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Do you miss excitement?

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I love my family. I have a great husband and pretty good kids. Really, nothing to complain about. I have to say though, my life has gotten pretty dull. It is all so predicatable. Take kids to xyz, make dinner, clean house, pay bills, on and on; I busy but I'm bored, if that makes sense. Maybe I'm just feeling old today and missing my youth. I used to have so much fun dating, flirting and going out with friends. Please don't misunderstand, I wouldn't trade where I'm at now for anything. I just wish there was something to get my blood pumping now and then. Make sense?

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I was where you are about 3? years ago. I was B-O-R-E-D staying home and wanted some outside stimulation.


Me thinks I went to far in the other direction!:lol:


Would it be possible at all for you to have something outside your home just for you? Volunteering? (Small) PT job? College class of some sort? Hobby?

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Surprisingly, no. As a young person I used to be very much looking for adventure and fun, but I have mellowed a lot as I get older. I find that I take pleasure in very simple things these days. A few weeks ago picking apples with my family on a gorgeous fall day and making homemade applesauce made me so happy. My family, my home, my life makes me happy. I have family and friends I love and no major life issues right now. I want to soak it all in and revel in every minute knowing that I will someday (probably sooner rather than later) have to face the many hard things that happen in life. Most would say my life is boring. But, I've never been happier.

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Oh yes, sometimes the day to day activities are 'boring'. Years ago my dh sent me to learn how to whitewater rafting! I loved it and looked forward to my time away to the mtn's to do my new hobby. Then we moved to the coast and I sold my boat. I haven't picked up sea kayaking...


I think it's normal and you just need to find something to fill that void. Do you have a night out with friends every so often?


What about a new hobby? or take classes at a community college in something that interests you? What about new activities for your entire family?


We recently started hiking with the kiddos and they love it! Sometimes they take their camera's, or binoculars, or nature journal for drawing...we made it fun for them, so we can do it longer(something I really enjoy).


But honestly, I don't think life is exciting most days. I don't think it's meant to be...but you should find something that brings you joy and passion. Most likely will be a hobby of some sort you really enjoy or enjoy doing with friends. Even a current hobby could become exciting. If you scrapbook perhaps go on one of the weekend crops in another state with a friend? If you needlepoint/knit/crochet why not find an out of state show and go for the weekend? If you enjoy socializing why not organize a monthly social club near you? Lots of opportunities to volunteer in something exciting.


Hang in there. I think ALL people go through this, not just moms at home. You have to find something to bring you joy outside of your family...so when it's really boring you have something else to look forward to.



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Surprisingly, no. As a young person I used to be very much looking for adventure and fun, but I have mellowed a lot as I get older. I find that I take pleasure in very simple things these days. A few weeks ago picking apples with my family on a gorgeous fall day and making homemade applesauce made me so happy. My family, my home, my life makes me happy. I have family and friends I love and no major life issues right now. I want to soak it all in and revel in every minute knowing that I will someday (probably sooner rather than later) have to face the many hard things that happen in life. Most would say my life is boring. But, I've never been happier.


You pretty much summed up my feelings.


(and your avatar looks great, btw :001_smile:)

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Surprisingly, no. As a young person I used to be very much looking for adventure and fun, but I have mellowed a lot as I get older. I find that I take pleasure in very simple things these days. A few weeks ago picking apples with my family on a gorgeous fall day and making homemade applesauce made me so happy. My family, my home, my life makes me happy. I have family and friends I love and no major life issues right now. I want to soak it all in and revel in every minute knowing that I will someday (probably sooner rather than later) have to face the many hard things that happen in life. Most would say my life is boring. But, I've never been happier.


Mindy! Look at your gorgeous self, sista! Love the new pic!

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I don't expect your hubby will mind if you flirt with him. Mine used to pull cheesy pick up lines on me from time to time. "Do you come here often?" Wink, wink. Well, yeah, it's the loungeroom!

My idea of excitement would be to go out and eat ice-cream and pancakes for breakfast tomorrow. You could try that, it won't do any harm, unless you all go on a sugar high.



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Heart pumping = chasing 5 goats and 3 sheep around the neighborhood as they enjoy tasting all the foliage we don't have at home! Rhododendrons are poisonous!! Give me a dull old day :) Really, I felt quite a bit of satisfaction recently just choosing a new color for the living room wall and painting it myself. I must be getting old

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Why do you think I'm off to a handgun course for my vacation this year, LOL?


Yeah - I like a little excitment now and then, but I'm opting for more controlled excitement these days.


So while I'll do something that really stretches me, like take a shooting course, I'll do it under extremely safe, well-thought-out conditions. Unlike my younger days, I make sure my excitement is budgeted for, impacts no one else, and all my "jobs" are done beforehand or seen to by someone else.


I also spend way more time these days NOT being exciting. It's a balance for me of day after day at home - busy but safe. And a few really exciting times to shake me up.

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Maybe I'm just a nerd, but I'm excited about everything to do with the dc right now. I know you're not supposed to have everything be all about them, get a life, etc... But I'm excited to watch them develop and learn and turn into little people.:001_smile: Yes, of course they drive me crazy and I need a break, but I really wouldn't want to be doing anything else at this point. I went through the "too much" phase previously-in another marriage, and I was searching. Now, for the most part, I think I'm where I'm supposed to be.


Doing something for just you is important though. I am going back to school on-line, and it's been great having something that's all mine.

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I miss my college days mostly. I miss the challenge of my classes, the social life with all my friends, places to go, things to do, those were the best years of my life.


I love my family, but my heart sometimes longs to go back to work. Actually, I am a park partner volunteer for our local state park and got to spend a lot of time this past summer mentoring the naturalist interns and I haven't felt so alive in years as I did this summer.


I don't think the grass is greener, I think it's more about balance in our lives. Being home all the time, with your kids all the time, little adult interaction is not necessarily healthy. If people love it and it works for them-great, it works well for some moms. But I need more of a balance. I want to be with my kids most, but I also need outside things for me that I love.

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I get very bored on some days. My ds will come to me and say "I'm bored" and i just repeat it back. We've had so many challenges in the past 5 years I feel like a lot of them are behind us and I have not quite settled down.


We have some good adventures planned for the future which get me excited just thinking about.


Plus I'm writing a 50k novel in November, I can live vicariously through my characters and never have to leave the house. I've been working on my writing all year and have 3 stories that I'm at different phases in writing. It's enough adventure for my little brain right now.


I love my family, my life is fairly even keel right now, but I needed something that was just for me. Something that had nothing to do with being a wife, mother, or homeschool mom.

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I was like that for a while but not so much now. There's a few things I do to keep my life interesting...


I go to a weekly support group meeting where I have wonderful friends every Monday night for a 3 hour break. I also go to four day retreats twice a week with the same group. We have a ball.


I structure our homeschooling to be fun for me. I love outings and day trips so we do lots of them. I think I enjoy most of our field trips more than my kids do. We go to museums, zoos, science centers, nature places, live theater, etc. I love live theater, especially now that I know it doesn't have to be expensive. We get in to community theater for $5/person or free.


I've also been reviving my marriage with flirting. It's been so much fun. I read in a book that men like side-to-side companionship and recommended that wives just sit with their husbands while they worked on projects. No "talking" just sit with them. I've done this and my husband asks what I need and I just say nothing. He usually asks a few times. It baffles him but he smiles and starts talking about stuff. I listen and comment as appropriate but don't start or carry the conversation. I've even done this right out of the shower, sitting in a towel. I wasn't at the table long before he wanted to "help me get dressed." My flirting has led to more smiles, a happier and more helpful husband, and more action in the bedroom. It's been a lot less boring.


So, what I'm saying is find some time for yourself, do things you enjoy, and flirt with your husband. It will feel weird at first but it's worth it. He'll probably like it and maybe even ask where his wife went like mine does.

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1. Do something for yourself that you don't do now. Boost your self-image by wearing the most uncomfortable, yet s£xy underoos and act as if you ARE going on a date (with plans afterwards) and surprise your dh too. ;)


2. Get in the car and get LOST on purpose. Have your map with you but purposely just go explore without a destination in mind. Kids and Dh are optional.


3. Do something that you consider adventurous. If it's not something you'll want to brag about, it's not adventurous enough. You want that, "LOOK at what I DID!" feeling.


:) I hope you find good 'excitement' and not 'the house is flooded because the pipe broke and the snake escaped it's cage' type of excitement. :lol:

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Bored? :blink:


No. never. I do understand what you mean by *busy but bored* but life is too challenging to give rise to boredom. Perhaps you need to find your challenge- literature, current events, cooking, homemaking, etc. Do something that interests you, then you may feel more interesting, and it will spill over.


I might suggest that there are ministries of all shapes and sizes that would greatly appreciate your efforts. Even done infrequently, if you choose a cause that you're passionate about I think it would add some zing to your thang'.



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