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He has a follow up today with urologist which seems a little pointless since the MRI is scheduled for Thursday. But now I am glad we kept it because yesterday morning he had another episode where he couldn't urinate and had pain....and later in the day he had a little blood in his urine. He took one of the antispasmodic pills and that seemed to get it under control in a couple of hours.


We got quite a bit done yesterday....worked up stairs on Dss's room....a new screen door, rod in his new closet, transferred hanging clothes to the new closet, moved the big armoire out which helped so much...and a lot of cleaning.


Then we went and had our traditional sushi anniversary dinner (7 years btw) and afterwards went to Target where he turned an already sprained foot and could barely get back to the truck. This morning he took his cane to b able to go to work. Good grief. Poor guy has just one thing after another.


As far as whatever is going on with his prostate we both feel it is inflamed and at times pushes the urine channel closed and then gets irritated enough to cause some bleeding worsened by the blood thinners. But we aren't doctors...so hopefully we will get some answers soon.


Yesterday was the 3rd episode of not being able to urinate....in about a 2 month time period.


I know he is really scared.

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For older men, not being able to Urinate is a common problem. I have that problem. 


BLOOD IN THE URINE  is what would cause me to be very concerned. Where is that blood coming from and why? 


Does he have a Bladder Infection or something far worse?


The Urologist needs to DIAGNOSE his problem.


There are many ways of treating Prostate issues and the issues caused by an Enlarged Prostate.  One thing I saw in a Fox News Extra was a non surgical procedure, I think needs to be repeated about every 5 years, where they stick in spacers (?) on each side of the Urethra, to keep the ability for the Urine to flow.  Very slick...


Again, BLOOD in the Urine is the issue that needs to be diagnosed and if possible, eliminated.


Good luck to your DH and to the doctors and nurses who take care of him!


Your DH needs to be treated by a competent M.D. who is a Board Certified Urologist.


Question: Did they do an Ultrasound on the Prostate and Bladder of your DH?

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Scar Tissue in the Urethra? How did that happen and what does that mean? Is there something that can be done to stop the bleeding?

The urologist thinks Dh had a iti at one point that maybe have caused the scar tissue,,which was never a problem until the blood thinners. The bleeding is very mild. Lasts briefly and only 3 times in 2 months. The pain and inability to urinate and the pain is a bigger problem....but since it happens so infrequently and the antispasmodic seems to help it that is a good enough solution to that for now.


The bigger concern is the PSA which the doctor says he hopes is high because Dh has as enlarged prostate for his age.

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I asked the urologist about PSA levels being affected by recent TeA and he said it is negligible and he doesn't worry about it.  I said well, I asked because prior to both PSA tests we engaged in a LOT of TeA....he said, 'interesting.  Did you engage in TeA in the past 48 hours?'  I said, 'no and especially because we were coming for this visit.'  He said, 'well lets test it today.'  


Dh would not do it!!!!I I am so aggravated at him.  The doctor even tried to get him to do it (mildly) but dh said, 'no the MRI is already scheduled, and I don't want to be poked today.'  


Man.  I so wanted to know what it would show.


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Your dh.... You could go on strike if you feel strongly about him getting another PSA.


I hope the MRI gives you clear answers.



He told the doctor 'that isn't why we haven't had TeA in 48 hours.'  I said, 'yes it is why we haven't.'  Dh looked at me shocked with a realization coming over his face.  LOL


If he wasn't having the MRI on Thursday I would insist more strongly.


The doctor told him his PSA should be 2 for his age (50).  Doc said, 'what if the MRI today says 2? We could cancel the MRI and just watch the PSA.'


I don't know why dh would'nt do that.  I think he wants the more defiinitive MRI results....He is really scared it is cancer even though it is by far NOT a given.

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Interesting.  Could be. 


The 5.2 PSA is the  biggest concern at this point.  But he could have some of what the above article is mentioning since he has a bad hip, a new total knee replacement and a fused back.  


Once he feels up to it, maybe see if he's willing to see a pelvic floor physical therapist for an assessment? 

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I asked the urologist about PSA levels being affected by recent TeA and he said it is negligible and he doesn't worry about it. I said well, I asked because prior to both PSA tests we engaged in a LOT of TeA....he said, 'interesting. Did you engage in TeA in the past 48 hours?' I said, 'no and especially because we were coming for this visit.' He said, 'well lets test it today.'


Dh would not do it!!!!I I am so aggravated at him. The doctor even tried to get him to do it (mildly) but dh said, 'no the MRI is already scheduled, and I don't want to be poked today.'


Man. I so wanted to know what it would show.

You must have wanted to smack him!


How hard would it have been to take a stupid blood test???


I know he's worried, but more information is a good thing, and having another PSA test would have been such a quick and simple thing to do. You must be so annoyed with him.


I'm praying that the MRI results don't show anything bad. :grouphug:

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You must have wanted to smack him!


How hard would it have been to take a stupid blood test???


I know he's worried, but more information is a good thing, and having another PSA test would have been such a quick and simple thing to do. You must be so annoyed with him.


I'm praying that the MRI results don't show anything bad. :grouphug:

I did want to smack him! Bu then we walked out of the office and he wrapped his arms all around me and kissed me in the elevator.


I have hope it is all going to be ok.

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