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Have you learned anything today?

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YES! The girls and I went to a jewelry show in midtown Atl today, and I learned I have a very long way to go in my education/skills...


Some of the artists there make the most incredible stuff. Since I now know how much of it is made, the knowledge of the skill and work put into each piece just leaves me dizzy. The prices made me a bit light headed too. Guess the hard work will pay off in the end, I hope.

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I learned today that I know more Russian than my dd13, who used Rosetta Stone last year to learn it! :tongue_smilie:


To be fair, she quit after 6 months, when the speaking portion made her cry daily.


But, to be fair, I never took a lesson...


She worked at the stables today, and a group of Ukrainian young people came through to ride. I was excited that she at least remembered a few things she could say to them.


um, no.

I kept giving her examples, and she kept saying, "I don't remember that." But I was rattling off the words...

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I learned how to count from one to ten in Greek: alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, stigma, zeta, eta, theta, iota; that cream can be used in saag paneer instead of ghee; that there's gluten in caramel coloring :001_huh:; the Phil Ochs song Love Me I'm a Liberal; and which state law establishes our motto and flag. I generally only dig into my own studies after the kids are in bed. I'm reading Guns, Germs and Steel, so I imagine I'll learn something about history.

Edited by dragons in the flower bed
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Hmmm.. Elaine, can you enlighten us?? :)


I will say that I learned that Adam and Eve and all their descendants before Noah were vegetarians...never caught that before in all my readings! Interesting! Also that a man named Lowell thought there were little martians on Mars who dug canals and this actually became scientific theory!


Wow, this has been a day for adding facts into my head that probably can't keep what's already in there!



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I learned that I can't wear my DrScholl's massaging gel insoles on the airplane tomorrow.


I learned that the AirTran seat selector chose to seat my three-year-old in a row of strangers, instead of putting him next to any one of the other five of us. (It crossed my mind to leave him there, but I changed all of our seats so we're sitting together.)

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according to 11yods, over dinner with the family this evening.


11yodd: (following our discussion on political parties)

"What's a libertarian?"


11yods: (without batting an eye)

"They're like vegetarians, only they eat liberals for lunch!"


The Great Discussion, indeed.... think they're ready to enter it?!!


(By the way, though I now have a great definition, I still don't know for sure how to spell it!)

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I like to be able to say that I learn a little something every day. Today I learned what epistemophobia means.







Epistemophobia is the fear of knowledge.

I learned that epistemophobia is the fear of knowledge :D and other things I cannot mention here.
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birds do make something called "crop milk" I believe. They regurgitate and feed their babies..but I don't know if the crop milk is something special for the babies plus the regurgitated food, or if that is just the food..

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Ok, well this is very frivilous, but I learned that offering other world leaders in the Civilization computer game can make them declare war on each other. This was a pleasant discovery :)



I never thought I'd say this, but I miss the old days when a warrior dude could take out an airplane with a stick.

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Ok, well this is very frivilous, but I learned that offering other world leaders in the Civilization computer game can make them declare war on each other. This was a pleasant discovery :)




Do you know how many hours my dh has wasted playing this game...

The man wins every time he plays. I just don't understand the attraction after winning in every possible combination of strategies? Guess it's no different than him watch UFC fights ad nauseam.

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