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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

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  • Review / Edit & Submit Reports
  • Read academic material
  • Walk with dog
  • Back stretches / yoga
  • Find out more about therapeutic massage therapist
  • Write Progress Notes & print for Saturday's job
  • Ice back
  • Prep dinner for dh
  • Afternoon work appointment

Jean. I hope you get to do "normal things" rather than "medical things."

Edited by Liz CA
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Well, at midnight I was on the phone with "the boss" who was of course telling me off.  Which of course was soooo motivating!


So I am NOT done with what I was intending to send out before bed last night, but I am still going to try to send it out in the morning.


I have at least one conference call today, which I need to prepare for and run.  BLECH.  I am not ready.


And lots of other stuff.


The kids are scheduled to be at the horse barn all day.  I just have to find time to drive them there.

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make bread

tidy house


mop (just a couple key rooms)


parents come for yard work (so house must be tidy before they get here!)

pest control guy comes after lunch

seat work


calls: vet, trash service, mechanic

laundry (kids & fold yesterdays...and Tuesdays ;))

throw together a dinner

Edited by CES2005
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Good morning!  How did it get to be Thursday already?  I can already feel myself being completely unmotivated and I don't care.



-work out (cardio/strength hybrid)


-make sure oldest reads an hour, make sure youngest does a chapter in algebra word problems book


-mall (shop for skin/makeup stuff, bras, bathing suits)

-clean one shelf in school room (I haven't done this yet despite it being on my list every single day this week)

-finish watching the episode of The Fall that I fell asleep during last night

-laundry (3 loads is goal)

-dinner (no idea what time DH's flight gets in tonight)

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning! Finally got some decent sleep last night, so I'm hoping to get a lot done today. I've felt like such a slug this week.  :tongue_smilie:


•piles and piles of office work

•still trying to catch up on laundry


•ds16 is finishing up his German course today - hooray!

•hay delivery has been delayed because farmer's baler broke  :(

•dinner: pasta for kids/spaghetti squash for dh & I with vodka sauce & salad

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Good morning! Thinking of you, Jean!   :grouphug:



slept in a bit



To Do:

pack to go out of town (I'm going to TN to visit with my sisters and dad as well as go to 50th wedding anniversary of a couple close to us growing up.)


final tidy of house 

go to TN


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Morning, all!


I've had some very chipper birds outside our window since 3 a.m.  I love them, but...


To do:

coffee, and lots of it

estimate for car, rental car pick up

stage sorting bins in bedrooms for donations

set up tax appt

organize bookshelves, sort for donations

banking, bills



Have a great day!

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Good morning! Still feeling pretty frustrated about the inability of the house to cool down, especially at night. The house cooled down 3 degrees. It is currently 10 degrees warmer in the house than outside. Drives me batty, as our AC bills will be through the roof if we can't get the house cool at night. I have lived here my whole life and I have never had a house that wouldn't cool down. 


To do:

take ds3 to tennis

pick up dd2

daily chores


get ds2 on some sort of schedule

pick up ds3

quick lunch and rest

practice #2 at faraway pool

random errands during practice 


judo run for me


Have a great day!

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Already took daughter to work who was nagging me the entire time that WE were late *inserteyerollhere


Clean kitchen

Put daughter's laundry in dryer

Change my bottom sheet that I forgot to do when I washed our sheets and remade the bed yesterday (that's a new one for me)


Drag beautiful, new, heavy quilt to my room

Sweep/vacuum downstairs

Pick up daughter

Take oldest to work

Dinner. The never ending question

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Good morning

- coffee- in progress

- morning walk with dd2 (new thing we started today and will add dd1 after Friday)- done

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- pet care- filled food and water dishes, scooped box

- clean girls' room- in progress

- tidy house

- dishes- in dishwasher

- find new spot for cat box (dh moved it to girls' closet, I don't like it there)- done (I cleaned out my craft corner and put it there)

- dinner- in crockpot

- work

- find pattern to make bed organizers for the girls

- baths/showers

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- e-mailed pics of dd1's homework that she left on the kitchen table to her teacher, went to store to buy Chip a new collar, he broke the other one. talked to work regarding a client that complained that I looked at my phone while in her home (I don't wear a watch because I often have my hands in water (and other things) and so that's the only way I have to tell time because all the clocks in that home have a different time), she requested that I no longer work in her home, fine by me, she's rather fussy and doesn't tell you how she wants things done until after you are done and "it's all wrong" so then she expects you to do it all over again.

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Clean kitchen DONE

Put daughter's laundry in dryer

Change my bottom sheet that I forgot to do when I washed our sheets and remade the bed yesterday (that's a new one for me)


Drag beautiful, new, heavy quilt to my room

Sweep/vacuum downstairs

Pick up daughter

Take oldest to work

Dinner. The never ending question



Make a cake : DONE

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garbage and recycling have been taken out

kitchen is sparkling.


I'm actually enjoying housework for once.  It's nice to have some time to get these things done.  I'm not sure when/ if I will get the call on the CT scan (and if I don't hear by early afternoon I might make a phone inquiry just to make sure it hasn't dropped by the wayside) but I want to get certain things out of the way. 


Now to work some more on laundry

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•Kitchen is clean.

•Animal chores are done.

•I'm making good progress on laundry.

•School is underway. Ds is about to take his German final exam.

•I ordered dh's Father's Day gifts and used a gift card and credit card points to get them for free.  :thumbup1:

•Now off to face the towering pile of paperwork on my desk...  :thumbdown:

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VBS done for the day

At the hospital with my mom for her to have some tests. She will have surgery for an intestinal obstruction next Wed.


To do:

take mom home

puck up kids (maybe Dh can do this?)

dinner - random, whatever is in fridge/pantry

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Whew, I finally got the first report out.  Couple minutes after 5pm their time - hopefully they haven't already run out the door.  They are traveling this weekend and wanted to review it en route ....


Now I will take a little break before I get back to it.


Need to pick up the kids at 6pm.

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Got the kids.  They wanted to go somewhere for dinner, and I figured might as well skip the mess at home, so we had Chipotle.


Back home I told them to clean up their mess (school crap mostly) all around the house, take it upstairs, clean their rooms, and then help fold & put away the laundry.  One kid zipped through hers, then got bribed to help the other.  It is both impressive and scary how fast a kid's whole messy room can be piled on top of her bed.  :p  Well anyway, the maids can almost find the floor when they come tomorrow.


I finished all the laundry / put it away, cleaned up some more, and finished our read-aloud The Wheel On the School (which took up like 5 months with all the stops and starts).


Put the kids to bed and was then informed that our client wants the complete draft of our big-ass report to circulate to his colleagues tomorrow morning.


Awesome.  I still have some significant writing to do before I even have a "first draft."  Plus I promised the other client the rest of their report tomorrow.  Plus I have an important conference call in the morning.  I really need to remember how to do "power naps."  I'm not too old for power naps, am I?

Edited by SKL
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