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Nutritional Yeast ?


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On a whim, I bought some nutritional yeast.  It is something I'd had floating around in my mind to check into for a while, and I came across it while placing a Vitacost order, so tossed it in the cart.  I was hooked when I read that it tasted kind of cheesy and was good on popcorn.  I adore cheese popcorn, even though I can't eat much of it because of watching carbs.  I also thought it would be good for my vegetarian daughter to try.


Now it's here, and I'm thinking, what, did I just spend $5 on cheesy popcorn flavoring that I can't eat  much of?  And with the high amount of B vitamins, is this even OK?   (I already take a mixed B supplement.) 


Do you use it?  How do you use it?  Any concerns with the high amount of B vitamins?  I did some googling but you know, it's so hard to tell the sites that have good information vs the ones that are just jumping on a bandwagon and don't actually know what they are talking about. 


FWIW, I have Bragg's brand.

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It has a high amount of b-vitamins if you eat a full serving. You're really going to eat two tablespoons at a time?


Anyway, b-vitamins are water soluble. You pee them out. Turns your urine a very bright yellow, that's all :) I suppose you could overdose, but you'd have to be taking an enormous dose of your vitamin and also several tablespoons of the nooch. You're not going to do that :)


I like to use nutritional yeast in my eggs, in my pesto sauce (which I serve with cauliflower, not pasta), in my chili, sprinkled on potatoes, on a plain tomato with a bit of smoked salt, on salad, on roasted vegetables (after roasting, otherwise you lose a lot of the nutritional part of the yeast)... and I sometimes sprinkle it on cat food to entice our picky feral. But not much.

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OK, you guys are giving me some great ideas.  Eggs, oh yeah!  The green bean thing.


And thanks for poking me on the vitamins.  Yeah.  I know.  I just see stuff like that and I think "why didn't I look at the nutrition information before I bought?"


Because, cheesy popcorn, that's why.  


:lol:  :lol:


I'm used to yellow pee. Vitamin D3 does it too.  

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Oh, gonna try these suggestions. I buy five pounds of it at a time from our co-op. :P I make a yummy nut and BY cheese for pizza. We make so much popcorn with it. Nacho cheese popcorn with HM taco seasoning, BY, and real butter. So good.


The only thing is b vitamins keep me up at night if taken too close to become, so I try not to do too much in the evenings.

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Nutritional yeast can be used for lots of recipes! It's great as a sub for parmesan cheese, topping veggie soups or chili, you can use a bunch of it to make a yummy vegan mac and cheese, add it to tofu to make a vegan ricotta-like mixture, make cheesy kale chips..yum. If you google 'vegan nutritional yeast' recipes you will get more recipes than you can make with just one bag of nutritional yeast! 


It really is great on popcorn though so I'd try that too! 

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