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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

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Clean out fridge


Wipe down top cupboards (warmer cupboards) above kitchen combustion stove


Sweep kitchen floor 3 times and vacuum it once.


Speech pathology with twins




1 load of laundry


Some school with twins


Some school with ds13


Spaghetti for tea


Still to do. Clean bathroom

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DH works tomorrow, so today might end up feeling like a Thursday!


calls: vet, trash service, mechanic, lab, boarding facility

living room



try to finish prepping garden beds (weeding, forming, mulch paths)

errands: vacuum store, grocery, sporting goods

make some dang bread before lunch!! (bought it instead, lol)

seat work


read aloud



While out, I learned that it's not only my blood that makes me feel faint, though!  Useful information.  How did I parent three kids to this point??


ETA: Nothing traumatic or wild, by the way; just some fellow shopper that cut themselves.  Which makes the wooziness even more inexplicable.  

Edited by CES2005
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Try to get up early to work.  Hit snooze about 600 times.  Finally get up at 6am but still not start working yet.  :/  Worry and stress.


Will get kids up to get ready for horse camp soon.


Thank goodness my conference calls are in the afternoon, so I only have to worry about the one report right now.


Do some housework, exercise, reading on work breaks.  Try to get the house somewhat ready for the maids.


Auntie will pick up the kids from horse camp (at least that's the plan) and take them to work.  I should send some books for them to read.


Maids supposedly coming at 1pm.  Keep working and get the remainder of the reports out so I don't have to deal with boss's wrath.


Probably have dinner out.


Kids to bed.



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Good morning!  This week has flown by.



-make sure oldest takes his truck to tire shop to fix nail in tire before he goes to gym

-workout (lower body weights)


-grocery store (I hate the grocery store)

-clean out a few shelves in school room (haven't done this all week)

-laundry (at least 4 loads, maybe 5)

-forms for honors classes for oldest due at school today

-read ("On the Beach" by Nevil Shute)

-straighten up a bit

-dinner (Whole 30 Italian pork chops, risotto for kids, salad)

-continue binge watching The Fall on Netflix

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning! Had another restless night of broken sleep. My anxious brain does not want to shut off at night and it's driving me bonkers. 


•get mail and bank deposits ready

•remind ds that he needs to get textbook ready to mail

•menu plan & shopping list

•school *make sure dd does Japanese*

•hay delivery in early afternoon

•call vet to get refill, then pick it up along with food & pill pockets

•stop at title company to sign paperwork for client

•post office


•get gas

•get groceries


•pick up takeout for dinner

Edited by Selkie
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Non-fasting blood draw -- done

make and drink SIL's "tea" (I need more fluids) -- made and being consumed (1/2 gallon)

laundry -- in progress

thoroughly scrub stove top (my "sealed burner" stove is more of a pain to clean than the open burner ones I've had in the past)

make sure all is ready for busy day tomorrow, including figuring out snacks to pack and take

check blueberry farm website to see if picking Sunday morning will be a good prospect

visit with extended family


ETA: if I can squeeze it in more tidying up to set up biology lab station



I also realized (while doing laundry) that the reason I can't seem to last one week before having to wash my own clothes again is I had only 6 pairs of the pants I wear through the hot weather.  Before returning home from the blood draw I went to Kohl's and bought myself 4 more pair (plus 3 new t-shirts and 2 skirts).  I am back to being able to last a week between doing my own laundry.  I was so fixed on making sure my kids had enough clothes that fit I forgot to look at my own wardrobe.

Edited by AMJ
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Good morning!



visit mom   Called instead. visiting tomorrow.

pick up Ds' team suit and new goggles


paperwork! My desk is a heap of receipts. 


dinner - stir fry and pot stickers




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-get everyone up, dressed, and fed

-cut dd6's hair (unless someone knows how to get silly putty out of hair?)  :(

-trim ds4's bangs

-take kids to go see their friends' ballet performance of the Velveteen Rabbit

-do violin practice with my three youngers

-make sure dd8 does her piano practice

-math facts practice for dd6 and dd8

-phonics with dd6

-handwriting and spelling for both girls

-math and L.A. for dd8


-2 loads of laundry


-move cubbies out of little bedroom, move dresser and bookshelf

-fix veil for Olivia's costume

-fix cross garters for Andrew's costume

-plan and prep dinner Okay, so actually I picked up some frozen pizzas from the grocery store.

-put up fliers for play

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Good morning! dd2 had early morning practice, so I have been out and about already. We then shopped for a birthday gift for the second party of the week on Saturday. I fielded a barrage of complaints about numerous things. She got it all out, I kept my temper and decent mood, so it was a win. I have a lot to do, but most of it is annoying and I just. don't. want. to.


To do:


weekly chores

clean off table/chairs in prep for painting

plan driving stuff for this weekend

calendar for next week

pick up ds3 

try to start planning for swim team trip (disaster looms)

ignore everything and quilt a little

practice #2



Have a great day!



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Work up super early, then woke up super late




Ugh dinner

Finish making pasta salad I stopped making yesterday because oldest was being a ginormous bottom dollar


Did enjoy his nice make up note


Nag my super awesome daughter (who used her street cred to get the youngest into 8th grade band and free use of instrument for the summer) to do her two chores


Daughter to work


Call lender. I want to know what appraiser said.

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Jean  :grouphug:


Morning, all!


Late start today...I need to get to library and read up on anxiety disorders.  Dd had horrible time last night...sigh.


Coffee, in hand

library for returns, new books

mop floors

clean out car, car wash, detail inside (water jug exploded yesterday in the back seat)

get dd out for some r and r, maybe park and frisbee

pizza for dinner


Have a great day, all!

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I am fried.


I was on the phone with one client (and its board) for 2 hours and then had about 10 more phone calls over the next few hours.  WAY TOO MUCH for me!


This means I have not done much productive work (other than blabbing) for the past 5+ hours.


On the positive side, the house is clean.

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