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Tips for dressing over 50


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I just need some good sites for dressing over 50.  I'm not a professional so it's harder to find casual clothes suggestions for the over 50 crowd.  I also don't look like the white haired women that are posing in the outfits so it's hard for me to relate.  Thanks!

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I guess nice casual.  I don't like wearing sweats nor yoga pants.  I feel too exposed with yoga pants or leggings.  I guess jeans and nice tops.  I'm just getting the tummy thing probably mostly due to gravity since my weight is the same.  Basically, I'm starting to get my mother's body and don't want to wind up looking frumpy like a Lutheran school teacher in the 80s.

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If it’s casual:

Winter clothes:

Skinny jeans with dressy sneaker or boots or some other such grownup shoe.  Shirts that don’t fit too tight, but also don’t have to be super long or baggy.  Fitted jackets over everything.

Dresses or skirts with leggings or tights underneath and boots.  

Summer clothes:

I’m 46, so am not quite 50, but I go for a casual dress with a tshirt underneath and sandals.  I have this dress and it works in most situations with a white tshirt underneath because I feel that it’s cut too low:  https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BXS6J5V/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I have other dresses like that, but the above one is very nice.  I don’t wear shorts, so I’m always in some sort of dress or skirt in the summer.  

In between weather:

Skinny jeans but with short sleeve shirts and no jacket.


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I just wear jeans and shirts or tunics pretty much.  (Unless I’m in my new red hat and purple clothes get ups🤣

I like Wrangler jeans currently.  But have used LL Bean ones too.  The Wranglers I have are lighter weight and currently more comfortable.   LOL duh, my LL Bean ones are flannel lined so obviously heavier. 

Sometimes I add a scarf or a wrist bangle or some such, but mostly just plain. 

I am working on the tummy thing as a health issue.  Want to join me? 

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9 minutes ago, mathnerd said:

Would you mind sharing what you are doing about it? I have a "tummy thing" going on as well ...

I started with a Keto type approach (went from size 14 to 10, but then got off track started cheating and headed back up to a 12) but have shifted to:


The Autoimmune Fix: How to Stop the Hidden Autoimmune Damage That Keeps You Sick, Fat, and Tired  Before It Turns Into Disease https://www.amazon.com/dp/162336700X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_P5sFDb9D0K1HM

(allows a daily small square very dark chocolate and coffee, does not allow any of the 7 top autoimmunity triggers until one has done radical elimination diet for at least a month and carefully tested tolerance to them—but gluten and wheat are totally off the plan for most people permanently)


The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast https://www.amazon.com/dp/0316230022/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_.1sFDbXV3RFZH

(does not allow any caffeine, so no coffee, tea, chocolate.  But does allow some of the auto immune trigger foods)

type approaches 

which seem better to me.   (Generally, I’m doing the former, but am planning out a 10 day on the latter to drop the coffee, chocolate (sob), tea etc for 10 days in addition.   Then I can try reintroducing the chocolate etc and see how I feel in comparison.) 

I’m now still in my 12 jeans, but they’re loose—should be back in 10 soon and hope to be with 10s loose and comfortable.  

What’s better is that I’ve had fewer migraine headaches and less joint pain with this approach . 


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Following up with what I wrote earlier:  fitted jackets help with hiding the tummy.  They can nip you in a bit at the waist, but also cover the tummy.  

I have a Community Aid near me and they tend to have a lot of jackets.  I go in every 5 months or so to see what’s new in the jackets and usually can find a couple that fit well.  I have quite the collection now.  

Jackets tend to be very gently worn clothes, probably since they’re not directly against the skin and don’t get washed a lot, so you can find very nice ones in great condition for a good price.  

And I’ve found that they also make an outfit look a little more dressy than without them which is nice when you’re older.  

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2 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

I like long drapey sweaters for fall and winter over a fitted t shirt with jeans and nice shoes. Shoes make a huge difference in how put together you look.

And this is where I struggle so much.  Due to foot issues I can wear Chaco sandals, Brooks dyad tennis shoes, oboz hiking shoes and hopefully a dansko shoe.  I have a wide foot and high instep which makes it super hard to find shoes that fit.  I also walk miles a day at work so they must be comfortable.

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1 hour ago, Garga said:

Yup.  Take care with the shoes.  That's a big part of looking grownup.

I usually have one pair of shoes that I wear daily and a couple of pairs of boots that rarely get in the mix unless I'm wearing skinny jeans.  I should invest in more shoe choices this year.  At least one more shoe choice.  I am so not trendy.

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2 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

I like long drapey sweaters for fall and winter over a fitted t shirt with jeans and nice shoes. Shoes make a huge difference in how put together you look.

I was doing fitted t-shirts until my tummy started to rebel on me.  I'm thinking gravity is taking over.  That's what I say.  In reality, doing ab work is so not fun and I think if I lost a few pounds, that could also take care of the problem.  But, I look at women my age and think I'm doing pretty good so I don't bother.  

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12 hours ago, bethben said:

I just need some good sites for dressing over 50.  I'm not a professional so it's harder to find casual clothes suggestions for the over 50 crowd.  I also don't look like the white haired women that are posing in the outfits so it's hard for me to relate.  Thanks!

Wearable Outfit Ideas and Women's Fashion for Real Life - JoLynne Shane

Grace & Beauty fashion and beauty blog for women over 40 - Cyndi Spivey

 I like both of these ladies - they have relaxed, everyday clothing and also dressy stuff for special occasions, too. I think JoLynne is around 47? and Cyndi is over 50. 

Angie at Hot&Flashy mostly does makeup and skincare for over 50s but sometimes does fashion, too.

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21 hours ago, bethben said:

I guess nice casual.  

I have an aunt who is brilliant in clothing. Like she's in her 70s and she always looks so up to date, nice, appropriate. I *think* maybe one place she shops is here, but I haven't asked in ages, lol. https://www.coldwatercreek.com  But what happens with these more interesting catalogs is you try one and then more companies get your name. So it's kinda a pain with the trash, but maybe just adventuring out like that would get you some new ideas? And yeah, she tends to wear these beautiful flowy tops over more fitted legs. Covers her chesty and shows her sort of artistic, soft side. But it's not like you just walk into the mall or whatever and find that, lol. 

Actually, have you looked at Target this year? They have such pretty things right now. I was flabbergasted.

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17 hours ago, bethben said:

doing ab work

If you want a laugh, my PT does NOT want me doing ab work. He says your core is all the way around, not just your stomach, and to do whole body movements that replicate real life. So he likes weighted lunches, glut bridges, etc. Right now my back is kinda messed up, with what turns out to be a herniated disc and some permanent arthritis (sigh), and my tum tum has been slimming with these kind of alternate things he has me doing. And they're really subtle, never a lot, never arduous.


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