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No Spend January (8th-14th)


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We needed a new thread. :D


1/8- $0.  Arranged a playdate at our house so we stayed busy and occupied.


1/9- projected spending: $175, the weekly activity that if we didn't pay for now, would cost twice as much in 3 weeks.  However, dh came home with a $50 gift card to the grocery store from his work (end of year gift to all employees), so that will shave quite a bit off our next food run.



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1/8--as mentioned on the last thread, spent $3.83 on an aux cable to replace the one that disappeared out of my car, so I could listen to my audiobook on the long drive to work. It was within my budgeted pocket money.

Edited by Ravin
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Day 8: Gas


Day 9: DD goes to dual enrollment today - other kids have a date with grandparents to visit the local conservatory. So, I'll be back to shuffling kids around today. If I go and do drop off/pick up only and stay out of the stores, it should be a $0 day (conservatory is being paid for by grandparents). I will give DD some pocket cash in case she needs it at school; she's pretty good about not spending though. I do need to stop at the bank to deposit some checks. Also desperately need to work on some meal ideas - I'm struggling with my diet and cooking this week - not really sure why it's bothering me this week.  


Got around to listing some old school stuff on a FB site yesterday. One item sold quickly, and I'll deliver it on Thursday. 

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1/8 Decided to fly from Chicago to Atlanta to see my dad instead of driving. $133 Round trip airfare.  


1/9 No spending planned. 



I have food for the trip down since I had planned to drive (Wrap, pretzels, m and ms) so no need to buy meals out while I get from here to there.  I'll buy MARTA fare to get from the airport to North Springs so my sister can pick me up. (Under $10 round trip)  I have no plans to spend while there but I have Christmas money from FIL in case I do want something. 


I'll catch up with you guys when I get back- I usually try to focus on Dad and give him my full attention so I stay of the internet. He's 86 and sleeps like four hours a night...it's exhausting!!

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So, I got to my weekly spending money distribution day without having already spent all the money, and without having any unbudgeted discretionarly spending credit card receipts to put on my "wall of shame". Go me!


That's great!  Congrats to you!


I went the whole week without Starbucks, and that's big for me since I have plenty of rewards for free drinks.  And Starbucks is a mile from my house and I pass it all the time. But here's the thing- I did PASS it last week.

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I'm counting "unplanned" expenses, ie things that I don't need to buy to keep daily operations going.


1/8- 0. Did go into the city, but skipped my extra grocery run to TJ's/Whole Foods I normally do to stock up on stuff. I'm going to try and skip this entirely for January.

1/9 -0 "unplanned", but $16 on pizza. Normally this would be cut on a normal no-spend month, but I'm trying to keep as much normal as possible for the kids since we are moving and it's a Tuesday tradition.



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Tonight is my Movie Night Out. I have a Movie Pass, so the ticket is already paid for ($10 a month buys me ticket to one show every calendar day).


I got a gift card from the theater for Christmas, so my $2.50 popcorn was free. I only ate half of it and am wondering if it’ll last until next week so I can bring it back in and finish it. I’m going to test it. (Is that crazy? Maybe I can put it in the freezer?)


Was sorely tempted to stop at McD’s for a shake on the way home. I go with a friend and it would have been fun to sit over a shake and talk about the movie, but then I remembered this thread and stopped myself.



Looking in the fridge, I have a bunch of leftovers. There’s almost nothing there that makes one full dish, but if we are all willing to have a bizarre buffet tomorrow, we can eat dinner out of the fridge and I can save the frozen fish until next week. I might have to supplement our Bizarre Buffet with a side dish of veggies or something, but it’ll be cheaper than the fish and none of the food in the fridge will go to waste.



The movie was The Greatest Showman. I saw it last week, too. It was still just as good as the first time I saw it. If you’re saving money, then I guess you shouldn’t go. But if you are determined to go out to a movie and don’t want to waste your money on a bad one, then see The Greatest Showman. It was delightful.

Edited by Garga
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1/9 - $12.  I was running the 7yo to auditions last night so dh was going to cook dinner.  He ended up being exhausted when he got home.  I ran to McD's instead.  In hindsight, not even the fastest option because it took them 15 minutes to make and bag cheeseburgers and fries.  DS ate on the way home and fell asleep soon after we got back.  Long day for him. However, it was a successful one.  He's guaranteed a part and we set up the foundation for two more playdates.  The child who was afraid he wouldn't make friends here has now a large group.


1/10 - any activity today was paid for way in advance.  We're going skating and stopping by the library on the way home. :)  Dinner tonight will be the chili dh didn't do last night.  He'll get home to a hot meal after his 12 hour day at work.  I'm going to try to make bread, too, but we'll see how that goes.

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Day 8: Gas

Day 9: Other car ended up needing gas too. Really, really wanted to have DH stop for dinner on the way home, but I threw frozen chicken breasts into the pressure cooker and dinner was ready in less than 1/2 an hour - Taco Tuesday.


Day 10: 2 kids have an art class this morning. That leaves me hanging around for 2 hours - it's not long enough to come back home since the museum is 45 minutes away, so I usually have breakfast out and shop a little. Today, I'm bringing a snack and the first Harry Potter book to reread since the HP book club starts Saturday. I might go find the library building for some free wifi; they're in the middle of a move, and I don't know where they've ended up. I have my menu plan ready, since it's a busy day around lunch and dinner today. 

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Day 10 - $230


Good grief I have been doing fairly well then BAM!


gas for car -my car was on empty - can't remember when I last filled up - filled it up and of course prices have jumped 10c a gal in last few days


walmart for birthday present, shampoo, female stuff, gloves for ds.


grocery - we were out of everything

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1/9 - 1/10:  Ordered some books for DS8 last night that the library (and the other 13 or so libraries in our system!) don't carry.  I had an Amazon gift card, so it wasn't as painful as it could have been.  And I have to pay library fines tonight.  So they can, ahem, unlock my card.  Last year I made it to March without any fines.  I didn't exactly start out at $0 this year though.


Frugal win though, I had enough meatball mix leftover from last night to make two mini-meatloaves.  I am roasting a half a bag of carrots (just the carrots, not the bag) and making a small batch of mashed potatoes, and I'll have two single-serve microwave meals to throw in the freezer for DH to take to work.  He was down to two containers of "meal of last resort" stir fry.  Maybe I should convince him to eat those first.   :lol:

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Had unexpected vet bills last week so I was thrilled when my FIL dropped by with leftovers from a conference he had catered at work.  They provided breakfast and lunch for participants and we were gifted with several loaves of bread, orange juice, 2 gallons of milk and enough of 'lunch' to provide three meals.  I told DH it basically worked out to exactly what we spent at the vet!  If I stick to only doing a produce run at the end of the week I think we'll be able to end the two weeks spending less money than budgeted!


My other huge success for the week is that I was out very early on Monday and passed the only donut place in town.  They close by 10am and I am never up and out early enough to get donuts.  It was so tempting but I managed to keep driving on.  It's these little $10 splurges that really kill my budget, so this was a big deal for me =)

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Groceries today. The temptation will be to get Starbucks [with a giftcard] while I do groceries and just generally overspend. I need to get the baby to sleep in the next hour so I can really plan out the meals and try to keep the budget low, and stay away from problem aisles. 


I need more variations on "rice and beans" besides just rice and beans, lol. 

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I need more variations on "rice and beans" besides just rice and beans, lol.


Rice and beans can be made so many ways. Some of my go to dishes..


Cuban black beans and rice

Your generic red beans and rice

Multi bean soups

Coconut curried lentils

Lentil soups flavored many ways


Google and you'll find recipes. I like budget bytes website for cheap meals.

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DH and I normally go to a local Chinese restaurant together on Wednesday nights and order soup and tea. But he has a lot of work to do tonight, so we didn’t go. Saved a bit under $15.


And now all I can think about is that soup. I want soup! :(

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Rice and beans can be made so many ways. Some of my go to dishes..


Cuban black beans and rice

Your generic red beans and rice

Multi bean soups

Coconut curried lentils

Lentil soups flavored many ways


Google and you'll find recipes. I like budget bytes website for cheap meals.


Do you have a recipe for the Cuban black beans?  I've made it before and mine turned out bland.  I have a feeling I'm missing something.  Or just not cooking it long enough.


Seconding Budget Bytes.  I actually made the White Bean and Veggie soup from that site for dinner tonight.  No rice though.


Taco rice bowls with black beans or refried beans are good too.  Kind of like the bowl things you get from Chipotle.  BBQ or Honey Baked Lentils over rice is another favorite.

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Do you have a recipe for the Cuban black beans? I've made it before and mine turned out bland. I have a feeling I'm missing something. Or just not cooking it long enough.


Seconding Budget Bytes. I actually made the White Bean and Veggie soup from that site for dinner tonight. No rice though.


Taco rice bowls with black beans or refried beans are good too. Kind of like the bowl things you get from Chipotle. BBQ or Honey Baked Lentils over rice is another favorite.

I do something close to this.



I made this from budgetbytes yesterday, with a few veggie additions to make it a complete meal. https://www.budgetbytes.com/2017/02/golden-coconut-lentil-soup/

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Groceries today. The temptation will be to get Starbucks [with a giftcard] while I do groceries and just generally overspend. I need to get the baby to sleep in the next hour so I can really plan out the meals and try to keep the budget low, and stay away from problem aisles. 


Ended up spending $130. Did get some unnecessary items (ice cream), but overall kept to a good amount. Hope it gets us through the week.


Rice and beans can be made so many ways. Some of my go to dishes..


Cuban black beans and rice

Your generic red beans and rice

Multi bean soups

Coconut curried lentils

Lentil soups flavored many ways


Google and you'll find recipes. I like budget bytes website for cheap meals.


Yeah, I need to step out more on this. I actually don't like beans much, which seems to be the main thing holding me back, lol. We do lentil soup freezer packs and everyone loves them, but I can only handle a small serving. Cuban black beans I like, but DH is Cuban and this is one of "his" dishes and it comes with picadillo or Cuban cube steak, etc, so doesn't exactly fall into "beans and rice" budget category. I did love refried beans, but they are dangerous for me and I can't stop eating them until they are gone, lol. But, I just need to suck it up and keep trying new things until I find more recipes I enjoy.


Thanks for the website, I'll have to look around!

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Looking in the fridge, I have a bunch of leftovers. There’s almost nothing there that makes one full dish, but if we are all willing to have a bizarre buffet tomorrow...


:lol: I just told the kids yesterday that we were going to have an "eat weird food" night soon. We have a bunch of random things that need to get used up: one last chicken tender, two breaded fish filets, a couple of veggie burgers, some quinoa/beans/corn that I made (that I suspect I'll be the only one eating), etc. I love the term "bizarre buffet" though. I think I may steal it!




OK, I've started posting a couple of times and got pulled away, but I really need some accountability, so I'm jumping in here.


We've done really well so far this month, but last night I cave to the request for pizza because the new place we've been waiting for finally opened, and I had a coupon. Except there is NO WAY those pizzas are even close to 11 inches (we measured them at a smidge over 9--the BOXES aren't even 11 inches  :glare:), so my plan for us to share wasn't going to work. And I got sucked in by the brownie pie, so between ordering an extra pizza and the brownie pie, my spending went from the planned $9 or so to $27  :banghead:  Needless to say, we won't be going back there, which is good because the brownie pie was incredible, and I should avoid it at all costs. 


Today DH is taking DD to a class and he and DD12 will go to the science center, but that's money out of the Family Fun budget category, and tomorrow we have tickets to a musical and will need dinner out, so that will come out of the Outside Food category. Other than that, I'm staying home and working and eating quinoa, beans, and corn, so no anticipated expenses!


9: Groceries (budgeted): $47

10: Disappointing pizza: $27

11: Class fee: $50 (budgeted); Science center entry and lunch: TBD

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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1/8--$3.83 on an aux cable


1/10--$0 even though I was away from the office at lunch. My coworker was clearing out her  pantry of stuff her picky kids won't eat (apparently if the expiry date has come, they won't eat it) and gave me a bunch of protein bars, so I had one of those for lunch (and dinner, actually, it was large).


I will be shortly derailed as I signed up for the winter campout with DS's cub scout pack in a couple of weeks. $12 for the passes to the national forest where we're camping, plust $12/person times 3 (DD is also going) for food. AND I have to at minimum buy a new tent--something I was expecting to do before summer anyway, but not in January!--and probably a multisport helmet for myself because we're going rock climbing and that's the one piece of equipment that won't be provided but will be required. I'm debating whether to get mats for us to sleep on--usually when we winter camp, it's for a longer time than just one night, more like a week,and I haul along camp cots and an actual bed for me. I'm not doing that for a single night, but it might be nice to have some kind of insulation from the ground. Whatever it is, it'll get used more than once for sure. I'll probably also wind up buying a bunch of snacks because my kids are hungry ever five minutes when we're active (as opposed to ever half an hour when we're at home).

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 [snipped for brevity]

We've done really well so far this month, but last night I cave to the request for pizza because the new place we've been waiting for finally opened, and I had a coupon. Except there is NO WAY those pizzas are even close to 11 inches (we measured them at a smidge over 9--the BOXES aren't even 11 inches  :glare:), so my plan for us to share wasn't going to work. And I got sucked in by the brownie pie, so between ordering an extra pizza and the brownie pie, my spending went from the planned $9 or so to $27  :banghead:  Needless to say, we won't be going back there, which is good because the brownie pie was incredible, and I should avoid it at all costs. 




Mmmmm, brownie pie! I really need to get back on the wagon for my diet, but mmmmm, brownie pie. Sorry the pizza was disappointing, though.



Anyway, here's my update:


Day 8: Gas

Day 9: Gas

Day 10: Oldest went with me yesterday morning and we stopped at a yarn store to spend her Christmas gift card. I spent nothing - pretty easy since I don't knit or crochet. $0


Day 11: Long day out today. Dual enrollment followed by robotics team. Oldest will need a sandwich to eat between the activities or I can run her through McD's. We'll see how on the ball we are this morning (so far not very!). I have no plan for meals today because it's payday and we're pretty light on groceries by now. I do have to pay regular bills today, but that's not included in the challenge. 


OK, off to nag about sandwich and to plan some food today.

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I dropped $7 at the grocery store last night.  $.75 on a can of tomatoes, and the rest on stocking stuffers and Easter basket toys.  Playdoh was marked down to a quarter and the little minifigure type toys were about the same price, so for about $6 I scored enough Beyblade, Lego, etc. and squishy dough to put some in his basket and hold off on some until next Christmas.


I'm doing pretty bad at this no spend thing this year. :lol:  I keep justifying spending money.  However, it is making me look more seriously at our money habits, so there is that.


Today is projected no spend.  We are going skating with our punch cards.  I cooked up the protein last night that dh had taken out to make on Tuesday.  It was wayyyy too much!  Half went into dinner and the other half is going in Chinese food tonight.  There are plenty of leftovers in the fridge for tomorrow, too, and then on Saturday I'll grocery shop again.



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1/10--$0 even though I was away from the office at lunch. My coworker was clearing out her pantry of stuff her picky kids won't eat (apparently if the expiry date has come, they won't eat it) and gave me a bunch of protein bars, so I had one of those for lunch (and dinner, actually, it was large).[/size][/font][/color]

Dh has a friend that will buy several kinds of snacks (for home). Eat a little bit out of each, wants something different so gives the snacks to dh to bring home to us.


Bags etc are always closed up and clipped or taped closed so all is fresh.


Dc are always happy to receive snacks!

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Um, today wasn't great...


Robotics was canceled for an ice storm. So, I went and picked dd up at community college. While on my way back home, DH texts me "can you pick up some ice melt? I think we're out". So, I go home and sure enough, we're out. So, yes, I was that woman 15 minutes before the ice storm hitting buying ice melt. (And, yes, the place was packed with people buying milk and bread :laugh: ) I picked up batteries since our clock's died today, and we were out of AA. I also picked up some Airborne as the flu and cold season is hitting hard here. So, there's almost $30 I didn't expect to spend.


And there's more...


My brother got an email that he could buy chicken breasts at Zaycon for 99 cents because he would be a first time customer, so we're stocking up. I think we'll get 3 boxes to split with my brother; he'd like 40 pounds, so we'll have about 80 pounds. DH went ahead and bought the meat grinder attachment for the kitchen aid because last time he made ground chicken with his parent's hand crank one. It's not an experience he wants to repeat. Grinder was on sale for $37; we had a gift certificate of $22, so $15. 


So a little over $40 spent today. 

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Um, today wasn't great...


Robotics was canceled for an ice storm. So, I went and picked dd up at community college. While on my way back home, DH texts me "can you pick up some ice melt? I think we're out". So, I go home and sure enough, we're out. So, yes, I was that woman 15 minutes before the ice storm hitting buying ice melt. (And, yes, the place was packed with people buying milk and bread :laugh: ) I picked up batteries since our clock's died today, and we were out of AA. I also picked up some Airborne as the flu and cold season is hitting hard here. So, there's almost $30 I didn't expect to spend.


And there's more...


My brother got an email that he could buy chicken breasts at Zaycon for 99 cents because he would be a first time customer, so we're stocking up. I think we'll get 3 boxes to split with my brother; he'd like 40 pounds, so we'll have about 80 pounds. DH went ahead and bought the meat grinder attachment for the kitchen aid because last time he made ground chicken with his parent's hand crank one. It's not an experience he wants to repeat. Grinder was on sale for $37; we had a gift certificate of $22, so $15.


So a little over $40 spent today.


That is a good deal for chicken and will save you in the long run, so I say it's a win!!

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Nothing spent today and I did good with cooking meals from the pantry. One more day to go.


I need to buy two violin shoulder rests and the type I like are pricy; I'm shopping around for deals/coupons. One online store sent me a $10 coupon but the item is priced higher than some other places.

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Spent $0 yesterday, and probably $0 today because the temperature dropped 50 degrees and I'll have to be pried out of my electric blanket.


DH broke two measuring cups last night washing dishes, so I'll have to replace them this weekend.  One was completely shattered, the other has a few cracks along the outside.  Still usable for now, but I couldn't put it in the microwave, and I really don't want to pick Pyrex chunks out of the garbage disposal again.

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I'm doing terrible keeping up but spending hasn't been too bad.


I did spend $5 on a dress at Goodwill. I spent the rest of my Christmas cash.


Dh has been getting groceries, while the older kids do TKD, I've been working out. It will take a bit to train him as he likes to buy extra but he's not doing too bad. 


This is a rough month financially, we'll be glad to get it done with. I need to be searching ebay for used sparring gear for the kids for TKD too but haven't yet. I'm probably going to go ahead and renew my membership to the gym with the indoor pool one more month at least, I'd really like to do an individual membership at a gym closer to the kids TKD but any of the others would also be insanely busy this time of year, so it is just as well.


We are iced in today and don't have any big plans, although we might be going in with dh's family to buy family dinner. His dad is really sick and we're going to start trying to do a family dinner on Sunday.

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So far in January we’ve only spent on groceries, bills and gas.


I accepted a tax season job at a CPA firm to start next week. I need business casual clothes, because jeans and sneakers and cabled sweaters aren’t going to cut it. I’m going to hit up several goodwills tomorrow and see what I can do. I can’t invest right now due to unemployment. Pray for a good job for my dh if you feel inclined please!



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