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~~~~~~ August Frugalistas ~~~~~~~~~~


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A new month


A fresh start.


How are things going? 




Just took the kids to the violin store


New violin for one, free since it is included in our rental



I did by a music stand.   I don't think we need it but oh well. 



Took the kids out for free ice cream after.  



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I'm here, working this week and not feeling great, I hope to get caught up on budget/money stuff this weekend. 


Dh has been on mandatory OT so pay this month should be good. 


We will also have:


dh's bonus- any leftover vacation days

pay for me for camp

extra pay for OT 

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I'm here, working this week and not feeling great, I hope to get caught up on budget/money stuff this weekend. 


Dh has been on mandatory OT so pay this month should be good. 


We will also have:


dh's bonus- any leftover vacation days

pay for me for camp

extra pay for OT 


Sounds like it will be a great month for you.  


I hope you feel better soon. 

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I've gotta sit down tonight and figure out what this month is supposed to look for us. Off the top of my head we've got ds's First Communion party on Sunday

My dad is paying for the food but we've gotta pick up drinks and the cake. Other than that it should be groceries and gas for the month.

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I spent too much money last month with our exchange student.  It was a relief to my bank account when he went home (though we miss him.)  Too many lunches out on the road.  


And this month is when I need to buy the homeschool curric for next year.  Lots and lots of money will be flying out the door for that.  Blech.  I'm trying to keep costs down, but some things just cost money.


I knew I shouldn't, but I bought myself an unnecessary lipstick and bought my ds12 some unnecessary hair-styling cream the other day: $13 that could have gone to shipping and handling for the curric.  I'm normally good at not buying those sorts of things, but I succumbed to the temptation.  


Looking forward to September when we're back to normal spending again.


On the good side, somehow or other I already saved up all our Christmas money for the year.  I set aside money in a hiding place in my house each month for Christmas.  I must have calculated wrong, because all the money is already there and so I don't need to save any more and Christmas will be paid for.  That'll be a big relief in December.



Edited by Garga
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I spent too much money last month with our exchange student.  It was a relief to my bank account when he went home (though we miss him.)  Too many lunches out on the road.  


And this month is when I need to buy the homeschool curric for next year.  Lots and lots of money will be flying out the door for that.  Blech.  I'm trying to keep costs down, but some things just cost money.


I knew I shouldn't, but I bought myself an unnecessary lipstick and bought my ds12 some unnecessary hair-styling cream the other day: $13 that could have gone to shipping and handling for the curric.  I'm normally good at not buying those sorts of things, but I succumbed to the temptation.  


Looking forward to September when we're back to normal spending again.


On the good side, somehow or other I already saved up all our Christmas money for the year.  I set aside money in a hiding place in my house each month for Christmas.  I must have calculated wrong, because all the money is already there and so I don't need to save any more and Christmas will be paid for.  That'll be a big relief in December.



That is awesome!   Congrats



I am so glad you had so much fun with the exchange student. 

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Ug! Not even two days into the month and I already spent a boatload of money for the upcoming homeschool year!


Four are signed up for lessons, two signed up for co-op, and two for on-line classes. We have most of our books already which helps to keep the cost down, but I bought a few consumable workbooks and two new textbooks (most on sale and all with reduced/free shipping promotions.)


Our homeschool costs for homeschooling six are still all significantly cheaper than it would cost to send one to a brick and mortar private school, but yikes! It all still adds up.

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Doing something a little different this month. Trying to focus on bringing more in vs. saving because I have some big expenses coming up. 




Earnings $400/$7.25

Swagbucks 6000/0

Shopkick 3000/0


Not very frugal so far. Big grocery run yesterday and another still needed. Might go check out the salvage grocery if I can but honestly I'm not sure of the savings by the time I factor in the time getting there and back on bus or an uber if I buy too much. We'll see. 


I signed dd up for a one month free trial of Monarch, and using that for school for a month. I told her if she can complete it all in a month, I'll pay her $25 and give her off from everything but math until January. I figure it's a good bargain for both of us, and then I can call her 7th grade in January. And whatever she does get done is that much more done tbh. 

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Doing something a little different this month. Trying to focus on bringing more in vs. saving because I have some big expenses coming up. 




Earnings $400/$7.25

Swagbucks 6000/0

Shopkick 3000/0


Not very frugal so far. Big grocery run yesterday and another still needed. Might go check out the salvage grocery if I can but honestly I'm not sure of the savings by the time I factor in the time getting there and back on bus or an uber if I buy too much. We'll see. 


I signed dd up for a one month free trial of Monarch, and using that for school for a month. I told her if she can complete it all in a month, I'll pay her $25 and give her off from everything but math until January. I figure it's a good bargain for both of us, and then I can call her 7th grade in January. And whatever she does get done is that much more done tbh. 


Are you trying to earn $6,000 on Swagbucks?  


And $3,000 on shopkick? 


Is that possible? 

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Expecting dh's mom to pass away within the month so that means another 2300 mile round trip. I'm prepared- we all already have our visitation and funeral clothes there, as we took those last week when we were there. Two of us needed to buy some clothing items so glad we got that out of the way in advance.  Money for the trip isn't an issue. 


We spent money last night to see Dunkirk in IMAX. It was pricey but we needed to do something as a family and what's more bonding than a war movie?g


Other than that, August is going to be pretty low cost. Garden veggies are coming in so that helps the grocery bill.


School starts back up the month so I'll start back doing some math tutoring, which helps with the income. 


Received our statements from June's medical expenses and our part is lower than expected. June was awful....x rays for both me and dh, physical therapy for me, doc visits for us both, chiropractor and massage bills for dh.  But yay that our out of pocket is affordable. 



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I should be OK if I don't count anything I ordered / scheduled prior to August.  :P


The horse riding: there is only one weekend the kids can ride - this weekend, which will include training on Saturday and participation in a local horse show on Sunday.  Last year I got soaked because I was charged by the trainers for each event my kids decided to join, even events that were stupid for them to join IMO.  I somehow did not realize I was going to get charged that way.  This year I plan to be smarter, LOL.  The kids will be limited to 3 events (which is actually pretty generous) and that's that.


I may have to buy some stuff for the show though.  Some items I bought for prior years have disappeared.  Or I donated them to the trainers and now they're not there for me to borrow.  And I'm sure my kids have gotten too big for the clothes they wore the past 2 years, but I don't plan to buy new clothes.  We'll see what we can figure out.  (Tell me again why I do this?)


I allowed my youngest to attend Sylvan as well as my oldest.  She does not need help to keep up in math, but she may benefit from the challenge as she's an advanced thinker.  The additional cost is roughly $100 per month.


I'm trying to get my kid seen for a possible medical issue, which will probably cost some $$$.  Also, an orthodontist is going to do a "look-see" and advise whether my kids need braces - I think one of them will, but I'm open to him saying no!  Third, my kid has an eye appointment to see if she needs another round of vision therapy.  I doubt it, and I certainly hope not.


Oh, I just remembered someone asked me for $$$ yesterday ... was supposed to transfer it ... I transferred extra the last time which went I don't know where ... anyhoo I hope this is the last request (3rd in the last couple months).

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Expecting dh's mom to pass away within the month so that means another 2300 mile round trip. I'm prepared- we all already have our visitation and funeral clothes there, as we took those last week when we were there. Two of us needed to buy some clothing items so glad we got that out of the way in advance.  Money for the trip isn't an issue. 


We spent money last night to see Dunkirk in IMAX. It was pricey but we needed to do something as a family and what's more bonding than a war movie?g


Other than that, August is going to be pretty low cost. Garden veggies are coming in so that helps the grocery bill.


School starts back up the month so I'll start back doing some math tutoring, which helps with the income. 


Received our statements from June's medical expenses and our part is lower than expected. June was awful....x rays for both me and dh, physical therapy for me, doc visits for us both, chiropractor and massage bills for dh.  But yay that our out of pocket is affordable. 


I am so sorry.  Sending some hugs and prayers to your dh and family. 

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lol No. Not even remotely possible! 


6000 points on Swagbucks is about $65, using discounts when redeeming. 


3000 points on Shopkick is about $12. 




I was going to say, tell me your secrets on that.   


Setting goals is such a good idea.  It always helps me. 

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Well I went through the August budget and assuming it isn't a spendy month we should be back on track come September. I sat down and all the bills are paid for the month which means all paychecks can go directly into savings minus roughly $500 for gas and groceries. This should get us $1000 away from our $10,000 savings goal for the year! Woohoo. We got a little off track for that because we replaced our sliding doors in june.

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8/3 update:




Earnings $400/$8.45

Swagbucks 6000/111

Shopkick 3500/694



~I have to email Ibotta to straighten out a rebate - it didn't credit all of mine. None of the doubles and completely missed two all together.


~Got a $10/$10 shoes coupon in my email from Shopyourway - ordered a pair of sneakers that were $10 exactly with free instore pickup from sears. So free shoes! And I already was going there to pick up another pair of shoes I ordered to replace my sneakers I walked a hole into. 



Going today to do another shopping run. We'll see how much I can get done and how many rebates I can do. 

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Well I went through the August budget and assuming it isn't a spendy month we should be back on track come September. I sat down and all the bills are paid for the month which means all paychecks can go directly into savings minus roughly $500 for gas and groceries. This should get us $1000 away from our $10,000 savings goal for the year! Woohoo. We got a little off track for that because we replaced our sliding doors in june.




I need to replace our sliding glass doors too.  The glass went all foggy or something.   


Are you guys still moving? 

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May I join y'all? I could use some encouragement and companionship in the frugal/thrifty life. Most of our friends are far more flexible and secure financially so they don't really understand. Dh got a nice raise this year, but our costs for several things have soared and swallowed most of it. Huge property tax increase. Ugh. 


Got the numbers from the orthodontist for Dd's braces yesterday.  :scared: And Ds needs them too, and soon!  :scared:  :scared:

I have been trying to save more for replacing Dh's ancient car lately, but I think all extra funds are going to braces for the next many months. Glad I already purchased tickets to a particularly fun play as a family Christmas gift. With this orthodontist stuff hanging over our heads, I wouldn't have felt free to do it. Christmas will be small this year, for sure. 


Next up:

Get two items of jewelry appraised to see what I could sell them for. 

Begin tagging clothes and toys for consignment next week. We always shop consignment/thrift, so this is not new, just necessary. 

Stick tight to the budget! Esp for groceries and household supplies. 

Meal planning!




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I need to replace our sliding glass doors too. The glass went all foggy or something.


Are you guys still moving?

We needed to replace them because they weren't sliding anymore and the frame was warping! The moving is up in the air at the moment. I got back and forth with it. If we make the necessary repairs to the house to be able to sell it I'd actually be ok still living here. So the lower mortgage of this house would certainly be the most frugal thing to do. I think we'll get the repairs done and then decide.

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I've been following the Krazy Coupon lady a bit more lately. I don't take everything to heart, as her post about Back to School supplies seemed outdated with 2016 prices I haven't seen (she said maybe the prices will drop closer to school). Anyway, I saw a post about a Star Wars lego set on clearance at Walmart. Mine has it in stock so I'm crossing my fingers I can get it when I go to the store this week. We are trying to conserve gas so making less trips out when possible. I have $8 in Savings Catcher to redeem and the Lego Star Wars set is $7 (normally like $25). If I get it, it will be one of my nephew's Christmas gifts. The price is not online, only in stores.


Just signed up for Driscoll's Stawberries mailing list to get a coupon (also heard about from KCL). I forgot I can't use it at Sam's because they don't accept coupons but I'll keep it in case we end up buying them at Kroger or Walmart.


Our budget is completely out of whack because we got new tires recently and we're already in debt on our credit card. Each week lately we've been keeping our grocery bill low and submitting ibotta and savings catcher info to get a bit back.


I debated about whether or not to continue taking ds to Sunday school because the church is approx. 40 min. away. But in the end we agreed to do it. I'm also going to be helping in one of the Sunday school classes. Mass is after class. Then we will go grocery shopping after Mass or dh will do the shopping with dd while we're in class/Mass (I don't take dd to Mass that often because it's really hard and dh does not go with us that often as he is not Catholic). The church is not that far from where we normally shop.


I think I mentioned this on the July thread but I found out that our 4H will have archery this fall. This could be a fairly inexpensive extracurricular for ds. 4H meets 20 min. from our home. I don't think he'd have to meet with them that often, dh could do some practice with him at home. The main expense I'm thinking is we'd need to upgrade to a particular bow (they have to use the Genesis which I looked up and it's $200!). Maybe they can get a group discount, depending on how many kids need one. I will ask more questions. I really hope the archery thing works out because it's so much closer to home than anything we've tried so far (like martial arts).

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We needed to replace them because they weren't sliding anymore and the frame was warping! The moving is up in the air at the moment. I got back and forth with it. If we make the necessary repairs to the house to be able to sell it I'd actually be ok still living here. So the lower mortgage of this house would certainly be the most frugal thing to do. I think we'll get the repairs done and then decide.


I am right there with you.   The houses in our area or selling as soon as they are listed.  Which has never happened before.   I do want to move to have more space, but keeping our mortgage lower is so nice.  


At some point we will need the space though

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May I join y'all? I could use some encouragement and companionship in the frugal/thrifty life. Most of our friends are far more flexible and secure financially so they don't really understand. Dh got a nice raise this year, but our costs for several things have soared and swallowed most of it. Huge property tax increase. Ugh. 


Got the numbers from the orthodontist for Dd's braces yesterday.  :scared: And Ds needs them too, and soon!  :scared:  :scared:

I have been trying to save more for replacing Dh's ancient car lately, but I think all extra funds are going to braces for the next many months. Glad I already purchased tickets to a particularly fun play as a family Christmas gift. With this orthodontist stuff hanging over our heads, I wouldn't have felt free to do it. Christmas will be small this year, for sure. 


Next up:

Get two items of jewelry appraised to see what I could sell them for. 

Begin tagging clothes and toys for consignment next week. We always shop consignment/thrift, so this is not new, just necessary. 

Stick tight to the budget! Esp for groceries and household supplies. 

Meal planning!




Yay for the raise.  Boo for all the other bills. 


Oh man braces.  We haven't been ordered for those yet.  We will see what happens.  


Oh going for an experience is the right idea for Christmas.  We have moved away from presents and go do things instead.   So much fun.  No stress for me.  And the kids love it.   You were smart to do it already. 


I need to do an consignment sale to get ride of things.  

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I am right there with you. The houses in our area or selling as soon as they are listed. Which has never happened before. I do want to move to have more space, but keeping our mortgage lower is so nice.


At some point we will need the space though

We have a little over 1400 sq ft living space plus a one car garage and a nice lawn on a corner lot. There are 7 of us and with the kids all small it works out well. Shoot it would work out even better if we moved them all into the huge master bedroom and we took one of the other bedrooms. All their toys and them could fit into our room. Then we'd have a while extra room for something else.


We can certainly find a bigger house in our price range but going from a mortgage of $110000 to $220000 just makes me sick even if we could technically afford it.


I think the better option is to refinance and make this house work for another 5 years.

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I need to replace our sliding glass doors too.  The glass went all foggy or something.   


Are you guys still moving?


You may be able to have your sliding glass doors repaired because according to our last home inspector, the problem is probably a break in the seal, which means that moisture can get in between the panes of glass and make the glass foggy. Apparently, they need to replace the gas between the window panes and seal it back up. I don't know how much it costs (because we ended up buying a different house,) but the inspector said it would be far less than replacing the doors.

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You may be able to have your sliding glass doors repaired because according to our last home inspector, the problem is probably a break in the seal, which means that moisture can get in between the panes of glass and make the glass foggy. Apparently, they need to replace the gas between the window panes and seal it back up. I don't know how much it costs (because we ended up buying a different house,) but the inspector said it would be far less than replacing the doors.


Oh wow, thanks for that.   Never had a clue.  I wonder who I could call for that. 

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I've been following the Krazy Coupon lady a bit more lately. I don't take everything to heart, as her post about Back to School supplies seemed outdated with 2016 prices I haven't seen (she said maybe the prices will drop closer to school). Anyway, I saw a post about a Star Wars lego set on clearance at Walmart. Mine has it in stock so I'm crossing my fingers I can get it when I go to the store this week. We are trying to conserve gas so making less trips out when possible. I have $8 in Savings Catcher to redeem and the Lego Star Wars set is $7 (normally like $25). If I get it, it will be one of my nephew's Christmas gifts. The price is not online, only in stores.


Just signed up for Driscoll's Stawberries mailing list to get a coupon (also heard about from KCL). I forgot I can't use it at Sam's because they don't accept coupons but I'll keep it in case we end up buying them at Kroger or Walmart.


Our budget is completely out of whack because we got new tires recently and we're already in debt on our credit card. Each week lately we've been keeping our grocery bill low and submitting ibotta and savings catcher info to get a bit back.


I debated about whether or not to continue taking ds to Sunday school because the church is approx. 40 min. away. But in the end we agreed to do it. I'm also going to be helping in one of the Sunday school classes. Mass is after class. Then we will go grocery shopping after Mass or dh will do the shopping with dd while we're in class/Mass (I don't take dd to Mass that often because it's really hard and dh does not go with us that often as he is not Catholic). The church is not that far from where we normally shop.


I think I mentioned this on the July thread but I found out that our 4H will have archery this fall. This could be a fairly inexpensive extracurricular for ds. 4H meets 20 min. from our home. I don't think he'd have to meet with them that often, dh could do some practice with him at home. The main expense I'm thinking is we'd need to upgrade to a particular bow (they have to use the Genesis which I looked up and it's $200!). Maybe they can get a group discount, depending on how many kids need one. I will ask more questions. I really hope the archery thing works out because it's so much closer to home than anything we've tried so far (like martial arts).


Funny you bring up 4H archery.  I was just talking to a mom about that and she said that is such a good program with her 4h.  That the kids are really high ranking going to nationals and getting college scholarships.    Thought maybe I should look into it.  :)

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Oh wow, thanks for that. Never had a clue. I wonder who I could call for that.

You're welcome. :)


I think you could Google window glass repair -- I just tried it and apparently there are quite a few companies in my area who do it. If that doesn't work, I would try asking at a local hardware store because they usually know local contractors. Otherwise, maybe someone at a place like Lowes or Home Depot might be able to help.


I hope you can get the doors repaired. New ones are expensive!

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Funny you bring up 4H archery.  I was just talking to a mom about that and she said that is such a good program with her 4h.  That the kids are really high ranking going to nationals and getting college scholarships.    Thought maybe I should look into it.   :)


Cool! I was directed to this site recently and I asked if the 4H instructor was an AIMS instructor and they said yeah. Apparently people here are really good... I figure if he's going to learn it, this is the right place. Makes sense with all the hunters here :lol:




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Another cheap day


Violin lessons, already paid for

Got free tickets to about 12 upcoming shows at the University.  Thank you.


Took the kids to a movie with popcorn that they earned from doing the reading program at the library.   


Then went to a free family show featuring animals put on by the city.  

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In July I said we were heading to the West Coast for a 3 week vacation and it was all pre-paid for.  


Well, we did a few extra things and spent about $1200 more than we planned.  


It is ok, and we made the decision to do it anyway.....but, now I have to pay that bill.


We are getting very serious about going back to living really frugally for this school year.  We will have 2 boys in college in 2018 and now oldest wants a private school and we don't know how much aid/scholarship $$ we will get.


So, my goals for my 2017-2018 school year:


1. Pay off HELOC (almost there!)

2. Pay off Prius (or close to it, the loan is 2%, so I may save $$ instead, not sure)

3. Save, save, save for college tuition

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In July I said we were heading to the West Coast for a 3 week vacation and it was all pre-paid for.  


Well, we did a few extra things and spent about $1200 more than we planned.  


It is ok, and we made the decision to do it anyway.....but, now I have to pay that bill.


We are getting very serious about going back to living really frugally for this school year.  We will have 2 boys in college in 2018 and now oldest wants a private school and we don't know how much aid/scholarship $$ we will get.


So, my goals for my 2017-2018 school year:


1. Pay off HELOC (almost there!)

2. Pay off Prius (or close to it, the loan is 2%, so I may save $$ instead, not sure)

3. Save, save, save for college tuition


Great goals! 



What did you guys end up doing?   I still think a 3 week vacation for under 5k is good.   I hope you had fun.  If you are not home already safe travels. 

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Great goals! 



What did you guys end up doing?   I still think a 3 week vacation for under 5k is good.   I hope you had fun.  If you are not home already safe travels. 



We head home tomorrow......BOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't want to!  I want to move NOW.  NOW I tell you!


Yeah, it should be right around $5,000 I think, even with added costs.  We haven't taken a vacation in about 2 years, so not too bad.

Edited by DawnM
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Just posting some stuff you might find helpful



FREE MONEY if you bought a product with a L-Ion battery. ~$40 mil settlement







This is a great way to get some Airline miles fast


This cc gives you 50k American miles after your first purchase and paying the af.

Some people have gotten that AF back too, after canceling right away. 



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I'd like to join this thread. Back in the day when dh made much less money, I was very frugal. As his income has grown (along with our kids and their needs/wants) I've done a really poor job of managing the money well. We are way behind where I'd like us to be and I've spent too much time just stressing over it. Ive got to make changes and maybe an accountability thread would help!!


We have credit card debt that we are trying to pay off and I've really ramped up our payments this month. The goal is to have them paid in full by next April - so 9 months.


I need to reduce grocery and restaurant so spending, as I'm always way over budget in those categories. To do this, I must learn to meal plan and stick with it. I've tried so many times but I stink at it. Going to figure it out this week though! Any tips?

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I'd like to join this thread. Back in the day when dh made much less money, I was very frugal. As his income has grown (along with our kids and their needs/wants) I've done a really poor job of managing the money well. We are way behind where I'd like us to be and I've spent too much time just stressing over it. Ive got to make changes and maybe an accountability thread would help!!


We have credit card debt that we are trying to pay off and I've really ramped up our payments this month. The goal is to have them paid in full by next April - so 9 months.


I need to reduce grocery and restaurant so spending, as I'm always way over budget in those categories. To do this, I must learn to meal plan and stick with it. I've tried so many times but I stink at it. Going to figure it out this week though! Any tips?

Meal planning is my weak spot in my frugal ways. I just can't get it down. Ultimately, I'd like to have 2 weeks planned out so I can shop every 2 weeks but I just keep failing at this. So any ideas from anyone would help me too.

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I'd like to join this thread. Back in the day when dh made much less money, I was very frugal. As his income has grown (along with our kids and their needs/wants) I've done a really poor job of managing the money well. We are way behind where I'd like us to be and I've spent too much time just stressing over it. Ive got to make changes and maybe an accountability thread would help!!


We have credit card debt that we are trying to pay off and I've really ramped up our payments this month. The goal is to have them paid in full by next April - so 9 months.


I need to reduce grocery and restaurant so spending, as I'm always way over budget in those categories. To do this, I must learn to meal plan and stick with it. I've tried so many times but I stink at it. Going to figure it out this week though! Any tips?


It is so easy to up your spending when your income goes up too. 


Great first step of setting a goal for paying off the debt. 


How many times a week do you go out to eat? 


Do you find you do it when you don't have a plan and are to tired to cook?  Could you meal plan for that?  Crock pot?   That is my lifesaver.


We don't eat out at all.   Maybe on birthdays, but that is it.  I am just too cheap and the stuff we make at home is faster, better for us , and tastes just as good. 


How much are you spending at the store?   Could you do a few cheap days/weeks to knock that out?   Breakfast for dinner at lot?  Eggs are so cheap right now. 


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I mentioned in a different thread that I found a $2 book that I'm hoping to make $50 selling on Amazon. Time will tell. It should sell fast so hopefully this month. That'll be the start of our Christmas money.


We need a set of bunk beds and I just found a use wooden one for $175 that I may pick up tomorrow. This isn't specifically in August's budget but it is on my list of needs and has been budgeted for. It was just a matter of finding a good price for one.

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8/5 update:




Earnings $400/$21.35

Swagbucks 6000/115

Shopkick 3500/1004



Did rebates yesterday - not as much as I wanted though because Walmart didn't carry a lot of the rebate items. I'll have to try another location later in the week. 


Listed a few items online. Hoping they sell so I can have a little extra for bus fare. 

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The horse riding: there is only one weekend the kids can ride - this weekend, which will include training on Saturday and participation in a local horse show on Sunday.  Last year I got soaked because I was charged by the trainers for each event my kids decided to join, even events that were stupid for them to join IMO.  I somehow did not realize I was going to get charged that way.  This year I plan to be smarter, LOL.  The kids will be limited to 3 events (which is actually pretty generous) and that's that.


I may have to buy some stuff for the show though.  Some items I bought for prior years have disappeared.  Or I donated them to the trainers and now they're not there for me to borrow.  And I'm sure my kids have gotten too big for the clothes they wore the past 2 years, but I don't plan to buy new clothes.  We'll see what we can figure out.  (Tell me again why I do this?)




Well I am relieved to say that the girls decided to skip the horse show this year.  The horses they were promised to ride were leased to others, so they were left with a choice of 3 uncooperative horses.  I thought of encouraging them to drop out, but I kept quiet until my kid suggested doing so.  So yay, I probably saved at least $200 on that, not to mention a lot of time.


But the horse barn people say there is another horse show August 26, which I know nothing about.  One of my kids will probably do a couple half-days of camp there next week, so I'll see what that's all about.  Hopefully not a big hit on my wallet.


Found out that this weekend is a tax-free school supply weekend in our state.  Unfortunately I already bought all our stuff.  :/  Oh well!  I still think I save money by buying online vs. going shopping with my kids, who will want all sorts of stuff they don't need.


Today there is a fundraiser for our library system at Barnes & Noble.  We will go get the kids' free books for finishing the B&N summer reading program, and do something to help the library.

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It is so easy to up your spending when your income goes up too.


Great first step of setting a goal for paying off the debt.


How many times a week do you go out to eat?


Do you find you do it when you don't have a plan and are to tired to cook? Could you meal plan for that? Crock pot? That is my lifesaver.


We don't eat out at all. Maybe on birthdays, but that is it. I am just too cheap and the stuff we make at home is faster, better for us , and tastes just as good.


How much are you spending at the store? Could you do a few cheap days/weeks to knock that out? Breakfast for dinner at lot? Eggs are so cheap right now.


Dh works out of town 2/3 of the time, so most often it's just the kids and me. However, my problem is that both kids are in activities and since I work part-time and am the one driving them all over, sometimes it's challenging to get dinner on the table. So we just grab take out or whatever. I do like using a crock pot, but my kids are picky and don't really enjoy those types of meals. When I've tried before, I've found I've wasted food that way (kids will eat it once, but I end up with leftovers that I don't even finish). I do think meal planning is key and I'm going to make it a priority this month.

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Thank goodness, someone told me that 4H can use different bows. It's just the program through the school that requires that expensive bow. I did not want to have to spend $200 on a new bow.


Dh had to stop at WM the other day. I sent him on a wild goose chase to get a couple items. One of which is a discounted Star Wars Lego set I want for my nephew. Well, he and the associate could not locate it. He did at least find the discounted Peppa the Pig bus (I can't believe the normal price is $19-27). I plan to give dd the bus on her birthday (comes with two pig figures) and then the Calico critters later which the bus is really intended for. I will look for the SW set again when I get a chance, but it may be their inventory is just wrong.

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8/5 update:




Earnings $400/$21.35

Swagbucks 6000/115

Shopkick 3500/1004



Did rebates yesterday - not as much as I wanted though because Walmart didn't carry a lot of the rebate items. I'll have to try another location later in the week. 


Listed a few items online. Hoping they sell so I can have a little extra for bus fare. 



Wait what rebates?


Since you use those sites, too I thought I would mention I heard about another one recently. I am on ebates, but I heard that TopCashBack is better. I am thinking I may sign up for TCB and just swap between the programs depending on who is offering more back for that store at the time.

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Wait what rebates?


Since you use those sites, too I thought I would mention I heard about another one recently. I am on ebates, but I heard that TopCashBack is better. I am thinking I may sign up for TCB and just swap between the programs depending on who is offering more back for that store at the time.


Ibotta, Checkout51, and SavingStar. If you'd like referrals to any of them let me know - you get bonuses when you sign up through a referral link. 


I don't get a ton back on any of them, but it does add up. 

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I got the house cleaned and school stuff organized. I'm getting ready to work on budget stuff. I need to reconcile everything for July (as I got so sick at the end of the week and went straight into teaching camp). I spent extras on groceries Friday but I also bought extra on some stuff. 


No spending this weekend, I stayed home. 


We had our health evals and both of us received the full amount, $800 for dh(b/c he is an employee) and $400 for me. So $1200 to an HRA next year, that will take care of our regular prescriptions for a year and about half of our appts.


This week should be light on spending. I've got a meeting tonight but otherwise, I think I'm staying home this week and other than vitamins I can't think of anything we need.


Dh's check for this coming week and the next couple should be good ones, I'm anxious to get the accounts built back up.

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Alright, I finished looking at July, could have been better but could have been much worse--


groceries- $690 spent/$700- $90 over budget- all of that the last weekend when I was sick (and dh bought easy foods) and was doing low carb so bought special food for himself too. Not horrible though feeding 6, all gluten free.


house maintenance- $34 over- would have been fine except for the fact that our closet shelf fell down in the middle of the night, which was $40 to fix


auto maintenance- $59 over- supplies for oil changes- I hadn't put them in the budget as I thought dh was waiting until Aug. to buy the supplies


eating out- $23 spent/$20 budget


education- $25 over budget- thought I had bought dd1's spelling book, I had not, so I had not budgeted for it, oops!


entertainment- $14 spent/$20 budget- our only entertainment this month was hulu- 



Extra came out of insurance refund. August is looking very nice, although I don't know all of our expenses yet as we are starting back to Scouts this month. I'm also not sure of all of our income either. Dh gets a bonus and that varies wildly.




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