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Let's count our blessings!


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Dh found a new job!

My children bought me a Christmas tree with their own money. 

Dh and I have been knocking out house projects left and right since he's been working part-time.  This is a huge blessing for me because we will be nicely prepared for Christmas and the influx of stuff

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we went to the police station to ask a question about my accident (for which I was being blamed by our insurance company).  The officer went back and looked at traffic cam video, came out front, told us exactly how to get a copy and reassured me I did nothing wrong.  without the video, it was my word against the jerk's (anyone who drives as recklessly as he did, and blames the person who crashed into him because he drove right in front of them as they were turning, as being at fault - is a jerk.)  still waiting to hear back officially from our insurance company - but the guy was three cars behind me  in the left turn lane. He was an accident waiting to happen from the moment he left that lane.

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We have a new pencil Christmas tree that fits in our living room! Our tree had to be in the basement before. Another thread gave me the idea. It is so pretty all lit up. And, since our previous star is too big for the new tree, we are using my husband's family's vintage angel tree topper. She is so sweet and just lovely. I may be a star-to-angel convert!

My DD learned how to dive. So proud of her! 

We ran into an older couple from our previous church while shopping and they made us feel so loved. 

Despite all my many faults, God still answers my prayers.

We are warm and healthy.

I have fun presents to wrap.

Last but not least, I am thankful for you all. Last night I was thinking that this forum feels like home to me. ❤️

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Well, I shared our biggest blessing in a thread earlier, but I'll repeat it for any who missed it -- in the face of our son's mystery illness (whether medical or psychiatric, we don't know yet), his college has been phenomenal in supporting us/him during this time. He can't return next semester, which means he will, one day, have to reapply and get readmitted. We've talked to people in the correct department to help with that, they've shared things we can do that we didn't even know existed, and the kicker was -- the VICE PROVOST of the school messaged me on FB (through a Parents of... group he's also a part of, where I'd posted asking for advice) to assure me He, personally, is there for us in whatever way we might need as we walk through this and to help guide DS/us through the readmit process when the time comes.  This is a HUGE school (65K students), but he stopped, at 9 pm one night, to message a parent about this. WOW. 

Also...the outpouring of love/support from the other parents in the group. Within an hour, there were 40+ replies of "I don't have the answers, but I'm praying for you and your son." By the 2nd day, over 100 (close to 150). Insane. 

In other news....he's also doing mildly better the last few days. He has, at times, been able to eat food w/o us needing to tell him to take each bite. He has, at times, spoken several sentences in a row to us. He is still not his normal old self from "before" but he is showing fewer symptoms, and that is enough reason to rejoice (even as it probably means it's psychiatric, and even as those options are kind of rather scary, honestly). 

So, other blessings....

...dh suggested, when I was trying to buy this sweater at Kohl's and needed a little more to get free shipping, to buy a 2nd sweater in a different color (this sweater is hands down the best sweater I've ever owned), so I did, and now I have three "perfectist sweater evers" in 3 different colors. 
....I messed up a wall-hanging for a friend, but caught the mistake (well, she did) before it was too late to fix it, and the friend is being very gracious about it
....all three kids are home

Oh, and also....I realized, as I was thinking about people I'd like to call and talk to about what's going on with our son, that an old friend who ditched me a few years ago....part of me thought, I wish I could call her. And then I realized something: in all our friendship, she really never did support me through things that I went through; it was always me supporting her. I couldn't remember a single time that I'd have called or emailed her upset and she'd have replied or listened or whatever. But the friends I have now, have. Do. And I realized.....I think I'm finally "over" that friendship. So, that was a blessing, too. 

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2 hours ago, TheReader said:

Well, I shared our biggest blessing in a thread earlier, but I'll repeat it for any who missed it -- in the face of our son's mystery illness (whether medical or psychiatric, we don't know yet), his college has been phenomenal in supporting us/him during this time. He can't return next semester, which means he will, one day, have to reapply and get readmitted. We've talked to people in the correct department to help with that, they've shared things we can do that we didn't even know existed, and the kicker was -- the VICE PROVOST of the school messaged me on FB (through a Parents of... group he's also a part of, where I'd posted asking for advice) to assure me He, personally, is there for us in whatever way we might need as we walk through this and to help guide DS/us through the readmit process when the time comes.  This is a HUGE school (65K students), but he stopped, at 9 pm one night, to message a parent about this. WOW. 

Also...the outpouring of love/support from the other parents in the group. Within an hour, there were 40+ replies of "I don't have the answers, but I'm praying for you and your son." By the 2nd day, over 100 (close to 150). Insane. 

In other news....he's also doing mildly better the last few days. He has, at times, been able to eat food w/o us needing to tell him to take each bite. He has, at times, spoken several sentences in a row to us. He is still not his normal old self from "before" but he is showing fewer symptoms, and that is enough reason to rejoice (even as it probably means it's psychiatric, and even as those options are kind of rather scary, honestly). 

So, other blessings....

...dh suggested, when I was trying to buy this sweater at Kohl's and needed a little more to get free shipping, to buy a 2nd sweater in a different color (this sweater is hands down the best sweater I've ever owned), so I did, and now I have three "perfectist sweater evers" in 3 different colors. 
....I messed up a wall-hanging for a friend, but caught the mistake (well, she did) before it was too late to fix it, and the friend is being very gracious about it
....all three kids are home

Oh, and also....I realized, as I was thinking about people I'd like to call and talk to about what's going on with our son, that an old friend who ditched me a few years ago....part of me thought, I wish I could call her. And then I realized something: in all our friendship, she really never did support me through things that I went through; it was always me supporting her. I couldn't remember a single time that I'd have called or emailed her upset and she'd have replied or listened or whatever. But the friends I have now, have. Do. And I realized.....I think I'm finally "over" that friendship. So, that was a blessing, too. 

It's wonderful to hear about all the support you've received, and that your ds is doing better. If he's improving so quickly, the psych stuff could well be temporary This is excellent news, I would think, though I'm no expert.  Praying that he continues to improve to full recovery very soon. ((hugs))

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Scrapp, thank you so much for starting this much needed thread. It's so easy to focus on all the struggles at this time of year (or any time, really). It's a great reminder to refocus on all one's blessings, as they are so numerous.

Recent blessings include:

- Excellent visit with the concussion specialist for ds. He's already having some benefit from the new pain meds. He is laughing again. I really missed that sound.

- I had a fabulous Christmas lunch with my work team. I've been on distress leave for 2 months and haven't seen most of my work colleagues. I hope to return to work sometime soon.

- Things are going much better with dh and my communication. Our stress levels are improving and we're able to return to being a "team."

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Thankful for many things...

I stepped away from Ds2's grades and schooling, letting him adult it by himself.  He got a 4.0 this semester.  That old adage "if they want it badly enough" truly applies here. Ds1 has stepped into a new line of work (acting) and has been working several days a week for a new show.  He is thrilled.  Dd made it through her first real semester of full-time classes at ps, only had two bad days with anxiety.  If you're a parent of a child with anxiety, you get this milestone.  

I'm grateful that I still have my mom to celebrate with this year.  I have good memories of my sister, and this year, although not easy, is more bearable because I'm focusing only on the good.  

And last, but not least, I know that I am not alone.  God is with me all the time.  

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