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Have you purchased any fun back to school supplies?


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My homeschooler has graduated from college, so it's only my husband who is going back to school this September; he'll be teaching five math and science classes to groups of homeschoolers.  I like to  give him a back to school gift each year -- sometimes a new shirt or some bike garb, sometimes a bottle of a favorite beverage, sometimes a book or movie.


There are some fun supplies in these links ~


11 Cool Back-to-School Supplies


23 School Supplies For People Who Pretty Much Live In The Library


24 Products Any Creative Person Would Love


Have you purchased any fun back to school supplies for your children, your spouse, or you?




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I got a globe shaped pencil sharpener! It's really mostly for myself and decoration. It doesn't get put away in a pencil box. I love it!  :001_wub:


Rulers were 25c so I got, like 10 of 'em. Prior to that, we only had one bent plastic one. Also got one of those slap wrist bracelet rulers. 


Found some frixion(sp?) erasable pens on clearance. I was super impressed by how well they erase, and a little bit disappointed that I didn't also get a multicolor pack.


I was at a certain office supply store way too often, and got way too many ballpoint pens. They were, like 1c each. I had to. We don't even really USE ballpoint pens! I don't even have room to store them.  :blushing: I need to go donate them now.


I got a whole bunch of pencil boxes and cases, and was able to use them to organize a whole bunch of stuff. 


I wanted to buy a big jug of glue, but it seemed like the smaller bottles came out to be cheaper than the big jug, and didn't want to buy the smaller bottles because we have glue from when I bought too many school supplies a few years back.

Edited by Dust
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Probably the much begged for ten pack of ramen noodles with a four pack of bacon bits much begged for by the college student for his dorm room does not count! ðŸ˜


If it has bacon, it definitely counts!



Ooh, those do look like neat!  (I'll admit to wondering why they're called Rhode Island.)


I got a globe shaped pencil sharpener! It's really mostly for myself and decoration. It doesn't get put away in a pencil box. I love it!  :001_wub:


That does sound like a fun sharpener.  Is it like this one ~ World Globe Die Cast Metal Collectible Pencil Sharpener?




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My fifth grader got his first erasable pens, and I bought myself a huge set of pens, highlighters, and dry erase markers at Costco a while back. I picked up little metal buckets at the $1 area of target for each kid's writing utensils and eraser. I even wrote their names on them so they can't fight over pencils.

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I got a globe shaped pencil sharpener! It's really mostly for myself and decoration. It doesn't get put away in a pencil box. I love it! :001_wub:


Rulers were 25c so I got, like 10 of 'em. Prior to that, we only had one bent plastic one. Also got one of those slap wrist bracelet rulers.


Found some frixion(sp?) erasable pens on clearance. I was super impressed by how well they erase, and a little bit disappointed that I didn't also get a multicolor pack.


I was at a certain office supply store way too often, and got way too many ballpoint pens. They were, like 1c each. I had to. We don't even really USE ballpoint pens! I don't even have room to store them. :blushing: I need to go donate them now.


I got a whole bunch of pencil boxes and cases, and was able to use them to organize a whole bunch of stuff.


I wanted to buy a big jug of glue, but it seemed like the smaller bottles came out to be cheaper than the big jug, and didn't want to buy the smaller bottles because we have glue from when I bought too many school supplies a few years back.

Ahhh Frixion pens! I am obsessed and refuse to begin my year without a fresh, multi color pack. I love them so so much. They are the reason I can make a weekly plan and change things as I go. I color code the kids and have specific colors for activities. Best pena ever.


Such an added bonus too that the kids can use them as secret message pens. I let them write messages to DH and then hold them for a few seconds above the stove to erase the ink. Then DH has to put them in the freezer to bring the secret message back. It is a hoot for them :)

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Fidget spinners and fidget cubes. Sure they are mostly toys, but it might save a few pens from being taken apart.


I'm all for saving the pens!


There's a Japanese store in NYC I got supplies in and then missed my bus because I was busy personalizing the notebooks for my kids at the stamp station 🙄.


Well, drats, as regards missing the bus, but it certainly sounds as though you were having a productive time.


My fifth grader got his first erasable pens, and I bought myself a huge set of pens, highlighters, and dry erase markers at Costco a while back. I picked up little metal buckets at the $1 area of target for each kid's writing utensils and eraser. I even wrote their names on them so they can't fight over pencils.


I suspect they'll find something else to fight over in that case.  A personalized bucket would certainly have been a hit here when my daughter was younger.


Some cool pens, but sadly we are past the point of needing new crayons and such every year, lol. 


Cool pens are welcome, fortunately, at any age.


Nothing too exciting, but we did indulge dd in a new pack of highlighters in her favorite color.



In case you're confused, her favorite color is rainbow. :D


I like that color, too.


Ahhh Frixion pens! I am obsessed and refuse to begin my year without a fresh, multi color pack. I love them so so much. They are the reason I can make a weekly plan and change things as I go. I color code the kids and have specific colors for activities. Best pena ever.


Such an added bonus too that the kids can use them as secret message pens. I let them write messages to DH and then hold them for a few seconds above the stove to erase the ink. Then DH has to put them in the freezer to bring the secret message back. It is a hoot for them :)


Now I want a Frixion pen to try out.  I'll be on the lookout now.




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That does sound like a fun sharpener. Is it like this one ~ World Globe Die Cast Metal Collectible Pencil Sharpener?




No, but that one looks really cool. I saw this one at a local store and had to get it. It was WAY less than $10 though 😱



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Ahhh Frixion pens! I am obsessed and refuse to begin my year without a fresh, multi color pack. I love them so so much. They are the reason I can make a weekly plan and change things as I go. I color code the kids and have specific colors for activities. Best pena ever.


Such an added bonus too that the kids can use them as secret message pens. I let them write messages to DH and then hold them for a few seconds above the stove to erase the ink. Then DH has to put them in the freezer to bring the secret message back. It is a hoot for them :)

Oooh didn't realize you could do that with them.

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No, but that one looks really cool. I saw this one at a local store and had to get it. It was WAY less than $10 though 😱




I like that one, too, as it's so colorful.  Enjoy! 




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Do pretty notebooks count?  A new planner for me?

The girls (the 15yo and the 13yo) each ordered a Plum planner.  That was a big deal at our house, lol.


Um, nothing cool other than that.  BUT we did rearrange the bedroom last night in true discontented fashion.  I have the need to rearrange things to fix my discontent.

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Someone on here mentioned these PaperMate Clear Point Colored Mechanical Pencils.  I love them.  They erase cleanly.  I'm using them in my planner (Mardel Homeschool Planner) to color code my boys.  I tried Frixion last year, and they all erase well (I've used the highlighters, pens, and markers), but I thought they ran out quickly and if you leave your book in the heat the ink disappears (next to a space heater, in a hot car, etc).  You can make the ink come back by putting in the freezer, but then all your mistakes come back, too.

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Do pretty notebooks count?  A new planner for me?


Yep, they definitely count.


Someone on here mentioned these PaperMate Clear Point Colored Mechanical Pencils.  I love them.  They erase cleanly.  I'm using them in my planner (Mardel Homeschool Planner) to color code my boys.  


I tried Frixion last year, and they all erase well (I've used the highlighters, pens, and markers), but I thought they ran out quickly and if you leave your book in the heat the ink disappears (next to a space heater, in a hot car, etc).  You can make the ink come back by putting in the freezer, but then all your mistakes come back, too.


Thanks for the PaperMate pencil recommendations. They do sound good.


As regards the Frixion, I'm not sure I'm up for my mistakes coming back to haunt me! 


Both of my kids are really enjoying their gel pens. A pack of 12 for $7.00 at Office Max on tax free weekend. :)

Originally , I only got them for Dd, but Ds requested some and has enjoyed drawing and doing school work with them. 


I'm fond of gel pens, too.  A dozen for $7.00 sounds like a fine deal.


I got my dd a sequence (sp?) pencil case from Walmart that is basically a fidget type toy because you can flip the sequence up and down from colored side to silver. No one can keep their hands off it.


This definitely sounds intriguing.  I was searching on Amazon to see if I could find something similar.  In my search, I found this charming pencil pouch that my daughter (an owl aficionado) would love.


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I bought Dd a pencil bag with a bunny on it, and a lollipop pen that lights up. The public school boys get much more boring supplies. They did both get huge green erasers the size of my hand instead of the list-sanctioned small pink ones. I am SO over those stupid lists.

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Someone on here mentioned these PaperMate Clear Point Colored Mechanical Pencils. I love them. They erase cleanly. I'm using them in my planner (Mardel Homeschool Planner) to color code my boys. I tried Frixion last year, and they all erase well (I've used the highlighters, pens, and markers), but I thought they ran out quickly and if you leave your book in the heat the ink disappears (next to a space heater, in a hot car, etc). You can make the ink come back by putting in the freezer, but then all your mistakes come back, too.

Haha! Hadn't thought of that. I live in Washington State and leave mine in the "hot" car all of the time and never had anything disappear. Good to keep in mind though for those who live in hotter regions. For Washingtonians they work perfect! ;)

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Well, much the same stuff as last year. We are way out of the crayon phase. I thought we would stay in 25 cent notebook land forever, but my young lady requested "nice" notebooks this year, so those have been our fun new supply this year.


I'm definitely in favor of 'nice' notebooks.


I bought Dd a pencil bag with a bunny on it, and a lollipop pen that lights up. The public school boys get much more boring supplies. They did both get huge green erasers the size of my hand instead of the list-sanctioned small pink ones. I am SO over those stupid lists.


There are definitely lots of wonderful erasers out there.  I like this one ~  oops!  The company has some other erasers you can see here.




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My daughter is loving this nifty little pencil sharpener. She can adjust the angle that it sharpens so that her writing pencils have long, pointy ends and her colored pencils have shorter, stubbier (less likely to break) points. 


My oldest is a pencil snob. I got him a box of these for back to school. They're a little pricy, but he's careful with his pencils and they'll probably last him most of the school year: 



I also picked up a few of these incredibly cute flash card sets the last time we were at a Japanese bookstore. My kids use them for foreign language vocabulary words: 


Edited by Wabi Sabi
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Posting from my phone and I can't figure out how to quote, but anyway, here's a link to the sequin pencil case:




I got the same one at Walmart for $4.76. They only had a dozen hanging on the end of the aisle and they sold out quickly.

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My daughter is loving this nifty little pencil sharpener. She can adjust the angle that it sharpens so that her writing pencils have long, pointy ends and her colored pencils have shorter, stubbier (less likely to break) points. 






I also picked up a few of these incredibly cute flash card sets the last time we were at a Japanese bookstore. My kids use them for foreign language vocabulary words: 




That is a nifty pencil sharpener; I hadn't seen anything quite like that.  And those flash card sets are certainly charming!




That is snazzy indeed!  Thanks for posting the link.




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Marvin the Martian Converse high tops.  But those were for me. 


Sounds good to me!


Those flash-card sets are amazing!  I love them.


Would you use them?  or would you give them to the child(ren)?  I've drooled over some cute flash-cards in my day ....


Dd got some macaron-shaped erasers at Staples -- I don't know exactly which set she got but it looks like this one.


Ooh, those look tempting enough to nibble!




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Sounds good to me!



Would you use them?  or would you give them to the child(ren)?  I've drooled over some cute flash-cards in my day ....



Ooh, those look tempting enough to nibble!





I'm not sure.  I could totally see using them myself or the kids.  Maybe we all need our own set! 

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