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So, what's in your halloween give a way bowl this year?

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I have 100 grands, kit kat, almond joys, heath, plain m&m's, peanut butter m&m's, rolo's, sour patch kids, swedish fish, oh henry's, and goobers.



Also, what do you snatch, oh I mean ask your kids for from their stash? I go for smarties and banana laffy taffy oh and necco's

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I left the Halloween shopping to dh--big mistake. He bought a huge bag of Dum Dums from Sam's Club. This is probably my least favorite Halloween candy :sad:, but it's my own fault for not giving explicit instructions.


All the candy you're giving out is the kind I like to borrow from the kids!

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I purchased one bag of candy

I believe it has tootsie rolls, smarties, bubble gum, now or laters and some other candy I can't think of.

I know this sounds sad, but we are not home since we walk with the dc.

There are other neighborhoods that come through here quite early and DUMP the bowl into their bag, so by the time we get around the corner there is nothing in my bowl! This is what has happened for the past 2yrs!

I am tired of purchasing GOOD candy for just one person!

I did purchase regular size candy bars for all the kids my kids play with.

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I have 100 grands, kit kat, almond joys, heath, plain m&m's, peanut butter m&m's, rolo's, sour patch kids, swedish fish, oh henry's, and goobers.



Also, what do you snatch, oh I mean ask your kids for from their stash? I go for smarties and banana laffy taffy oh and necco's


I want to come to your house!!!


I bought a small bag of Milky Way for dd7 (although she probably won't get any of ours), a package of gun and suckers and such, and some "mini charms" things - like Charms suckers but drop-size, I think. They looked cool.


Usually I get Wonka stuff, but the store I shopped today didn't seem to have them. I try to get Laffy Taffy with banana in it because that's my favorite. However, I certainly don't need any Laffy Taffy and I usually sneak it from the kids anyway. :D

Edited by 3lilreds in NC
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I bought one large-ish bag each of Snickers and M&Ms. We also have a bunch of small toys (Oriental Trading stuff) left over from the supplies we bought for the church Halloween party that are going in the cauldron.


I hope it's enough. My husband took our son to his organ practice and ballet lesson this afternoon, and I'm considering calling and asking him to bring home more . . .

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Way too much!


We thought we would be home for trick or treatin' time, but unexpected company is inviting us to supper and a football game. Soooo....I'm 'stuck' with Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, and M&Ms....


This is not good for my weight loss plan. :D

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We're the weirdies in the neighborhood, lol .... our bowl has hot chocolate, hot apple cider and peppermint tea packets in it. Well, *our* kids would enjoy this selection anyway -- so I purchased in the hope others will, too!



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I am a freak. I admit it. I give out pencils and stickers. I figure that if I really let dd go door to door (I don't. She goes to the 6 neighbors we know then packs it in.) I would throw away most of the candy, since I don't know who it came from. I don't want other moms to throw away the treats I give out, so I go for the practical goodies. *sigh* I bet the neighborhood kids hate this house. It's a wonder we don't get egged!




ETA: Michele, I posted before reading your post. It's nice to know I'm not alone!!

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We rarely get very many trick-or-treaters and we're usually gone most of the evening anyway, so I always buy a big box of microwave popcorn packages to give away to the few who come by. Then I don't feel bad about my kids getting the leftovers!


(but I did buy a bag of Butterfingers just for me!)

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That's all we buy every year because we eat the leftovers!


My son (though too old to really trick or treat, though we have 'kids' come by our house every year that I swear are in their late teens or early 20's) goes out early-ish with a few friends and when he gets home I sort through his 'stash' and pick out stuff I don't want him having (bubble gum for sure) and then we 'recycle' those items to the trick or treaters that come later.


The next person gets 2 Snickers and 2 pieces of bubble gum.


As far as what I pick out, I'm not a big sweet eater. I'll probably grab a few Tootsie Rolls... maybe a 100 Grand bar. That's about it.



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We're the weirdies in the neighborhood, lol .... our bowl has hot chocolate, hot apple cider and peppermint tea packets in it. Well, *our* kids would enjoy this selection anyway -- so I purchased in the hope others will, too!




Wish I was your neighbor.



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-mini playing cards, regular & uno

-mini tubs of play-doh

-large bouncy balls

-little rainbow slinkies

-boxes of 4 crayons

-glow stick bracelets


This is my first year handing out goodies so I don't know how many we will get. I probably went overboard, but since it isn't candy we can save it for

next year. I tried to get things I would have liked as a child. I figure they will get more candy then they can eat.



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Our town has a trick or treat downtown in the afternoon. They close the streets and all the stores hand out candy for the kids and coupons/free samples for the adults. We love it. We take the candy the kids get there and hand it out at night.


I do have a "private" stash for neighbors that we know. These included full sized Snickers, Butterfingers, and M&Ms. We just get SO many kids who come by the vanload that we don't know. And, we usually get a sob story from someone about how their sister/brother/mother was sick at home, so could we have extra for him/her?? Um . . . Nope! Anyway, we had about 700 kids this year.


I'm also really mean. I make my kids pick out 10 pieces of candy (full sized bars count as 2). Then, we give away the rest. We just don't need all that extra candy lying around!!!

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Body parts - I get these at Target and they are gummy cut-off fingers, noses, ears, etc. and a big hit! Also gummy witches warts, smarties, mini kit-kat bars and red licorice sticks.


The kids know I get any Butterfingers that they bring home!


My daughter just returned from trick-or-treating with some of these. The package says they are made in China so I threw them away! :eek:

Edited by Confuzzled
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We're the weirdies in the neighborhood, lol .... our bowl has hot chocolate, hot apple cider and peppermint tea packets in it. Well, *our* kids would enjoy this selection anyway -- so I purchased in the hope others will, too!




pencils and activity pads. We don't do candy (multiple food allergies and personal preference). This year the boys have asked NOT to go trick or treating, we are going out to eat instead.


I am a freak. I admit it. I give out pencils and stickers. I figure that if I really let dd go door to door (I don't. She goes to the 6 neighbors we know then packs it in.) I would throw away most of the candy, since I don't know who it came from. I don't want other moms to throw away the treats I give out, so I go for the practical goodies. *sigh* I bet the neighborhood kids hate this house. It's a wonder we don't get egged!




ETA: Michele, I posted before reading your post. It's nice to know I'm not alone!!


If any of you lived in my neighborhood, we might have dropped by your house... but my kids are allergic to dairy and colors... so there is no trick or treating here this year.


We handed out organic lollipops from Trader Joe's and 1 mini Lara Bar.

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We rarely get very many trick-or-treaters and we're usually gone most of the evening anyway, so I always buy a big box of microwave popcorn packages to give away to the few who come by. Then I don't feel bad about my kids getting the leftovers!


(but I did buy a bag of Butterfingers just for me!)


Yay! We give microwave popcorn to the bigger kids, and tiny jars of playdough to the littles. I LOVE hearing kids walk away from the house saying, "Cool! We got popcorn!"


I'm also a bit of a grinch and get a sick pleasure in the fact that the little tiny tots in strollers or babes in arms are getting playdough - that their mom can't eat. Sorry, in my book if you have a kid, you don't get your own trick or treating bag. I even gave little lectures to high school age kids - "You should be ashamed! Don't come back next year unless you are helping a little kid go from door to door!"


And in case you didn't know it, apparently the Tooth Fairy's cousin, the Halloween Fairy, goes around on the evening of Nov. 1 to pick up bowls of candy left on your doorstep and replace it all with a dvd or game. True! She came to our house last year, and we are looking forward to her this year too!

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And in case you didn't know it, apparently the Tooth Fairy's cousin, the Halloween Fairy, goes around on the evening of Nov. 1 to pick up bowls of candy left on your doorstep and replace it all with a dvd or game. True! She came to our house last year, and we are looking forward to her this year too!


It is the sugar sprite in our house. The 7yo got close to 15 pesos and I'm stymied for the 9yo. She had Dad write a note for a specific gift we can't get here (in Mexico) so I'm not sure what to do... Dad forgot to leave anything for her so I think I might try to drag out the exchange until I can get someone to mule it down (an african animal from Target - the small ones).

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