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Well Trained Bodies - 3/19/17


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...and I'm done working out for today...Ă°Å¸Ëœâ€™

Today was an Insanity workout. I made it about 4 minutes into the warm-up before rolling my ankle. This movement was accompanied by a loud pop. It's not feeling great right now but not swollen at this point so I guess that's a good sign. Guess I'll just have to wait and see how it is as the day goes on.


Oh no!   :eek:   I hope it will heal quickly!  :grouphug:


I have completely stalled over here. I cannot shake this illness and pretty much everything has come to a standstill. Other than my walk on Sunday, I haven't done any exercise. I did work yesterday for 7 hours (5.5 unpaid)and then went to a painting party my DD hosted as a fundraiser for lymphoma.


I'm still not sleeping more than a couple of hours at a time and am constantly fatigued. It's been a week and a half and I'm almost to the point of going to a doctor. I'm supposed to play tennis this evening so I'll see how I feel afterward.


The good thing is that now that I haven't been doing any exercise all of my foot pain has gone away. That lets me know without a doubt that it's my cheap running shoes causing the discomfort. I've also noticed that I am tending toward melancholy these past few days. I haven't been sad since I began my intense exercise regimen in January. It's good to know that I was able to find the level of daily exercise I need to fight depression. Now if i could only find a job that actually pays...



That's rough, not being able to sleep when your body really needs rest for healing.  I'm so sorry.  I'm glad your foot is feeling better, and that is really interesting that you've noticed such a strong correlation between the workouts and your emotional state.

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That's rough, not being able to sleep when your body really needs rest for healing.  I'm so sorry.  I'm glad your foot is feeling better, and that is really interesting that you've noticed such a strong correlation between the workouts and your emotional state.


I've noticed the same thing. My energy level is over the top. I'm back to my "Energizer Bunny" ways like in the summer. Getting outdoors and being active everyday is amazing!

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Scoutermom- I think it is time to go to the dr :( No need to continue and suffer.


2ndgen- I hope your ankle isn't too bad. 


My energy has been better and worse. My sleep isn't great, I keep waking up for a couple of hrs in the night but I do get back to sleep for a bit afterward and I'm sleeping soundly when I do sleep so that is good. I'm anxious to get my lab results so I can see how everything is doing, I think my thyroid is still not quite right, who knows though. Yesterday I took the day off, I've had too much to do too many days in a row. I am getting so busy I keep forgetting to take my meds on time, which is not good!!!  Well, I did do some more furniture moving again but otherwise a fair amount of sitting on my butt, then I took the kids shopping and to the movies.


Today the plan is to build garden beds, take a walk, and a strength workout.


Weight down another pound. Woot! 4 more to go until goal.



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Weight workout today.  I wasn't feeling super, so I did isolation exercises rather than compound exercises, because I find them considerably easier.  Better than nothing, right?


Sounds like a lot of us are not feeling super lately!  I hope everyone gets better quickly.


I also had a planned "cheat" on my diet yesterday.  It was hubby's birthday, so I had a piece of cake (mocha cake with cream cheese icing - ridiculously good!).  I allow myself dessert under the following conditions:  it has to be planned in advance (no spontaneous "ooh, that looks good!" stuff) and it has to be limited to once a month.  So I'm not counting it against myself for doing it.  But I'm also not going anywhere near the scale for the next few days!  :lol:

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I'm still getting my exercise in! Has anyone taken pilates? I did a class yesterday and my neck hurts from the strain. Is that normal? Are the exercise suppose to work the neck like that?


Per the advice of the personal trainer last week, I decided to change the ratio of strength to cardio workouts a bit. I'm hoping that it'll help me with my goals.


Eating.... well I'm still eating better, but it's getting boring. I'm a foodie at heart so I really miss the stuff I used to eat and I'm dying for a glass or two of red wine!

I can't do Pilates because it always results in chronic headaches. I've taken classes to check form and all that, but it doesn't seem to matter; after two consecutive sessions, the headaches start.

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A lot of you are under the weather or injured. Feel better soon everyone!


Scoutermom, I absolutely see a correlation between my mental health/mood and exercise. I'm not sure if I ever experience the endorphin rush that I hear about, but consistent, intense workouts are like a switch for me. A slow jog or walk doesn't do anything for me at all. I need to do heart pounding, heavy breathing type of exercises. It's strange because if I could really choose it, I would rather be pretty sedentary. I like reading and puttering around the house, but if I want to lift my mood I need to work out hard.


Hang in there everyone!


Thanks for the feedback about Pilates. I think I better stop since I don't like my neck being sore.

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A lot of you are under the weather or injured. Feel better soon everyone!


Scoutermom, I absolutely see a correlation between my mental health/mood and exercise. I'm not sure if I ever experience the endorphin rush that I hear about, but consistent, intense workouts are like a switch for me. A slow jog or walk doesn't do anything for me at all. I need to do heart pounding, heavy breathing type of exercises. It's strange because if I could really choose it, I would rather be pretty sedentary. I like reading and puttering around the house, but if I want to lift my mood I need to work out hard.


Hang in there everyone!


Thanks for the feedback about Pilates. I think I better stop since I don't like my neck being sore.

I guess what I'm describing are endorphins! I guess I expected them to feel better, not just a lift of my mood.

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Got it done today!  45 min very sweaty cardio, plus shoulders, chest, and back.  Whatever was wrong with me yesterday is gone, because that workout felt AWESOME! I would have done more, but I had a time crunch.


I think music choices are having a very big impact on my cardio.  The Direct TV music channels weren't working on my machine, so I resorted to YouTube on my phone.  I think P!nk made me work harder and happier today.

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I have completely stalled over here. I cannot shake this illness and pretty much everything has come to a standstill. Other than my walk on Sunday, I haven't done any exercise. I did work yesterday for 7 hours (5.5 unpaid)and then went to a painting party my DD hosted as a fundraiser for lymphoma.


I'm still not sleeping more than a couple of hours at a time and am constantly fatigued. It's been a week and a half and I'm almost to the point of going to a doctor. I'm supposed to play tennis this evening so I'll see how I feel afterward.


The good thing is that now that I haven't been doing any exercise all of my foot pain has gone away. That lets me know without a doubt that it's my cheap running shoes causing the discomfort. I've also noticed that I am tending toward melancholy these past few days. I haven't been sad since I began my intense exercise regimen in January. It's good to know that I was able to find the level of daily exercise I need to fight depression. Now if i could only find a job that actually pays...


I hope you feel better. I have found that regular exercise, hands down, plays the strongest role in regulating my mood. 


We walked only 1.5 miles this morning. I hope to squeeze in another walk this afternoon after we finish school and piano practice but before evening activities begin. I didn't sleep well, and I'm tired. Yoga's done, though.

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Strange question:  Anyone know how to safely "bleed" fabric?  My favorite sports bra has been washed at least 10 times, but I still get a band of pink dye around myself when I sweat, and it's making me crazy!  The other day, it actually seeped into my black and grey top during the drive home, when it shifted under my sweatshirt!  But I love that stupid bra.


I have never tried it, but I've read somewhere that soaking in salt and vinegar helps.


I did two runs to fencing yesterday. One is 10 minuted from home for a private lesson, and, after an hour break, another one 30 minutes from home. I suppose I did get more fencing time as a result, but it took an extra hour and a half compared to before the change in coaching. I do feel like ma stamina is improving, and maybe my fencing does, too. I won a bout with my DD yesterday. It was only 15-14, but still. She said she couldn't hit me quite as easily as she used to. So, yay! Also, I did 10 of those squat-jumps after the class, and was really surprised how easy they were. When I do them cold, I barely manage 5. Oh, and I am not sore today at all. I'll do more today. 

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I've been dealing with senior year things and early seasonal allergies so haven't really had time to post.


My workouts continue with strength and 15ush min of HIIT MWF. Today I deadlifted my old one-rep maximum of 135lb for 3 sets of 8 :D


I take a Pop Pilates class every Monday evening. I notice that I feel neck strain when I am holding an incurrent position or when it's a difficult movement for me. In that case I put my head down on the mat.


The gym has been offering free classes this month of their 3 types of group training sessions. I've tried all 3 and really like the "build" version which is focused on strength and form (surprises no one :lol:) I'm taking another one tonight, plus a HIIT type tomorrow night and again on Saturday.


I'm keeping a log of the exercises for each session so I can recreate them in the future :D Wr don't have money for group training in the budget right now.

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It got suddenly very cold and windy here (-30 C with the windchill). I decided to take the dc skating at the rink this afternoon, as we'd ditched this sport in favour of skiing for the past 2 months. The skating trip was really fun! The rink had only about 12 people max at any one time, and most of the people were homeschool children. Myself and another lady were the only adults skating. She wasn't a mom, just a member of the public, and she was cool with all the kids' activities. They were playing tag, frozen tag, man hunt, and just skating around. I got to skate my laps in the direction I wanted for the entire 1.5 hours. default_girl_blum.gif  My legs are feeling it now, and the dc are wiped out. 

Edited by wintermom
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I have completely stalled over here. I cannot shake this illness and pretty much everything has come to a standstill. Other than my walk on Sunday, I haven't done any exercise. I did work yesterday for 7 hours (5.5 unpaid)and then went to a painting party my DD hosted as a fundraiser for lymphoma.


I'm still not sleeping more than a couple of hours at a time and am constantly fatigued. It's been a week and a half and I'm almost to the point of going to a doctor. I'm supposed to play tennis this evening so I'll see how I feel afterward.


The good thing is that now that I haven't been doing any exercise all of my foot pain has gone away. That lets me know without a doubt that it's my cheap running shoes causing the discomfort. I've also noticed that I am tending toward melancholy these past few days. I haven't been sad since I began my intense exercise regimen in January. It's good to know that I was able to find the level of daily exercise I need to fight depression. Now if i could only find a job that actually pays...


You get a "get out of exercise free" card when you are sick. 


Hope you feel better soon!

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Thanks for the feedback about Pilates. I think I better stop since I don't like my neck being sore.



If you like it otherwise, before quitting, I would talk with the instructor. You may be doing a move or two just slightly off enough to create pain. 

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Anybody here ever use any Nia Shanks' workout plans? I'm curious about how they are set up. I'm thinking about purchasing but wouldn't know which one to buy. Or maybe they are kind of like the New Rules of Lifting books--kind of variations on the same basic theme. 

Edited by Laurie4b
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I did not do my workout today. I ended up taking a nap, I was just too damn tired. i'm going to try and change my dosing schedule tomorrow to see if I can make sure I get all my meds in(I need to take doses so far apart and when I forget doses I don't have enough time to get in enough), I think that is part of the problem this week with my energy, that and i have just been pushing so damn hard. Anyway, here's hoping tomorrow I feel better.

Anybody here ever use any Nia Shanks' workout plans? I'm curious about how they are set up. I'm thinking about purchasing but wouldn't know which one to buy. Or maybe they are kind of like the New Rules of Lifting books--kind of variations on the same basic theme. 

I bought one of her plans a couple of years ago maybe,. i thought the plan was good enough but there wasn't enough detail to it for me. I've switched to Gold Medal Bodies plans, more expensive but they are a lot more detailed, more progressions, lots of videos. 

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No exercise for me today since my ankle is about twice the size it should be. :-( I ate well for breakfast and lunch but by dinner I was tired of hobbling around and just ate the pancakes my kids made.


How long does a sprained ankle take to heal? I don't get hurt (my DH has that covered for both of us) so this is new to me. I hate having my fitness plans messed up by an injury but I'm feeling nervous about exercising again whenever it feels better. I don't want to hurt it again.

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We went to the Zumba class last night. Last week, on Tuesday it was rained out (this is our "Winter", a rainy season, with frequent rain and thunderstorms) and on Friday we were exhausted, after what we did in the afternoon. My wife had missed the previous Friday, because she was working on a project with a Niece. So, DD I thought did really good last night. My wife, who was in excellent shape when she went to a gym, is really out of shape now. As for me, after we got home I told my wife, "I'm not coordinated and don't have the rhythm", etc. I asked her if the other man who was there is the DH of "M". He's an M.D. Yes, that's him. I told her he moves a lot better than I do. She said that I'm old enough to be his father and should compare myself to other Gringos my age, who live in our subdivision. I wonder if there are any others here now? So, my wife said during or after the class that she is going to begin exercising with DD, when DD exercises. We have a Stair Stepper I think it's called and an AB King Pro. My wife had told the Instructor a few weeks ago who my favorite singer/band is and each night during the classes we've been to, he plays one song by them. :-)


There was quite a bit of discussion last night about starting a Yoga class on Thursday nights, but I think for us, Tuesdays and Fridays in Zumba is enough. Plus the bicycle riding I do and the other exercising DD does (and that hopefully my wife will begin doing with her).

Zumba is a challenge for many people, so don't feel too bad. Your wife was sweet to mention your favorite band to the instructor. It made me smile to read that.

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I have completely stalled over here. I cannot shake this illness and pretty much everything has come to a standstill. Other than my walk on Sunday, I haven't done any exercise. I did work yesterday for 7 hours (5.5 unpaid)and then went to a painting party my DD hosted as a fundraiser for lymphoma.


I'm still not sleeping more than a couple of hours at a time and am constantly fatigued. It's been a week and a half and I'm almost to the point of going to a doctor. I'm supposed to play tennis this evening so I'll see how I feel afterward.


The good thing is that now that I haven't been doing any exercise all of my foot pain has gone away. That lets me know without a doubt that it's my cheap running shoes causing the discomfort. I've also noticed that I am tending toward melancholy these past few days. I haven't been sad since I began my intense exercise regimen in January. It's good to know that I was able to find the level of daily exercise I need to fight depression. Now if i could only find a job that actually pays...

I hope you feel better soon!

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Got it done today! 45 min very sweaty cardio, plus shoulders, chest, and back. Whatever was wrong with me yesterday is gone, because that workout felt AWESOME! I would have done more, but I had a time crunch.


I think music choices are having a very big impact on my cardio. The Direct TV music channels weren't working on my machine, so I resorted to YouTube on my phone. I think P!nk made me work harder and happier today.

I love working out to pink! Raise Your Glass is my favorite when running.

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I've been dealing with senior year things and early seasonal allergies so haven't really had time to post.


My workouts continue with strength and 15ush min of HIIT MWF. Today I deadlifted my old one-rep maximum of 135lb for 3 sets of 8 :D


I take a Pop Pilates class every Monday evening. I notice that I feel neck strain when I am holding an incurrent position or when it's a difficult movement for me. In that case I put my head down on the mat.


The gym has been offering free classes this month of their 3 types of group training sessions. I've tried all 3 and really like the "build" version which is focused on strength and form (surprises no one :lol:) I'm taking another one tonight, plus a HIIT type tomorrow night and again on Saturday.


I'm keeping a log of the exercises for each session so I can recreate them in the future :D Wr don't have money for group training in the budget right now.

Way to go on the deadlifts! I also try to keep a log of my favorite workouts for the same reason. We might be needing to cut down on expenses next month, and we have enough equipment in our garage that I don't need to go to boot camp. And I've gone long enough that I have a fairly good idea of how many exercises and reps to do in one session.

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No exercise for me today since my ankle is about twice the size it should be. :-( I ate well for breakfast and lunch but by dinner I was tired of hobbling around and just ate the pancakes my kids made.


How long does a sprained ankle take to heal? I don't get hurt (my DH has that covered for both of us) so this is new to me. I hate having my fitness plans messed up by an injury but I'm feeling nervous about exercising again whenever it feels better. I don't want to hurt it again.

Sorry about your ankle. It took me at least three weeks for my foot to feel no pain while walking and another few weeks for anything more than that like running. I remember having to prop my foot up in bed for a long time after (like months), or else I would be too uncomfortable to sleep. I wish you a much speedier recovery than mine was! I wasn't very active at the time and did no PT to recover. That was probably a factor in healing so slowly.

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I had to cut my fencing short yesterday, since I promised my DH to go to a show with him, and my fencing class is usually late. I did fit in a couple miles of walking, though. Unfortunately, due to the show ending late, I am now on only 6 hours of sleep, and I need my 8. Of course, today is all scheduled till probably 3pm, and then it would be nice to fit some school-work as well, before fencing at 7. Going to be a long day for me. 

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re: Pink- when I went to Silks I would play her on the way to classes, her and Katy Perry, both good and motivational.


Sleep better last night and feeling better today. Aerial Yoga today just finished Body Weight Circuits. Now to finish building garden beds and hopefully a walk. Now my 3rd strength training of the week will have to be moved to Sat evening. I really hope i am up for it after all day of yoga training. i don't think this training is going to be physically intensive, I just don't know how I'll sleep Fri in a hotel and how I am going to feel mentally, anyway, i'll take my stuff and hope I can get it in.



eta- just got word that my Aerial class is changing to a bit of a free for all- rings, silks, wall, etc. I am very excited about that.  Also, there has been another class started on Fri that is a mix of floor work, functional movement, core stuff, paralletes, etc. Unfortunately I can't make it this fri but I am going to check it out next week, would be good to have the motivation of doing it with others.

Edited by soror
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No exercise for me today since my ankle is about twice the size it should be. :-( I ate well for breakfast and lunch but by dinner I was tired of hobbling around and just ate the pancakes my kids made.


How long does a sprained ankle take to heal? I don't get hurt (my DH has that covered for both of us) so this is new to me. I hate having my fitness plans messed up by an injury but I'm feeling nervous about exercising again whenever it feels better. I don't want to hurt it again.


An ankle swollen that much could be quite a bad sprain. I would go to an ortho just to make sure that that is all it is and maybe you can get a referral to PT. 


How did you sprain it? Sometimes it's just a freak thing, but it is possible there are some exercises a PT could give you to help strengthen it for the future. 


I trust you're doing rest, elevation, ice, compression. :)


Edited by Laurie4b
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I've been dealing with senior year things and early seasonal allergies so haven't really had time to post.


My workouts continue with strength and 15ush min of HIIT MWF. Today I deadlifted my old one-rep maximum of 135lb for 3 sets of 8 :D



Congrats on your deadlift progression!


I was happy with mine, today, too. I warmed up with the weight I started with (45 lbs) and today did 4x10x 105lbs. I decided that saying that I lifted 2.1 tons sounds more impressive and right now, I'm thinking they don't call them deadlifts for nothing cause I am dead tried/wiped out!


Did some push-ups and rows and called it a workout. 


Warmed up with a 30 min walk and some Zumba. 

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I've been sick since Sunday.  Almost through it without antibiotics, thank goodness,  I've been watching what I eat and taking it easy.  It's killing me for I have a wedding in 2 weeks and have a big birthday coming up and wanted to continue on with my exercise and toning.    but I think I'll be okay to start again tomorrow, I hope.

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So many people on here do yoga. I am a yoga flunk-out, but I feel like I should try to do some. Years ago, I took a class and 1) The instructor kinda weirded me out with too much "Ommm" stuff and 2) She pushed my back on a stretch (I have very tight hamstrings so it can look like I'm not trying when I am) and it hurt and I decided it wasn't for me. 


I would like to do some gentle yoga. I already do a full schedule of cardio and strength training, so I'm not looking for more strength, just more flexibility. 


I know child's pose and cat/cow and that's about it! I know what downward dog is supposed to look like but I look like I'm doing a plank with bad form! 


I do not want to go to a class. 


What are some basic poses that you would suggest? How often do I need to do them to get benefit? 

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So many people on here do yoga. I am a yoga flunk-out, but I feel like I should try to do some. 



I'm not sure that you should do some yoga.  The question is if you want to do yoga, or if you feel that yoga would add something to your current routine that would be beneficial.  


(I don't like yoga.  So take my opinion for what it's worth!)

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Thought some of you might be interested in this article. Let me know if we're not supposed to post things. It was a study showing the impact of HIIT vs. strength training vs moderate cardio on mitochondrial functioning. HIIT had the greatest impact on mitochondrial functioning on both the young and the older group, but much stronger impact on the older group---kind of anti-aging. 



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An ankle swollen that much could be quite a bad sprain. I would go to an ortho just to make sure that that is all it is and maybe you can get a referral to PT.


How did you sprain it? Sometimes it's just a freak thing, but it is possible there are some exercises a PT could give you to help strengthen it for the future.


I trust you're doing rest, elevation, ice, compression. :)

I was doing an Insanity workout yesterday when I (presumably) sprained it. I was doing the 1-2-3 Hiesman (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RBZ5NATlk1I). My foot stopped but the rest of me kept moving sideways.


The swelling was down today and it hasn't bruised, although I don't bruise easily. I've been icing it, resting as much as I can, and keeping it wrapped most of the time. I went grocery shopping today but couldn't wrap it because our ace bandage was too bulky to fit in my shoe. That may not have been a good idea...


I'm going to my chiropractor tomorrow and I'm going to ask him about it. He's also an ortho and has a PT on staff. He was very helpful when I sprained my shoulder a few years ago (unlike the clinic I went to that did exactly nothing). The PT and exercises he gave me to do as it healed really helped.


In the absence of being able to workout I'm trying to keep up with healthy eating. For whatever reason, doing more sitting makes me want to eat junk and it's harder to drink enough water. I'm trying to stick with it though and am doing ok so far.

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I played tennis last night and made it to the Y today for 40 mins on the treadmill and 20 mins on the stair climber before I pooped out. My energy just drained.

I'm playing tennis in the City tomorrow and hope I do well. I am curious to see if any of the other women are still sick a week later. If they have fully recovered, I'll make a doctor appt. If they are still ill, I'll learn what they have done and take it from there.


I'm not happy that I'm not losing weight. It's frustrating to me to feel icky all of the time. There are times I just want to cry. I am tired of being overweight and I really thought that an intense workout schedule combined with dieting would help. Ugh.

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I'm not sure that you should do some yoga.  The question is if you want to do yoga, or if you feel that yoga would add something to your current routine that would be beneficial.  


(I don't like yoga.  So take my opinion for what it's worth!)


Good point. I think I should because I need some more flexibility. 


I don't like it either, in case you didn't pick that up! ;)  But I don't mind particular positions and I would do a sequence of them if someone would say: Do these 5 or 7 or something. I don't want to do an hour and I don't want a class with someone talking soothingly. :) 

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Would you be interested in websites? I'm not an auditory girl, so don't do podcasts. 


Sure, that's appreciated too!  I like to listen to podcasts while I do boring chores like dishes and laundry.  Makes them a little less boring.   :001_smile: But websites are great too.

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Wow! That looks hard. I'm impressed. The name of the exercise - L Sit - caught my eye because today we did an exercise where we hung from a bar and pulled up our knees and extend our legs horizontally to make an L with our bodies. I was able to do it a couple of times and hold for the full five seconds, but the rest of the time I could just pull up my knees. Edited by extendedforecast
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Good point. I think I should because I need some more flexibility. 


I don't like it either, in case you didn't pick that up! ;)  But I don't mind particular positions and I would do a sequence of them if someone would say: Do these 5 or 7 or something. I don't want to do an hour and I don't want a class with someone talking soothingly. :)



I guess I'm actually of a similar mindset.  A few carefully selected poses, I would probably enjoy.  But I don't care for an hour of it, and I think some of those poses are . . . of questionable safety and efficacy.  


I have a few trouble spots where I am tight, but I'm generally pretty flexible, and have almost too much flexibility in some joints.  But I should think about putting together a little sequence of poses to address those problem areas.

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I played tennis last night and made it to the Y today for 40 mins on the treadmill and 20 mins on the stair climber before I pooped out. My energy just drained.

I'm playing tennis in the City tomorrow and hope I do well. I am curious to see if any of the other women are still sick a week later. If they have fully recovered, I'll make a doctor appt. If they are still ill, I'll learn what they have done and take it from there.


I'm not happy that I'm not losing weight. It's frustrating to me to feel icky all of the time. There are times I just want to cry. I am tired of being overweight and I really thought that an intense workout schedule combined with dieting would help. Ugh.


Great job on the tennis!! So glad you are feeling well enough to play. 


Keep plugging away at the weight loss. Often it takes time before you see the weight loss as your body composition is changing with your intense workout schedule. If you're putting on more muscle, that weighs more. So while you may be losing body fat, at the same time you're adding dense, more heavy muscle matter. 


Have you noticed any positive changes in your energy level (aside from the illness), the fit of your clothes, or your strength and endurance?


You're doing amazing! Keep going and you'll see results. 

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