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Would a 10 year old get teased


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My now thirteen year old went to camp with his bunny at ten (and eleven and twelve) and didn't have problems. It seemed like at whole bunch of kids had stuffed critters with them. But this kid also wears a purple hat with dragon wings in public and doesn't get teased for that either. He just carries himself with an attitude that says confidence. I wish I knew how he does it. (I would borrow it for myself)


That said, if your son is likely to be teased then kids can find something no matter how small.

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No,it falls in.the same category as being teased for your pillow case, pjs, or blanket. Just be aware that its like amy trip, it could be misplaced and not come home.

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I can't tell you how many kids this age (and 2-3 years older, according to our middle school youth pastor) have stuffed critters hidden in their sleeping bags...I don't think it's unusual to still use one and bring it along.


I like the idea of giving him a heads up on possible teasing, some practice to handle it, but I would also reassure him he may not encounter any at all, and he is likely not the only one bringing a stuffed friend.


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No,it falls in.the same category as being teased for your pillow case, pjs, or blanket. Just be aware that its like amy trip, it could be misplaced and not come home.



My biggest concern would be that it could easily be lost or stolen, so I wouldn't have him bring a favorite stuffed animal for those reasons.

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Unfortunately, kids can be very cruel to each other and adults don't always know about everything.


As a former bullied child, the first thought that popped into my head was how your son would feel if the other kids took his beloved stuffie from him and tortured/destroyed it in front of him. That is what I would think if it were my own 9 1/2 year old who also has never slept without his stuffies.


I would be as tactful as possible but no, I would not allow him to take Marigold or Duncan or Sunflower to sleep away camp. That would be one of the conditions of my signing him up and I would make him promise and be sure that he could keep that promise before I ever wrote that check.


Take whatever you want from this post: reasonable advice for your own situation or proof that bullied children do not just "get over it" if you think I'm weird or too controlling with ds 9 1/2.

Edited by Guest
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Thanks, IEF.  


I talked with ds fairly bluntly when he brought his "friends" down to pack them.  I just told him I thought they might get dirty or lost, and would wait for him in the van.  So, they are coming to drop him off, and will pick him up at the end of camp.  He was okay with that, and I feel better because he's at least safe on that score.  I don't think he's easy to pick on, but his stuffed animals have been his thing since he was tiny, and I think it would really cut him to be teased in that way.


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Thanks, IEF.


I talked with ds fairly bluntly when he brought his "friends" down to pack them. I just told him I thought they might get dirty or lost, and would wait for him in the van. So, they are coming to drop him off, and will pick him up at the end of camp. He was okay with that, and I feel better because he's at least safe on that score. I don't think he's easy to pick on, but his stuffed animals have been his thing since he was tiny, and I think it would really cut him to be teased in that way.

I think you made the right decision. It would have been terrible if anything happened to his "friends," but it would have been even worse if the other kids had made fun of him, because it would be so sad for him to lose that sweetness and that innocence and maybe even decide that he didn't want his "friends" any more as a result.

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When I was a scout leader (yes, boy scouts. This was before Scouts Canada was co-ed, but leaders could be co-ed), I had "stuffed friend" on the camp packing list. No issues.


My son took a stuffy (a small stuffed yoshi) with him to most scout camps. I think he started out as the only one. I am not sure, but I think my kids are not the only ones now. (That said, now almost 1/2 the scouts in their troop are girls.... that is new. Not sure if other boys are bringing stuffies). I do think my son got an eye roll or two about it over the years, but that is about it.


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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I know of 16yos who brought stuffies to camp. Not the absolute favorite, but a close second favorite. It wasn't a big deal, and I believe stuffier stayed in the suitcase.


I'm sure some stuffies will be headed off to college... but this will be the "quirky" second string of stuffies, like the Gila monster and the softest camel EVER OHMYGAWSH I wish she'd leave it here for me to snuggle ;)

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When I was a scout leader (yes, boy scouts. This was before Scouts Canada was co-ed, but leaders could be co-ed), I had "stuffed friend" on the camp packing list. No issues.


My son took a stuffy (a small stuffed yoshi) with him to most scout camps. I think he started out as the only one. I am not sure, but I think my kids are not the only ones now. (That said, now almost 1/2 the scouts in their troop are girls.... that is new. Not sure if other boys are bringing stuffies). I do think my son got an eye roll or two about it over the years, but that is about it.


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk


In our Cub pack stuffies definitely come along--boys bring them.  Not sure if the girls did.

Haven't seen troop level yet, but I kind of suspect my son will still be bringing his.

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My son is 12, and until just the last couple of scout campouts he has brought a large stuffed dog as his pillow. He also brought him to 2 different summer camps. Since he'll start backpacking soon he decided he should get used to a smaller pillow and made himself a tiny pillow at coop sewing class that he now takes along. No one made fun of him once. 

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In these situations I tell my kid it's possible someone might tease you about this (because I want to be honest and prepare him), but that I think that would be stupid and he should bring the stuffed animal and ignore any mean comments.  This has worked out well. 



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When my kids were that age, we tossed stuffies in the bottom of sleeping bags.  Then if there was a jerk in the group, it could just get blamed on the kid sister who left it in the bag.  The animal stayed protected at the bottom and it was a good way for the kiddo to feel like it was near if they really needed it, but far enough away that they could be confident without it.  


I agree about not sending a non-replaceable item if possible. 

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Mr 10 took his friend to camp recently  I did suggest he might be teased.  He shrugged and said, "I'm sure they can think of better things to tease me about".  He's a pretty self sufficient guy though.  I did ask him to take a second favourite, and not his "been his friend his whole life" friend.  I think about half of the kids I saw (9 - 13 year olds) were carrying stuffed friends when we arrived.

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My 10yo brings stuffies out in public all the time.  But our public is primarily homeschoolers, lol. And there's apparently a real distinction between "stuffed animals" and "plushes" that supposedly make a difference even though that makes no sense to me.


Glad the OP found a solution that worked!  I'd probably have done the same. If it wasn't taken well, I'd go the "Well, some kids might be jerks" route.

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