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what is a reasonable amount of time to expect someone to return email


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It really depends.  From a professional perspective, 1 day is the norm, and I interpret that to mean that you should see an answer by the start of the second following business day.  If not, and if your need is time-sensitive, then re-send.  Include "second request" in the title of the email if you really want to push.  :)


If it's personal, I think you are wise to include in the title and body of the email when you need the info back.  Personal emails rank rather low on the priority list for a busy person.  I would follow up with a text or phone call if you don't have reason to believe that the individual checks his personal emails daily.

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If it's pressing, that you must have the info - I woudl give it a day then resend.


taking into account weather (which I have to do because my dr didn't give me the actual numbers for a test, nor respond to my email sent on thursday. . . . )


power - I've heard from a number of people here who have lost power due to our snow storm.


if you don't have a number - and you have to have it - I think everyday would be reasonable. 


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I think that's tough. Do they have the information or do they have to get the information from elsewhere?


I used to say 24 hours but if you ask my husband for something and he has to call three people to get the answer, it could take a week to get the info. He does usually reply with a courtesy to that affect though. He gets way more email than the average person though, if he has 100 or fewer unread messages on his inbox, he's had a good day.

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I've never thought to resend an email. I'd probably just make it a follow up like "hey just touching base. Blah blah blah" and remind them of sense of urgency?


I don't know the circumstances so I don't know if your deadline is something that affects them directly or not.


If it's gmail it will stack your emails and they can look up to see the previous one.

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I've been avoiding replying to an email or two or three. I feel a little bit bad, but the women in my church assigned a team of women that seriously pray for others to each take a fraction of the total women in our church to actively pray for. So a lady had my name assigned to her. Problem is, there is no relationship between the two of us. She strikes me as a fixer, advice-giver and a bit of a busybody. So you know I'm not going to tell her my personal stuff when she pesters me for my prayer requests. Ugh.



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I've been avoiding replying to an email or two or three. I feel a little bit bad, but the women in my church assigned a team of women that seriously pray for others to each take a fraction of the total women in our church to actively pray for. So a lady had my name assigned to her. Problem is, there is no relationship between the two of us. She strikes me as a fixer, advice-giver and a bit of a busybody. So you know I'm not going to tell her my personal stuff when she pesters me for my prayer requests. Ugh.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


You could tell her there is a person in your life that is stressing you out with her busybody pestering ways. 



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For personal email I would typically wait 3-4 days for a reply before resending and I would only resend if there was a time sensitive issue to the reply.  I would definitely resend with a bit at the beginning apologizing for the resend and hoping that all is well on their end.

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The problem, when someone sends an email, or a FAX, or an SMS message, is that one does not know: (1) That it arrived OK and (2) That the recipient read it.

Since you do not have a phone number and cannot call, I would wait 2 or 3 days, and then "Forward" the message to the same  Recipient again,  so they can see when you sent it the first time. The person could be out sick, on vacation, in meetings, or simply incredibly busy.  The only way you can be positive they received it is if you speak with them on the phone (which is difficult if you do not have a phone number) or they reply to you.

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The problem, when someone sends an email, or a FAX, or an SMS message, is that one does not know: (1) That it arrived OK and (2) That the recipient read it.

Since you do not have a phone number and cannot call, I would wait 2 or 3 days, and then "Forward" the message to the same Recipient again, so they can see when you sent it the first time. The person could be out sick, on vacation, in meetings, or simply incredibly busy. The only way you can be positive they received it is if you speak with them on the phone (which is difficult if you do not have a phone number) or they reply to you.


Yes, this. I usually respond to emails on a very timely manner. I have told people if they don't hear back from me, I may not have received the email. Sometimes there are glitches with technology that an email doesn't download. Other times, I could have received a bunch of emails to go through and I accently moved or deleted an email that I didn't mean to. And sometimes, I get the email, but I am not able to respond right away, thus out of sight, out of mind, and I completely forget. I am not offended to be reminded by a repeat email.

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Yes.  As stated up thread, there are plenty of reasons someone may not even know the email was sent.


I coordinate events for family and circles of friends that can include as many as 30-35 people. I often ask people what dates and times work for them and then use that information to pick a date and time.  If I don't hear back after contacting twice, I schedule anyway and send them the determined date.  If everyone can't attend on a particular day, I just schedule the best option and whoever can make it shows up and those who can't don't.

My church is very small and they repeat the mistake of waiting for everyone to get back to them before they finally schedule something.  It took a month before choosing a day for the last scheduled thing.  That's ridiculous.  A deadline for responses should be sent out with the request and if the deadline isn't met, the scheduling should just be done. 

Church member in FB group PM to women of the church: Send us the days and times that work for you for a monthly Ladies' Bible study. [A deadline for sending possible dates should have been included at this time, but wasn't. It should've been something like, "Let me know by insert date here.  I will schedule the event according to the information sent to me by that time. "]


Me in FB group PM: Dates and times sent within a day.


a couple of weeks pass


Church in FB group PM: We really need to know what days and times work for everyone so we can schedule the Ladies' Bible Study.


a couple of weeks pass


Me to Church member in person: Do we know when the study will be?  I have a lot of other things to schedule and coordinate.

Church member to me in person: I'm still waiting for a few more people to respond.  I should know by tomorrow.

nothing for several days

Me to church member in FB personal PM: If know the day of the Ladies' Bible Study I can prioritize it, but if I don't then I'll fit it in as I can with the training hikes, sewing circles and family events I need to schedule for Feb-April. On Sunday the ____ I will begin scheduling the other events with other people whether I have the Ladies' Bible Study or not.

Church member in FB group PM: Sends the date of the Ladies Bible study (for Feb. only) the day before the deadline I sent for scheduling other things.

Me to myself and the hive vent thread : Not happy that I'm likely going to have to deal with this on a monthly basis.

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It depends on the type of email and the context. Honestly, I don't find email to be especially reliable for people under 40 outside of work settings.


I reply to work related emails. Everything else? It's just not the best way to get ahold of me. And I'm probably more responsive to emails than the average under 40 moms I know.

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If it's something you need an answer for very soon, go ahead and send them a reminder.  If you don't hear by the day, call them.


I've found emailing to be unreliable, even if the people generally are.  That is, people can forget them easily, or sometimes they become buried under too many other emails to even notice anymore.  I also have found that many people have a more casual attitude about emails;  meaning, they think of them as something they don't need to pay close attention to.


It doesn't necessarily mean they're not interested!

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I say resend in 48 hours, 24 if it's more time sensitive.  (Call if it's even more time sensitive!)


One of my worst habits is checking my email on my phone on the run, and then forgetting about it when I'm sitting down later.  This is MY fault, but that's why I won't be annoyed or offended by a 2nd request.

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It just depends.


If it is personal I would give it some time but clearly, if you need the information by a certain time I would send a second email (i.e. sorry to bother you but I need to book the flight by tomorrow so if you could let me know...).


If I ask a company for info/a quote etc. I would expect an answer in no more than 24 hours (if they need more time they should at least let you know they got the email and are working on it). If I haven't heard by then I would either ask again or go with a different option if possible.


I get most of my jobs on the internet and generally answer within three or four hours (and even that is sometimes considered too long). If I send a job out and don't hear back I often send a second email a couple of hours later (especially to confirm that they got what I sent).

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