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Well-Trained Bodies January 2020- Ring in the New Year with Exercise


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today's plan:

am: 7 min- learning moves for Core de Force (kicks punches etc)+ recovery work- stretching mobility etc

lunch- C25K w/ dd1

Decided to pair back exercise even more. I've been so amped up with stress and I realize that I've been pushing myself w/ exercise as a way to cope at times, which isn't really what I need. So, I'm going to take this week and focus on breathing more and stretching. I am going to focus on keeping the heart rate down when I do exercise. I did use progesterone last night and ordered more but it always take a bit to build up. I woke at 2:45 again (6.5 hrs of sleep though) I plan a nap today.

Edited by soror
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Tried demo video of Core De Force but it was super boring so I did 10 min of the first video(was going to do more but connection cut out and then I got a call), titled speed but really it was pretty slow, good thing to keep heart rate down but I'm not sure I like it. I tried the recovery didn't like it at all so did a MM recovery/yoga- 20 min

dd1 and I will be running at lunch


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Had a dentist appt at 8am to get 2 fillings fixed up. The freezing is finally gone! Walked to the dentist.

Took the dog for a hike on a new trail. I'd forgotten that that a tornado had been through here a year ago. It's still in very rough shape. You can see how the huge trees have been snapped right off 30 feet from the ground. And there are so many smaller trees just lying on the ground. It almost made me cry.


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21 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

Today is day of my second Healthy Wager. 
I was supposed to go to the gym with husband at 5:30am but for no apparent reason I got 45 minutes of sleep last night and was way too sluggish for a treadmill.

Instead I decided to give that ddpYoga app Lanny praises a try.  I ended up hurting my thumb and getting buttsore, separate unrelated events, because I just couldn’t manage following him on my iPad and maneuvering to various positions.

So I decided to stop that and go clean out my bedroom closet, aka yarn barn, aka Santa’s workshop. I bent down to get something off the floor and bashed my forehead on a set of wooden sock blockers sticking out from a shelf.

Once I recovered from that I decided to have more coffee. Which led to the kitchen cupboards needing to be organized bc I couldn’t find any of my insulated mugs. Found my mug and started to pour a pot of hot water into my French press and it shattered everywhere.  Cleaned that up and started the process again. Finally got coffee and sat down to have the dog sleeping next to me lose his mind barking and jumping right as I’m about to take a sip and send scalding coffee all over me and my new plush Christmas gift blanket.

I called quits on any further adulting today by 8am. 

I'm pretty sure Murphy meant to post here so bringing it forward. 

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4 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Woke up much too early. Did my Adriene Home yoga at 6am. It was hard. Walked for 40 minutes at lunchtime. Just going to see my mum to be scolded about forgetting to pay her newspaper bill. Running on fumes.


3 hours ago, wintermom said:

Had a dentist appt at 8am to get 2 fillings fixed up. The freezing is finally gone! Walked to the dentist.

Took the dog for a hike on a new trail. I'd forgotten that that a tornado had been through here a year ago. It's still in very rough shape. You can see how the huge trees have been snapped right off 30 feet from the ground. And there are so many smaller trees just lying on the ground. It almost made me cry.


We had a tornado really close to my house years ago and it was crazy the damage it did, you can still see the mark with all the old growth trees gone.

@Laura Corin  and @Murphy101 I hear you on the up too early and not enough sleep. Laura I hope Mum is pleasant  enough and tonight brings more sleep. 

Murphy, sounds like you had the adult version of the terrible, no good, very bad day. Tomorrow can't be much worse right? I hope it turns around for you. How many pounds is your wager for- what do you get if you win?


Run w/ dd1 at lunch and I think it went smoother as she was plenty awake, although there was whining, she is nearing 13 and although she has always been so sweet has been a bit hormonal lately. I looked at our pace and it was showing 8-9 min mile on the run portions, walk around 14 mi/mile and 11 min mile average. First mile was 11 min 18 sec. I didn't feel we were going very fast and was surprised it was as fast as it was as I've been doing the treadmill at 11 min pace run and it felt about the same, I told dd we could slow down, she said I am going slow. I told her she really wasn't going that slow. IDK she's doing ok at that pace. I can talk at that pace for intervals while running and so can she, @Monica_in_Switzerland what did you gauge the right speed by?

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1 minute ago, soror said:

Murphy, sounds like you had the adult version of the terrible, no good, very bad day. Tomorrow can't be much worse right? I hope it turns around for you. How many pounds is your wager for- what do you get if you win?

$850 for reaching my final weight goal of 130lbs. 

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Hiked at Grand Canyon today. 16.5 miles. South Kaibab Trail down, Bright Angel Trail up (4780 vertical feet down, 4380 vertical ft up.

I had done this hike exactly 25 years ago and was a bit apprehensive whether my age would make a difference - but I am happy to report that it didn't feel harder than when I was 26. 

Anybody who thinks me frumpy can go take a hike.


Edited by regentrude
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Weekly update: I rowed 33,800 meters this week, which is less than I would like, but I am feeling stronger every time I row. My food has been sporadic: some days good and other days not so good. My problem is I’m definitely a stress eater and this week has been stressful: two of our cars gave out and we have been scrambling to find affordable, suitable replacements. We seemed to have turned the corner on that today so I’m hoping the rest of the week is better. I start my new job a week from today and really excited about it yet also a little nervous. It’s a great opportunity and I want to do well and be good at what I do so I can stay there for the foreseeable future. 

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So, I sort of petered out on all this, and told myself that today was the real start to my new year/end of vacation. I have been active in general in the sense of getting over 10K steps, and I am on day 3 of low carb. Day 1 was...not good. I was not a pleasant person to be around. Everything was terrible. Low carb (still eating veggies/berries/nuts but no grains/sugar) plus the winter stuff was...bad. 

But, today, day 3, was fine. And I'm down on the scale. And I went to the gym and because I forgot earbuds and therefore wanted to read my book rather than listen to it I just stuck to the treadmill. I did 45 minutes on it, and actually put the incline up - working up to the level 4. (walking, not running). Then I did a brief stint in the sauna before coming home and making some pork chops and nice skillet of mushrooms and spinach and baby tomatoes. 

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11 hours ago, PinkTulip said:

Weekly update: I rowed 33,800 meters this week, which is less than I would like, but I am feeling stronger every time I row. My food has been sporadic: some days good and other days not so good. My problem is I’m definitely a stress eater and this week has been stressful: two of our cars gave out and we have been scrambling to find affordable, suitable replacements. We seemed to have turned the corner on that today so I’m hoping the rest of the week is better. I start my new job a week from today and really excited about it yet also a little nervous. It’s a great opportunity and I want to do well and be good at what I do so I can stay there for the foreseeable future. 

Congrats on all the meters rowed, that is wonderful. I'm sorry about all the car problems. I hope the rest of this week is much better.

7 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

So, I sort of petered out on all this, and told myself that today was the real start to my new year/end of vacation. I have been active in general in the sense of getting over 10K steps, and I am on day 3 of low carb. Day 1 was...not good. I was not a pleasant person to be around. Everything was terrible. Low carb (still eating veggies/berries/nuts but no grains/sugar) plus the winter stuff was...bad. 

But, today, day 3, was fine. And I'm down on the scale. And I went to the gym and because I forgot earbuds and therefore wanted to read my book rather than listen to it I just stuck to the treadmill. I did 45 minutes on it, and actually put the incline up - working up to the level 4. (walking, not running). Then I did a brief stint in the sauna before coming home and making some pork chops and nice skillet of mushrooms and spinach and baby tomatoes. 

Good job on continuing to be active, best wishes on the WoE. 

11 hours ago, regentrude said:

Hiked at Grand Canyon today. 16.5 miles. South Kaibab Trail down, Bright Angel Trail up (4780 vertical feet down, 4380 vertical ft up.

I had done this hike exactly 25 years ago and was a bit apprehensive whether my age would make a difference - but I am happy to report that it didn't feel harder than when I was 26. 

Anybody who thinks me frumpy can go take a hike.


Wonderful, that is on our bucket list. 

Edited by soror
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Kettlebell workout yesterday morning in sub-40 degree weather (I think I'm traumatized for life!) plus CKD in the evening.  Class was quite strenuous since the chief instructor was teaching.  Lots of talk about the black belt test, which made me a little nervous, but I'm looking forward to special training on the 18th for students gearing up for BB and then a belt test on the 25th, which will hopefully earn me a brown junior belt.  Tired, sore, and stressed this morning, but I'm hoping for a good day anyway and plan on lifting this morning, maybe a quick nap in the afternoon and later a run.  I ordered myself a legit pair of lifting gloves with padded leather palms (Harbinger Women's Flexfit) and am really looking forward to them coming.  Need more hand protection big time!

Something fun: at CKD last night, we warmed up using these foam dice that had calisthenics exercises on each face, like 10 sumo squats, 20 mountain climbers, 30 sec side planks, etc.  I think those would be a fun thing to have around for random workouts!

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@Murphy101 Wow, that is a sweet payout. Best wishes in reaching your goal.

@IvyInFlorida Wow, testing is getting closer and closer!

My mode was improved yesterday. I got so many things done on my to do list (things I've been putting off). I slept so much better last night, only 7 hrs as we got to bed a bit later than I wanted w/ Scouts last night. I did wake up sometime in the night BUT went back to sleep. I actually feel awake this morning and happy. 

I'm not sure what I'll do for workout this morning, I think I'll do some yoga. Tonight is Pull-Up program but I'm doing a deload week, so not going for PRs, reducing reps, maybe sets, we'll see. I think I'll just do 2 days this week too, to give the muscles a few days entirely off.

Planning an easy slow 1 mile walk at lunch.


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13 hours ago, soror said:


Run w/ dd1 at lunch and I think it went smoother as she was plenty awake, although there was whining, she is nearing 13 and although she has always been so sweet has been a bit hormonal lately. I looked at our pace and it was showing 8-9 min mile on the run portions, walk around 14 mi/mile and 11 min mile average. First mile was 11 min 18 sec. I didn't feel we were going very fast and was surprised it was as fast as it was as I've been doing the treadmill at 11 min pace run and it felt about the same, I told dd we could slow down, she said I am going slow. I told her she really wasn't going that slow. IDK she's doing ok at that pace. I can talk at that pace for intervals while running and so can she, @Monica_in_Switzerland what did you gauge the right speed by?


I was trying to do something very specific with my heart rate (Maffetone method, if you feel like googling)... since then I've loosened up quite a bit.  Now I just go by feel.  When I don't even notice I'm breathing much harder (I am, but only slightly) I consider it easy.  When I can tell I'm breathing a bit harder, then I consider it moderate.  If I'm putting down two steps with each inhale and one with each exhale, that's pretty hard effort for me.  

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3 minutes ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:


I was trying to do something very specific with my heart rate (Maffetone method, if you feel like googling)... since then I've loosened up quite a bit.  Now I just go by feel.  When I don't even notice I'm breathing much harder (I am, but only slightly) I consider it easy.  When I can tell I'm breathing a bit harder, then I consider it moderate.  If I'm putting down two steps with each inhale and one with each exhale, that's pretty hard effort for me.  

Thank you for the thoughts, I'll keep an eye to the feel of breathing next time and counting steps with breath, that never occurred to me but I'm pretty well a novice. 

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1 hour ago, soror said:

Thank you for the thoughts, I'll keep an eye to the feel of breathing next time and counting steps with breath, that never occurred to me but I'm pretty well a novice. 

Gait/stride length and rate is something you could play around with, too. Shorter, quicker gait can feel a lot less tiring, and you can adjust your overall pace better with a short stride. If you want to increase running speed, it's much better to do this with a short stride (more contact with the ground, thus more opportunity to push against the ground).  This goes against (my) natural tendency to lengthen my stride to try and go faster. This just causes more pounding on my joints, which is tiring, and I don't go faster at all.

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45 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Gait/stride length and rate is something you could play around with, too. Shorter, quicker gait can feel a lot less tiring, and you can adjust your overall pace better with a short stride. If you want to increase running speed, it's much better to do this with a short stride (more contact with the ground, thus more opportunity to push against the ground).  This goes against (my) natural tendency to lengthen my stride to try and go faster. This just causes more pounding on my joints, which is tiring, and I don't go faster at all.

Well, that is very interesting, as my brain thinks that a longer stride would be less pounding, hmm. I do find that if I am trying to go faster I'll try to lengthen the stride.


20 min mobility/stretching went back again to the MM revibe workous, I really like them. She does some sort of kata flow in them which is hard for me to mentally figure out, so good for my brain and it feels good. I need to search to see if I can find anything else like that on youtube maybe, some Movnat flows, that would be a good complement to my training too.

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10 minutes ago, soror said:

Well, that is very interesting, as my brain thinks that a longer stride would be less pounding, hmm. I do find that if I am trying to go faster I'll try to lengthen the stride..

For me, it was because I was landing on my heel. I don't run that way at all anymore. I've been landing on the ball of foot for a few years now when I run, and it's so much better for my entire body. My last marathon I ran that way and it was excellent.

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Well, my legs seem to have held up well to that crazy leg day, but my arms are a bit sore from yesterday.  Turns out I'm not alone - this morning everyone that was also there yesterday was complaining about their arms!  What apparently killed us all was three blocks of three exercises each which I think functioned like drop-sets - 6x bench presses, then 10 TRX chest presses, then alternate leg V-ups, second block was seated overhead triceps extensions (behind the head) x6, then triceps extensions on the TRX x10 - then planks w/ arm to elbow, and the third was reverse grip low rows x6 with I forget what it's called on the TRX (x10 of course) where you're kind of hovering parallel to the ground with knees bent and pull up with your arms - and then weighted crunches.  All blocks repeat the 3 exercises till time called, about 3 times through each.  For weights I did 20lbs on the bench press, 25lbs on the overhead triceps and 30lbs on the reverse low rows.

Yesterday was more inclines on the tread and I walked again, but today was a power day with lots of all-outs then walking recoveries in between, so I ran for the first time in a while. For the 1-min all-outs I was at 8mph, for the 45 seconds I did 8.2-8.5 (I increased on each one), and for the 30-secs I did 8.8-9.5 (again increasing each time - there were 3 or 4 at each time).

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Well, my legs seem to have held up well to that crazy leg day, but my arms are a bit sore from yesterday.  Turns out I'm not alone - this morning everyone that was also there yesterday was complaining about their arms!  What apparently killed us all was three blocks of three exercises each which I think functioned like drop-sets - 6x bench presses, then 10 TRX chest presses, then alternate leg V-ups, second block was seated overhead triceps extensions (behind the head) x6, then triceps extensions on the TRX x10 - then planks w/ arm to elbow, and the third was reverse grip low rows x6 with I forget what it's called on the TRX (x10 of course) where you're kind of hovering parallel to the ground with knees bent and pull up with your arms - and then weighted crunches.  All blocks repeat the 3 exercises till time called, about 3 times through each.  For weights I did 20lbs on the bench press, 25lbs on the overhead triceps and 30lbs on the reverse low rows.

Yesterday was more inclines on the tread and I walked again, but today was a power day with lots of all-outs then walking recoveries in between, so I ran for the first time in a while. For the 1-min all-outs I was at 8mph, for the 45 seconds I did 8.2-8.5 (I increased on each one), and for the 30-secs I did 8.8-9.5 (again increasing each time - there were 3 or 4 at each time).

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

For me, it was because I was landing on my heel. I don't run that way at all anymore. I've been landing on the ball of foot for a few years now when I run, and it's so much better for my entire body. My last marathon I ran that way and it was excellent.

I have noticed when watching some athletes on tv that they plant or strike differently. 

I wish I knew how they train to do it effortlessly (as in without overthinking it) because if I try to toe or mid strike I have to go super slow to not trip and put lots of thought into it. And he is right my calves really sing after a very short distance.

Thought this was interesting.


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5 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

I wish I knew how they train to do it effortlessly (as in without overthinking it) because if I try to toe or mid strike I have to go super slow to not trip and put lots of thought into it. And he is right my calves really sing after a very short distance.

The guy I talked to at the running store where I bought my new sneakers, when I asked him about this, said that instead of thinking about where my foot is striking I should instead concentrate on trying to raise my knees higher when I run. He said that your brain can't react fast enough to think about your foot strike as it's happening, but if you raise your knees higher you kind of automatically land in a better place toward your midfoot. So I'm going to try that. I do feel like things go better when I get a bit more bounce like that.

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1 hour ago, Murphy101 said:

I have noticed when watching some athletes on tv that they plant or strike differently. 

I wish I knew how they train to do it effortlessly (as in without overthinking it) because if I try to toe or mid strike I have to go super slow to not trip and put lots of thought into it. And he is right my calves really sing after a very short distance.

Thought this was interesting.



59 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

The guy I talked to at the running store where I bought my new sneakers, when I asked him about this, said that instead of thinking about where my foot is striking I should instead concentrate on trying to raise my knees higher when I run. He said that your brain can't react fast enough to think about your foot strike as it's happening, but if you raise your knees higher you kind of automatically land in a better place toward your midfoot. So I'm going to try that. I do feel like things go better when I get a bit more bounce like that.

I'm not a track coach, though I've had instruction from an elite track coach. She told me to run tall, strike with the ball of the foot, and not "slouch."  If you look in that video and watch the various runners going by, pick out who you want to look like running. Do you want to be the guy with no shirt, running sort of slouching like he's ready to sit down as soon as someone puts a seat behind him? Or the girl who's feet swing out like she's doing a dance?  Do you want nice, upright posture and avoid unnecessary motions to the side? 

It's up to you and how you feel about your running posture.  Heel strike is one aspect of running. What do you think looks like a healthy way to hold your body when you move in a repetitive manner for 30 - 60 minutes?


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1 hour ago, Matryoshka said:

The guy I talked to at the running store where I bought my new sneakers, when I asked him about this, said that instead of thinking about where my foot is striking I should instead concentrate on trying to raise my knees higher when I run. He said that your brain can't react fast enough to think about your foot strike as it's happening, but if you raise your knees higher you kind of automatically land in a better place toward your midfoot. So I'm going to try that. I do feel like things go better when I get a bit more bounce like that.

oh that makes sense! Going to look online and now you mention it I notice they are bringing those legs up very high - it’s pretty much a one leg ab crunch which would force their posture up high too. 

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Lifting went really well this morning, and I did manage to do about 45 minutes of running this afternoon.  Getting a little sunshine during my run improved my mood greatly.  I'm wiped out now and am planning to take a pre-sleep nap through the entirety of my husband's date with the UF basketball game.  Thankfully he is not a sports yeller!  The craziest he ever gets is a raised eyebrow and some angry mutters, so I should sleep riiiiiight through all that, haha.

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44 minutes ago, regentrude said:

After the big hike yesterday,  a gentle 12 miles, 1500 vertical feet. 

This brings me to a total of 70 miles or 178,000 steps in 2020.

Congratulations! You sound way too geeky with the step count, but I guess it's the "thing to do" when one wears a device that supposedly counts each step. Come on, how accurate do you really think this piece of metal is? My guess is after 100,000 it's now random numbers. 🤣

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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

Congratulations! You sound way too geeky with the step count, but I guess it's the "thing to do" when one wears a device that supposedly counts each step. Come on, how accurate do you really think this piece of metal is? My guess is after 100,000 it's now random numbers. 🤣

The step counting is actually very accurate (I checked against manual counting, and DH's device and mine count similar whenwe hike together).

The mileage the Fitbit gives is always a bit high; even if you put in your step length, that doesn't help in steep terrain or off trail where you will take smaller steps. So I subtracted 10% 🙂

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so I'm still a baby compared to you guys, but as my main goal is improved mood/mental health I'm being careful to keep if fun, and not push too hard. I know from past experience that If I exhaust myself mentally by pushing hard it makes my mental health stuff worse, not better. But, I did exercise again today! I didn't get to the gym as there was a mix up about if/when there was cub scouts tonight, so I did a quick Jessica Smith 1 mile abs/legs/butt workout thing, which got my hear rate up and worked my legs. And my 2 yr old did a lot of it with me which was HYSTERICAL and SO cute! She'd repeat things the instructor was saying, "push it!" etc. I was cracking up. 

Then I did an 8 minute standing stretch video of hers as well. 

And ate well, other than a few potato chips I stress ate after hearing bout the missile strikes. 

i swear all the weight I have gained this past year or so is political. Argh. 

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Still working away at my Adriene Home 30-day yoga.  I didn't get to yesterday's until 9.30pm, but it turned out to be fine.  I had walked briskly at lunchtime and that was it for exercise for the day.

Today I'm walking with a friend at lunchtime then starting a new Pilates class this evening, wanting to really focus on strength.  I will probably give up my general gym membership at the end of the month - I can do yoga at home these days, and I don't use the other services.  Their attitude to putting on classes for 9-5 workers also irritates me, so I could probably do without that in my life!

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8 hours ago, regentrude said:

The step counting is actually very accurate (I checked against manual counting, and DH's device and mine count similar whenwe hike together).

The mileage the Fitbit gives is always a bit high; even if you put in your step length, that doesn't help in steep terrain or off trail where you will take smaller steps. So I subtracted 10% 🙂

Yes, and how often did you re-calibrate it in the last year? Even very expensive equipment needs re-calibrated at least every year.  I'm just trying to be jokey, as you seem to be taking these things very literally.  And what about altitude change? You add in a % for that? 😉

I was reminded of this by another boardie regarding the typical bathroom scale. Its accuracy needs to be taken with a large grain of salt as well. We get all bent out of shape when we somehow gain a pound, when the actual number could be much farther off. Who re-calibrates their bathroom scale?  We do at our health research centre because we participate in international clinical trials.

For most of us the accuracy doesn't really matter all that much, but it is worth keeping in mind if only to remind ourselves that this is not rocket science. There is some calculating error going on in our measurements.  And even scientists make errors. 😂

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2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Still working away at my Adriene Home 30-day yoga.  I didn't get to yesterday's until 9.30pm, but it turned out to be fine.  I had walked briskly at lunchtime and that was it for exercise for the day.

Today I'm walking with a friend at lunchtime then starting a new Pilates class this evening, wanting to really focus on strength.  I will probably give up my general gym membership at the end of the month - I can do yoga at home these days, and I don't use the other services.  Their attitude to putting on classes for 9-5 workers also irritates me, so I could probably do without that in my life!

I'm sorry the gym is no longer working with your schedule, that is incredibly annoying, however I'm glad to see you've developed your own home practice.

7 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

so I'm still a baby compared to you guys, but as my main goal is improved mood/mental health I'm being careful to keep if fun, and not push too hard. I know from past experience that If I exhaust myself mentally by pushing hard it makes my mental health stuff worse, not better. But, I did exercise again today! I didn't get to the gym as there was a mix up about if/when there was cub scouts tonight, so I did a quick Jessica Smith 1 mile abs/legs/butt workout thing, which got my hear rate up and worked my legs. And my 2 yr old did a lot of it with me which was HYSTERICAL and SO cute! She'd repeat things the instructor was saying, "push it!" etc. I was cracking up. 

Then I did an 8 minute standing stretch video of hers as well. 

And ate well, other than a few potato chips I stress ate after hearing bout the missile strikes. 

i swear all the weight I have gained this past year or so is political. Argh. 

Wonderful job, you are working on establishing a habit, and it is good that you are keeping to what feels good for you and works. IMO walking is the best exercise, it is the foundation of everything else.

8 hours ago, regentrude said:

The step counting is actually very accurate (I checked against manual counting, and DH's device and mine count similar whenwe hike together).

The mileage the Fitbit gives is always a bit high; even if you put in your step length, that doesn't help in steep terrain or off trail where you will take smaller steps. So I subtracted 10% 🙂

Congrats on all the wonderful activity to start the new year. I noticed my FB will sometimes short me on mileage, I have this section I walk that I know is 1 mile and it always counts it as less than that. On our hike Wednesday it was rough terrain so we had lots of extra steps, I put in that I was hiking and it counted the mileage right there(according to the park map) but of course in my general count for the day  it looked like I walked extra miles because on my hike the step count was equal to 6 miles, although I only walked 4. 

12 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Lifting went really well this morning, and I did manage to do about 45 minutes of running this afternoon.  Getting a little sunshine during my run improved my mood greatly.  I'm wiped out now and am planning to take a pre-sleep nap through the entirety of my husband's date with the UF basketball game.  Thankfully he is not a sports yeller!  The craziest he ever gets is a raised eyebrow and some angry mutters, so I should sleep riiiiiight through all that, haha.

Glad to hear you got a nap and some good workouts.


21 hours ago, sassenach said:

I go back to piloxing today and I’m anticipating an ass whooping. Whole 30 is going great!  I’m so glad to be getting back to a semi normal schedule. 

Nice to see you, how did the class go?

21 hours ago, wintermom said:

For me, it was because I was landing on my heel. I don't run that way at all anymore. I've been landing on the ball of foot for a few years now when I run, and it's so much better for my entire body. My last marathon I ran that way and it was excellent.

Thanks to you and the other ladies about the running info, I obviously need to study more about this if I'm going to be running.


I read some about deloads yesterday and just decided to play around and have fun. I did shoulder carries switching sides w/ the 30# sandballs (the heaviest they had), atlas carries w/ the 70# kb, pikes in the TRX, 1 legged TRX push-ups, some TRX leg thing can't remember the name. I also did a whole lot of playing with hanging, going from this hold to that, neutral, wide, narrow, swinging with 1 arm, turning around, etc. 

Today I'll do some mobility work, I searched for some Youtube videos yesterday we'll see what I'm in the mood for, probably some MovNat thing and then before lunch dd and I will do C25K- 30 min total w/ run and walk intervals.

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20 min MovNat workout done this am, pretty gentle, some crawling, squat to stand, and other floor work

I am having a thai curry vegetable(sweet pot, carrot, cabbage mix, cilantro, spinach) and chicken soup w/ brown rice soup this morning. I made it for lunch, then thought breakfast soup sounds yummy. I went through a spell where I had a similar soup every morning

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I went for a walk/run and completed a bunch of errands. Then I went for a skate ski on actual trails - first time this winter. It was very windy, and I'll need an insole for my boots, but it was so fun to get out there! The snow was surprisingly good, considering the weird weather we've been having. 

I also discovered that we have a "Skate through the Forest" facility nearby. I'm going to do this, for sure! It's a 3 km iced trail to skate on through the woods. Sounds amazing. I just noticed on their website that they have a few special evenings where there is night-time skating lit up with torches along the trail. So cool!! 😀


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The tread part at OT today was a killer - we did 3 blocks, each 1 min push/1min base/1min push/1min hill climb/1min all-out/1min walk/1min all-out (repeat 2x more).  I did the pushes at 7, the all-outs at 8, and I walked the hill.  And then I was dead.  That ended up being a bit over 2 miles, according to the tread.

The floor was doing stuff for 1min at a time too; coordinated with the treads.  And two of the things were overhead triceps extensions and bench chest presses.  Yeah, we just did that yesterday.  And goblet swings, the thing where you lie on the bench and straight arm lift a weight behind your head and then over it - I'm blanking on the name - and bench sit-ups to jumps.  And 1 min rowing.  

And now, I am sore, all over even.  And tomorrow is not a rest day. 😞  At least I don't go in till the afternoon...

Edited by Matryoshka
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C25K done yesterday, without dd1, hmph.

I tried picking my feet up higher, which made me feel it more in my butt and also seemed like it took more energy, I'll have to compare HR info.

This am I'm not sure what I'll do, probably MM revibe workout or maybe Tai Chi. Tonight I'll play at the gym w/ lower body stuff, looking for fun things to do.

I'm sleeping pretty well when I sleep but still sometimes waking up way too early, like today I awoke at 2:45. My mood continues to be better than it was, so that is good. I'm experimenting w/ cutting dairy too to see if that has an affect on sleep (and undereye circles- which could just be sleep!) but last night dd2 made alfredo for dinner and I had some. 

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12 hours ago, wintermom said:


I also discovered that we have a "Skate through the Forest" facility nearby. I'm going to do this, for sure! It's a 3 km iced trail to skate on through the woods. Sounds amazing. I just noticed on their website that they have a few special evenings where there is night-time skating lit up with torches along the trail. So cool!! 😀



That torch thing sounds AMAZING.

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9 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Some relatives were in town yesterday, so the only exercise I got was CKD in the evening.  It was a good, fast paced, sweaty workout though and I am quite sore from this week's activities anyways.  Strength training this morning once it warms up a little, yard work this afternoon.

I need to do yard work here, pretty sure we have rain coming in though. I have company coming to visit tomorrow though so I'll do some cleaning instead. I am sore this am too but I am not sure why. Running hasn't made me sore before but I did try to change up my stride or maybe some of the squat variations I did in the am, but that doesn't usually bother me, IDK. Not bad but I can feel it.


Just now, Just Kate said:

I have my first beginners yoga class this evening! I’m a little nervous because I’ve never done anything like yoga and also, it has been ages since I’ve done any type of exercise class I’m looking forward to it though. I’ll come back and report how it is. 

Good luck, you'll do fine!


I'm so excited I'm having soup again today, no one else cares for it, so I have enough for 4 more servings I believe I'll have it for lunch today and do oats for breakfast. Tonight we are having chicken, black beans, and homemade guac and pico. I plan to put on the beans at lunch (instant pot dry beans) and make the guac and pico. I'll need a nap considering when I woke up. Snacks are TBD, kale chips sound good if I get around to making them.

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2 hours ago, soror said:

I'm sleeping pretty well when I sleep but still sometimes waking up way too early, like today I awoke at 2:45. My mood continues to be better than it was, so that is good. I'm experimenting w/ cutting dairy too to see if that has an affect on sleep (and undereye circles- which could just be sleep!) but last night dd2 made alfredo for dinner and I had some. 

So glad your sleep is improved! Now to get enough sleep so that the circles disappear (I need to do this, too)! 😉  

What do you do when you wake up in the middle of the night? I usually stay in bed and read, but I've seen suggestions that getting up, having a herbal tea and sitting in a relaxing chair may be more effective in encouraging sleep.

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9 minutes ago, wintermom said:

What do you do when you wake up in the middle of the night? I usually stay in bed and read, but I've seen suggestions that getting up, having a herbal tea and sitting in a relaxing chair may be more effective in encouraging sleep.

If I stay in bed, I won't fall back asleep. I have to get up, move around, do some light housework, read, reset the brain.

There is some research suggesting that the expectation humans should sleep for an uninterrupted eight hours is historically unnatural and that biphasic sleep is more natural - two separate sleep phases of several hours, separated by a period of waking. Older literature refers to "first sleep" and "second sleep". So, waking up in the middle of the night may be a normal thing and not pathological.

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15 minutes ago, regentrude said:

If I stay in bed, I won't fall back asleep. I have to get up, move around, do some light housework, read, reset the brain.

There is some research suggesting that the expectation humans should sleep for an uninterrupted eight hours is historically unnatural and that biphasic sleep is more natural - two separate sleep phases of several hours, separated by a period of waking. Older literature refers to "first sleep" and "second sleep". So, waking up in the middle of the night may be a normal thing and not pathological.

As a parent of 4 dc and a hormonal woman, I've not had 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep in decades. 😂  It's not even an expectation of mine.  I'd just like something to help me get BACK to sleep and to shut my mind from rehashing the same annoying and often negative thoughts. 

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28 minutes ago, wintermom said:

So glad your sleep is improved! Now to get enough sleep so that the circles disappear (I need to do this, too)! 😉  

What do you do when you wake up in the middle of the night? I usually stay in bed and read, but I've seen suggestions that getting up, having a herbal tea and sitting in a relaxing chair may be more effective in encouraging sleep.


2 minutes ago, wintermom said:

As a parent of 4 dc and a hormonal woman, I've not had 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep in decades. 😂  It's not even an expectation of mine.  I'd just like something to help me get BACK to sleep and to shut my mind from rehashing the same annoying and often negative thoughts. 



30 minutes ago, regentrude said:

If I stay in bed, I won't fall back asleep. I have to get up, move around, do some light housework, read, reset the brain.

There is some research suggesting that the expectation humans should sleep for an uninterrupted eight hours is historically unnatural and that biphasic sleep is more natural - two separate sleep phases of several hours, separated by a period of waking. Older literature refers to "first sleep" and "second sleep". So, waking up in the middle of the night may be a normal thing and not pathological.

For the longest time I would get up in the night when I woke up but I've found that I personally feel better if I stay in bed. I don't mind the waking up much it is the fact that I cannot go back to sleep, waking up for the day at 2:30, is not very fun. I lay there work on meditation, breathing exercises, etc, so at least I can relax even if I can't sleep.

20 min Revibe done, I so wish I could buy those as videos, love the workouts.

20 min foam rolling video, the poor man's massage ha, I bought one a few months ago but don't use it enough, this video was wonderful


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46 minutes ago, regentrude said:

If I stay in bed, I won't fall back asleep. I have to get up, move around, do some light housework, read, reset the brain.

There is some research suggesting that the expectation humans should sleep for an uninterrupted eight hours is historically unnatural and that biphasic sleep is more natural - two separate sleep phases of several hours, separated by a period of waking. Older literature refers to "first sleep" and "second sleep". So, waking up in the middle of the night may be a normal thing and not pathological.


Yep, there was a period of time when I was a single mom that I did this very consistently.  Fell asleep about 8:30 after putting kids to bed, slept until about 1:30, woke up and did a little work, went back to sleep and up at 6:30.  Seemed to work for me pretty well.  If I did that now, I'd never have any kid-free husband time, though!

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18 hours ago, wintermom said:

I went for a walk/run and completed a bunch of errands. Then I went for a skate ski on actual trails - first time this winter. It was very windy, and I'll need an insole for my boots, but it was so fun to get out there! The snow was surprisingly good, considering the weird weather we've been having. 

I also discovered that we have a "Skate through the Forest" facility nearby. I'm going to do this, for sure! It's a 3 km iced trail to skate on through the woods. Sounds amazing. I just noticed on their website that they have a few special evenings where there is night-time skating lit up with torches along the trail. So cool!! 😀



This sounds like so much fun!

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