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You see what I have to deal with? Doing a perfectly good Kevorkian, bragging about it to my group, and then some rabble rousers resuscitate the thread! That's just annoying. :angry:


Edited to add- Now watch some smart alec add "rabble rousers" to the tags! Just watch!



I would, but I am already at my tag limit. Should I change "Naughty Kittens" or "Imagine"?

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*Cindy sips her Diet Pepsi, notices the Coke drinkers sitting next to her, and revels in her own tolerance*


I'd try to bite my tongue...but it wouldn't work.


So after you took the third sip of your Diet Pepsi I'd ask you why you were drinking that poison. Come on!


You need to treat your body better than that Mrs Fermented-Bean Lady :D


Bill (what me smug? :tongue_smilie:)

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I'd try to bite my tongue...but it wouldn't work.


Blessed are the non-Tongue Biters, for they will be free of bandaids in inconvenient places :P


So after you took the third sip of your Diet Pepsi I'd ask you why you were drinking that poison. Come on!


Yeah!! stick w/ straight Coke. and if you get the stuff bottled outside the US, it'll have regular sugar and not HFCS!


Bill (what me smug? :tongue_smilie:)


hey - i think smug looks good on you..... :lol:

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