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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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A whole week and weekend of putting "grading" on my list daily and no grading got done.  But. . .  I did get the taxes done.  And a big supplement order.  And paid the bills and got some business stuff sorted out.  And I did even more driving for the kids than usual.  And I got an awful lot of laundry done.  And went through the refrigerator.  So I wasn't sitting around doing nothing.


So. . . 




ds to college and work


yet more laundry

call Mom? 

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I have a the cold from hell.  First I fought a headache for 3 days, then I got a cough and now I am wheezing and sneezing, with sore throat and stuffed up head and nasty cough.  Can't sleep, can't function, can't breathe.



24 yo son is off to Boston but dh is driving him to the airport

18 has percussion lesson at 10:00 - that's my only outside obligation today.


Sip chicken broth

watch TV


drink lots of water and tea

Try not to breathe on my family too much.

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Good morning!


Faithr, hope you are on the mend soon!


Had a great weekend working outside but now have sore muscles from head to toe, a few bug bites, and am a little bit sunburnt. I am not ready for it to be Monday already... ;)


•schedule mammogram (didn't get this done on Friday)

•pay bills

•run to post office

•water plants

•fill bird feeders

•put Easter baskets away

•make devilled eggs


•ds debate club


•dinner: clam spaghetti

Edited by Selkie
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Good morning! Hope you feel better soon, Faithr!


I got up at 4:45 this morning to take ds to our church to leave on a 3 day mission trip, so I came back home and went back to bed. They go to parts of the Appalachian Trail and cook hamburgers/hot dogs to give to hikers. They offer to pray with them and share the Gospel with them. So, I get a mini-break! And dd is still here, so I'll get to be with her a bit more before she goes back to school. 



took ds to church

fed cats



To Do:


Spend time with dd, maybe lunch out

tidy house

pay bills

ship some boxes of curricula

dinner date out with hubby since we'll be empty nesters for a bit


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Faithr, feel better soon.  This cold/flu stuff is awful.


Morning, all!


Still sick, so not much on my agenda:


coffee, coffee, coffee

weekly lesson plan

chicken in the crock pot

gather books for library drop off

dr. appt. 


read, sleep



Have a great day!

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Good morning!

school     2:30 and Ds is done. no spelling and no science, but it is enough. Dd is still working. She is sloooow today.
prep pork roast
check baking ingredients
yardwork, if it doesn't rain
Ds ready for scouts

dinner - salmon cakes, caulifower, and peas

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Good morning! Back to a regular schedule here, picked up swimmers from am practice. Ds2 is up and will be heading to class soon. Need to drive to take ds1 to first interview with local group. Dh and I are completely mentally and emotionally drained, I am not sure how we are going to recharge.

Faithr, feel better soon!


To do:

am pickup (done)

deal with bills (done and also ongoing...running so, so close to the bone now)

drive ds1 (no idea how long this will take)

dh take ds3 to guitar

chores/kitchen/meal planning

PM practices swim/swim/aikido


Have a great day!


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Unload dishwasher


Change sheets

Vacuum upstairs....I need to do that so I can bring it downstairs and vacuum cause I'm lazy and don't want to carry it up and down the stairs


Cancel doctor appointment

Pay bills

Should clean master bath, but I think I'll ignore it some more

Dinner:leftovers from yesterday

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Good morning

- finish filling out paperwork for girls insurance- done

- get pay stubs from dh- done

- drop off said paperwork and pay stubs- done

- stop by Walmart to get anti itch cream and oatmeal bath stuff for dd2 (mosquitoes love this poor child and it shows)- done

- take care of easter stuff- done

- tidy house- getting there.....

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- help dd1 with any school work and help her with her science fair paper and display board (dh is helping her make the catapult)- homework done, display board started

- study for Thursday's OB exam

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- baths/showers

- bed!!!!

- anything else I manage to accomplish- picked dd1 up from school, discussed tuition with principal, picked up treats and reads orders from GS leader

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The plan . . .

*play a game of online Scrabble while I drink my tea Did Poppit! instead since I couldn't get into a Scrabble room

*maybe shop for Easter candy sales after I get dressed Nixed after I went through menu and budget for the week.  :ohmy:  :sad:

*possibly get a refill cup of coffee at Einsteins's Bagels if the tea doesn't quite do it My special order coffee came in right before I left so I had that instead!

*menu planning Mostly done. At least, got the Tech Week (dress rehearsal week) menus done. One has a performance in three weeks, and the other in five!

*some schooling with the kids

*household maintenance with the kids

*and whatever else I think of after the caffeine has set in.

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I'm late to the party here.  My week long sore throat has left and some sort of sinus infection has replaced it.  Oldest has a day off of school for Easter Monday today.  And I just broke my 2 week long Whole30 by eating half a chocolate bunny and now I feel disgusting.  But other than that....



-get oldest to driving lesson

-youngest does school on his own

-DH takes youngest to co-op

-sit around and wait for the plumber to get here (no laundry can be done before that)

-empty dishwasher

-attempt to work out (easy 30 minute HIIT workout)

-work with youngest on history and writing after co-op

-do some hot spot decluttering for house appraisal Thursday

-grocery store (or order online via Shipt)

-tons of laundry for oldest (baseball uniforms incluing white pants, school unforms, gym clothes)

-dinner (left over pork tenderloin, salad and potatoes from yesterday)

-get oldest to conditioning gym


ETA:   still sitting here waiting for the plumber.  I hate this because not only can I not do laundry, but I cannot work out, either.

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Unload dishwasher

Laundry? DOING

Change sheets

Vacuum upstairs....I need to do that so I can bring it downstairs and vacuum cause I'm lazy and don't want to carry it up and down the stairs


Cancel doctor appointment DONE

Pay bills

Should clean master bath, but I think I'll ignore it some more

Dinner:leftovers from yesterday

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OK -


ds to college

pet care done

medical care half done

human care only half done but I went out on errands anyway even though I felt like I looked like Broom Hilda.  (Dd says that I didn't look any different than normal. . . .)

grocery shopping done

library done

helped out with algebra once I got home.


Now:  need to take that shower and make myself look a bit better.

And put away the groceries, which I haven't done yet. 

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Hi guys.  I pretty much took today off work.  I spent last night at my parents' after doing taxes and chatting.  Would have done some work in the morning, but everyone got up shortly after I did, so I spent the rest of the morning blabbing.


My kids had a doctor appointment at 2pm.  Just a well visit.


Back home, still cleaning for the out-of-towners who will arrive tonight. Got one last load of laundry done.  The final task will be cleaning out the critter cages and moving them to the laundry room.


Kids have gymnastics tonight.  I'll walk/work at gymnastics.


Dinner out with guests.


Probably blabbing late with guests.


Finally, work or sleep?  Should work, but will probably be exhausted.

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School DONE

Unload dishwasher daughter DID

Laundry? DOING

Change sheets

Vacuum upstairs....I need to do that so I can bring it downstairs and vacuum cause I'm lazy and don't want to carry it up and down the stairs

Weed? Started pouring

Cancel doctor appointment DONE

Pay bills DONE

Should clean master bath, but I think I'll ignore it some more

Dinner:leftovers from yesterday DONE

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