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Just a Little Heart Attack


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It seemed like a good time to share this:



It's funny, but seriously we really do that.  I waited for dh to get home, though I did do some straightening and packed a bag.  Then it was so late, I took some more pills, so that he could get a good night's rest (he had a stressful day coming up the next).  THEN at 4am, when I admitted it was so bad that I needed to be seen, I insisted he go ahead and shower and get ready for work so he could drop me off at the ER on his way in rather than having to come back home.  On the upside, we didn't have to wait for the cardiac enzymes to go up, they were already there!  Fortunately, it is acute pericarditis and not a blockage, or my stubbornness would have likely done me in.  

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I'm glad that you were seen and diagnosed.  I had pericarditis and it is not fun (understatement). 


Ugh, I've been laid up for two weeks recovering from the heart cath and even with all the meds I'm still in pain and winded if I *do* anything.  They are trying to figure out what to do next.

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I'm so sorry you've had to go through so much. :(


Are you at the best possible hospital that's highly rated for cardiac issues? If you aren't sure you have the best possible doctors, please don't hesitate to seek other opinions. :grouphug:

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Thank you for sharing this.


I'm glad you are recovering!


MIL just did the same thing. :( they're not even sure when the heart attack happened, she just tried to power through. She also once drove through a stroke. Her arm fell, she could no longer lift it or move it, and she just drove home two hours with one arm. Two days later she saw her GP.

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Ugh, I've been laid up for two weeks recovering from the heart cath and even with all the meds I'm still in pain and winded if I *do* anything.  They are trying to figure out what to do next.


It sounds like you've let the doctor know?  I did not respond to their first choice of meds and they went to a lesser med which I responded to.  Which is weird because it wasn't as powerful but the fact that my body responded to it of course made it the best. 

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Yeah, I was having increased pain exactly like in the video. It got to the point where I could hardly breath, my jaw hurt so bad I couldn't talk, felt hot and my chest hurt on the right side (into my shoulder).  It never occurred to me it was my heart. I ended up being diabetic with crazy high blood pressure, cholesterol/triglycerides through the roof, and the heart cath found my heart to be in good shape except 1 tiny little spot (which is apparently what was causing all the pain).  I'm now on BP meds, Diabetes Meds, cholesterol meds, and smooth muscle pain meds (for my heart pain).  The thing is I started having the trouble right after Christmas 2014 and didn't go to the Doctor until late February, the whole time just telling myself that I was being a big baby (which stems from my childhood but that's a mental health issue, lol).  I feel 100 times better now that I take the meds, eat better, and exercise but it's sad that it typically takes women so much longer to respond to their own needs then the needs of others. 

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Thanks for all the well-wishes!  This looks like the evolution of an autoimmune thing for me.  


I mainly wanted to make sure that everyone thinks about what they'd do if it happens to them.  This experience has really woken me up to how bad it could have been.

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Thanks for all the well-wishes!  This looks like the evolution of an autoimmune thing for me.  


I mainly wanted to make sure that everyone thinks about what they'd do if it happens to them.  This experience has really woken me up to how bad it could have been.


I've been to the cardiac ER more times than you can count (OK - you could count them but it was still a lot).  And yes, in my case it is because of inflammation due to my autoimmune stuff.  Curcumin (the active ingredient in tumeric) at high doses has helped me in addition to prescribed meds.  Just last week I got sudden inflammation in my chest and my bp shot up to 177/80 something (I can't remember the lower number).  Anyway. . . I felt awful and had to take extra anti-inflammatories and magnesium to get it to even out.  I was just talking to my doc today about it.  We don't know the trigger when my bps are usually fine. 


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I'm glad you're ok!  


FWIW, my mom went to her dr with left side chest pain and was told to go home and take extra strength pain meds as he suspected it was a muscle.  Only when it didn't go away in a couple of days (later) did he reluctantly order a stress test - which she failed having an artery 99% blocked.  So... even if one does what is "right" it doesn't mean correct things will happen - at least - for my family it doesn't.  Then there's all the later stuff he told her was stress - that ended up being terminal cancer.  Then there's my son who had episodes we were told "definitely wasn't epilepsy," until it was... and going back further Navy doctors decided I had asthma getting me medically discharged from the AF and totally changing my life - except no doctor since has seen any signs of asthma.  I'll admit to having lost confidence in a good bit of the medical world - 'cept that found on TV, movies, and with my Internet friends (and I'm glad it works for others - seriously).

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I've been to the cardiac ER more times than you can count (OK - you could count them but it was still a lot).  And yes, in my case it is because of inflammation due to my autoimmune stuff.  Curcumin (the active ingredient in tumeric) at high doses has helped me in addition to prescribed meds.  Just last week I got sudden inflammation in my chest and my bp shot up to 177/80 something (I can't remember the lower number).  Anyway. . . I felt awful and had to take extra anti-inflammatories and magnesium to get it to even out.  I was just talking to my doc today about it.  We don't know the trigger when my bps are usually fine. 



I sent you a PM with details, Jean, in case you have any more advice.  Thanks!

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