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Fires in Australia


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Well ds didn't get sent to the fires in NSW, There are enough local fires form the lightning. I have 2 sons out there at 2 different fires. One son rang me just before. He said he was in a meeting with the fire scientist. The one fire had heat and embers coming off it that were rising 5 km into the sky. They had to divert commercial flights and they could not use areal support because of the intensity. the bush is so dry that the fires are not subsiding in the evenings but still running. So far the fires are mostly in bushland, though they are starting to run into farmland. The area  that is burning is mostly hill-lands, very very steep or very thick bush with lot of fuel load.  Thick bush = heavily timbered


None of the fires are directly near me. 

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From Sydney Morning Herald https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/rfs-volunteer-charged-with-allegedly-lighting-seven-fires-deliberately-20191127-p53ejo.html

“November 27, 2019 — 11.02am

An RFS volunteer has been charged after he allegedly lit seven fires on the NSW south coast, including one on Tuesday which he returned to fight as part of his duties as a volunteer firefighter.

Blake William Banner, 19, was arrested on Tuesday evening in connection with seven fires in the Bega Valley area between October 17 and November 26. All are believed to have been deliberately lit.

The fires prompted a joint-investigation by officers from South Coast police district and the financial crime squad's arson unit under Strike Force Laurina, with assistance from NSW RFS investigators.

About 5.20pm on Tuesday, police allegedly observed the 19-year-old man sitting in a dual cab ute next to the Bega River, where they later saw smoke and a pile of trees and grass on fire.

At 7pm police attended a fire shed in Tarraganda and arrested Mr Banner, who police will allege lit the fire before leaving the area and returning to respond to it as a volunteer firefighter.

His vehicle was also seized for forensic examination.

Mr Banner was charged with seven counts of "intentionally causing fire and being reckless to its spread."

He appeared before Bega Local Court, where he was granted bail after posting a sum of $5000.”

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  • 4 weeks later...

From CNA 😞 https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/two-firefighters-killed-battling-australian-bushfires-12198838

“BUXTON, Australia: Two Australian firefighters were killed and three injured when their truck crashed as they battled out-of-control blazes in New South Wales state, officials said on Friday (Dec 20).

The accident occurred when the truck crashed into a tree then rolled off the road during an operation late on Thursday at Buxton, about 100 kilometres southwest of Sydney, the NSW Rural Fire Service said.

"This is an absolutely devastating event in what has already been an incredibly difficult day and fire season," the RFS said in a statement.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison paid tribute to the firefighters, saying their sacrifice would always be remembered.

"They were bravely defending their communities with an unmatched spirit and a dedication that will forever set them apart amongst our most courageous Australians," he said in a statement.

NSW has declared a state of emergency as an unprecedented heatwave fans bushfires that have destroyed homes and smothered huge areas with a toxic smoke, including Australia's largest city Sydney.”

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Devastating news about the Nsw fires So sad about the fieries 

my anxiety levels are going through the roof today.  Dh on a truck at a very very nasty fire with report of three firefighters injured.  Looks similar in scale to the fire we had here a few years back.  We have dry lightning and severe storm warning for the next couple of hours.  

fire to the north east of us has been downgraded thankfully but will see what happens when the wind change hits.

keep us in your thoughts 

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Where I am is beautiful today, a comfortable 32oC was meant to be 39oC but we have a sea breeze blocking the north wind . But I am right on the very coast. just a few km inland it is hot. Where my ds is fighting fires is close to 40oC.  The fire is running at the moment. I just heard the incident controller on the radio saying that they are just about to upgrade it. It is in the Snowy River National Park, very rugged and remote area not very accessible, and not inhabited. He as been I believe mostly working on constructing fall back lines to protect the remote communities when the fire reaches there as there is no way to contain this particular fire due to the terrain . He is not a very communicative chap, so I have to guess a lot. A bulldozer spotter was killed at that fire just over a week ago, ds was working at that fire at the time. 

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49 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Where I am is beautiful today, a comfortable 32oC was meant to be 39oC but we have a sea breeze blocking the north wind . But I am right on the very coast. just a few km inland it is hot. Where my ds is fighting fires is close to 40oC.  The fire is running at the moment. I just heard the incident controller on the radio saying that they are just about to upgrade it. It is in the Snowy River National Park, very rugged and remote area not very accessible, and not inhabited. He as been I believe mostly working on constructing fall back lines to protect the remote communities when the fire reaches there as there is no way to contain this particular fire due to the terrain . He is not a very communicative chap, so I have to guess a lot. A bulldozer spotter was killed at that fire just over a week ago, ds was working at that fire at the time. 

Scary stuff


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My ds 24 just popped in for a visit. He wasn't at the fires today - his mandatory day off after 10 days  fighting fires 13 + hours a day.  Like I said he isn't the most communicative guy.  He did explain to me why the Vicemergency app is so far behind real time. He said that the fire progress has to be confirmed by a helicopter with a mapping guy in it before they update the app maps. He said when the fire is running it is next to impossible to get that happening as things are changing too quickly.

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Still ok here though dh is out again 

a bit sad because dd lost two chooks to the heat and ds lost a budgie chick this morning.  We worked so hard to keep them all cool wet, with water etc checking every two hours.  In the kerfuffle this arvo with dh coming home and the lighting etc we missed the last check.  Poor dd is beating herself up over it. 

in the big scheme of things compared to so many losses it’s nothing.

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From CNA. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/australia-bushfires-volunteer-firefighters-battle-fatigue-injury-12202534 I feel so bad for the firefighters and their families. My husband and I have relatives in Australia. 

 “21 Dec 2019 12:05PM

DARGAN, Australia: After six exhausting weeks battling massive bushfires that are ripping through rural Australia, volunteer firefighter Andrew Moyle wishes for just two things: Rest and rain.

"Rain would be best," said Moyle, who juggles firefighting shifts of up to 18 hours with running his own maintenance business and managing a family cattle station.

The colossal task of fighting New South Wales' unprecedented bushfires falls largely to people like Moyle - a band of doctors, farmers and factory workers who at 70,000-strong are the world's largest volunteer fire service.

For weeks the 57-year-old and his crew have toiled in searing temperatures and thick acrid smoke as they try to curb a "mega-blaze" that has turned a swathe of national park near Sydney to ash.

"People are really tired," Moyle said, describing the service as "very stretched".

"As you get older like me it's hard, it's very tiring. It takes a toll on everybody here."

The risks are enormous and the sacrifice is immense. Two volunteer firefighters have died and some have had their homes destroyed while they were out saving other people's properties.

Gary Stokes, a veteran firefighter who last week spent 80 hours volunteering, said fatigue was affecting his whole brigade.

"I was sitting having a cup of tea yesterday and a little old lady came up to me and sort of gave me a hug and I actually had tears," he said. "You just need people knowing what you're doing, we're just trying to do our best."

Australia is no stranger to bushfires, but even among veterans there is a sense that this year's climate change-fuelled blazes are different.

Bushfires have been raging along Australia's east coast for months, burning three million hectares (7.4 million acres) - equivalent to the size of Belgium - and razed more than 800 homes in worst-hit New South Wales alone.

"Last time, you'd be on the job for a couple of days. This time you're on the job week after week after week," said the 63-year-old airline pilot.

"It's an emotional thing, because you've got to be on top of the game all the time, or someone will get hurt."

Stokes worries about the strain on his family, and his wife is concerned about the dangers he faces.


Since 1896 - when the first volunteer brigade was founded in New South Wales - the service has relied on amateurs because hiring professional staff year-round across a vast landmass would be prohibitively expensive and, for most of the year, unnecessary.

But shrinking rural communities, an ageing population and the prospect of longer and more intense fire seasons are all straining the volunteer model.

The deaths of two volunteers have highlighted the "inherent risks" facing firefighters, according to New South Wales Rural Fire Service commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons.

"When this sort of tragedy confronts an organisation like the RFS, everybody hurts, it hurts everybody to the core and we know that we've lost absolutely valued members of our RFS family," he said.

"We know that these men and women, our volunteers, are remarkable individuals."”

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On 12/19/2019 at 6:03 PM, Rosie_0801 said:

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is on holiday in Hawaii, so his words don't mean much.


9 hours ago, StellaM said:


Admire your restraint here, Rosie.


3 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Career suicide... pretty sure he is done


I was thinking of “Nero fiddled while Rome burned” actually when Rosie posted 😞

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Just now, StellaM said:


The guy is Teflon.

I mean, he bought a lump of coal into Parliament to 'scare Greenies' and still got elected. 

A few photo ops today, some extension of bushfire payments tomorrow - he'll be right. How good is Australia!

I honestly don’t think so.  Sentiment is pretty well against him.  Even people who don’t care about climate change issues etc are upset.

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Looks like things turned pretty nasty for NSW overnight.  Hoping the cooler change brings relief.  Dh know some people near one of the fires and said there’s a massive cliff its unlikely the fire will go up and over but it did. 

still low winds and cooler temps here today.  A worse day tomorrow but nothing on the level we had.

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They are predicting major fire runs in my area in the next 2 days, Monday especially. We are packed ready for evacuation if necessary. I think we will be Ok here.

I have all absolutely essential things in one small backpack. 

It is one of those times where you prepare for the worst and hope it doesn't eventuate

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2 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

They are predicting major fire runs in my area in the next 2 days, Monday especially. We are packed ready for evacuation if necessary. I think we will be Ok here.

I have all absolutely essential things in one small backpack. 

It is one of those times where you prepare for the worst and hope it doesn't eventuate

stay safe there and hope you don’t need those bags.  

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5 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Melissa I really hope you guys are safe And ok! Things sound scary

when will this weather let up?

we are Ok at the moment. Tens of thousands of tourists were evacuated today as it is the Christmas summer vacation and East Gippsland has such beautiful beaches. My phone is beeping every few minutes with news of more spot-fires and lighting starting fires. 


I am hoping we are in a safe spot. 

I would really appreciate positive thoughts and prayers for my 2 sons who tomorrow, in possible 100 km winds and a temperature of  42 oC are going to be fighting fires. The fire that DS 25 is at is moving and making its own lightning from the smoke column , starting new fires




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A small coastal village a bit east of me called Malacoota  has a population of 1,000, they have at the moment 12,000 tourists. Only one road out.  They have a fire that started by lightning this afternoon and will bare down on them tomorrow. the one road out was closed for some hours this afternoon, but has been  briefly reopened so they can try and get some of the people out.

 the fire started at 4 pm. it is now 8.44 pm and it has already burned 1,200 ha

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1 hour ago, Melissa in Australia said:

we are Ok at the moment. Tens of thousands of tourists were evacuated today as it is the Christmas summer vacation and East Gippsland has such beautiful beaches. My phone is beeping every few minutes with news of more spot-fires and lighting starting fires. 


I am hoping we are in a safe spot. 

I would really appreciate positive thoughts and prayers for my 2 sons who tomorrow, in possible 100 km winds and a temperature of  42 oC are going to be fighting fires. The fire that DS 25 is at is moving and making its own lightning from the smoke column , starting new fires




thoughts (and prayer) with you, your sons and all the firefighters over the next few hours.

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We just received a message that they want all outlying communities not in a evacuation zone to move into a town within the next hour.

i may not have internet and we may loose electricity. I will keep you guys updated as I can, but don’t worry if I am not on for a few days as it will probably  just mean the power will be out.


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1 hour ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Just heard on the radio, incident controller, that they have pulled back all firefighters on the fire my ds25 is on. They are now stationed  at  buildings waiting to defend them when the fire arrives.

Asset protection only

weather conditions are going downhill here

Im downtown for now so not stressing about being safe but worrying about pets livestock etc.  and dh obviously 

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1 hour ago, Melissa in Australia said:

We just received a message that they want all outlying communities not in a evacuation zone to move into a town within the next hour.

i may not have internet and we may loose electricity. I will keep you guys updated as I can, but don’t worry if I am not on for a few days as it will probably  just mean the power will be out.


Are you staying put?  Stay safe!

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34 minutes ago, Rosie_0801 said:

I'm glad your boys have been pulled back, Melissa. It looks bloody nasty on the map.

It looks terrible right here. We can see massive columns of smoke in 4 different directions they are red, orange and grey.

They are expecting the fire to cross the highway within the next 30 minutes. 

stil a ways away from us, but I know people who are very close to the fires.

it is a bad day

Edited by Melissa in Australia
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8 minutes ago, StellaM said:


Oh no...do you have radio ? Local ABC ?

The fires creating their own storms - it looks apocalyptic. 

Still keeping your boys in my thoughts - and Ausmum's dh too. 


 Just heard the incident controller on the radio. We are now in watch and act a fire baring down on the town

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