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College cancelling classes for eclipse

Night Elf

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smart of them - they probably realize a lot of students want to see it.


dh has offered to drive 2ds (who hates to drive) to oregon to watch it.  I don't want to go, too much to do. I'm trying to fly out bright and early on tuesday to see my dd.   but we'd stay at my friend's house on sunday night.. . .

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One kid's college cancelled classes; I am not sure about the other kid. It will be her first day of class. I mailed her glasses.

Public schools here are holding kids in school an extra hour so they are not in the bus nor walking  home to look at the sun. My county is encouraging parents to check kids out at 12:00 if they want to see the eclipse since the county could not afford to buy glasses for the kids.


My neice's school said it was an unexcused absence to leave school to view the eclipse And her SCIENCE teacher is giving a test on Monday 6th period - during the eclipse!!! It is a microbiology class; he told the kids they can see super cool stuff looking through a microscope anyways!!!! I think he gets worst science teacher of the year award. 

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Our community college just decided to close that day. Our school district decided a couple of months ago (school hasn't even started yet). We're in totality and expecting major travel problems, so many workplaces are cancelling just to let people opt to stay off the roads.

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Honorary dd's college is hosting an eclipse viewing party, lots of fun, telescope viewing, free glasses, professors from the physics/astrophysics/astronomy department on hand to answer questions, etc. I think it is kind of a great way to get the kids interacting with faculty and staff in a super positive way.


In the path of totality, I think it has to be treated like other acts of mother nature like blizzards because traffic tie ups will be insane and the potential for stranded motorists much greater.

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We are near the path of totality, but not in it. Our local uni is having a viewing party with a modified afternoon schedule. That is their first day of classes. Honestly, I am surprised they are having class. We are within an hour of totality, so I would be interested in knowing how full those Monday classes are with people wanting to catch it.



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The county next to me closed all public schools on Monday due to the eclipse.


This has a lot to do with the increased traffic expected right at school leaving time along with the school not being sure they can make sure no kid looks up at the sun during the eclipse and damages their eyesight. (at recess, through windows, etc)

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One kid's college cancelled classes; I am not sure about the other kid. It will be her first day of class. I mailed her glasses.

Public schools here are holding kids in school an extra hour so they are not in the bus nor walking  home to look at the sun. My county is encouraging parents to check kids out at 12:00 if they want to see the eclipse since the county could not afford to buy glasses for the kids.


My neice's school said it was an unexcused absence to leave school to view the eclipse And her SCIENCE teacher is giving a test on Monday 6th period - during the eclipse!!! It is a microbiology class; he told the kids they can see super cool stuff looking through a microscope anyways!!!! I think he gets worst science teacher of the year award. 

Uh, yeah.  Wow.  

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I think it's great! But don't know that many public schools (younger kids) want to mess around with the safety issues related to viewing an eclipse.


My kiddos school district sent an email that all students will remain inside and windows closed on Monday, for safety reasons...if we wante our children to experience the eclipse, keep them home.


So we will keep them home and watch it together (sharing two pair of glasses and making some projects - former homeschooler that I am)

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My neice's school said it was an unexcused absence to leave school to view the eclipse And her SCIENCE teacher is giving a test on Monday 6th period - during the eclipse!!! It is a microbiology class; he told the kids they can see super cool stuff looking through a microscope anyways!!!! I think he gets worst science teacher of the year award.

Oh that's just stupid!!!

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This has a lot to do with the increased traffic expected right at school leaving time along with the school not being sure they can make sure no kid looks up at the sun during the eclipse and damages their eyesight. (at recess, through windows, etc)

Yes, they sent out a letter explaining their reasons, which were mainly focused on the safety of the students. Our county purchased NASA approved glasses for 5th - 12th grade. They are having a safety seminar beforehand & students with signed permission slips can see it outside. My daughter is pretty excited. I didn't purchase glasses & now I can't find any for me & my son. ☹ï¸

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