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S/o Apiphobic...Confession is good for the soul

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I love this!!


OK, I'm Hindu, but I was raised studying all religions and allowed to choose as an adult. I believed in Hinduism the most, but couldn't accept reincarnation (didn't want to have to come back). A priest in India told me this was my last life, and it all clicked--I now fully believe in reincarnation! (since then, I have changed my mind about it all, and it makes perfect sense to me--also, I don't believe this is my last life--I'm really not that good)


I am voting for Obama, and think he is great overall, but I hate that he is not for the right for homosexuals to marry, and was very disappointed in him for that.


I used to love to cook everything from scratch, but, lately, peanut butter sandwiches sound better and better every. single. day. (although I have to feed my dd so I don't do it!)


I miss the fact that she doesn't like to do read alouds very often (maybe once or twice a year).


I have always been pro-life myself, but pro-choice for everyone else, and I'm so happy to see there are people who understand what that means!!!!


Although I am Hindu, and have always been extremely non-violent, I mean, truly, believe in no violence, at all, ever, I used to have secret fantasies about slapping my ex in the face, several times (shhhh, big, big secret!).

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Ok this is kind of odd.... I have a love/hate relationship with homeschooling. I have an entire list of loves and hates lol.

I whole heartedly believe my kids will get a better education here at home.

Yet at the same time I still wonder if we are covering enough in each day.

I love not having to wake up and send my kids off to school by 7:50, yet I sometimes wish I had a little free time like the other mom's I know whose kids are sent off to school each day.

I love all the time with my kids, yet sometimes I dread all the time with my kids lol.

I hate the cost of homeschooling. I hate the fact my kids arent able to get speech or occupational therapy at school because we homeschool them. (hey, I pay taxes too, why arent my kids eligible!) I wish my kids had more friends their ages to play with.

Knowing my kids educations sit squarely on my shoulders is overwhelming to think about. YIKES!


I guess it depends on the week. For the most part I love homeschooling. I love choosing what my children learn about, and what they DONT learn about. I love lazy days on the couch with good books and snuggly kids. I love the memories we are making as a family.

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Okay, here goes...


I didn't breastfeed my second son.


I vaccinate and circumcise.


My house is a mess.


I have a hard time providing balanced meals. My family knows me for cooking one thing for dinner most of the time. (In other words, I think tater tots and nothing else are a completely valid meal).


I never iron.


I listen to heavy metal.


We trick or treat on Halloween.


I'm a theistic evolutionist.


I'm a pacifist. I don't believe in war, the death penalty, abortion, selective service, etc.


I don't have a problem with social drinking.


I am Eastern Orthodox.


My older son drives me nuts, even though I love him.


I don't ever separate laundry (and it all looks fine).

Edited by chaik76
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This looks fun but I'm not sure I have secrets worthy of this...let's see...


1. I do not separate most laundry, only the whitest of white shirts are saved the wrath of the reds.

2. Iron? Mine has gunk on it from girl scout patches.

3. I do not know how to "safely" wash my tile & grout kitchen floor and that is my excuse for not doing so very often.

4. My kids have more chores than any of their friends so we call our weekend clean-up days "Cinderella Saturday" to make them feel...worse? Not sure...

5. I cannot knit, sew, crochet, but I can cross-stitch anyone under the table...if only I had time.

6. My biggest fear is that a volleyball game might break out and I will be forced to play.

7. I don't know how to cook much but my mom passed on to me the fine art of "fixing" dinner.

8. My kids act surprised when I prepare a meal that looks anything like what my dh prepares. "Wow! *Mommy* made this?!"

9. Oh yeah, dh cooks and loves it...and he grocery shops. My friends hate me for this, and then they make the mistake of thinking this means I have tons of free time. Say what?!?!

10. I used to have a telemarketing job so I'm nice to them when they call.

11. I have a degree in English but still need to review diagramming sometimes with dd's lessons in Rod & Staff.

12. I am voting Republican for the first time in.... um... forever??! :001_huh:

13. I am jealous of people who call themselves "homesteaders" but not really sure I'd want to do that if given the chance.

14. I told my neighbors that I voted "yes" on certain town school-related referendums so they wouldn't hate me. Yes, I lied... it was when we first moved here so I did the middle school thing and kissed up.

15. I do not like other people's kids. "It's not my gift" is my favorite quote when asked to serve in church nursery. :lol:


I'm sure there's more, but I should stop now before getting carried away! I have to say that I feel purged of the truth!!! Thanks for letting me share!

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Heather, You always come up with the best threads!! This is fun!


My turn:


*I breastfed all three of my daughters, and I loved it! I think anyone who doesn't at least try to breastfeed is a little selfish.


*I think circumcisions are evil.


*I think cloth diapers are evil.


*I love Sarah Palin and think we could be BFF.


*I am a Christian, but I have almost as many friends who aren't Christians as those who are. I actually sometimes prefer to hang out with non-Christians. I get tired of judgmental "Christians" who aren't following Christ.


*I love margaritas. And Wednesday night on my date with DH, I had a Sunset Passion Colada that was fantastic!!


*I do not like to read aloud to my children either (except for chapter books). We do love audiobooks though!


*I never use a calculator. I love to do math by hand. I know that is totally weird.


*Sometimes I let my children watch movies all afternoon so I can read a good book. :001_smile:

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Confession is good for the soul! I'll play. :)


I'm a Christian who believes the Earth is billions of years old.


I believe in evolution and while I don't believe man evolved from primates, my world and faith won't come crashing down if a missing link is one day discovered.


I believe that it is entirely possible there is life on other planets. I think it's rather arrogant to assume we are the only intelligent life in the vast expanse of the universe.


I have read the Harry Potter series 4 times!


You might find me enjoying a beer, glass of wine, margarita or ameretto on ice in the evenings.


I love country music.


I like some of Kid Rock's songs...All Summer Long and Roll On.


I love to cook. If I had more time, everything would be from scratch.


I own almost all of Nora Roberts' books...and have read them many times.


I hate to iron. All of DH's shirts and pants go to the cleaners....I don't even wash them.


I have a rule that no one, NO ONE can talk to me unless I've had at least one cup of coffee. This is very hard for my DS....he talks non-stop. He wakes up talking. Drives me crazy.


Those little irritating noises that kids make to each other...makes me feel like there is a little person in each ear scratching my eardrums.


I yell at my kids, but only when it's the 3rd or 4th time I've told/asked them to do something.


As a family we watch Ghost Whisperer, Stargate Atlantis, and Sanctuary every Friday night...or Saturday in this case as DH is driving in from being out of town all week.


We own all 10 seasons of Stargate SG-1 on DVD.


Sheesh! I could have written the first half of that. You lost me with the country music.


Along with being a parrothead, I love rock.


I own all of Nora Roberts books except the newest one either just out or about to come out.


I like to listen to the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Aly & AJ.


Crazy Frog is one of my favorite songs.

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OK, here goes:

1. I am a born-again, Baptist Christian AND I am and have always been and really think I always will be a REGISTERED DEMOCRAT! I know, shocking. No, this is not a contradiction.


2. My husband is a Republican and always will be, but it only makes our marriage more exciting :)


3. We were kicked out of a church last year because we didn't go to Sunday School, or Wed night services regularly and refused to "obey" the pastor.


4. I know I should be teaching my kids volunteering, but I don't want to! I love serving and helping my friends, and even some acquaintances, but acts of service is not one of my gifts.


5. I have stage fright and am relieved that I'm an adult and no longer have to do any public speaking, choir, flute or piano solos. I will occasionally feel passionate about something and do it. But that's VERY rare.


6. Because I have stage fright, I literally have a panic attack every time my husband or children get up to sing or speak. I have to take really deep breaths to keep from crying or passing out. My husband thinks its sweet, but weird :001_huh:


7. I homeschool my children because of our religious beliefs, but I also teach tolerance and respect for others, and I in no way allow my children to judge others or ever think they are any better than anyone else.


8. I am pro-choice and I believe the government should but out all ready. How long are we going to fight over Roe V Wade?!?! :confused: On that same thread, I believe homosexuals should be allowed to marry. Good grief, why is that even an issue!? My husband and I agree on these issues for those that are curious.;)


9. I have a schedule and used to try and live by it, but I can't seem to get out of bed before 8:00 am - and that's a good day! I tend to roll out at 8:30, have breakfast and a cup of coffee, and start school anywhere from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.


10. My children have been feeding themselves breakfast since my oldest was 5. When my youngest was still in a crib, and my oldest was 4, she would stick chocolate chip granola bars through the slats of her crib:lol: Please show me mercy and don't report me to social services:lol: - as a side note, my Born again Christian Baptist Grandmother told me the earlier children begin to feed themselves and clean up after themselves, the better off they'll be. Makes them more responsible citizens.:iagree:


And the last one. . .


I will buy books even when we are down to our last dime. I will feed my family cereal for dinner if it means I can have a new book!


And there you have it! I love that homeschoolers aren't all the same. It proves to the rest of the world we're "normal"!:tongue_smilie:

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Here's my list....


I believe in young earth, but I understand why people believe it's millions of years old.


I believe in the end, and now, for that matter, it doesn't matter how old the earth is.


I am anti-abortion.


I believe anyone who deliberately kills has chosen to forfeit his life.


Life is too long to spend time ironing. And preparing food. ;)


A raw (except meat) diet is best for our bodies.


Cheesecake and chocolate are delicious. And necessary for grown women.


Laundry MUST be separated. MUST BE!! (If you could see my house right now, you would question why I'm so adamant about dirty clothes!:lol:)


I don't believe in gay marriage. But 2 of my very best friends are a gay couple. They are the sweetest, funniest women I've ever been around. I'm very conflicted here. I feel for them in so many ways, yet....


We have 5 dogs in our home right now. It makes me wish we had more kids. I love the activity and noise of children.


Hopefully, our retirement home will have "Winnebego" written across the side of it. We'll spend equal time at our dc's homes. :) I'm careful now not to accumulate what won't travel well.


I was so relieved to know that I wasn't the only one who doesn't like to read out loud. ugh


Fun thread! :)

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I used my spare iron yesterday. I used it to put fall leaves between 2 sheets of waxed paper. I have a spare iron because, the last time I needed to iron something, I couldn't remember where I had put the original. This is the first time I have ironed since that day.


My children *have asked me what that thing was, and what I was doing.

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My children *have asked me what that thing was, and what I was doing.


Yes, and my dd reached up and touched it and was shocked it was hot!! :lol:


I love Johnny Cash- and actually taught the preschoolers in our church a dance to one of his songs that they performed in front of the church. Pastor still gives me a hard time over that one as he was not informed what song or who it was by. :D


I am pro life and take my children to Silent Seiges with me


I am anti gay marriage


I voted for Bush 2 times, and although I would not have made the same decisions he made, or even like some of the decisions he made- I do not regret it.


I am the only Republican in a family (father, brothers, sisters, etc) of democrats. My husband and kiddos are republican as well.


I teach my kids to shoot from about 3-4 years old


Oh here is a big one I will get nasty tomatoes from- I watched Jesus camp and really believe in what they were teaching. The liberals sounded just like my family. :leaving::leaving:


I drink margaritas occassionally.


I used to smoke pot- a lot of it.- and I too would have smoked weed with Willie. In fact my dad looked like Willlie, and when he would go to Willies hometown to hunt he was often confused with Willie. I smoked weed with him.


I love Debi Pearls book Created to be His Helpmeet


I love the Pearls child raising techniques


I think that is probably enough revelation for now. :lol: Don't want to overload you with too much more or I will be ousted for sure.

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Sheesh! I could have written the first half of that. You lost me with the country music.


Along with being a parrothead, I love rock.


I own all of Nora Roberts books except the newest one either just out or about to come out.


I like to listen to the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Aly & AJ.


Crazy Frog is one of my favorite songs.


I have them pre-ordered on Amazon. ;)


And I thought of a few more things.


I like Hannah Montana. And the Wizards of Waverly Place.


I'm a card-carrying member of the NRA who agrees 100% with this statement: But I favor waiting periods, background checks, and an assault weapons ban.


I have 2 Creative Memories scrapbooks and assorted papers and stickers in a drawer just waiting for me to add pictures.


I have close to 2000 pictures stored on my computer.


I never finished either of my DC's baby books.


I like knitting........but I've only made 2 scarves....because I can't read a pattern. Which is sad because there are only 2 stitches...knit and purl.


I do not homeschool for religious reasons. But because we homeschool we study religion daily.


I hate to go to my DD's soccer games. I keep thinking of the list of things I could be doing at home.


My DC each have a TV in their bedrooms, but rarely watch them.

Edited by H.S. Burrow
computer was goofy and submitting my post before I did!
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1. I don't like OPK. There are OPK that are secretly "mine", and they are OK.


2. Laundry must be separated. Whites must be bleached and dang near boiled. This is a holdover from cloth diaper days.


3. Cloth diapers, baby sling, nursed until he forgot one day, ate the food off my plate, not a jar of Gerbers.


4. Co-slept (yes, they do go to their own beds...), delayed vacc., no circ. initially, but poor baby ended up with one at TEN due to a skin condition.


5. Religion. Bleh. In the words of Wm. F. Buckley Jr. I'm "collapsed-Catholic". Every time I agree to go back, they piss me off again... So, what? Druid?


6. Lawyers, Guns and Money: Necessary evil, cold dead fingers, over-rated. Check out the definition of "assault rifle" in any given legislation; it probably isn't what you're imagining.


7. Ideal living arrangement: Off the grid. Off. (see above about money)


8. Knitting: I have been making the SAME scarf for 13 years. (I made a different one in the interim)


9. I have 27 years of catalogued negatives and photographs to put into albums... or at least archival storage!


10. My avatar is Big Brother from Huxley's 1984, and my moniker is the dog from the Thin Man movies.




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  • 1 month later...

Where was I when this one was going on??? I need a good confession!


-I'm a yeller. It probably explains why no one can hear me unless I'm loud.

-I believe the earth is ridiculously old, in evolution and in life elsewhere.

-I'm fascinated by the draw/power of faith and religion, and for that reason cannot consider actively participating in any of them.

-I do not love babies. When I hear a baby crying, I all but run in the opposite direction.

-I don't like to hear alarm clocks or the phone ringing. Or rap music (except the Beastie Boys, and only sometimes w/them).

-I enjoy wine nearly every evening. I drink often, but have only been drunk 2x in the last 10 years. I don't like that part.

-I secretly smoke. Have since I was 11. Nearly everyone knows, though. I don't do it in public. I roll my own. And I will lie about it to my father until one of us is dead and buried. (Editing to clarify that I did NOT smoke while I was pregnant or during the 5.5 months that I nursed, well, pumped. That would have been just wrong.)

-I, too, am both pro-life and pro-choice. Circumstances do matter.

-I believe that schools are little more than government funded juvenile institutions and the thought of the gov't teaching my kids anything terrifies me. I also threaten to send my kids to one at least 3 times a week. I understand why other parents feel they have to send their children to them and would never consider begrudging any of them.

-Dh and I lived together for 3 years before we were married and I was 5 months pregnant when we finally did get married. If I knew then what I know now, we would have just went on living in sin instead of the big wedding and the piece of paper.

-I will urge my dc to live w/significant other before marriage.

-I am a card carrying pharmaphobe and have only given my kids rx meds 2x collectively in their lives.

-I analyse the living cr*p out of nearly everything and find it hard to give one final position.

-I believe processed foods are deadly and am absolutely horrified to see little kids w/baby bottles filled w/kool-aid or soda, or with cheeto dust smeared on their faces.

-I have read some of the best books, chosen only because of the controversy that surrounded them.

-I hate taking dd to swimming lessons and dread swim team because I am terrified she will hit her head and drown.

-I hate changing/folding bed sheets. (I do it regularly though, because I hate the idea of not)

-I love words. The Thesaurus is my favorite book.

-I love Elvis.

-I would run back into my burning house to save my dog.


Whew! I feel almost...better somehow.

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well, i'm pretty transparent. :D


i think most people here know just how submissive i am [ha] and what i think about people who will defend the killing of an innocent human for convenience at any stage of development.


but other stuff?


I have never smoked anything [tho i can eat a few packages of candy cigs] and i have never been drunk.


dh does the laundry [including ironing].


i hate cooking and cleaning, but wouldn't want to work fulltime either.


I love being involved in the community --making and distributing doorknob fliers, mail-outs, and other info stuff.


like HSBurrow, I do not homeschool for religious reasons. But because we homeschool we study religion daily. and like Aggie, I believe in the end, and now, for that matter, it doesn't matter how old the earth is.



i'm pretty close to pacifist, but more closely align w/ Human Rights and proportional use of force against another human.


like asta's #6. Lawyers, Guns and Money: Necessary evil, cold dead fingers, over-rated.


can't really think of anything else i haven't already confessed ;)

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Ooh, fun! I want to play, too!


~ I hate to clean, and was never taught how to do it. I had to learn how to mop from my husband! My housekeeping is the biggest conflict in my marriage.

~ I won't take medication, for anything. I rarely get sick and I firmly believe that's why. But when my husband has a headache, I offer to go get him an Excedrin.

~ I yell. A lot. I'm consciously trying to stop and I *am* getting better.

~ I am the disciplinarian in my house. When DH tries to put his foot down, DS looks at me for confirmation; I think because DH isn't home much and he's the more playful parent. I ALWAYS back DH up, even when I don't agree. We can discuss it later, out of DS' hearing.

~ I've known since I was about 5 that I would live in Mexico someday. I sure wish it was somewhere nicer than Tijuana!

~ I had a dream about my husband about a year before I met him, but I didn't remember it several months after I met him. We started dating the day we met.

~ I love to bake but don't do it much because I keep all my pots and pans inside the oven and am too lazy to empty it out very often.

~ I desperately want to go to college.

~ My biological clock is ticking and I wish I had a huge family, but I (like so many others, apparently) don't necessarily like OPK all that much. However, I blame the parents! Most of the kids I find annoying have parents who are inconsistent with discipline.

~ I don't believe in spanking, especially when the moms who are doing it are moms who work in daycare centers...how is it that they can discipline children that aren't theirs in a peaceful manner, but have to raise a hand to their own children? But my real reason for not spanking my own kid? I fear that I would not be able to control myself if I did.

~ I am unspeakably irritated by a neighbor who has a 2nd grade daughter who still can't read and is failing because of it, and instead of helping her, she teaches her 2yo letters and numbers (and gets mad at him when he makes a mistake!)


Wow, I sound really judgemental in those last few, don't I? I'm gonna leave them anyway.

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