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2017 PSAT Scores

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I'm connected to the internet through a cell tower in Bunker Hill, WV, but when I go to https://studentscores.collegeboard.org/home, I instead get a page which reads:

This doesn't make sense since the learn more link above clearly says West Virginia is supposed to receive their scores today.  Is anyone else in the "December 11 zone" having difficulty getting their scores today?


Waaa!!  :crying:


:seeya: Yep.  When I checked about 6 this morning, there was no page at all.  Now when I check I get a page that says scores will be available December 12th.  Maybe the CB needs a geography lesson?


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How are you looking up the scores?  Ds took the test at a private school (homeschool friendly for PSAT testing).  I did not sign up my son through college board website.  Should I have?  Private school said I should get an e-mail or mailed of the results directly.


Yes, they are looking up the scores on the College Board website.  Have him make an account now - he'll need to do that anyway to take the SAT.  If you're waiting for a school to do something, who knows how long that will take.  (Or snail mail?  Ha.)  Even if you get an email from College Board, you'll still need to make an account to download the score report - the email would simply say that the scores were available.

Edited by wapiti
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My ds got his scores.  They were very good, but not good enough for the national merit scholarship range.  I guess it really doesn't change his plans of which college he thinks he's going to attend.  I was hoping he would get options of further choices.  But I'm not even sure he desires other choices.  

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:grouphug:  Celebrate his very good scores. Be proud of what he did on that particular day. (Score results don't define our kids. There is so much more to them than standardized test scores. But, we can celebrate when they've worked hard & we get the results, no matter what they are.)

My ds got his scores.  They were very good, but not good enough for the national merit scholarship range.  I guess it really doesn't change his plans of which college he thinks he's going to attend.  I was hoping he would get options of further choices.  But I'm not even sure he desires other choices.  


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My ds got his scores.  They were very good, but not good enough for the national merit scholarship range.  I guess it really doesn't change his plans of which college he thinks he's going to attend.  I was hoping he would get options of further choices.  But I'm not even sure he desires other choices.  




No scores yet, but this is sort of where we are too. The schools my teen is interested in don't offer any $$ for NMF, and I'm not sure how much it matters for admissions at those schools. 


As we wait for scores, I'm trying to frame it as a win-win scenario.


If she makes the cut-off? Great! It might prove useful in some way. We'll proceed down that path...

If she doesn't? Great! No need to worry about taking the SAT and doing whatever else is necessary to proceed. Time to focus on other scholarship opportunities and other ways to make sure the college applications are solid. Also, no need to wait months and months for the looong NMF process and results.


It helps that there were friends that did and didn't make the cut-off last year. They all found suitable, affordable paths and are happy. 


RootAnn is right -- scores don't define our kids. Nor do scores have complete control over the future. Some influence, yes, but the future is still wide open with many, many wonderful paths. 

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Also keep in mind that College Board, in its infinite wisdom, explicitly designed the PSAT to allow for score growth between now and the time the student would typically take the SAT in the spring or next fall.  So I would NOT interpret the PSAT to be the final indicator on what the student's SAT score might be, even though it was designed to indicate what the score would be if the SAT was taken that day (am I making this clear or am I being confusing?).  It'll depend on the kid, but I read someplace that growth of 100 pts might not be unusual, or some range 50-150.


Now that my junior has already prepped for and taken the SAT, I'm not sure how true that is, but it's possible - PSAT and SAT scores were fairly close, as CB said they should be.  (Wow maybe CB did something it said it would?)  We had a presentation by the president of Compass test prep at our school, and that guy specifically mentioned that many kids do not peak until summer/fall of senior year.  We are hoping my kiddo can squeeze out a few more points as it could make a big difference.


ETA, we also found that, as expected, our slow reader benefitted significantly from SAT tutoring.  Not all kids will, but on the order of 100 pts, and as I said, we are hoping for more on the next take although that will have to wait until next year.  Patience, sigh... lol.


And PSA:  for those students who are at least 1/4 hispanic, the cutoffs for NHRP are well below the cutoffs for NM.  If you aren't aware, NHRP is a national award and there are a few schools that also offer scholarship $.

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No scores yet, but this is sort of where we are too. The schools my teen is interested in don't offer any $$ for NMF, and I'm not sure how much it matters for admissions at those schools. 


As we wait for scores, I'm trying to frame it as a win-win scenario.


If she makes the cut-off? Great! It might prove useful in some way. We'll proceed down that path...

If she doesn't? Great! No need to worry about taking the SAT and doing whatever else is necessary to proceed. Time to focus on other scholarship opportunities and other ways to make sure the college applications are solid. Also, no need to wait months and months for the looong NMF process and results.


It helps that there were friends that did and didn't make the cut-off last year. They all found suitable, affordable paths and are happy. 


RootAnn is right -- scores don't define our kids. Nor do scores have complete control over the future. Some influence, yes, but the future is still wide open with many, many wonderful paths. 


I still don't have scores here, either, even though I am in a state that should get scores today.  :toetap05:


My boys were recognized by NM, but I don't think it mattered at all for admissions.  In their situations, SAT scores were more important. They were not interested in the schools that offered big money for NM, but if they were, those schools also offered big money for high SAT scores.  So a student that has a bad testing day on the PSAT, still will have opportunities to be awarded merit money based on SAT and ACT scores, and will have more than one opportunity to get the necessary scores.


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Bumping for this week's action. Also, I see that Compass Prep has a new blog post on PSAT scores & (guessed) National Merit cutoffs for the class of 2019 based on the information provided to school counselors last week. They report the average score went down a little bit (still above the first revised PSAT test two years ago), but the number & percentage of kids with scores above 1400 went up, along with the total number of students taking the PSAT.


He guesses that the Commended cut-off will go up by 1 (from 211 to 212) based on what he saw in the school info.


great link, rootann. of course in california ours is at 222. *rolls eyes* that and NJ & DC some of the highest. ay yi yi! although there are quite a few in the 222 range. what does that equate to in actual number? anybody know? max score is 1520, right. wonder if that means like 1480 or 1500 to reach that 222 mark?


guess we'll need to add 12 SI points between 10th & 11th!  :lol:   :thumbup1:

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I still don't have scores here, either, even though I am in a state that should get scores today.  :toetap05:


My boys were recognized by NM, but I don't think it mattered at all for admissions.  In their situations, SAT scores were more important. They were not interested in the schools that offered big money for NM, but if they were, those schools also offered big money for high SAT scores.  So a student that has a bad testing day on the PSAT, still will have opportunities to be awarded merit money based on SAT and ACT scores, and will have more than one opportunity to get the necessary scores.



It's especially frustrating when the scores should be available today. Maybe they release different states at different times?


Thanks for your insights. My teen has the ACT score she needs and doesn't plan to take it again. I'm almost afraid to jinx things by having her take the SAT and possibly need to retake it if she has a bad test day for whatever reason. I truly will be happy either way with her PSAT scores. Thanks again, snowbeltmom!

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For those who get the wacky page, does the download work-around work now that other people are obviously trying to download reports? (Did the loophole open again?)


I'd give it a try. DD was texting with a friend in Texas. When he learned that she had gotten her scores, he went online and got his, too. Somehow. Even though they aren't due to be released until later. She didn't ask him how he did it.


ETA: Apparently he used a VPN.

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great link, rootann. of course in california ours is at 222. *rolls eyes* that and NJ & DC some of the highest. ay yi yi! although there are quite a few in the 222 range. what does that equate to in actual number? anybody know? max score is 1520, right. wonder if that means like 1480 or 1500 to reach that 222 mark?


guess we'll need to add 12 SI points between 10th & 11th!  :lol:   :thumbup1:


Well, there's always the option of moving to a state with a lower cutoff!  :laugh:

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Got the score and have very mixed feelings. She's great with the reading/English stuff and her goal of perfect or nearly so is doable. So that was exciting.


But math. She's been on a downward trend in the past three years and that continued with an even poorer showing here than what she did back in June on the SAT.


She's only a sophomore so I have some hope of getting more math into her head, but will admit I'm baffled. And I'm disgruntled that she's spending the majority of her school time on the subject whilst neglecting the things she has a talent and interest in.

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Sorry to hear so many were supposed to get their scores today, but CB is not releasing them.  How frustrating for you all!


We did receive ours today for dds 9th and 10th.  Dd10th was disappointed bc she got a lower score than she got last year and lower than her younger sister, which resulted in a few tears.   :crying:   I told her everyone has an off test day sometimes and, really, this is so unimportant in the scheme of things -- it's just practice.  Also, her "off" test day score was still in the 99th percentile, so, let's put it in perspective!  She's feeling better now, and more determined to study really hard this summer before her junior year.  Ah, the joys of competitive siblings. :glare:


Good luck all -- hope everyone gets scores as quickly as possible.  I'm bummed I missed the "bug" and that our school counselor did not upload the scores on Naviance when she had access to them December 4.  Oh well...

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I can't remember . . . but, I think so. Last year, they sent a couple copies.  :lol:

Ours aren't available until tomorrow Ă°Å¸ËœÂ£

Will we get paper copies sent directly to us from College Board, or from the school at which my son took the test?


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My D received an email from the CB timestamped today a little after 7 am informing her that her PSAT scores were available.  However, we are still getting the page that says scores will be available tomorrow.  Based on some of the posts on CC, it looks like others are also having the same problem.  I was thinking the map was not accurate, but after my D telling me about the email, I don't know what to think.  After the security breach last week and now this, I hope that the CB has another department in charge of managing our financial records.



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So DD went to create her college board account. It asked her where she went to school and wouldnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t accept Ă¢â‚¬Å“HomeschoolĂ¢â‚¬ or our homeschoolĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s name. It insisted that she pick from the drop down list, even though none of them were correct. We finally had her select our local public school, because thatĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s where she took the psat. Is there a better option?

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My D received an email from the CB timestamped today a little after 7 am informing her that her PSAT scores were available.  However, we are still getting the page that says scores will be available tomorrow.  Based on some of the posts on CC, it looks like others are also having the same problem.  I was thinking the map was not accurate, but after my D telling me about the email, I don't know what to think.  After the security breach last week and now this, I hope that the CB has another department in charge of managing our financial records.



One of my dd's classmates told us her scores are not available until tomorrow, too.  So bizarre.

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Rookie question here: how does ds sign up for an account on CB. WeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re stymied at Ă¢â‚¬Å“Where do you go to school?Ă¢â‚¬ What do you put? Entering Homeschool doesnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t work.



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So DD went to create her college board account. It asked her where she went to school and wouldnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t accept Ă¢â‚¬Å“HomeschoolĂ¢â‚¬ or our homeschoolĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s name. It insisted that she pick from the drop down list, even though none of them were correct. We finally had her select our local public school, because thatĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s where she took the psat. Is there a better option?

Rookie question here: how does ds sign up for an account on CB. WeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re stymied at Ă¢â‚¬Å“Where do you go to school?Ă¢â‚¬ What do you put? Entering Homeschool doesnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t work.

My DS13 choose Ă¢â‚¬Å“my school is not listed-domesticĂ¢â‚¬ when he went to link his AP scores to his CollegeBoard account. After tinkering for 5 mins, that choice was the one that work to get his AP scores nicely linked to his account. His SAT scores and SAT subject test scores were automatically linked without school code.

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So DD went to create her college board account. It asked her where she went to school and wouldnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t accept Ă¢â‚¬Å“HomeschoolĂ¢â‚¬ or our homeschoolĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s name. It insisted that she pick from the drop down list, even though none of them were correct. We finally had her select our local public school, because thatĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s where she took the psat. Is there a better option?



Rookie question here: how does ds sign up for an account on CB. WeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re stymied at Ă¢â‚¬Å“Where do you go to school?Ă¢â‚¬ What do you put? Entering Homeschool doesnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t work.




I just checked DD's account settings (it's been a while since we signed up and, while I remember this being a challenge, I couldn't remember how I addressed it.) Under the "Where do you go to school?" tab, she has "OUR STATE HOME SCHOOL." 


Hopefully, it hasn't changed. Good luck, because everything to do with the College Board is weird.  :glare:

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I just checked DD's account settings (it's been a while since we signed up and, while I remember this being a challenge, I couldn't remember how I addressed it.) Under the "Where do you go to school?" tab, she has "OUR STATE HOME SCHOOL."


Hopefully, it hasn't changed. Good luck, because everything to do with the College Board is weird. :glare:

Okay thank you. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll see if thatĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s an option. ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s just weird that that didnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t come up as an option at all.


I had her sign me up to receive all the parent stuff. I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t even know what I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t know, LOL.

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Okay thank you. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll see if thatĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s an option. ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s just weird that that didnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t come up as an option at all.


I had her sign me up to receive all the parent stuff. I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t even know what I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t know, LOL.


This might be too late, but you might want to consider a separate email address if you elect to sign her up for the college search. Mine is only a sophomore this year, but already the volume of email is enough to make me glad that it's not mucking up her regular account.

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This might be too late, but you might want to consider a separate email address if you elect to sign her up for the college search. Mine is only a sophomore this year, but already the volume of email is enough to make me glad that it's not mucking up her regular account.

She had put her regular email address on the PSAT form at the school, so she had to use that one to make her College Board account, but I had her create a new email address and switch her CB account to that one. That was a tip IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢d read here for which I was grateful.

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I wonder if your computer or phone location is showing a different region than you are really in from the CB's perspective. Have you tried from a different computer or phone?

:seeya: Yep.  When I checked about 6 this morning, there was no page at all.  Now when I check I get a page that says scores will be available December 12th.  Maybe the CB needs a geography lesson?


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I wonder if your computer or phone location is showing a different region than you are really in from the CB's perspective. Have you tried from a different computer or phone?


Good point.  I will have D try on her phone when she gets home tonight.  (Our computer has saved the password to her CB account, and I don't know what it is to try it myself.)


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Rookie question here: how does ds sign up for an account on CB. WeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re stymied at Ă¢â‚¬Å“Where do you go to school?Ă¢â‚¬ What do you put? Entering Homeschool doesnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t work.



I skipped answering it, as it wasn't required. No problems.

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Scores are up for Tuesday!


I've only checked DS18's scores so far:  While he raised his score from a 1400 to a 1430, his selection index dropped from 212 to 211, meaning he may have moved from commended to no recognition. This might have significant impact on his scholarship.  We will have to see.

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Scores are up for Tuesday!


I've only checked DS18's scores so far:  While he raised his score from a 1400 to a 1430, his selection index dropped from 212 to 211, meaning he may have moved from commended to no recognition. This might have significant impact on his scholarship.  We will have to see.


:grouphug:  Is it possible that this scholarship that would have awarded money for being commended will also award money for a high SAT score, which your son has?


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:grouphug:  Is it possible that this scholarship that would have awarded money for being commended will also award money for a high SAT score, which your son has?



Yes, it's very possible.  We'll have to discuss this possibility with the director of the honors program.  The other possibility is to graduate him this year, but I don't know if it is too late to have his PSAT score from last year count.  I suspect it is.


As if that is not enough drama:  DS15 scored at 1490 with a selection index of 223.  We knew this was a possibility, but decided not to think about it until the time came.  The time came.  I suspect we will accelerate him to junior status and send him off a year early.  That will put him ahead of his twin sister and aligned with his brother who is two years older.  Uggghhh!!

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But wait, there's more!


DD15 got a 1460 with a selection index of 217.  That's certainly commended, but also certainly not NMSF.  That said, it probably doesn't matter in her case.  She may be going to the school where MomsintheGarden works so she will get full tuition in any case.  She's the one who is bent on getting out of here, so I suspect if DS15 moves up to junior status this year, I'm sure she will, as well.


But that leaves DS18:  If he's not commended this year, then we may as well go ahead and let him graduate in the spring.


Ahhh!!!! :willy_nilly:


Interestingly, DS18, DD15, and DS15 each got 750 on the Math portion of the PSAT, but their R&W scores where what differentiated them: 680, 710, and 740, respectively.


At least DS13, who is now in eighth grade, did something completely expected this year:  He went from an 1190 with a selection index of 184 last year to a 1230 with a selection index of 191 this year.


Here is an update on selection index progression data from our DC for 4ofus (and anyone else interested in what PSAT progressions might look like with heavy prep prior to the 10th- and 11th-grade administrations):


DS19: 9th: 191, 10th: 215, 11th: 237 (Old PSAT)

DS18: 8th: 173, 9th: 200, 10th: 212, 11th: 211 (But his score went up from 1400 in 10th to 1430 in 11th.)

DD15: 8th: 188, 9th: 197 (Almost no prep due to age.), 10th: 217

DS15: 8th: 199, 9th: 204 (Almost no prep due to age.), 10th: 223

DS13: 7th: 184, 8th: 191


Average step size for our DC: 16.5


Some notes:

- DS19 is an exceptional test-taker who did significant prep between his 10th- and 11th-grade tests.

- The new PSAT selection index stops at 228, so there is less room for mistakes than when DS19 took the test.

- DS18 is a very good student who has struggled with speed.  He has done very significant preparation following 9th grade.

- DD15 and DS15 did quite a bit of prep this year, but not nearly as much as DS18, so it will be interesting to see their scores this year.

- DS13 has done almost no prep.


Please pray for the Guheerts as we wrestle with some very difficult decisions in the coming few months.

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:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

DD woke up on time THE ONLY DAY THIS YEAR to check her PSAT scores. She scored very well.....and met the "entry requirements" for the National Merit Scholarship. We are elated! 

Now, on to waiting for her SAT results. If she scores well on the SAT she's done. She took the ACT 10th grade and scored in the 99th percentile, so we are done with that test (unless she decides to try to beat her brother's score). 

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I skipped answering it, as it wasn't required. No problems.

It is required. I tried leaving it blank and got an error message. <sigh> Nothing IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve entered has worked and I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t see an Ă¢â‚¬Å“OtherĂ¢â‚¬ or Ă¢â‚¬Å“my school not listedĂ¢â‚¬ option, either. Grrr...frustrating.

Edited by brehon
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  :grouphug:   Wishing you wisdom...


Thank you!


I took at look at DS18's R&W raw scores.  It's pretty shocking to me that he missed SIX questions EACH on Reading & Writing.  I looked back at his prep work this year (which was nearly all SAT with five additional Reading questions and the same test for writing) and he did miss six questions a few times on the reading section, but never more than six.  He normally missed about two questions and got a perfect score on Reading a few times.


But writing is the real shocker:  He never missed more than four writing questions in any practice test this year (all College Board or Ivy Global tests, so all high-quality tests).  He took one test per week and the last time he missed four questions on writing was in the middle of July.  He only missed three questions once since that time.  He got a "score" of 37 out of 40 on Writing section of the SATs he took in October and November.  I cannot fathom him missing six.


He's pretty upset.  We are working to find options.


One question:  Does anyone know if it is too late to move him to senior status and have him become commended based on last year's PSAT?  (He had a 212 selection index last year with a cutoff of 211.)

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It is required. I tried leaving it blank and got an error message. <sigh> Nothing IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve entered has worked and I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t see an Ă¢â‚¬Å“OtherĂ¢â‚¬ or Ă¢â‚¬Å“my school not listedĂ¢â‚¬ option, either. Grrr...frustrating.


I looked at DS13's settings since he was the last student we registered for the College Board (in July of this year).  Here is what is entered for his school:




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It is required. I tried leaving it blank and got an error message. <sigh> Nothing IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve entered has worked and I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t see an Ă¢â‚¬Å“OtherĂ¢â‚¬ or Ă¢â‚¬Å“my school not listedĂ¢â‚¬ option, either. Grrr...frustrating.

Is PSAT the only CollegeBoard exam your child took? Call them up now and they would be able to give you scores over the phone, then resolve your childĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s account issue with their tech crew. Just tell the customer service rep the exam name and your state and that your childĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s online account canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t work. We had called for scores numerous times without problems.

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Thank you!


I took at look at DS18's R&W raw scores.  It's pretty shocking to me that he missed SIX questions EACH on Reading & Writing.  I looked back at his prep work this year (which was nearly all SAT with five additional Reading questions and the same test for writing) and he did miss six questions a few times on the reading section, but never more than six.  He normally missed about two questions and got a perfect score on Reading a few times.


But writing is the real shocker:  He never missed more than four writing questions in any practice test this year (all College Board or Ivy Global tests, so all high-quality tests).  He took one test per week and the last time he missed four questions on writing was in the middle of July.  He only missed three questions once since that time.  He got a "score" of 37 out of 40 on Writing section of the SATs he took in October and November.  I cannot fathom him missing six.


He's pretty upset.  We are working to find options.


One question:  Does anyone know if it is too late to move him to senior status and have him become commended based on last year's PSAT?  (He had a 212 selection index last year with a cutoff of 211.)


I would call the folks at NM and ask them.  Good luck in your decision.



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I would call the folks at NM and ask them.  Good luck in your decision.


Thanks!  I just did that.  The lady there told me that the deadline for the class of 2018 was October 15, 2017, and that the selections for this class are now finalized.  They will not add any further students.  She gave me instructions how to move the twins up, if desired.  (Please post here if anyone would like to see those instructions.)


We have several other avenues to pursue for DS18.


For now I think I want to get him out of his room and out of this house.  Perhaps some Christmas shopping is in store!

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I looked at DS13's settings since he was the last student we registered for the College Board (in July of this year).  Here is what is entered for his school:





Just to follow up on this topic.  Almost certainly you will need the 6-digit code for homeschoolers in your state.  Those codes begin with "99" and end with "99" and contain a two-digit state code in the middle.  This document contains the codes for all states.  That is the code which is included at the top of the PSAT score report which is mailed to students.


I hope this helps!


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It is required. I tried leaving it blank and got an error message. <sigh> Nothing IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve entered has worked and I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t see an Ă¢â‚¬Å“OtherĂ¢â‚¬ or Ă¢â‚¬Å“my school not listedĂ¢â‚¬ option, either. Grrr...frustrating.


Have you tried entering the name of your state followed by "home school"?

Others have had more coffee than I have, apparently.  :laugh:

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Thank you!


I took at look at DS18's R&W raw scores.  It's pretty shocking to me that he missed SIX questions EACH on Reading & Writing.  I looked back at his prep work this year (which was nearly all SAT with five additional Reading questions and the same test for writing) and he did miss six questions a few times on the reading section, but never more than six.  He normally missed about two questions and got a perfect score on Reading a few times.


But writing is the real shocker:  He never missed more than four writing questions in any practice test this year (all College Board or Ivy Global tests, so all high-quality tests).  He took one test per week and the last time he missed four questions on writing was in the middle of July.  He only missed three questions once since that time.  He got a "score" of 37 out of 40 on Writing section of the SATs he took in October and November.  I cannot fathom him missing six.


He's pretty upset.  We are working to find options.


One question:  Does anyone know if it is too late to move him to senior status and have him become commended based on last year's PSAT?  (He had a 212 selection index last year with a cutoff of 211.)




See page 6 of the attached document. It looks to be possible, but you'll have to contact the National Merit organization.


Good luck and prayers for your challenging situation.


You are way ahead of me this morning.  :grouphug: for your 18 year old.

Edited by JoJosMom
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