy weekly at the public school, maybe cub scouts 



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Math: Singapore Math 1

Language Arts: AAS 1, copywork, finish OPGTR if needed, read alouds, and read books to his siblings and me

History: maybe American History for Young Catholics

Science: probably science encyclopedias, possibly tagging along with his older brothers while they do hands-on projects from a kit

Spanish: tag along with older siblings using La Clase Divertida

Religion: Bible, Catechism, saint stories

Not sure what else, but probably something as this kid needs lots of project suggestions to keep him busy.


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22 hours ago, Meriwether said:

When my oldest was in 1st, she seemed so old. Now that I am thinking about 1st for my youngest, 1st graders seem so young. Practically babies. 

I'm not sure where she will be by next school year. Some days she does a lot of curriculum. Some days she doesn't do any. 

I totally agree! My third born will be 1st grade this fall, and he seems SO MUCH younger than my oldest at the same age. It is what it is I guess.

Here's my tentative plan, mostly using materials I already have:

Reading/Spelling: Phonics Pathways and The Writing Road to Reading method

Math: Math Mammoth 2

Writing: WWE1 and FLL1

Religion: Faith and Life book 1

Geography: Daily Geography grade 1

I'm still up in the air for history and science. I might just use library books if I can find some good lists. I did SO MUCH more with my oldest at this age, but now I also have two older kids to teach in my day so... yeah. Not enough time.

I'm also trying to not go and buy all new things for him. I don't need to be as frugal as I did for my older two, but I'm trying not to buy shiny things for shiny things' sake.

He'll also be doing religious ed at church and probably soccer.

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So my baby, my third and last 1st grader, will do much the same that my olders did, with output at her own level. 

Continue Rod and Staff 1st grade phonics and reading/ spelling, Bible, a bit of sciency stuff included.  We are starting this this semester, but we take days off as needed for field trips, spreading out, etc, so it will go over the entire year of 1st grade. 

Math, she should finish up R&S 1st grade math in the first few weeks of 1st grade and move into 2nd for most of the year.  We have done this consistently since the fall, so she is much further in it than in the reading/phonics combo that I just started after Christmas and am easing her into, with the increased workload each day. 

WTM Ancients year with a little biology. Older sis, 11th grade, should be in chemistry next year. I would like it better if they were in biology together. I won't be starting any chemistry concepts with the little one, so I will introduce a little bit of animals, human body, and plants, but pretty organically. I am not planning a lot of written work at home. Co-ops and outside classes haven't been scouted out yet. We may have others that want to do some of this with us. We shall see. It is early to make those kinds of plans for me. I have to get a lot of other things settled for this year first! 

Resources for the above will be Story of the World 1, activity guide for reading, projects, mapwork. We will introduce narration/copywork a little with that. Library books for all of the fun SOTW recommended books and all of the ones we have collected on shelf.  What Your First Grader Needs to Know for stories, art ideas, etc. We have the Usborne First Encyclopedias of... in just about everything and other sciency books for the topics. I have the My First Human Body Coloring book, etc. 

I in the past did Rod and Staff music 1 with my littles. I did like getting a bit of music theory introduced to them. So I will go ahead and purchase it. It is cheap enough. I don't know if I will get it in the schedule or not. And then I wouldn't mind finding something for some easy beginner piano as well. I will search through Schoolhouseteachers dot com, and see if I can come up with something there. 

In the past it was Rod and Staff in the mornings, then divide up the afternoons for an extra subject when I did elementary. But I will still have my sophomore next year.  So I am going to have to really work on a schedule to put all of this together, dividing up my time better as little one's work load and time from me increases. 


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My youngest will be in 1st grade in the fall. 

  • Grammar: FLL 2.
  • Writing: probably some A Beka handwriting, plus WTM-style narration & copywork incorporated with science, history, and reading. 
  • Reading: mom-selected books.
  • Math: It will be either A Beka 2 or Beast Academy 2. I have used A Beka and Beast Academy, but haven't used level 2 for either of them. I go back and forth in my mind about which would be a better fit for him...the only thing I feel certain about is that Math Mammoth 2, which is what I used for both his sisters, is NOT the right choice. Sigh.
  • History: SOTW, finishing volume 1 and then going to volume 2.
  • Science: most likely, this will be a mishmash of topics studied through books and YouTube videos, plus he will observe demonstrations/experiments that his sisters are doing for their science, and he'll absorb some knowledge through that as well. This is pretty much what we're doing this year.

He'll also continue with piano lessons and children's choir. He wants to learn another language because his sisters are doing so, but I am not ready to add that to his workload or mine. 

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My little man will be 1st grade this year🤗.

1. We will continue doing mostly the same routine from kindergarten with a few extras.  

1. Continue daily speech activity with his preschool brother.  We target a sound by playing a game and this has done wonders for his speech. You wouldnt know at 3 and a half he had no words as now he speaks clearly and reads.

2. Finish Rod and Staff kindergarten workbooks- this is fun school at our house.

3. Adding a phonics workbook because he loves to write.  But we are still working in some phonics primers and will until he finishes them.

4. 10 minutes reading aloud to me from Dr.Suess and early readers.  Read the Early Readers Bible as his main text in the fall.

5. I got a nice math workbook set at Goodwill for 1st and 2nd grade and he already knows his math facts and adds so this will be an easy subject for him. It came with punchout manipulatives.  He did Rod and Staff 1st grade 1st Book last semester and enjoyed it....but I wrote it all from the manual and used what he needed only.

6. I got a 1st grade skills book at Goodwill and will pull out the handwriting pages and do the reading comprehension with him in the fall.

7. He is still in our littles group....so daily read alouds, songs, outdoor play, play dough, building toy time, and join mama cooking and cleaning.  


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Wow, I move up from the preschool board - I'm not sure if I'm ready for this!!! 

He has low frustration tolerance and inconsistencies so we'll see where we end up...

Reading/Spelling: AAR (we're at 1 now so 2 whenever that happens), AAS
Math: Singapore (again 1 now, so 2 whenever), some logic (any ideas?)
Writing: HWT, copwork, MAYBE WWE depending on how he does during OT (probably 2nd semester if we do it)
Science: BFSU (hope it goes well!) 
History: Thinking we'll just do a homemade geography to learn the continents. Major anxiety and not sure if he's ready to hear troubling things from history yet (pretty sure mummies might terrify him at the moment!) 
Fine Arts: Art in Story, Teach Art to Children, SQUILT. ----We struggle with this. Boys hate art, I prefer art history and none of us really like learning about music.....? 

OT and Speech might continue, we'll see. Some type of physical thing (right now swimming, will it last?). I'll probably continue pulling from Blossom and Roots, and Torchlight for ideas and units. Continue work on his growth mindset. 

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Okay, giving this some more thought, I think I will prepare some old favorites for the Bug and see what happens. I know I won't have the time to do everything with her regularly. I'm okay with a number of these things not happening regularly or at all next year.

Bible - Vos Story Bible

Geography - Legends and Leagues, Geography Songs, puzzles and games

History - Ancients Veritas Press or SotW

Literature/Reading - VP First Favorites, early chapter books, FIAR, AAR 3

Logic- Lollipop Logic

Math - Saxon 2, possibly some BA or Singapore, games

Spanish - One Third Stories

Spelling - AAS 1

Writing - WWE

I want to choose 6-9 FIAR books to do with her, and I am going to try to find ones with similar themes to what Dd10 is going to be reading about, so I can do similar projects with both of them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My youngest—we’ll be using pretty much all Simply Charlotte Mason 

History: SCM’s Genesis-Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt; Visits to Africa

SCM’s Enrichment 2

Math: SCM’s Arithmetic 1

Language Arts: Delightful Reading 3, Delightful Handwriting, Pathway Readers

Science: Outdoor Secrets   

Spanish: The Learnables 

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Math- Right start Level A for the little ones

ELA- grammar, spelling, reading, writing, communication, phonics, listening, vocabulary skills. 

History- no clue

Bible study- not sure

French- introduction 

PE- general outdoor exercise and so on

Art- trips to museums and galleries, drawing, coloring, painting etc

Misc- cookery, life skills lesson, gardening. 

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On 1/22/2020 at 11:37 AM, MamaVandKiddos said:

My 1st grader's plans

Math: Life of Fred, Math Seeds, and lots of games

LA: FLL, Reading Eggs, and lots of creative storytelling through games

Science: Science experiments whenever possible and read aloud Sassafras Zoology and Anatomy if we get there

History: Read aloud Story of the World Ancients and then Middle ages, however far we get

Geography: Evan Moor Geography 

French: Outschool classes

Spanish: Song School Spanish and possibly Outschool classes

Extracurriculars: Gymnastics, STEM class, homeschool physical ed, nature class, surfing, and musical theater 

Plans have already changed 

Math: Life of Fred and Miquon

Reading: The Reading Lesson

History/Geography: Torchlight and Evan Moor Geography

Science: Torchlight, BFSU, and Exploring Nature with Children

Spanish: Song School Spanish

Extracurriculars: Swimming, Surfing, Sports, and Nature class

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On 2/14/2020 at 3:24 PM, leahtalbot96 said:

Math- Right start Level A for the little ones

ELA- grammar, spelling, reading, writing, communication, phonics, listening, vocabulary skills. 

History- no clue

Bible study- not sure

French- introduction 

PE- general outdoor exercise and so on

Art- trips to museums and galleries, drawing, coloring, painting etc

Misc- cookery, life skills lesson, gardening. 

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I had to alter some of my original homeschooling plans. Instead of abandoning science altogether, I might try out a Christian science curriculum like Apologia with the twins and see what happens. And I have now found a Bible Study Class as well which is good. I also had to modify other plans too to squeeze everything into my schedule but that is okay with me personally. 

Instead of gardening this week, we might do more cookery lessons instead. 

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On 1/22/2020 at 10:43 PM, Lisa in the UP of MI said:

Math: Singapore Math 1

Language Arts: AAS 1, copywork, finish OPGTR if needed, read alouds, and read books to his siblings and me

History: maybe American History for Young Catholics

Science: probably science encyclopedias, possibly tagging along with his older brothers while they do hands-on projects from a kit

Spanish: tag along with older siblings using La Clase Divertida

Religion: Bible, Catechism, saint stories

Not sure what else, but probably something as this kid needs lots of project suggestions to keep him busy.


Can I ask you a question?

What do you do for PE? Where do you find a children's bible study class? 

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2 hours ago, questionlover96 said:

I am part of a local homeschooling club. How do you teach a first grader coding and computer skills? My six year old niece wants to take coding lessons with me next school year and I have no clue where to start. Any tips and recommendations on teachers and resources are welcome.

I do already have some coding toys. I want to start off with the basics and go from there. She is a strong visual learner if that helps. I have absolutely no experience of programming or coding. My skills need to be developed. But I am totally sure that I can learn with her. 

The game Robot Turtles may be a good place to start. My kids have enjoyed the courses on code.org, but I don't know how well that would work in a group setting.

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16 hours ago, questionlover96 said:

I am part of a local homeschooling club. How do you teach a first grader coding and computer skills? My six year old niece wants to take coding lessons with me next school year and I have no clue where to start. Any tips and recommendations on teachers and resources are welcome.

I do already have some coding toys. I want to start off with the basics and go from there. She is a strong visual learner if that helps. I have absolutely no experience of programming or coding. My skills need to be developed. But I am totally sure that I can learn with her. 

My kids have used Scratch and Scratch Jr.  You could take a look at each and decide which would be the best level for her.  They can both be downloaded for free, but I'm pretty sure that Scratch Jr. needs to be on a tablet or phone.  There are lots of books with project ideas and we also have a set of task cards for Scratch Jr.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/11/2020 at 2:02 PM, Holly said:

My youngest—we’ll be using pretty much all Simply Charlotte Mason 

History: SCM’s Genesis-Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt; Visits to Africa

SCM’s Enrichment 2

Math: SCM’s Arithmetic 1

Language Arts: Delightful Reading 3, Delightful Handwriting, Pathway Readers

Science: Outdoor Secrets   

Spanish: The Learnables 

Change of plans ☺️

History: Beautiful Feet Early American Primary, but I may have him participate in some of the BF/SCM ancients with my older kids.  I just really like the idea of starting with American history and the D’Aulaires’ books

Bible: Catherine Vos Child’s Story Bible 

SCM Enrichment 2

Math: Mathusee Alpha—this will put all my kids in MUS 

Language Arts: Delightful Reading 2/3, Delightful Handwriting, Pathway readers

Science: Rod & Staff’s “Sampling Science and Social Studies” booklet and scheduled readers; we may add Outdoor Secrets later in the year once we finish the R&S guide 

Spanish: the Learnables 

Continue R&S ABC series to work on motor skills



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  • 3 weeks later...

Language Arts: Logic of English Foundation C 

Math: Singapore Dimensions 1A/B and Miquon Math Labs

History/Geography: History Quest 

Science: BFSU supplemented with Science in a Nutshell experiments

Art: ARTistic Pursuits

Extracurricular: parkour and coding (code.org)

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-Finish AAR 2/Start AAR 3
-AAS 2
-SOTW 2 and lots of picture books
-tag along with his older brother for Apologia Astronomy
-HWOT and TGTB handwriting
-FLL 1 and WWE 1
-Kids Cook Real Food, Typing.com, Piano, Art

-start narrations with read alouds and work on reading comprehension questions

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  • 1 month later...

Math - Math Mammoth 1

Language Arts - Canadian Handwriting 1, All About Spelling 1, Writing With Ease 1, First Language Lessons 1 

Social Studies - BYL Prehistory & Evolution, Pandia Press History Quest Early Times

She may join in for Canadian History Part 2 using Modern History Through Canadian Eyes, some AO resources, and Headphone History

Science - Maybe Sassafras Zoology because we have it and she'd like it. I'm not sure what else.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Math: Miquon and Singapore 1A/1B

Language Arts: Zaner Bloser 1, The Good and the Beautiful Language Arts level 1

History: Joining in with his sisters for some of our Tapestry of Grace work

Geography: Looking at the MAPS book and activity book

Science: I've ordered a bunch of honeybee books and he will observe/help with beekeeping at our new hives. He wants to be an astronomer so I would like to put together a unit study. I'm welcome to suggestions. 

French: Not sure yet. 

Art: Artistic Pursuits K-3 Book 1, Drawing with Children, maybe Children's Choir?

P.E. Soccer, swimming lessons (hoping it starts back this year)

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My littlest has been in public school all along, but we've recently made the decision to homeschool him next year. He has special needs. Honestly, I'm pretty nervous about cutting him loose from the experts and learning specialists in PS. He'd technically be a rising 2nd grader by age, except that he was retained a year in PS and we're probably going to keep his grade aligned with that.

I'm probably going to have to do a lot of adjusting along the way, but this is what I've got so far:

-- Picture book read-aloud schedule and topically coordinated activities from Five Senses Literature Lessons: Wonderful World
-- Basic number sense, addition within 10, place value to 100, etc. using Ronit Bird alongside MUS Primer, ST Math K, and/or RS games and activities. I figure if I approach it from every possible angle, something's bound to click.
-- Phonological awareness through toys, games, Kilpatrick Equipped for Reading Success, Hearbuilder, etc.
-- Phonics instruction...? I think we may use Barton eventually, but he doesn't pass the screening yet. We'll continue with learning letter sounds and cycle continuous review so he doesn't loose what he's learned so for. I'm tempted to not wait on Barton readiness and try some version of SRA Direct Instruction/DISTAR . He might make some progress, and the worst case scenario it doesn't work and we just have to wait until he's ready for Barton.
-- Private speech and Language therapy
-- HWOT K and then... tracing? Copywork? Spelling You See A to practice handwriting, spelling, and dictation all in one go? We'll have to see where he's at in the spring.
-- Keyboarding Without Tears K  
-- Mindfulness and social/emotional games and read-alouds
-- KiwiCo Koala Crate, might move into Kiwi Crate second semester depending on his developmental readiness.

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  • 8 months later...

Planning our first Classical Method year here! We are moving from Abeka as our Kindergarten program. 

My plan so far is:


Phonics: Explode the code - I’m waiting a bit longer before ordering any curriculum for this as we haven’t completely finished our K5 and I’m not 100% which part of the program we’d need to start with.

Grammar: First Language Lessons Level One 

Pennmanship/copy work: We will practice writing something from our memory work each day.

Math: Right Start? Still considering.

History: A Story of the World 

Science: the suggested reading from WTM studying the animal kingdom, then the Human Body, and then the plant life.


I plan to play AO’s suggested hymn, folk song, and classical music piece during breakfast and other times during the day. Maybe this will go in more detail as we get into a routine? I may try to implement a “Tea Time” day and focus on a music/art study during that time? Not sure yet. 

Does that sound realistic? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/26/2021 at 10:42 AM, Daniela Whittington said:

Planning our first Classical Method year here! We are moving from Abeka as our Kindergarten program. 

My plan so far is:


Phonics: Explode the code - I’m waiting a bit longer before ordering any curriculum for this as we haven’t completely finished our K5 and I’m not 100% which part of the program we’d need to start with.

Grammar: First Language Lessons Level One 

Pennmanship/copy work: We will practice writing something from our memory work each day.

Math: Right Start? Still considering.

History: A Story of the World 

Science: the suggested reading from WTM studying the animal kingdom, then the Human Body, and then the plant life.


I plan to play AO’s suggested hymn, folk song, and classical music piece during breakfast and other times during the day. Maybe this will go in more detail as we get into a routine? I may try to implement a “Tea Time” day and focus on a music/art study during that time? Not sure yet. 

Does that sound realistic? 

I think someone needs to start a 2021-2022 post!

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