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Survey in honor of 50th anniversary of moon landing


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Huh. That's a question.

I'm going to go with YouTuber. Those guys clean up. And my kids are better people than, say, Logan Paul. I admire astronauts and if my kids wanted that, then I'd be there for it. But when I watch astronauts, sometimes my fear of heights kicks in just looking at the video and I feel sick. I think I'd probably combust of stress watching my kids do that.

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My oldest ... astronaut 100% ... he's in Air Force pilot training now. His plans le as n toward test pilot. 

Middle- well hes a radio and television production major with amateur Ghost hunting show in the works - so definitely YouTuber lol

My youngest aspires to be a Flight controller for NASA (specifically in Flight Dynamics) or one of the commercial companies. He also is learning to fly. So, astronaut. For sure.

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I have an aersospace engineer  (wants to do astronautical) - so I'm sure he'd rather be an astronaut.   if they had to choose one, I'm sure the others would also choose astronaut.

dudeling wants to be a youtuber. He has no clue what that requires.

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I wanted to be an astronaut.  My younger kids would like to be professional youtubers.  We don't have TV or ipads or smartphones or any of that, but they took to watching (in retrospect, from mildly annoying all the way to truly reprehensible) youtube videos on our work desktop and we've had to ban youtube.  It's addictive! I am not sure why.  They'd rather watch youtube videos in the dark than play outside most days.  The rest of the available computer activities don't hold nearly as much interest (basically, orisinal games and Rescue Bots or Backyardigans, our two approved little kid video options).  We also had to ban all of those games that have lots of mirrors all over the internet and often verge on creepy or obscene - crazygames and etc.  

Some of the effects of youtube binging were sort of cute; they'd make videos of themselves on my very basic flipphone showing the "viewer" around the bathroom or how to make a paper airplane or something.

Others were weirder; DD7 in particular, after watching a whole series of them about (I learned later from the history) "instagram hacks," started sort of performing every time she showed me anything.  

Anyway, no more youtube!  

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Both my kids would love to work in some way for NASA and are actually casually at this point aiming in that direction.  Both are fascinated........both are problem solvers and not likely to ever be the astronaut......one of my childhood best friend’s was an astronaut in the shuttle program.  It’s hard work and she never got her ride .........

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I know my niece would pick astronaut because she LOVES space.  I know my 12yo would pick Youtuber because he’s not really into space. My 8yo might ponder it for a minute, but I think he’d pick Youtuber.

My husband was a space camp kid who went to school to be a police officer and wound up in business and a volunteer firefighter. And also watches a lot of YouTube.

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One would choose astronaut.  The other would choose YouTuber 'cause astronauts need to learn lots of math and science.  Plus income  from doing whatever she'd do on YouTube might pay the bills so she could Do Art.

Thankful there are more than 2 choices!

Edited by marbel
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My kid was too anxious to handle monkey bar heights for awhile and he gets carsick easily, so I don't see astronaut in his future. So probably youtuber? He really likes all things medical though, so he's more likely to do something in that field.

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